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Sony Playstation 3 hack tema

Nista specijalno, sa njim mozes na PSN ali ne mogu pirati da se vrte pirati. Covek je napravio ovaj firmware samo da neko kasnije provali kako da prebaci onaj backup manager-a.I ako imas orginalni FW 3.55 ti mozes da instaliras ovaj preko.
pa za sada nista... ali predstavlja polaznu platformu da sutra instaliras homebrew i slicne zezalice, jednom kad ovladaju tehnikom enkripcije i potpisivanja...
onda ce pod "install package files" biti moguce instalirati non-sony aplikacije na tako modifikovanom ps3 (modifikovani firmware) i istovremeno koristiti ga normalno za LEGALNE igrice i PSN.. njima je to cilj...

za ono sto se vecini ljudi mota po glavama, moracete sacekati neku drugu hakersku grupu, posto ovi trenutno (bar zvanicno) ne pokazuju piratske sklonosti...
Nista specijalno, sa njim mozes na PSN ali ne mogu pirati da se vrte pirati. Covek je napravio ovaj firmware samo da neko kasnije provali kako da prebaci onaj backup manager-a.I ako imas orginalni FW 3.55 ti mozes da instaliras ovaj preko.

hmmm... backup manager (bilo koji) ne vredi pisljiva boba, ako nije uhakovan gameos (lv2) tj. patchovan da izvrsava unsigned aplikacije i sa BDemulatorom (ustvari preusmeravanje svih poziva sa blueray na HDD)... ovakav kakav je taj modifikovani 3.55 omogucava da uskoro (kad provale kako pravilno potpisati i enkriptovati aplikacije/pakete) mozes da instaliras ftp server, emulatore, demoe i slicne drangulije na ps3 sa 3.55fw... da bi backup manageri radili, potrebne su mnogo radikalnije izmene u kernelu/gameos/lv2.. a to trenutno nije uradjeno... malo je zeznuto igrati se time, zato sto ako pogresis, ostaces sa brikovanom konzolom nakon update-a.. kako developeri, tako i krajnji korisnici...

ne lozite se pre vremena.... za sada je super sto se pojavljuju dekriptovani eboot.bin novih igara, preuredjeni da mogu da rade na 3.41fw jailbreakovanim konzolama...

sa druge strane, sam bog zna sta ce sony uraditi sledece :)
Ja to isto kazem ne treba se zaleteti dok ne bude to kako treba,ovako sta smo dobili mi koji vec imamo dugo konzole i odigrali skoro sve hitove?Nista,mogucnost igranja pirata eventualno dva hita koja su izasla posle hacka.Nikaku drugu racunicu ja tu ne vidim osim za onoga tko sad kupuje po prvi put konzolu,jer njemu se hack isplati ako krene od pocetka.
izgubile velike pare

BS. Ne postoje konkretni dokazi za to koliko su izgubili jer ih je nemoguće dobaviti, kao ni za filmove i muziku. Za njih je, štaviše, situacija veoma zanimljiva:

NDS od svih sistema (uključujući i PC) ima najlakši način za puštanje kopija od svih sistema, a prodaja softvera za isti je/bila užasno dobra. Sa druge strane, Sony krivi pirateriju za lošiji uspeh PSP-a.

Korisnici ilegalnih kopija u prošlosti kada su bili klinci/mlađi, bez novca sa strane za igre, mogu da postanu legalni korisnici u budućnosti. Npr. - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=25144862&postcount=192

Sve je to divno. Kada ignorises da je prodaja igara bolje isla na razbijenim konzolama.

Neverovatno je kako ljudi (zajedno sa izdavačima) čak i danas mogu da misle da na prodaju igara utiču isključivo ili prvenstveno piraterija i 2nd hand tržište (za koje, iako je naravno legitimno, moge da se čuju svakakve izjave koje idu čak do nivoa gluposti da ono predstavlja legalizovanu pirateriju), a ne gomila drugih faktora.

With regards to IP protection, I do not find a lot of meaning in calculating up the amount of damage due to piracy. While we may be able to calculate the damage by “number of downloads” multiplied by “their market value,” it does not necessarily mean that all the downloader had the purchase intention but quit due to illegal downloading. This calculation only gives us a virtual amount of damages, not the actual one in market. As I believe it’s not very meaningful to calculate them, we have not dug deeper and have no such plans to do so.


Some of you may have seen media coverage like “R4 is to blame” or “Piracy using illegally-copying devices like R4 derailed the software market,” and we cannot deny the alleged influence.


Firstly our view on industry situation is, in short, that “consumers are getting tired of any commodities much more quickly than before.” Across the video game industry as a whole, there is a strong trend that consumers get tired of various products in a shorter and shorter period.


Having said that, however, I understand how serious the piracy issue by illegal IP protect evasion is. Among many, what’s very problematic is that the piracy population is expanding. Those who had never thought of such an act are losing resistance to such deeds. Our worst case scenario is that they will gradually lose the reason why they need to pay for software. Recently a book called “Free” became a popular topic. It is said there will be a deflation for digital contents. As mentioned in the first question, Social Gaming is close to this tendency and can be treated as a form of contents deflation. In that sense, it can also be said that large amount of iPhone games, which are free or a dollar, is a type of content deflation.

Under such circumstances, we are trying to figure out how we can keep the value of our entertainment proposals to maintain reasonable prices in market. In that sense, we have a very strong sense of danger for the expansion of piracy.


Slična je situacija i u dosta drugih zemalja gde je stopa piraterija visoka, što ne treba da iznenađuje. Media industrije imaju imaginarnu ideju da bi u slučaju nepostojanja piraterije zaradili mnogo više, što je daleko od istine. Izgube nešto prodaja, to je sigurno, samo trenutno ne postoji način da se sazna koliko je to tačno, a postojeće brojke su prenaduvane.
Konacno sam uspeo da instaliram NFS HP, medjutim trazi mi da se konektujem na PSN? Napravio sam nalog ali ne mogu da se logujem trazi update softvera? Koristim Hermes 4b spoof 3.55.
Konacno sam uspeo da instaliram NFS HP, medjutim trazi mi da se konektujem na PSN? Napravio sam nalog ali ne mogu da se logujem trazi update softvera? Koristim Hermes 4b spoof 3.55.

izbrisi iz game data utility ako imas koji updejt vezan za nfs hp i edituj param.sfo ako nije vec stavljen na 3.41, izvadi kabal od interneta i igraj offline.
Poslednja izmena:
Oohh, the tension between fail0verflow and Geohot is visibly mounting. In one of their latest Twitter posts, the earlier PS3 hacking team noted - "we didn't break game security, Geohot did (by releasing metldr keys). We just did the minimum required to regain OtherOS." Let's see what unfolds...

juce kazu da se ne plase tuzbe, a sad peru ruke :). a evo i sony se javio :D

Sony has at last broken silence on recent developments which have seen its PlayStation 3's security measures completely defeated.

The firm has remained resolutely tight-lipped since news broke that a hacking group named fail0verflow had gained full control over the system, after reverse engineering the code used to sign authorised software as genuine.

Shortly afterwards iPhone hacker George “GeoHot” Hotz published the console’s “root key” online, enabling homebrew developers to create and sign their own apps. Blu-Ray and PSP root keys have also since been found buried within the PS3 and released online.

“We are aware of this, and are currently looking into it,” Sony told us in a brief statement. “We will fix the issues through network updates, but because this is a security issue, we are not able to provide you with any more details.

Sony’s response is at odds with comments given to the BBC yesterday by fail0verflow member pytey, who said: “The complete console is compromised – there is no way back.

“The only way to fix this is to issue new hardware. Sony will have to accept this.”
ne verujem da ce tuziti geohot-a
on se i sam obezbedio ili bar misli da jeste, time sto se ponudio sonyju da ga zaposle, da im bude security manager masterchief za ps4

ne bi bilo prvi put da velike korporacije zaposle upravo one koji su ih ponizili, po sistemu "niko ne moze bolje da nas zastiti od samih hakera, pogotovo kad su na nasoj strani"

if you want your next console to be secure, get in touch with me. any of you 3.
it'd be fun to be on the other side.

= Nintendo, Microsoft & Sony... nudi se svima ili onome ko najbolje plati :)))

source: http://geohot.com/
ma znam ja sta mu to znaci sto je napisao odma kad je objavio kljuceve. ali u onom intervjuu kaze da se plasi tuzbe, dok overflow govore kako se ne plase (a evo sad peru ruke..)
sto je sigurno, sigurno je... :)

tako je to kad hoce slavu, novac i zenske pa javno objavljuju svoje "uradke"...

mogli su sve to da urade i anonimno, krijuci se iza pseudonima grupe (kao sto rade filmske, muzicke i igracke grupe sa tzv. scene) i da niko ne zna ko su oni, ali ne, zeleli su slavu i da ih ljudi prepoznaju na ulici

eto im je... :)
Geohot u akciji, 3.55FW "jailbroken":

hahaha, geohot vs failoverflow.. ovo pocinje da prerasta u spansku seriju :D

Geohot’s discovery of PS3 console metldr keys caught a lot of attention across the net and because of this it has open a lot of doors to some unfinished keys. It does not go on pretty well with Marcan though. In the last 27th Chaos Communication Conference (27c3), he and his Fail0verflow team has presented a wonderful explanation on the PS3 total epic fail security. The 45-minute presentation revealed the methodology that made the on-die console security an irrelevance and proved beyond doubt that the Hypervisor tech – the CPU guardian that is supposed to stop unauthorized code running – was almost completely pointless, at least in the eyes of the hackers.

So, the point of this post is that without Marcan and his Fail0verflow team, Geohot doesn’t have the chance to even find the metldr keys which unlock all security levels in the PS3 console. Fail0verflow team is like the teacher who teaches Mathematic to Geohot and like what euss said, “Reversing, discovery, documenting, presentation, proof of concept AND release tools @ private keys is an unique world achievement”

Announce/publish a ridiculous break in embedded security, a few sites pick it up. Geohot uses it, it’s all over the web. Sigh.

I mean, maybe it’s just me, but I think the “calculating private keys” part deserves a bit more credit than a metldr exploit.

For the record, this an Alexa stats which compared the popularity of Geohot and Fail0verflow team respective sites. Suffice to say, it’s Fail0verflow team that is far more popular, so no, Geohot is not overrated ;)


UPDATE: Marcan’s rants in Slashdot, the drama continues icon smile Marcan: Fail0verflow Deserved More Credit Than Geohot

We (fail0verflow) discovered and released two things:

An exploit in the revocation list parsing, enabling us to dump a bunch of loaders, and thus their decryption keys
A humongous screwup by Sony, enabling us to calculate their private signing keys for all of those loaders, and thus sign anything to be loaded by those loaders

We used these techniques to obtain encryption, public, and private keys for lv2ldr, isoldr, the spp verifier, the pkg verifier, and the revocation lists themselves. We could’ve obtained appldr, (the loader used to load games and apps), but chose not to, since we are not interested in app-level stuff and that just helps piracy. We didn’t have lv1ldr, but due to the way lv1 works, we could gain control of it early in the boot process through isoldr, so effectively we also had lv1 control.

With these keys we could decrypt firmware and sign our own firmware. And since the revocation is useless and the lame “anti-downgrade” protection is also easily bypassed, this already enables hardware-based hacks and downgrades forever. Basically, homebrew/Linux on every currently manufactured PS3, through software means now, and through hardware means (flasher/modchip) forever, regardless of what Sony tries to do with future firmwares.

The root of all of the aforementioned loaders is metldr, which remained elusive. Then Geohot announced that he had broken into metldr (with an exploit, analogous to the way we exploited lv2ldr to get its keys) and was thus able to apply our techniques one level higher in the loader chain. He has released the metldr keyset (with the private key calculated using our attack), but not the exploit method that he used.

The metldr key does break the console’s security even more (especially with respect to newer, future firmwares – and thus also piracy of newer games), and also makes some things require less workarounds. Geohot clearly did a good job finding an exploit in it, but considering a) he used our key recovery attack verbatim, and b) he found his exploit right after our talk, so he was clearly inspired by something we said when we explained ours, I think we deserve a little more credit than we’re getting for this latest bit of news.

There’s still bootldr and lv0, which are used at the earliest point during the PS3 boot process. These remain secure, but likely mean little for the PS3 security at this stage.

We published our exploits at the talk by explaining exactly how they works, and how anyone could use them. We said we’d release tools through the following month, and we already released two Git repositories containing most of the tools (that’s 4 days after the talk). We didn’t release keys due to fear of legal repercussions, but we told people exactly how to calculate them, and they did.

Geohot first released a useless signed loader to prove that he had the keys. Then he released the keys. He hasn’t released information on how he got the metldr plaintext and apparently doesn’t have plans to do so.

Personally, I think explaining things first, then a few days later releasing tools, is better than just dumping keys on the world and keeping how you got them a secret.
Opet mi nije jasno cemu sluzi. Da li ce biti moguce igranje bez kupovnog jailbreak usb-a vec da se flashuje custom firmware koji je sam po sebi jailbreakovan? Pitam da bih znao da ne bacim pare ako ce u skorijoj buducnosti kupovni jailbreak biti nepotreban.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S.
Tome se teži, videćemo kada će uspeti u tome.
Moze jedan konstruktivan predlog za uredjenje teme kako se ne bi lutalo kroz 45 strana a i da novi korisnici koje zanima trenutno resenje ne bi "dosadjivali" sa pitanjima sta i kako; po ugledu na velike, strane forume da se na prvoj strani postave sve cinjenice, linkovi, how-to i da se update-uje kada se nesto novo dogodi a ne da se zagubi u obimnoj raspravi?
Hmm, vidim na nekim forumima da se dosta losih reci izgovara o geohotu jer je napravio da to sa potpisivanjem paketa radi samo na njegovom fw-u.
U sustini on je samo provalio kako da potpise nesto sto ce PS3 da izvrsi, a Sony nikada ne bi dozvolio. Jos uvek nema govora o pokretanju nepotpisanih app. Za to treba verovatno kernel hack i CFW.

Sony ce verovatno u sledecem FW izbaciti mogucnost updatea sa externih medija (USB, CD/DVD).
Moze jedan konstruktivan predlog za uredjenje teme kako se ne bi lutalo kroz 45 strana a i da novi korisnici koje zanima trenutno resenje ne bi "dosadjivali" sa pitanjima sta i kako; po ugledu na velike, strane forume da se na prvoj strani postave sve cinjenice, linkovi, how-to i da se update-uje kada se nesto novo dogodi a ne da se zagubi u obimnoj raspravi?
ovo bi bilo odlično, naročito što su sve konzole pred ng po shopovima (CT, Game-S) etc dolazile sa 3.50, pa ljude sigurno zanima kako da spuste fw, poteraju pirate i ostalo
ma kako stoje stvari.. 350 ide na 341 downgrade k'o pet-polasest
ali uskoro nece ni biti bitno jer ispada da ce upgrade na hakovani 3.55 biti glavni zgoditak tj. bingo :)

posle je sve isto kao i pre, openmanager backupovi... kopiranje na interni/eksterni hard disk... i udri misko

mnogo je lakse nego sto izgleda
sve je to kul što je lako, ali bi neko mogao da napravi sticky
mislim, ovo je trka bez prestanka

pitanja je dana kada ce sony da izbaci 3.60 ili nesto slicno
ili naloziti game developerima da ugradjuju dodatne security prstene u svoje igre, da se ne oslanjaju samo na sistemski security
otprilike kao sto se prave zastite u PC svetu, s' tim da ce onda neko morati i da crackuje te zastite :)))

igranka bez prestanka...

ako nista drugo, vec osecam neku novu hardwersku reviziju konzole sa totalno promenjenim kljucevima... :) i opet ce ljudi kukati zasto im ne rade nove igre koje su izasle posle revizije, a niko nece biti zahvalan sto moze dzabe da igra vec postojecu bazu od 300-400 igrica...
i tako ukrug :)
Tesko ce to da urade... U tom slucaju ce se suociti sa gomilom tuzbi... Mislim da ce pre poceti da pokusavaju da identifikuju konzole koje su koristile CFW i da ih banuju... Sem toga, dosta vremena ce proci pre nego sto detaljno analiziraju originalni FW i vide koje sve provere se tu desavaju... Do tada korisnici nece moci da sprece konzolu da ih 'prijavi' cim se nakace na net... Naravno, za one koje PSN ne interesuje, nema zime :)
ma ljudi...
ne zavisi samo od firmware-a sta ce da se posalje PSN
nego i od same igre...

igra razgovara sa PSN serverom uz pomoc firmware-a (on je tu samo posrednik).. ko zna sta sve mogu da ugrade u network code od igrice.. :)
Vrh Dno