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Assetto Corsa , by Kunos Simulazioni

da bre i ja to sknoto malopre, a to su stavili da bude malo mastovito, inace mnogo bolje se oseca formula na stazi, sve je nekako kompletnije, ja zadovoljan, samo rekorde rusim :D
Sad kad se vozi ko simkadica lako ide :d

Ne pricaj gluposti :)

Za NLO i slicno su se malo izglupirali zbog 1. aprila, verovatno kroz hot fix ubacili, u svakom slucaju ne vozim to dok ne izbace uzasne znakove i bilborde..
Al su mi legli ovi 'murican muscles :) Ring takodje dobio dosta vise grafita i detalja, nije toliko drasticna razlika kao sa starijim stazama, vec je izgledao dobro..



Poslednja izmena:
Ko ne prati AC forum i jos nije cuo za "ffpostprocess" koji su uveli sa 1.5. Ukratko, sad postoji mogucnost da volan dobija tacno onoliko snage koliko mu treba za idealan FFB, odnosno resenje za volane koji nemaju lineran output snage (uglavnom Logitech volani).
Ja sad kad sam se navikao sam se preporodio, mnogo vise detalja osecam, i kad ugasim ovo, osetim neki nepotrebni otpor volana, prosto mi je neverovatno da sam tako vozio do sad.

Uglavnom, u ovoj temi je sve objasnjeno, ali ostavicu i na srBskom ko nema nalog na AC forumu:

Prvi korak, staviti 100% jacinu FFB-a u Logitech profileru/control panelu (Za Trhusthmaster volane valjda preporucuju 60%).
U AC stavite jacinu FFB-a u glavnom meniju na 100% i Minimum Force na 0%.
Skinite Wheelcheck
U Wheelchecku iz "Spring force" dropdowna, izaberite "Step Log 2 (Linear Force test)" i sacekajte da odradi taj test, traje oko pola minuta.
Posle toga ce se sam generisati ".csv" fajl u Documents folderu.
Onda skinite "LUT Generator" i pokrenite ga. Kliknite jedino dugme koje ima i trebala bi da se otvori putanja gde je snimljen .csv fajl (My documens).
Odaberite taj .csv fajl i generisite posle toga LUT fajl, nazovite ga kako hocete, moj primer "dfgtnovo.lut"
Taj LUT fajl prebacite u My documents/Assetto corsa/cfg
Onda u istom tom folderu otvorite "ff_post_process.ini" fajl.
Tu treba da stoji sledece:


CURVE=dfgtnovo.lut (ovo treba da bude tacan naziv vaseg .lut fajla)

Sad, mozete posle toga koristiti i FFBclip aplikaciju, ja je nesto ne gotivim. U svakom slucaju sad za svaki auto, smanjite posebno FFB dok ste na stazi tako da nema Clippinga skoro nikad, moze da ga bude ponekad na jacim i brzim krivinama (gledate sivu skalu na pedals aplikaciji i gledate da se ne crveni skoro nikad osim na zaebanim krivinama).
Primer za DFGT, meni odgovara za vecinu automobila oko 80, 70%.
Poslednja izmena:
Mnogo dobra stvar, i nezaobilazna sada kada imamo pravi alat. Ko ti prodao foru? :p
Ja probao pre 2 nedelje... nije lose. Sad je blize FFB rf2 standardu !
Ladno mi je ovo poslo za rukom, pokusao da vozim kao da sam o'prave tamo, pustao gas tamo gde bi verovatno iz straha pustao u stvarnosti, i bacao pogled na pravi klip s vremena na vreme, uboli se u sekundu :)

Bravo ... trefio si ga zamedalju :)
Strava , dobar showcase za AC i o tome koliko su precizni. Borise da posaljes ovo njihovom PR-u i da kazes "ocu pare za ovo i za sve sledece sto vam napravim jer vam radim vrh promociju , kapish!?"
Fala fala :) Ima tema na AC forumu bas za ovaj kombo, i lik pricao koliko mu je slicno bilo iskustvo sa njegovim GT86, pa sam bio inspirisan. Prvo sam nasao neki sa vremenom od 9:33, i imao je guzvu na stazi, nikako nisam mogao da potrefim isto vreme, a ovaj sam iz prve ubo, sto mi je neverovatno za krug od 9 minuta da je ovoliko slicno.
Jedan poklon zajednici od mene:


It's my pleasure to gift the community RaceEssentials, an all-encompassing app I've been working on lately. I've tailored it to bring together a large number of relevant data and to display it logically and clearly. The app monitors over 30 useful parameters crucial for almost every type of driving session. AB track types as well as classic circuit tracks are fully supported. I also have to thank Jorge Alves, who wasn't directly involved in the app development, but his StatsBar Plus app inspired me to make this one and I had a look or two in his code to figure out some logic.

Download the app at RaceDepartment:

A quick overview of how the app works and what it's capable of:

1. Gear, goes red when near limiter.
2. Speed, can be set to either kph or mph.
3. Rpm, graphical and numerical.
4. Turbo boost, graphical and numerical.
5. KERS, graphical and numerical. The bar is green when
stored energy is currently in use, otherwise it's blue.
6. ABS, Traction Control and DRS indicators.
7. Current lap time, goes red when lap is invalid.
8. Last lap time, goes red when last lap was invalid.
9. Best lap time, only displayed if best lap was valid.
10. Personal best lap time, only valid laps are saved (per track/car combo).
11. Tyre info area; the bar on the right represents tyre wear.
scaled from 94% to 100% and colored accordingly from red to green, similar to official Kunos app (below 94% the bar remains its minimum size). Core temperature values (currently ony in Celsius) and pressures (currently only in psi) are displayed on the left of each tyre. Also, the tyre compound short name is displayed in the middle.
12. Delta best and delta personal best using normalized spline position and
interpolation (original idea and implementation by Erwin Schmidt). Various checks are implemented to avoid erratic behavior and to maximize accuracy. Click the label to switch between best and personal best delta.
13. Current position in the ongoing event.
14. Current lap number and total laps number.
15. Clutch, brake and gas pedal bars, together with FFB clipping bar, basically a pedals app clone.
16. Remaining time in a session, goes red when under 5 minutes, plus a real life clock.
17. Fuel information area with current fuel level, consumption per lap, how many laps are left in the tank and how much fuel is required to complete the race (red if insufficient). Consumption per lap works after the first completed lap and keeps track of all previous laps, not only the last one. If the driver topped up during the lap, that lap will be ignored.

A quick FAQ:

Q: Roadmap for the future?
A: Delta pacing (gaining or losing time), scaling parameter (a tedious work I wasn't smart enough to do from the start), tyre temperature colors (if I manage to collect enough relevant data, see below), bug hunting, further optimizations...

Q: My KERS value displays 100% left although the car doesn't have KERS.
A: There is a bug in AC when reporting KERS charge, I tried to work around it, but if you click the KERS button, the graph will sometimes show full charge. Otherwise it should be fine, with a minor kink that the KERS Charge is displayed only after it's been actually used.

Q: ABS, TC and DRS are not realtime?
A: They indicate if the respective systems are on or off, no way to tell if they're in use at the precise moment or if you're in DRS range unfortunately, Kunos pls? :)

Q: Why no tyre coloring according to temperature but only the numerical value?
A: I've had trouble finding the official optimal tyre temperatures for each tyre type. Also, we only have access to core temperatures and no info how the V7 Kunos tyre app actually mixes all the avalable temperatures to deduce exact color. Until we get more info, or until I get much better at guessing, it will remain like this.

Q: Delta is not shown?
A: You're either on an outlap, you've visited the pit in the current lap or you haven't done a valid lap yet to compare with.

Q: Total number of cars is not shown during online sessions?
A: Nope. AFAIK there's no way to get actual cars on track number while online, only maximum server slots.

Version history:

v0.8 - Initial release
Pokido. Samo da dobijem novu graficku pa da testiram i zvanicnu verziju, gasim sve ostale aplikacije.
@topuz bravo lepa aplikacija :)

Još jedan klip koji deluje neverovatno realistično na samom početku pogotovo ;)


- A huge update to tyres section, now with coloring according to ideal pressures and temperatures for every Kunos car/tyre combo (check the FAQ for more info)
- Optimal tyre compound temperatures are now displayed next to compound short name
- Implemented delta pacing indicator
- Track grip is now displayed
- Ambient and track temperatures are now displayed
- Added background to all bars for better visibility
- RPM bar is now colored as well when near limiter for better visibility
- Some layout changes to accomodate new data
- A bit of code cleanup here and there
Vrh, na 0.7 velicini taman stane tu kod instrumenata i ne zaklanja ih na vecini kola, sve sto mi treba tu, delta skroz diskretna, ostatak ekrana skroz cist, brao jos jednom :)

Konacno mogu u 60 fps da snimam (i dalje 720p doduse). Mislim da mi je ovo 'najglacji' video do sad, nisam radio nikakvu dodatnu kompresiju, direkt iz Shadowplaya.

A staza je vrhunska, Tilke dizajnirao dok je bio pod teskim opijatima verovatno..

Vrh Dno