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✳️🎉Migration Update🎉✳️

🦍 FEG Migration to the new & improved SmartDeFi technology will be on February 22nd at 8pm UTC / 3pm EST!

🚨DO NOT trade FEG until the Migration is completed (announcement on official socials & TG)

🚨ONLY use links to migration from OFFICIAL links & Channels:



✅t.me/FEGchat (Verified Blue Check Mark)

✳️FEG Centralized Exchange Migrations✳️

We are communicating with CEXs that hold FEG to make this transition smooth for the exchanges and holders.

We will coordinate their migration on or around the set migration date/time above at their convenience.

We request holders stay up-to-date with announcements from each CEX they hold FEG on about cease of trading and activation of trading time-frames.

✳️🎉Audit Update🎉✳️

✅🔥The audit with PeckShield is COMPLETE!

Thank you for being so patient!

✳️🎉Migration Update🎉✳️

🦍 FEG Migration to the new & improved SmartDeFi technology will be on February 22nd at 8pm UTC / 3pm EST!

🚨DO NOT trade FEG until the Migration is completed (announcement on official socials & TG)

🚨ONLY use links to migration from OFFICIAL links & Channels:



✅t.me/FEGchat (Verified Blue Check Mark)

✳️FEG Centralized Exchange Migrations✳️

We are communicating with CEXs that hold FEG to make this transition smooth for the exchanges and holders.

We will coordinate their migration on or around the set migration date/time above at their convenience.

We request holders stay up-to-date with announcements from each CEX they hold FEG on about cease of trading and activation of trading time-frames.

✳️🎉Audit Update🎉✳️

✅🔥The audit with PeckShield is COMPLETE!

Thank you for being so patient!

I takooo...FEG skratio jednu 0, u toku je napad na drugu 😄😄😄🔥🔥🔥🔥
Migracija pocinje u 21h po nasem. Evo ovde tutorijal kako se radi https://docs.fegtoken.com/migration-tutorials
❇️🎉FEG Liquidity Added:

NEW Contract Address for BOTH FEGbsc & FEGeth:



✅Uni V2: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x20acf91bee9d8010ffceb821d11476f42a55a45b2d43cdc8c0cfcd462fb3e212

🦍You may now trade again!
Slippage must be at least 5% (buys) / 6% (sells) to 10% recommended max
Javite kako ste prošli :). Ja imam FEG na Metamasku i Binance Walletu. Vidim da je proces migracije jednostavan. Objašnjeno je za Metamask, ali kažu da može bilo koji wallet.
Izgleda neki problemi, nisu podesili dobro, pa ljudi dobijali 10x više nego je trebalo :)
Pa su stopirali i rade izmjene, pa će biti druga adresa tokena:
❇️Migration tool issue, explanation, & resolution

Two days ago, we removed the reading of SmartSwap balance from the Migration tool as it could have been abused.

This change caused an issue with the migration tool that allowed for 10x the token release to be overlooked after extensive testing.

We have located the issue within the Migration tool, corrected it, and will be performing the following steps:

✅Pull liquidity on FEGbsc & FEGeth

✅Mint new FEG token

✅Add-Migration tool function to swap the current FEG tokens that were given 10x to give 10x less upon migration for their original balance.

✅We will push the LP injection tax to 4% and reduce the other areas to recover some of this LP sold off.

🚨If you know anyone that sold for more ETH or BNB than they should have with the 10x token received and would like to return that to liquidity rather than be sought after, have them DM @RTRcrypto or transfer the funds to the FEG Deployer no questions asked.

Return BNB or ETH here:

Thank you for your patience, we are working non-stop to get the token trading once again.
Meni je sve na Trustu, odradiću ovih dana pa javljam ishod :cool:
Kažu da Trust može da ima nekih problema. U prevodu, možda dobiješ 10x više novičića :D
Vratili su pare ti koji su prodali, oni koji nisu prodali a zadrzali su tu 10x kolicinu ce svakako morati migrirati, pa ce im sada tool oduzeti 10x tokena :D
Ja probao, sve kao uspesno, ali u Trust novcaniku stoji kolicina ali nema simbol i nema cena
Strpite se malo u vezi simbola i cene na walletima. Nema ni na metamasku. Bit ce uskoro. ni na cmc nije promenjeno jos.
Da li postoji rok do kada se treba odraditi migracija?
Ne postoji rok, ali ce nakon nekog vremena biti tax za migraciju

After the first 20Q tokens are migrated, anyone who migrates will incur a 0.4% tax.
-This tax will offset the inflation of tokens moving forward in the circulating supply.
moci ce za nekoliko dana, objavice tacno kad. Nece biti vremenskog ogranicenja
Ko je odradio migraciju, taj ce dobiti airdrop novog tokena, ocekuje se da to bude pocetkom Marta,
svi oni koji nisu i imaju stari feg ce odraditi migraciju kad migration tool prodje audit. Misle da ce audit trajati oko nedelju dana.
Vrh Dno