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PlayStation - Diskusija o igrama

Juce sam naletio na demo na US Store-u.
Koga zanima Battlefield 1943 neka mi pošalje PM ;)
Imam za share sledece igre, pa ko ima nesto za share slicne vrednosti nek se javi:
Tekken 5 online
Burn Zombie Burn
evo na popustu
wipeout 14.99$
savage moon 4.99$
crash commando 4.99$
eden pixel junk 4.99$
nhl arcade 4.99$
flock 7.49$
Je li ko prebacivao pare na entropay account u zadnje vrijeme? Ja evo vec 10tak dana ne mogu da odradim transfer sanse nema, stalno mi javlja system error :(
ja sam pre par dana kada sam kupovao zen pinball
Hmmm evo vidim po netu da isto ima ljudi ko ja koji ne mogu da prebace novac, stvarno ne znam sta je problem...
I kako ti se cini Zen Pinball?
Jesi li jos nesto pazario?
Meni radi Entropay, mada znaju oni da ti blokiraju sve ako sumnjaju na neke prevare. Koliko sam ja shvatio ne moze nocu da se prebaci nista i vikendom.
Psiho, kako ti se svidja Flock! ?
Cool igra, ali me nerviraju malo kontrole. Inace je totalno simpa igra, muzika i zvukovi su vrh. Dolazi mi keva u sobu jer je cula neke ovce da bleje, gleda u TV i ne kapira sta radim. :D Zamisli da je videla Swen ? :D
Šta najbolje da uzmem za 10$? Msm, sad mi stize kartica od 20$ a zagarantovanih 10$ ide na Bomberman ULTRA, da li nekome treba neka fina igra za 10$+da taj ima neku finu igru za share? :)
Eto dacu ti ja Burn Zombie Burn za Zen Pinnball.
Ja probao demo bombermana, izgleda kao igra za decu od 3 godine, ni blizu onom bombermanu sa pc-ja. Užas. Probaj pre nego što kupiš.
Ja probao demo bombermana, izgleda kao igra za decu od 3 godine, ni blizu onom bombermanu sa pc-ja. Užas. Probaj pre nego što kupiš.

Sto? Mozda su zvukovi malo drugaciji (ne secam se kakvi su bili ranije jer je bas dosta vremena proslo) ali to je taj isti Bomberman gameplay kao pre..
Meni je taj Bomberman totalo gej ! :d
Bombermen mi je najviše zbog sestre. Simpa je ovako u društvu, meni je OK. Najverovatnije ću uzeti flower.
Ukoliko još nekoga zanima Battlefield, neka se javi na PM ;)
The PSN’s Best Week Ever?

Cast your eyes over to the boxes on the right hand side of TheSixthAxis and you’ll notice the TSA Calendar with its recently announced Release Dates section. Hover for a moment over the PSN Store update text and you’ll notice a little pop-up that lists all the major releases for the PSN on Thursday. Those are confirmed releases and don’t even include the like of SingStar, Rock Band and Guitar Hero downloads. For those you can click the text (or the link in the navigation bar at the top of the page) and visit our all new Release Dates page.

So what’s my point? Well, it occurred to us that, after an already strong year of PSN releases that included pinball, pool, puzzles and platformers as well as some fantastic DLC for some of the years biggest releases, this week might just be the best yet.

We have the next DLC pack for Killzone 2 – Napalm and Cordite which is sure to add another layer of complexity to what is arguably the best FPS experience available. The pack contains two new maps, Suljeva Cliffside and Arctower Landing but perhaps the most anticipated part of the release is the ability to take two new weapons into multiplayer combat. The VC1 Flamethrower can be found in the Suljeva Cliffside map and the Boltgun 4400, known as the “Handyman” can be picked up on the Arctower Landing map.

Next up and confirmed for Thursday is the WipEout HD Fury DLC pack. Featuring eight new tracks, thirteen new ship models and three new game modes this sounds more like a true expansion than an incremental DLC pack to us. WipEout HD has kept us hooked with its stunning visuals and unforgiving gameplay so we’re very excited about this DLC.

You would be forgiven for thinking that those two DLC packs are quite enough for one Thursday but Sony are obviously on a roll and have more for us in the “confirmed” list. The compelling Shatter will be available and seems to add another layer to the comprehensive offerings of the Store. It looks to me like a mix between Magic Ball and XBLA’s Geometry Wars. Further information can be found in the TSA preview.

The final item (so far) on our confirmed list is Crystal Defenders, a tower defense strategy game set in the Final Fantasy universe and made by Square Enix. This title has been available on WiiWare and XBLA for a while now so this opportunity to play it on the PlayStation will be welcomed by fans of Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (which is where the character set comes from).

Bear in mind that it is still only Tuesday and the items on our Release Dates page are only the things we have had confirmed (keep your eyes peeled for possible updates) and you might agree with us when we suggest that this is a bumper week for PSN content, and quite possibly the best one we’ve ever had. What do you think?
Ladno je Battlefield 1943 prodat u 600 000 primeraka ! Izgleda da je mnogima BF 1942 ostao u lepom secanju ?
Za manje od nedelju dana je napravljeno 43 miliona ubistava i tako je otključana i 4. mapa koja se igra samo sa avionima - to je bio neka vrsta community trofeja - obe konzole su imale taj limit i xbox je prvi stigao do te brojke :)
Da li je ovo bilijar koji ce zameniti Virtual Pool?

Grafika izgleda kao prerenderovana, pa nisam siguran da li je ovo screenshot, ili iz nekog prerenderovanog trejlera..

Hi, I’m Mark Williams, Technology Director at VooFoo Studios, developers of the soon to be released Hustle Kings for PSN and PS3. We really wanted to make sure Hustle Kings was something special right from the start, and the response from the unveiling at E3 has exceeded all of our initial expectations.

Everyone who has seen and played Hustle Kings so far has been incredibly impressed, and one of the things that many people have commented on is how brilliantly the AI plays. We have such a comprehensive selection of online and multiplayer game modes in Hustle Kings, I was keen to ensure that our single player career campaign was just as challenging and enjoyable. I initially sat down and played a lot of other pool and snooker games, and it really struck me as to how tiresome and predictable the AI generally was. I found myself wanting to skip past the shots played by my computer controlled opponent as they just weren’t fun to watch. Hustle Kings needed something different, I thought, we needed to make our AI both challenging and entertaining.


Jos par skrinova

Poslednja izmena:
Imam za share:
1. Tekken 5 online
2. Wipeout
3. Burn Zombie Burn
Od sutra imam za share:

1.Bomberman ULTRA

Poslednja izmena:
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