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Battlefield 4

As you know, we’ve been looking into resolving the “rubber banding” that some players on certain platforms have experienced with Battlefield 4 after the recent release of Naval Strike. We’ve found that the root cause of the issue was a configuration of certain hardware types dedicated to 64-player matches.

We have invested in new hardware to resolve this issue and deployed new higher-performance servers this week. In preparation, we conducted a significant amount of testing before installing the new servers to ensure they would correct the issue. We are already seeing performance improvement with 64-player matches and expect this to continue.

While the process took longer than we would’ve liked, we wanted to be 100% sure it was done right and that the long-term solution was properly in place.

Our objective is to deliver the best player experience possible. We feel this solution helps us deliver that to you. Stay tuned to our official channels for more information.

CIm ovi iz Dajsa nesto kazu ja odma' poverujem
Poz :)
Poslednja izmena:
Ja recimo sam kupio graficku ali nisam dobio nikakav kod. Jel mogu da im skeniram racun i da im posaljem i da trazim kod?
Pa ...nakon malo proucavanja, zna da se upadne u sasvim dobar TDM... ne znam koji je od ovih extra paketa najbolji tj. najpopularniji - sto seb tice mapa za TDM ?

Je li neko probao ?
Meni ne!Za moju kartu jos nisu optimizovani.Mantle secka,ali Dx je dobar.Isti su mi kao 13.12,nikakav boljitak.Ali ni sa 13.12 nisam imao problema,tako da...
+1 extra driveri ali secka na 7970 ....
Pa da,za nase kartice jos to nije to!A na Dx-u,jel si osetio neko poboljsanje?
Ma kakvo seckanje sa mantle, ja imam 280x = 7970. kucaj u konzoli ''gametime.maxvariablefps 59.94'' bez navodnika, automatski zakljucava fps na navedeni i sa ukljucenim vsync-om sve na ultra-2msaa konstantno na 60 frejmova leti glat. Dok sa DX na mapama sa 64 igraca zna da se spusti fps... Sto se tica mantle i podrske drajvera, ja prezadovoljan.
kod mene sa novim 14.4 drajverima ima bolji fps, a na benchmark testu valley extreme hd imam oko 7-8fps vise sa novim drajverima.
Poslednja izmena:
Whql 14.4 i 280x i mantle - fps odlican ali creshuje ko nenormalan, non stop.
Vrh Dno