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Razmena pozivnica za torrent trackere (pravila su u prvoj poruci)

Koliko ja znam, pozivnicu za PTP može da pošalje samo neko ko je deo Stuff-a.
Koliko ja znam, pozivnicu za PTP može da pošalje samo neko ko je deo Stuff-a.
Pihhhh..nemam srece
Da li e neko zainteresovan za TorrentHR?
Uslovi bi bili
  • dugogodisnji clan BF
  • neki dokaz ratia sa nekog jaceg trakera

Imam poena za jednu pozivnicu pa ne zelim da ode nekom ko ce je upropastiti
Ne mora da znači da nema nikoga sa foruma ko još uvek nije deo Stuff-a, neki su svojevremeno bili.
Vezano za to što ne radi PTP...

@PTPStatus 29th of July 2023
The message you've been waiting for, and for some transparency’s sake (and to ease tensions due to ongoing prolonged downtime):

Unfortunately some of our stuff went down together with IRC and it caught us out at a very inopportune time with people being busy due to the time of year and IRL responsibilities and ongoing personal issues.

Being that we’re volunteer based, it will likely be a while before we return to full strength. The short of it is that it was just awful timing, above all else. I hope by the time we’re back, the long-promised server migration will hopefully happen that has been on hold for a while now.

Once the server migration happens, things will be immediately be more stable so the extended downtime won’t keep happening like it has been.

We’re not going anywhere, we’ll be back to full strength in the future and once we do, I’ll ensure we hold some type of site event to apologize for the downtime. Probably the upload contest I’ve been mentioning for a while now, or maybe an extended freeleech event.

On behalf of our entire team, and entire community: thank you for the ongoing support and outpouring of love you’ve sent the staff and community’s way. It is never lost on us how important the site is. We all really miss our favorite site and we hope to be back as soon as we can.
Da li postoji neki traker samo sa muzikom?
Rutracker je pun muzike.Redacted je težak za održavanje,Pedro's već preko tri godine sredjuju i nikako da se vrate.Najverovatnije i neće.
Тражим позивнице за FL, TL или PTP.
Нудим IPT под условом да тај неко зна шта ради. Једва сам живу главу извукао за извесним чланом који није сидовао.
А колико видим Црна Берза је отворена.
Тражим позивнице за FL, TL или PTP.
Нудим IPT под условом да тај неко зна шта ради. Једва сам живу главу извукао за извесним чланом који није сидовао.
А колико видим Црна Берза је отворена.
Posalji mi mail za TorrentLeech
Posalji mi mail za TorrentLeech
Хвала ти пуно, два господина су ме већ испоштовала за TL и FL, једино ми је PTP остао, али пошто имам ово, није да ми гори.
Хвала још једном на понуди.
HD-Space is celebrating its 14th birthday!!
Massive thanks to all of our members, for the support and everything during all these years, i hope many more will come!
The site will be open for new members, also whole site will be freeleech for 1 week, and massive in total 14 TB upload will be given away to 50 ticket winners in our lottery!!
Potrebna mi je pozivnica za Torrent leech ako neko ima. Hvala unapred.
Nisu dobre vesti nazalost za PTP. Video sam na Redditu nesto sto je okacio neko od stuff-a na HDBitsu.

Ne kaze se konkretno da je trakere bivsi, ali vecina rredditora na tu vest su vec prezalila traker.

Stvarno steta ako i zvanicno ode. Ja sam dobio pozivnicu bio a iskreno sam se i dvoumio na prvu da li da je prihvatim. Kada sam se registrovao onda sam krenuo da seedujem i pored poena koje mi je poslao korisnik koji me je i pozvao i ja sam nakupio jos. Strasan traker za filmove, mozda i najbolji. Velika je steta ako bude bivsi. :cry:
Jeste steta,taman sam postao Master i imao poene i za pozivnice i oni ga ugasise :D

Nadam se da BTN nece isto tako da uradi.

Inace, da li ima neko pozivnicu za Pter?
Radi li vam Filelist, meni crvene torenti.
Nisu dobre vesti nazalost za PTP. Video sam na Redditu nesto sto je okacio neko od stuff-a na HDBitsu.

Ne kaze se konkretno da je trakere bivsi, ali vecina rredditora na tu vest su vec prezalila traker.

Stvarno steta ako i zvanicno ode. Ja sam dobio pozivnicu bio a iskreno sam se i dvoumio na prvu da li da je prihvatim. Kada sam se registrovao onda sam krenuo da seedujem i pored poena koje mi je poslao korisnik koji me je i pozvao i ja sam nakupio jos. Strasan traker za filmove, mozda i najbolji. Velika je steta ako bude bivsi. :cry:
To je scam poruka i nemoj da obraćaš pažnju na to. Kažem ti 100% pouzdano.
Nadam se da će se PTP vratiti, omiljen mi je bio za filmove.
Vratice se, oglasili su se nocas, skupljaju donacije za novi hardver.

PTP is still alive, and there will not be any data loss. We've been preparing to rebuild our infrastructure, but a donation drive will be necessary in order to do so.

How we got here:
  • Due to unforseen personal circumstances, our long-term producer paperk has had to step away. paperk was a beacon of stability, security, and resilience during his 10+ year tenure, and PTP would not be what it is today without his leadership. We thank him and wish him the very best for the future!
  • paperk had already been overseeing a transition of his role to experienced individuals, with the goal of having him step aside completely. His departure came a few months earlier than planned though, meaning the transition was not fully complete.
  • Bringing the site back to its full operational capabilities will mean purchasing some new hardware and rebuilding infrastructure. Due to the strict security requirements we have in place, this will take some time; The safety of our staff and members remains our top priority when operating our service.
  • We're also taking this opportunity to perform some long-needed behind the scene updates
  • As we progress, official updates will be posted here
PTP continues to be the largest movie library in existence, and we're dedicated to continuing its legacy. The generosity of PTP's members has kept the site afloat for a long time, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for that.

If you're able to help us continue this legacy, please consider donating to help this recovery progress. Those who do will receive our eternal gratitude as always, as well as site donor perks once there's a place again for you to benefit from them.

You can find the donation link on the official https://www.passthepopcorn.me site
Imam 2 3 pozivnice za filelist ako nekome treba uslov je naravno da su stariji clanovi foruma.
Doniraću da pomognem malo.
Sada sam ubedjen da se više neće vratiti.Drag mi je tracker ali mi je ovo oko donacija poznato,neko pokušava da izvuče još koju kintu dok ima zainteresovanih.Tako radi Xbitmusic.org ili Pedros već tri godine.Svakih nekoliko meseci isto obraćanje,vraćamo se još bolji,samo što nije gotovo sa radovima,evo nas za PAR MESECI.Najviše bih voleo da grešim i da vam se jednoga dana izvinem ali mislim da je mrka kapa.Ozbiljan je to tracker da bi mu trebalo toliko da se vrati.Imam tamo desetak TB,nije mi za bacanje.
Nema polja za korisničko ime,kako će znati ko je uplatio donaciju?
Poslednja izmena:
Nema polja za korisničko ime,kako će znati ko je uplatio donaciju?
Ne mora da se zna, samo kes kes kes :D Kao pokojni ScT nekada... Samo lova lova. Cim su usli u taj mod, nece ni oni dugo. Svi koji su krenuli halapljivo i imali politiku "plati pa se klati" nisu dugo opstali.
Oglasio se posle i alamak (ptp-ov sysop) na redactedu.

As with most things, you won't get all answers due to privacy of paperk. But I'm the one doing the restoration here, if that helps you feel better.

The main things that make this more difficult, is we already were transitioning everything over to a new slate, we already were letting things get close to expiry to avoid paying extra for stuff. Then hell came down at a really poor time and caused a devastating blow. I myself didn't know what the outcome was as of a few days ago, I have kept the data safe and knew it was a matter of time or will. Once the situation revealed itself, I began formulating a plan with the rest of staff and here is the execution of that plan.

Since we are in this situation now, we're doing some long needed clean-slate. New infrastructure, new hosting options, new wallets. With that, we will be curing some of the weaker hardware that was really pushed beyond it's capacity.

As for the donation method, we did not want to have a single BTC address that everyone can lookup and track users down with. Many don't know how to keep their transactions safe and XMR provides a much better situation for that. Granted, it looks more "fishy" because it's also not publicly viewable, but that was intended to add more protection for donors and us receiving the donations.

You have a right to be skeptical, and that's OK.

I'm not here to do a "trust me bro", I'll keep showing you I'm making progress. You are perfectly encouraged to give a small sacrificial donation or wait until the site returns for a donation if you feel uneasy.

Nadam se da ce se vratiti. Jedva sam najbolji javni tracker (rarbg) prezalio, previse bi bilo da i ponajbolji privatni ode u istoriju...
Vrh Dno