"Behold Your Home, Angel"
[Verse 1]
Behold your home, angel,
And clear the cobwebs from your eyes.
You will see harrowing scenes,
You will see the wretched and the sick,
You will see misery, death, and grief.
[Verse 2]
Behold the flock, angel,
All cripples and beggars.
The blind wander in throngs,
All have had their spines broken.
They await salvation from you.
[Verse 3]
Behold the scum, angel,
Their souls are damned.
They have harnessed everyone,
Built temples for themselves;
Their hands are steeped in blood.
Their hands are steeped in blood.
[Verse 4]
Raise your sword, angel,
Remember the Crusades,
Remember the throats that were slit.
When you face God's judgment,
Let peace reign in your soul.
[Verse 5]
Hear the prayers, angel,
May the evil ones drop dead,
Then be an angel of vengeance.
Let them feel on their own skin
What misery, fear, and pain mean.
What misery, fear, and pain mean.
[Verse 1 (Repeat)]
Behold your home, angel,
And clear the cobwebs from your eyes.
You will see harrowing scenes,
You will see the wretched and the sick,
You will see misery, death, and grief.
You will see misery, death, and grief.
You will see misery, death, and grief.
You will see misery, death, and grief.
You will see misery, death, and grief.