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Xiaomi Hongmi Red Rice WCDMA

da li taj google instaler moze da se skine i preko miui stora ? i hvala na brzom odgovoru.

inetersuje me jos jedna stvar.. ja samo ubacim moj google akaunt i kontrakti mi se sami jave u mobu,ili mora da se radi neka akrobacija ? :)
Nemam pojma za Miui store, imaš u okviru programa i google contacts sync i on ti synhronizuje kontakte. Kad se instalira sve neophodno nema nikakve razlike u odnosu na neki standardan android telefon.
200 €, lepa cena. Onaj što sam ja naručio ortaku je koštao 110 €, i platio je još oko 1000 Din za PDV. A ovi KP šverceri su još male bebe u odnosu na zvanične uvoznike.
Danas mi je ponuđen JHBCNBD 15.0 update, da li iako zna šta je novo u njemu? Do sada je bio aktuelan JHBCNBA13.0...

EDIT: MIUI ROM Update Highlights
New - View the notificiation shade by swiping down anywhere on the Home screen (02-12)
New - New Edit Home screen interface (02-12)
New - Scheduled reminders for Trash clean up (02-26)
New - Smart icon sorting on Home screens (02-27)
Recorder backs up recordings automatically to Mi Cloud (03-05)
New version of Data usage in Security Center (03-19)
New - MIUI music database expanded (03-26)
Optimization - When changing wallpaper in “Edit Home screen”, wallpaper can also be applied to lock screen (02-27)

Full Changelog:
Fix - Deleted contacts would still display (03-13)
Fix - SIM card contacts would overlap (03-13)
Fix - When deleting an account, the number of unsynced contacts displayed in notification message was incorrect (03-18)
Fix - Sometimes entering Settings would cause FC (03-18)
Fix - When adding an unknown number to Contacts, if the number was too long it couldn’t be added (03-24)
Fix - When accessing Contracts from the Home screen, there was an issue with the screen transition (03-24)
Fix - Sometimes the Settings button in the Contacts menu wouldn’t respond (03-24)
Fix - Sending a namecard to merged contacts might create duplicate cards (03-24)
Fix - When exporting contacts, notification was truncated (03-24)
Fix - When entering the dialpad from other apps, no location was displayed (03-24)
Fix - Contacts imported from USIM couldn't be deleted (03-25)
When importing contacts via Bluetooth, “Cancel match” might cause FC (03-27)
Fix - In a messaging conversation, after touching a contact's portrait to view their details, touching the back button would bring user to Contacts list (04-01)
Fix - Sometimes, when adding an unrecognized number to a contact app would FC (04-02)

Fix - Sometimes, in Airplane mode, Messaging app would FC (02-25)
Fix - Sometimes Cloud messaging wouldn't work (02-25)
Fix - Sometimes when sending group messages from SIM 1 or SIM 2, messaging app would FC (Redmi) (02-25)
Fix - When user was using Cloud Messaging, first message would be sent as a regular text message (03-11)
Fix - When creating a new message, selecting a recipient with a long name would cause the text box to display incorrectly (03-18)
Fix - At text conversation screen, touching notification to enable Cloud Messaging would cause FC (03-25)
Fix - When browsing slide list page, opening guest mode would cause FC (04-11)
Fix - “Send” button display error when the text message is too long (04-11)
When reboot the phone after setting timed message, the button to remind user to resend the message displays wrong (04-11)
Fix - When dialing a number from SMS details page, the input method keyboard would not retract (04-11)

Lockscreen, Status Bar, Notification Bar
Optimization - Improved pulldown notification shade and displayed some information in the status bar (01-27)
Optimization - When SIM card hasn't been inserted, status bar shows SIM card not inserted icon (02-25)
Fix - If user received a new notification while pulling down the notification shade, the shade would freeze (02-25)

New - New Edit Home screen interface (02-12)
New - View the notificiation shade by swiping down anywhere on the Home screen (02-12)
Smart icon sorting (02-27)
New - Tap indicator on Home screen to jump to corresponding Home screen (03-04)
Optimization - Previewing Home screens uses less system memory (02-12)
When changing wallpaper in “Edit Home screen”, wallpaper can also be applied to lock screen (02-27)
Fix - When user created a shortcut without a name, FC would occur (02-12)
Fix - Sometimes, apps in the dock would display in the wrong positions (04-01)
Fix - Sometimes icons on Home screen would overlap (04-01)
Fix - Sometimes app icons would disappear at the Preview Home screen view (04-01)

Optimization - Smoother scrolling for lists (03-19)
Optimization - Descriptions in Theme Store now support multiple languages (03-19)
Optimization - Notification when user's limit of authorized devices is exceeded (03-19)
Optimization - List view takes up less memory (03-19)
Fix - Sometimes themes had system permissions issues (03-18)
Fix - Sometimes, when changing between Paid and Free themes lists in the Themes Store, content would display incorrectly (03-19)

Fix - User could not copy photos to shared albums (02-10)
When Wi-Fi was disabled, photo downloads would be canceled (02-10)
Fix - User could not delete albums that they had shared with themselves (02-10)
New - When deleting non-system albums, user will be asked whether or not they want to delete system albums as well (03-11)
Fix - Sometimes, pressing the Menu button in album would cause app to FC (04-09)

New - MIUI music database expanded (03-25)
Optimization - Equalizer is only adjustable when headphones are connected (03-12)
Optimization - Notification for when user touches play when library is empty (04-01)
Fix - When playing in songs shuffle mode, when song was added to the now playing list, it might not play (03-25)
Fix - Sometimes, music controls were not responsive at lock screen (04-01)
Fix - Sometimes, music widget would display wrong song information and playing status (04-09)

Optimization - Notifications for weather forecasts are enabled by default (02-18)
Optimization - When user taps the update button on the main screen, location is also updated (03-05)
Optimization - The Weather app can be further customized with themes (03-05)
New - If Weather app can’t access certain air quality data, the corresponding index will be hidden (03-05)
Optimization - Warning icon is now displayed in the status bar (03-11)
Optimization - New UI arrangement for location name on main screen (03-11)
Fix - Location issues of places outside China (01-27)
Fix - Sometimes weather data would not be displayed in the correct language after user switched system language (02-19)
Fix - Sometimes user couldn't disable auto-locate function (03-18)
Fix - Sometimes tapping air quality details would cause FC (03-18)
Fix - After 6PM, the temperature high displayed was actually the high for the following day (03-25)
Fix - Sometimes location feature couldn't be disabled (03-25)

File Explorer
Optimization - Filename suffix is not selected by default when renaming a file (04-03)
Fix - After file was renamed, a file with the original name would still appear (03-25)

Sound Recorder
[New] - Recordings are not visible in Guest Mode (03-05)
[New] - Recorder backs up recordings automatically to Mi Cloud (03-05)

New - Added undo feature (03-12)
New - Added redo feature (03-12)

New - Video player supports anthologies (03-05)
New - Faster switching to next episode in Video Player (03-05)
Optimization - Merged Video and Video player apps (02-19)
Optimization - On the "Shared devices" list, devices you've connected to previously are marked (03-19)
When playing video on a DLNA device, the name displayed by the Video player and the name displayed in the list were different (02-19)
Fix - When data connection changed, app would stop responding (03-11)
Fix - Sometimes when choosing an episode, app would FC (03-12)
Fix - Sometimes favorites wouldn't sync automatically (03-19)

Security Center
New - Scheduled reminders for Trash clean up (02-26)
New - When installation of a new app fails due to insufficient storage space, Security Center reminds user to clean up Trash (02-26)
New- New version of Data usage monitor (03-18)
New - Permissions manager kernel upgraded to LBE V3 (03-18)
Optimization - After you exit Do Not Disturb mode, unread indicators will be cleared (02-19)
Optimization - Default reminder time for Trash clean up set to 3 days (02-26)
Optimization - When cleaning up, improved animation for objects being added to the exceptions list (03-25)
Optimization - In the cache section under Clean up, default secondary options are automatically enabled (03-25)
Fix - Display error of phone internal storage in Cleaner (01-27)
Fix - Sometimes virus scan would FC (2-19) (02-19)
Fix - In Power settings, the Apps power consumption list was displayed incorrectly (03-05)
Fix - Clciking "Power usage" might cause reboot (03-06)
Poslednja izmena:
Ja sam skinuo zadnji update, sve radi ok, ima tu nekih finih dodataka al mi je vise manje nebitno, ono što me nervira je to što mi opet ne radi proximity senzor! Kad sam prosli update napravio, nije radio neko krakto vrime i proradio, sad mi od updatea ima par dana ne radi, nije mi jasno do cega je.. Ima li neko slican problem?
I ja sam skinuo update, proximity radi sasvim solidno.
Solidno ili radi ko što je i radio? Da li imate nekih problema, jer čitam da neki imaju problema sa GPS?
Ja nisam imao nikakvih problema sa proximity senzorom niti sa gps-om ni sa V13 a ni sa V15 od kada sam ga updateovao pre par dana.
Evo uradih i ja update. Sve normalno radi, nema problema,a telefon mi se čini malo brži nego do sada. Takođe sam primetio da troši i manje RAM memorije, za nekih 100MB manje. Takođe od sad ne moramo da potežemo skroz do notification bara da bi ga svukli dole,to mi je falilo sa Nova launchera i sad je konačno tu. Sve u svemu odličan update.

Jedino što mi se ne sviđa je što sad nemam one lepe MIUI ikonice za Google Servise (Store,Hangouts..) već su one default ružne koje se nikako ne uklapaju u MIUI. Zna li neko kako da ih vrnem? probao sam apply default temu al ne pomaze...
Ugasio mob, izvadio pa vratio bateriju i proximity sensor radi bez problema :) cudno, procita na češkom forumu slicnu stvari i probao i to je to. Sad sve radi bez greske sto je za sad vidit.
Ljudi kupio sam ovaj tel za devojku i imam par pitanja. Jel ovaj MIUI nema opciju da se udje u sve instalirane aplikaije kao sto imaju ostali android telefoni? Malo mi je neobicno zbog toga. Telefon ssam narucio preko prijatelja koji zivi u Kini i koji ga je doneo u Srbiju tako da me je kostao 122e sa karticom od 8gb. E sad u njemu imam samo kineski i engleski jezik ali je vecina aplikacija na kineskom. Vidim da instalirate tu multilanguage verziju jel ona ima i aplikacije na engleskom ili one ostaju na kineskom?
mislis na app drawer ? tako nesto ne postoji na miui romu,mada ako koristis drugi lancer ne bi trebalo da bude problema.(npr nova lancer) koji redmi imas ? 1 ili 1s ?
Imam keca bez S. Dobro fon je za devojku ona nikad nije koristila android tako da joj nece biti cudno. Ali ona ikonce svih aplikacija koje instaliram idu na glavni ekran?
Mislim na srednje dugme dole kad ga pritisnes ulazis u ekran gde imas ikonice svih aplikacija koje si instalirao Kod Galaxy S1 npr ova ikonica skroz dole desno.
pa napisao sam ti vec u prvoj poruci.. instaliraj nova launcher i imaces to dugme i taj deo gde su ti sve instalirane apk.

naravno nece biti isti kao stock muiu lancer,ali navicices se..
Moj hongmi je danas preživeo svoj prvi crash test. Pao je sa radnog stola pravo na ekran, odskočio i završio na leđima. Na veliko iznenađenje bez ikakvog oštećenja. Od udara je jedino spao poklopac. Baterija je ostala na svom mestu i telefon se nije isključio.
@Moca: mozes ikonice da slazes u foldere pa nekom kriterijumu. Npr. igre u jedan, office u drugi folder itd...
Samo zadrzis prst na ikonici da se "odlepi" sa desktopa, dovuces je preko druge ikonice sa kojom hoces da bude u grupi. Kada se preko obe pojavi crni okvir tada ih pustis.
Automatski ce biti kreiran novi folder u koji posle mozes da prevlacis aplikacije.

@dmakso: OK, znaci prvi test uspesan. Obavesti nas kako je prosao nakon sledeceg testa :D

odlican mini review 1s modela.. mnogi kazu da je kamera znatno bolja nego na prvom redriceu,valjda zbog s400.uglavnom obecava. ali zato je baterija 15 posto slabija..

jedva cekam da mi stigne,pa ako bude sve ok,pisem mini review ovde :D
Ljudi imam jedno pitanje. Instalirao sam devojci Viber medjutim ****** kad me je fon pitao da li da dozvoli aplikaciji da koristi kondakte ja umesto da mu dozvolim ja mu zabranim i sad u Viberu nema nijedan kontakt. Kako da ponistim zabranu?
clear data ili reinstall...
.. Ili odeš u Security App i izabereš Permissions i u njoj samo dozvoliš Viberu da čita kontakte.
Nasao aplikaciju za to nalazi se onoj grupi sistem tools. Lagano sve :)
odlican review. moto g vs hongmi 1s. sam jedna napomena,ova bela verzija ima bolji displej nego crni hongmi. zato na aliju kosta 15 dolara vise. citao sam to na nekom forumu ali ne mogu da se setim gde

Jedno pitanje za vlasnike miui. Da li postoji mogucnost da namestim na tapatalku ili bilo kom programu da se ne cuju not. Kada udjem u selekt ringtone ne postoji da se izabere bez zvuka. A kada smo vec kod ovog pitanja kako se u miui uopste i stavljaju custom ringtonovi kada mi odmah ulazi na njihov kineski market ? Primera radi..
Jesi probao na local da kliknes?
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