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Devil May Cry 5

Svidja mi se redizajnirani dante, izgleda mnogo bolje nego ranije. Ne znam sta se ocekivali, izgleda sasvim OK za mladju verziju dante-a u alternativnom univerzumu. Primate se previshe na bad hype.
Mhm , svidja ti se .. onda je izgleda efekat postignut :d

Volis show Bokija 13? Spotove Dejana Milicevica? Organizovanje parade ponosa za koji dan?... ;)
Svidja mi se redizajnirani dante, izgleda mnogo bolje nego ranije. Ne znam sta se ocekivali, izgleda sasvim OK za mladju verziju dante-a u alternativnom univerzumu. Primate se previshe na bad hype.

Nema sta da se primamo.
Ako ti nisi u stanju da razumes zasto je lose sto igra ide u 30 frejmova i nisi zabrinut sto DMC igru u kojoj je gameplay SVE radi tim kojem je taj aspekt ubedljivo najslabija tacka ... ne moramo uopste da raspravljamo.

Ovo je bre kao da Dirt tim pravi GT6 i pokusava da nas impresionira sredjenim menijima :).
Poslednja izmena:
Svidja mi se redizajnirani dante, izgleda mnogo bolje nego ranije. Ne znam sta se ocekivali, izgleda sasvim OK za mladju verziju dante-a u alternativnom univerzumu. Primate se previshe na bad hype.

Pa ne bas. Meni se vise se vise svidjao stari Dante. Onaj sa belom kosom. I crvenim mantilom. Ovaj mi je neubedljiv. Previse se trude da izgleda kao neki badass.

I ko nosi treger majicu ispod mantila.
Nznm zbog cega se vodi rasprava ovde u PC sobi, kad ovo ne izlazi za PC:)
Pa ne bas. Meni se vise se vise svidjao stari Dante. Onaj sa belom kosom. I crvenim mantilom. Ovaj mi je neubedljiv. Previse se trude da izgleda kao neki badass.

I ko nosi treger majicu ispod mantila.

Pa prikazali su vec da ovaj mladi dante kada udje u rage mod dobija belu kosu. Verovatno ce do kraja igre dobiti permanent white hair.
Kakav li ce stres i traume do kraja da dozivi? Sudeci po onoj drugoj slici mozda ce posumnjati u sebe... :D
Eurogamer Preview
Antoniades' staunch defence of his vision is heartening and correct, as a studio with Heavenly Sword and Enslaved on its CV should have no need to justify its fantasy action credentials. It was, after all, good enough for Capcom.
At this stage, then, Ninja Theory has demonstrated the foundation for an exciting, stylish, over-the-top action game that offers a new twist on the core elements of the series, borne from the studio's significant experience in the genre.

GameInformer Preview

Kotaku Preview

Joystiq Preview

Destructoid Preview
In a brief period of slow motion action, you can then kill as many enemies in a row as you can by destroying them in the air.
Special finishers bring the camera up close and personal to show Dante ripping apart his foes before zooming out to the regular view. If you have played Enslaved before, you will recognize a lot of touches from that game's camera work.

1up Preview
The game does look good, and moves smoothly -- just as you would expect from a Ninja Theory production.
DmC is perhaps what the series needed after the disappointing fourth chapter. It's good that Capcom likes to see the project as an internal effort with high quality standarrds, rather than a cold long distance relationship. And collaborating with a promising partner like Ninja Theory could really bring the series to a new, brightest direction.

Ne mogu da verujem kakve gluposti ovi pisu.

Poslednja izmena:
Ja bre ne razumem kako moze da vam se svidja ovaj novi dante... Tako moderno americki, neki badass guy, u osnovi perdecina! Znate ko je badass? Duke Nukem! Balls of Steel! A ne ovaj perdeko. Obicno ne vredjam ovako i nisam frustriran, ali da se ovako pozitivno primite ovakvu glupost... Mislim stvarno... Zar je samo neki "awesome" aspekt postao bitan, sve sto sjaji je zlato?!? E - nije! ;)
Ja bre ne razumem kako moze da vam se svidja ovaj novi dante... Tako moderno americki, neki badass guy, u osnovi perdecina! Znate ko je badass? Duke Nukem! Balls of Steel! A ne ovaj perdeko. Obicno ne vredjam ovako i nisam frustriran, ali da se ovako pozitivno primite ovakvu glupost... Mislim stvarno... Zar je samo neki "awesome" aspekt postao bitan, sve sto sjaji je zlato?!? E - nije! ;)

Koliko ja vidim, (skoro) nikome se ne svidja novi Dante :).
Prva verzija je bila ocaj, a ovaj novi izgleda kao Hayden Christensen.

Meni zaista jako nervira ovaj narcissistic art director trend koji je tako ocigledan u poslednje vreme:



^ e bravo , secam se kada je taj art director pricao o reloadovanju DMC-a i bas uocio slicnost izmedju njega i novog Dante-a :p

I Lara Croft je reloadovana , pa ne vidim da su je pretvorili u Mariju Serifovic :d

Dante bi trebalo da bude ono sto je oduvek bio - besmrtni arogantni paljon , koji ima dugu i svilenkastu shauma belu kosu i njegov kulnes kaput.
MY GOD!!! My eyes ar bleeding.....heavily.

Jel se sva tri tipa pojavljuju u igri? :p

Ovo je toliko gej da nemam reci. Dante lici na onog sa desne strane. Treger majica, misici, ovo ono. Trebali su da mu obucu crnu bodi majicu. Da vise lice.

Trebali su da nekom Srpskom dizajneru prepuste dizajn Dantea. kako li bi taj izgledao. ( nema veze sa temom, samo mi palo na pamet)

Nije mi prva igra koju nisam igrao zbog dizajna likova. Nisam igrao ni bayonetu. Previse su preterali sa dizajnom one vestice. Kao ni Near. Za zapadnu verziju su ubacli potpuno nove likove. Da udovolje amerikancima. I nisam hteo da igram nesto sto je prepravljano iz licemerja.
Poslednja izmena:
Nije mi prva igra koju nisam igrao zbog dizajna likova. Nisam igrao ni bayonetu. Previse su preterali sa dizajnom one vestice. Kao ni Near. Za zapadnu verziju su ubacli potpuno nove likove. Da udovolje amerikancima. I nisam hteo da igram nesto sto je prepravljano iz licemerja.

Nisi igrao najnapredniju h&s igru zbog dizajna glavnog lika?!?
Mnogo si propupustio.
Na koju tacno igru mislis? Bayonetu? Pa sta znam, ako je bas dobra igra, prepostavljam da cu da igram.
Na koju tacno igru mislis? Bayonetu? Pa sta znam, ako je bas dobra igra, prepostavljam da cu da igram.

Sve zavisi sta trazis oko h&s-a.
Ako volis epske igre i mislis da je GOW najbolja igra ikada, onda mozes slobodno da je preskocis.
Ako obozavas DMC, ne smeta ti glupava prica i mislis da je gameplay najbitnija stvar u h&s, obavezno odigraj Bayonettu.
Da li može Gun Valkyrie da se svrsta u taj pod-žanr? Ako može, ta igra je ispred svih spomenutih. Šteta što je Smilebit zatvoren.
Poslednja izmena:
Tesko. Gunvakyrie je TPS.

Dosuse lepa igra. Jel moze ovo na xbox 360?
Devil May Cry Reboot Game Play Analysis
(preuzeto sa neoGAF-a, covek se bas potrudio :))

Terms/Jargon Overview

*DmC: This new version of Devil May Cry will simply be referred to as "DmC" (small "m") for simplicity. The other games in the series will be referred to as DMC1, DMC2, DMC3SE and DMC4.


*Melee weapon/Devil arm/Angel arm: Many names are given to Dante's basic sword or close ranged weapon over the course of the series. It's the main means by which Dante inflicts damage on his enemies and it's no different in DmC. The main difference here is that the melee weapon may in fact NOT be a devil arm as it was in previous games but a 3 way hybrid of human arm, devil arm and angel arm. More information on this will be explained later on but just know that these terms generally are meaning the same thing.

*Firearm weapon/Long ranged weapon: This is usually Dante's sub or supportive weapon that are long ranged in application like his trademark dual pistols. DmC retains this as well and as of yet there is no differentiation within the firearms so they will just be referred to as firearms. Only one firearm was seen and that's Dante's classic pistols with a bit of a redesign. These are not the main way for Dante to inflict damage but help Dante greatly in increasing his style ranking or performing more advance combos.


*Devil Bringer/Whip: This is the name that will be used to refer to Dante's new sword that is able to pull in enemies or pull him towards enemies/objects or pull out objects from the environments. This mechanic was the main focus in DMC4 as Nero's Devil Bringer arm (literally an arm in this case) and it appears that DmC is continuing off of that. This time it's in the form of a shape shifting sword/whip combo. Since it's applications are largely the same as the Devil Bringer from DMC4 it will be referred to as such or just simply as the "whip". Judging from the various previews it appears that the Devil Bringer game play aspect is tied with the Demon form of Dante.

*Devil Trigger/Angel Trigger: In all past games all DMC game had Dante transforming into a more powerful demonic version of himself that allowed him to move/fight faster, hit harder, gain more abilities and regain health. There is a similar transformation in this game but there are many key differences. For one Dante does not actually transform into a full demon but instead transforms to look like his original Dante self in the previous games (white hair, maybe different colored eyes, red jacket). The actual mechanics of the trigger is also different, Dante doesn't actually get faster but everything around him gets slower. With the game already having both demon and angel influences to combat style, it is very likely that this might be a new form of trigger tapping into Dante's angel powers as canonically Dante doesn't develop his Devil Trigger until DMC3. This will just be referred to as Dante's "trigger" in DmC as of now.

Basic Overview of Combat


(This image clearly references Dante's dual blood attribute: demonic and angelic)

*The core engine of DmC at the base level is the same as previous games most notably DMC3 and DMC4 (more towards DMC4). It's the usual melee weapon + firearm weapon + special weapon/form set up that has been used in DMC4 particularly with Nero. There are obvious key differences but the general look and feel of the game is the same of previous game albeit at either a different pace or focus.

*The proposed control layout of DmC is the following:

/\: Melee weapon attack
[]: Firearm attack
O: Unknown/Unspecified; maybe for particular style/form attacks
X: Jump

L1: "Trigger" button
L2/R2: Access to Angel and Demon forms for moveset

D-Pad: On the fly swap for weapons (melee and firearm)

*The striking major difference between DmC and previous games is a change from Style based combat to Form Based Combat. Essentially Dante's move set is split into 3 forms: Human (also referred to as default), Angel and Demon. It is proposed that a singular base weapon of Dante like his default sword can change forms and this may be reflected on to Dante himself. The default form (Human) of the sword can be changed into axe form (Demon) or into a scythe form (Angel) all on the fly. Essentially what was one weapon becomes 3. It is as of yet unconfirmed whether the forms affect the Devil Bringer, Devil Trigger or the firearms but if they do it pushes the envelope of combat in DMC to new heights. That is the extent of the knowledge on this form based combat but it is also used in the various platforming parts of the game as well.

It is worthy to note that outside influencing weapons that these forms affect other aspects of Dante's arsenal and base abilities as well most, importantly the Angel form giving Dante Trickster-like movements/dashes and the Demon form allowing Dante to use Devil Bringer-like moves with his sword/whip weapon.


*Since Dante is confirmed to have numerous weapons in the game (all available on the fly as the new series standard) combined with the new form based combat it pushes the number of potential weapons to an absurd height because if Dante has 6 weapons it turns into 18. This is possibly what NT means by "pushing critical mass on number of weapons" in the game. It is also worthy to note that the Devil Bringer appears to work related to the Demon form of Dante like previously mentioned yet it can easily be used mid combos. It may however be something related to the Dante's base melee weapon which appears to be a morphing weapon of some sort.

*While there is no mention of a style button or style switch, there are clear moves in the game already at an early stage that are similar or identical to style moves from previous games. Dante was seen performing a Trickster-like air dash against a boss. He was also seen performing 2 versions of Rainstorm with his firearms in the more recent videos ala Gunslinger. He has Swordmaster style aerial combos as well and numerous other powerful melee based moves. Quicksilver like time slow down is seen in Dante's new Trigger. This combined with the Devil Bringer means that style moves are integrated into the combat via either normal commands, form moves or Devil Bringer/Devil Trigger abilities. Other moves were spotted that were more contact sensitive/cinematic in nature and possibly extension/finishers to particular moves. In addition to cinematic move finishers, Dante is also seen using close quarter combat moves using his fists and kicks mid combo even in the air.

It is also important to note that as of now there is no way to confirm what the function of the O (previously the style button or Devil bringer button in DMC games) button does in the game. It is possible that it might allow Dante to perform some style specific moves or other abilities possibly the CQC moves we saw him do in the trailer.

*There is a heavier emphasis on aerial combat in DmC even more so than previous games. Even without advance aerial moves like jump cancelling, Air Hike and Trickster teleport Dante was able to achieve long lengths of air time using a combination of his new/old abilities. Being able to pull himself towards enemy in the air with Devil bringer, relaunching enemies while in the air (ala Roulette Spin of DMC4), performing longer aerial combos with his melee weapons and of course the slow down given by the new Trigger are all indicate an emphasis to extended aerial combat which became a signature of the series in DMC3.


*Along with a bigger emphasis on aerial combat, there is also more focus to crowd control in DmC. In previous games it was very difficult to juggle more than 2 or 3 enemies at once because of the way moves were designed in DMC3/DMC4 but in DmC there is much greater ease of controlling crowds even juggling multiple enemies. Form weapons like the angel scythe has huge range and multi-hitting launchers with the demonic axe being no exception. By using Devil Bringer, Dante can hop between launched enemies with relative ease now and keep the combo going in the air with multiple enemies. Add to this fact is that the new Trigger also causes multiple relaunches along with slowing down time. What you have is a combat in which it's not just about 1 on 1 combos anymore but 1 on many combos.


*While very little if any moves were shown that used the environment to aid Dante in combos, it is very much hinted that there will be ways Dante can use to manipulate the environment to his advantage. This was first seen in the original DmC trailer where he is seen using the Devil Bringer whip to hurl a car at enemies. With the environment also being partly demonic and constantly changing, there is a new level of environment interactivity in DmC never before seen.

In between the combat there is a lot of platforming and traversing constantly crumpling environments. There appear to be multiple worlds too, alternating between the human and demon world that only Dante can traverse. There is a female NPC that helps Dante along his path. The platforming bits make use of Dante's Devil Bringer and Forms abilities.


Another small change to the combat is that as the style rank increases and player performs more skillful/stylish combos, the music increases in intensity with the chorus reaching a fever pitch.
Frame by Frame Analysis of Combat

With the basic overview of the combat in mind, we can now go back to previous DmC footage and make sense of the combat shown and possibly pick out some details.

DmC E3 Trailer Analysis


0:47 - Dante is seen attacking with his base sword. Standard DMC stuff he is most likely attacking with the melee button of /\ and performing basic strings. An instance of wall impact is seen at 0:48.

At 0:50 Dante is seen impaling an enemy to the wall in a very cinematic angle. Some evidence of contact sensitive moves in the game, more on this a bit later.

0:51 Dante performs the classical Hightime + Aerial rave into another possible relaunch (proposed new Roulette Spin move) which causes the enemy to go even further up in the air. Dante is unable to convert this into a full combo but he could've done so if he had used his Devil bringer as shown later on in the videos or just used his guns. Instead he follows up with another classical move Helm Breaker.


0:56 Dante is seen stabbing to the ground an enemy who is trying to flee away. Now this is controversial because we don't know if this is a pure game play sequence or just a scripted event. If it's a pure game play scene it indicates 2 or 3 major changes to the game. First is that enemies cower in fear when Dante obliterates his surrounding enemies. This was first seen in DMC3 with Hell enemies where they cowered in fear at a DT'd Dante destroying all other similar enemies. Second is that Dante has finishers now ala GoW/Bayonetta/NG that are contact sensitive in nature allowing him to finish off enemies at the lower end. If it's a scripted event then it means nothing to the combat engine.

1:01 Dante faces AT LEAST 20+ enemies on the screen. A very high count even by DMC's standard (the only time more enemies are seen in a DMC game is in LDK mode of PC version DMC4). This is also the segment when Dante's new Trigger is shown.


Upon activation of his Trigger, Dante auto-launches all surrounding enemies in the sky and causes the game to slow down like Quicksilver style in DMC3 (even with the added greyish hue). At 1:06 we see Dante pull in an enemy from far away in exact similar fashion to Devil Bringer and then follow it up with a combo (Hightime, Aerial rave, new Roulette Spin).

After he finishes that combo, he keeps it going by whipping himself to another enemy. Now that is very interesting. In a later video he is able to pull an enemy towards him with the whip like classical DMC4 against lighter enemies. Being able to BOTH pull YOURSELF towards an enemy and pull an enemy back at you is a modification on the Devil bringer system as you never had the choice before (you only pulled yourself to an enemy with DB if he was heavier than Nero).

At 1:11 Dante does an aerial combo followed immediately by a Beast Uppercut (close ranged fist move never before seen) in mid air allowing for another relaunch. After the relaunch he follows it up again with Devil bringer for an even extended aerial combo. At 1:14 he does this again, only after Beast Uppercut he just shoots the enemy in mid-air.

After landing from the Trigger at 1:16, Dante modifies the Form of the weapon to it's Demon form: A huge red demonic axe. It's slower but packs a lot of punch and has solid crowd control. In the duration of the Trigger sequence, Dante managed to kill around 20 enemies in mid-air (if my body count is accurate!!!


Starting at 1:31 we see demonstration of Dante's Angel form weapon which is the angelic scythe. Dante swings it around rather fast with very wide arcs for some solid crowd control immediately giving vibes of Cerberus from DMC3 (although as we see later on it's quite a bit different from Cerberus in terms of speed and reach).


At 1:35 after doing some random shooting with the firearm, Dante does yet another massive crowd launch using the Angel scythe weapon. This time he launched 3 enemies in the air with this new multi-hitting rising launcher. Immediately we see Dante switch to his sword form (Human) and then do another Beast uppercut following it up with Devil Bringer for the follow up. He then does a slash with human form sword and finishes with angel form scythe weapon.


1:41 we see Dante perform a mid-air slash with the scythe that sends the enemy flying and Dante is able to grab him back with the Devil bringer to keep the combo going. This is classical DMC4 style combo.

1:46 we see Dante do a very powerful circular shockwave move with his Demon form (because he flashed red as doing it) move reminiscent of Volcano from DMC3 (Beowulf weapon). Again, yet another move with very powerful crowd controlling properties. Now it is worthy of note that this did not use Dante's sword but rather Dante came down with his bare fists. This is why I mentioned earlier that Dante's forms may not just apply to just his weapons but to his base moveset/ability set as well.

1:51 more evidence that Dante's form switches apply to his base abilities as here we see Dante dash over the sub boss in similar fashion to Trickster's Star Dash from DMC3/DMC4 but we see a bluish glow like the angel scythe weapon indicating a form switch. I am curious as to how he did this maybe a combination of the Angel form button on L2 and R2 with the Jump button.


1:54 Dante finishes off the sub boss with the demon axe form delivering a very powerful vertical shockwave reminiscent of Drive from DMC3/DMC4 (Rebellion move). Drive was a universal move in DMC3 but in DMC4 it became a Swordmaster style move.

Gamescom Trailer Analysis


Immediately the video starts off with a very extended aerial combo string with the angelic scythe form weapon. Dante immediately follows it up by converting back to regular human sword form to finish off the combo. The actual combo string of the scythe weapon had a Roulette Spin like move in between to extend the combo and relaunch the opponent further giving more credence to the claim of a more aerial focused combat engine.

At 0:14 we just see a very extended combo string of the angel scythe weapon.

At 0:22 we see Dante perform a regular string with the human sword weapon which ends with a move knocking up and away the enemy in similar fashion to the last hit of Shuffle in DMC4. Dante is able to continue this combo with a juggle from his gun and then pull the enemy back using Devil bringer like classical DMC4. He finishes the combo by switching to demon axe form weapon.

0:25 Nothing special just an aerial rave combo with the regular sword

0:27 Something unique happens as Dante brings in an enemy with Devil Bringer. He immediately follows it up with a kick causing enough stagger to the enemy to follow it up with another combo. This move was met with a cinematic close up but it could be one of those trailer things. Dante finishes combo with demon axe form.

After this a montage of mostly stuff we have seen before. There is a glimpse of a newer version of Stinger that has decent crowd control (it's like a combination of Streak and Stinger). There is a Pop Shredder like move with the scythe weapon too. A lot of glimpses of Dante finishing an aerial rave with an attack that sends them flying up and away. which I am guessing is just the last hit of the aerial rave.


0:46 showed off an exclusive firearm move never before seen. It's described as a "rising" Rainstorm move hitting in a wider arc while rising upwards. Looks pretty bad ass. It's followed up with classical Rainstorm although much slower with an altered animation. The fact that Dante is able to use a Gunslinger move without having style is an exciting prospect.



(Most analysis was based on the information provided in the following previews)







DmC Interview Part 1

DmC Interview Part 2

- "It is a rebirth. It doesn't take place before or after the other games."
- Hideaki Itsuno and other combat designers visit NT for feedback on the gameplay.
- They wanted to be able to swap between styles on the fly so they incorporated the styles (gunsliner and swordmaster, for example) into the devil, angel, and human forms.
- Out of combat gameplay has been expanded. You'll use your different forms for traversal.
- A short description of the modified combat music and the style system. During battle it'll start with the base line, then as you increase in rank it'll add the drums, guitar, and eventually at the max rank it'll add the vocals. It'll make players feel as though they're progressing in skill and will make players feel like they're in the "zone".
..meh... he`s still gay :d
hahah ... to je neki coop mode? :d
Najodvratniji promasaj u istoriji gejming industrije! Kolko mi je samo krivo sto koriste DMC ime za ovo g0vno..

Jedina prava Devil May Cry vest ovih dana je da je Vergil odlicno uradjen u UMvC3, bas kao sto je i Dante. To mi daje nadu da je makar neko razuman ostao u Capcom-u..
Ne slazem se fi1ipe, sa dmc-om ne mogu da promase dokle god je u pitanju dobra napaljena tabacina iole izazovna po tezini. Svaki dmc je to bio do sad , sa naglaskom na preteski 3. deo nakon koga je 4. delovao kao boza (mada uopste nije bio naivan u nekim momentima).

Sto se mene tice , rado cu odigrati ovo. Ko zna , mozda nakon prelazenja otkljucate starog , anime-cool old-fashion dante-a :p
Vrh Dno