Šta je novo?

The Last of Us Part I

Kako su poceli, na jesen 2023 i Horizon ce na PC i GoW. Da li odustati od PS5 i uzeti dobar PC na kraju... :D
Pa kako sam uzeo Oled TV, i planiram PS5, plus ozvucenje, i dobar pc od 3K ce mi biti povoljniji. :D
Ali ne damo se, PS5 it must be!
Why not both? :D
Not if you get divorced first :D
Najjace sto ima pljuvaca po ovome a ono 10 godina je ispred svega sto je na PCu postojalo, ne pomaze 2 kW napajanje i 4090 uopste :)
Najjace sto ima pljuvaca po ovome a ono 10 godina je ispred svega sto je na PCu postojalo, ne pomaze 2 kW napajanje i 4090 uopste :)

Ta 4090 moze da obidje 10 krugova oko jadne PS5. Ali najjaci su takvi poput tebe "pljuvaci"
Izgleda da nisi primetio da Driver priča o igri a ne o PS5
Odlozeno za 28.03.

The Last of Us: Part 1 will arrive on PC a little later than expected, with Naughty Dog announcing a new 28th March release date to ensure the game arrives "in the best possible shape".

The Last of Us Part 1 - Naughty Dog's new-gen spruce-up of the acclaimed 2013 stealth survival horror - initially launched for PlayStation 5 last September, and the long-promised PC version was eventually confirmed to be arriving on 3rd March this year.

With a month to go until its originally planned launch date, however, Naughty Dog has confirmed a 25-day delay. "Let's get right to it," the studio wrote in a statement shared on Twitter. "We initially announced The Last of Us Part 1 PC release would be 3rd March, but we've decided to push its launch date out by just a few week; it will now be released on 28th March."

We at the studio have been completely blown away by the outpouring of love and support for The Last of Us these last few weeks," it continued. "Hearing your love for the HBO adaptation, seeing your beautiful Photo Mode shots, and learning about how the world and characters our studio created nearly a decade ago continue to reach new and old fans alike floors us every day. We know a lot of you have been revisiting the story that started it all with The Last of Us Part 1 on PlayStation 5 console, and we realise many of you have been excited to jump in - some for the first time - when Part 1 hits PC.

"And so we want to make sure that The Last of Us Part 1 PC debut is in the best shape possible. These additional few weeks will allow us to ensure this version of The Last of Us lives up to your, and our, standards. We are so excited to bring The Last of Us Part 1 to a new platform, reaching new and returning players with Joel and Ellie's unforgettable story of survival, and we hope that you'll continue to look forward to its PC release on 28th March."

"The Naughty Dog team appreciates your support and enthusiasm," the studio concluded, "and we look forward to sharing more about The Last of Us Part 1 PC version soon".​
Iskreno, rimejk ne izgleda toliko dobro da bi srozao moju 2070S na 1080p :/

Doduše, nadam se da pod Recommended ne podrazumevaju i DLSS on, i da ću s tom opcijom moći da dignem rezoluciju na viši nivo. Sve u svemu, drago mi je da ove igre imaju sjajnu podršku, i da uz to dolazi i haptic feedback + adaptive trigger support! Mnogo kul stvar.
Zna li se nesto, ocel bit denuva? Pa da spremam lovu ili ne, na cdkeys je 40$
PlayStation ne stavlja Denuvo u ove njihove portove.
I svaka im cast na tome.
Ovo cudo danas izlazi za PC :D
Da, za 4 sata.
Evo već piše za 3 :)
Ocekujte da izlazi oko 19h jer tada rade dnevni update, tako je barem bilo kad je returnal izasao, preload je inace 75gb kod mene
videcemo. kod mene pise za 3 sata. odradjen preload tako da smo spremni :)
Vidim i Left Behind je uključen, nice. Moguće da ću odigrati ovo i na PC-u ali svakako na većoj težini, jer ako je ovo samo port sa PS-a onda će igra biti preeelaka na normal :)
jeste za deluxe verziju.
Vrh Dno