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Torment: Tides of Numenera

Odlicno izgleda animacija, bas lepo su uklopili 3D model sa 2D pozadinom :). Nadam se da ce tehnicki i Project Eternity slicnjo izgledati.
Ja gledam ovaj video i ne mogu da verujem. Atmosfera i animacija su BRILIJANTNE!
Meni jedino smeta sto je pozadina mnogo razmazana. Voleo bi malo sharpen filtera. Ali dobro, ovo je neko skrpio za jedan vikend radeci u slobodno vreme, krajnji rezultat moze biti samo bolji.
Jos da Jon Van Caneghem kickstarteruje neki novi Heroes i ja cu biti presrecan.

Iz tvojih usta u Božje usi! :)

Doduse, ovo cemo malo teze docekati, s obzirom da je Heroes fransiza sada u rukama Ubija... :(
Novi screenshot:

Još 30 sati, stići će valjda do 3.75M što je sledeći cilj.
^ Nema granice, ali zato postoji vremenski limit, koji istice za 26 sati. Tada se donacije zaustavljaju i developer krece sa sporim procesom razvijanja igre.
I sta onda? Gde je granica?

Za sada je krajnji cilj 4.5 miliona dolara a sada su na 3.7 miliona samo Kickstarter + 60-70k PayPal donacije. Ako bude slicna situacija kao sa Project Eternity, skupice 4.5 miliona lagano.

Jos jedan koncept je oziveo :)

idemooooo, povratak otpisanih :D
3,8 miliona i 68500 backera. Jos 15 sati. Izgleda da ce oboriti sve rekorde Kickstartera sto se tice igara (Project eternity je skupio 3,9 mil i oko 70k backera).
$4m ( KS + Paypal ) .
Još 8 sati.
Poslednja izmena:
koliko sma primetio za neka dva sata preko 200k na kickstarteru samo tako da ukupno su presli i 4 milke bez paypala
Konacno neka prava igra!
Ende! :) 4.2 miliona samo na kickstarteru! Nadam se da ce nam uzvratiti poverenje. :)
Drago mi je da su uspeli. E sad pocinje cekanje.
Pay Pal donacije ostaju otvorene do kraja aprila. Cilj je da se ostvari i finalni strech goal od 4.5 miliona.

We don’t have the final PayPal numbers yet, but we expect to be far short of the $4.5M Stretch Goal. (While Torment’s budget will be bolstered by the generous $200K total in contributions from Brian Fargo and Steve Dengler, these aren’t included in the Stretch Goal calculations. The Stretch Goals were set with these contributions already considered – that is, the $200K sum didn’t apply to determining whether or not we reached any given Stretch Goal. But all of it will be applied to creating a better game and help counterbalance the impact of fees and dropped pledges.)

Many backers have asked about the “Stronghold” that was at the $4.5M Stretch Goal, however. At your request and suggestion, what we’ll do is allow all PayPal contributions through the end of April to count toward determining whether or not we reached this goal. On Monday, we’ll tell you exactly how far we have left to go and through the end of the month we’ll provide more frequent updates on tumblr and Facebook about progress toward that $4.5M goal.

If we do make it by the end of April 30th, we’ll declare that final Stretch Goal achieved! In this case we would include the Stronghold, designing it to fit the flavor of Numenera and to fully support Torment’s themes and narrative.

We cannot say enough how much we appreciate your support. We are very much looking forward to creating Torment: Tides of Numenera for you. You have made this game possible.

Thank you,

Kevin Saunders
Project Lead

How does level and skill progression look like?

Character levels and skills seem quite unique for Numenera compared to other systems. According to Monte's blogs characters with level 1 are already quite strong and maximum level is 6. Skills and their usage seem very descriptive and their interpretation left to GM. Then there are also experience points that can be used to directly affect events in game.

How is the system going to be implemented? Obviously P&P game can have infinite skills with new ones made on the spot, but it's not possible in computer game. Is there a list of available skills, like for example in Fallout? If not, then how do we use a certain skill in certain situation, and how do we know our proficiency in each skill?

Does everything have a level in the game? Does it directly affect mechanics like in D&D games (skills requiring certain levels, spells affecting creatures of X dice)?

Will we feel character progressing and getting stronger? Or is it purposely made insignificant to get more realistic human learning and focus more on story?

Hub-and-Spokes Dialogue

Though ultimately a variation of the previous method, Hub-and-Spokes Dialogue creates a very different conversation flow compared to basic Branching Dialogue. The player listens to the NPC's lines and then chooses their response from the main "hub" of the conversation.

After hearing the NPC's response, the player either returns to the main hub, from which they can ask the same question again or inquire about another topic, or enters a deeper hub with more options to choose from.

The player can typically always find their way back to any hub by navigating through their responses, and thus can explore the dialogue in any order they wish. In this manner, a player can exhaust a conversation by trying every possible option at their disposal (with no penalty), and the interaction only ends when the player chooses the "goodbye" option.

Most conversations in Mass Effect and other BioWare titles take this form, with occasional basic Branching Dialogue implemented when the player has to make an important decision that may affect quest outcomes or the NPC's disposition towards the player.

Hub-and-Spokes Dialogue gives the player more freedom and control over conversation and often allows them to interrogate NPCs to find out every last piece of information about them. However, this method of dialogue tends to create conversations strongly divorced from reality.

The NPC usually has infinite patience for the player's strange inquisitions, and every dialogue plays out like an interrogation as the player keeps pressing the NPC for info. Furthermore, the player hears a lot of the same lines over and over as he navigates between hubs, potentially breaking immersion.
Ovo izgleda duplo bolje i od Project Eternity i od Wasteland 2, svaka im cast... i svidja mi se sto je kamera bliza likovima...
Damire prestani da lupetas. Tebi ni 10 banova izgleda nije dovoljno?...
:trust: jel meni pricas, posto nisi kvotovao, a moj post je iznad? budi bog sa nama...
Poslednja izmena:
Divinity, PoE, Wasteland 2 i Torment... U poslednjih 5-6 godina mislim da nismo imali jednu igru slicnu ovim nabrojanim. Samo nek se mnoze :D.

Nadam se da je taj svetleći orb u stvari lobanja :p
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