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[TBS] Xenonauts - X-Com za novo doba


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1 October, 1979: Extraterrestrial forces begin their invasion of Earth. Panic spreads across the globe, and nations struggle in vain to organise their ill-equipped militaries against the alien threat. A clandestine organisation dubbed the 'Xenonauts' surfaces, claiming to have been preparing to defend the planet against alien incursion since its inception twenty years ago. Though distrustful, the major global powers reluctantly give their agents authority to operate in their territory and airspace.

Xenonauts puts the player in control of an organisation tasked with defending the planet against extraterrestrial invasion. Battle the aliens with your interceptors in the skies above Earth, or attack them on the ground with your elite strike teams in tense turn-based squad combat. Build up your bases and manage your budgets carefully to keep your men and vehicles well-equipped and the aliens at bay, buying yourself enough time to research and unlock the secrets of the extraterrestrial technology. This is strategy on a grand scale; tactician, commander and quartermaster - you must master them all if you are to succeed in defeating the alien menace. Humanity's very survival rests on your shoulders.

There will be limitless replayability on offer. Advanced AI will keep the player challenged at every stage of the game, and with randomly generated battlefields for every mission and numerous distinctive alien races it will be impossible to guess what lies around a corner or on the other side of a door. A battlefield cover system and fully destructible scenery means that every battle will unfold differently, while providing the player endless tactical possibilities. Missions will be interesting and varied too, with multiple victory conditions and occasional secondary objectives keeping the combat from becoming stale and repetitive.

The game is heavily inspired by the classic X-Com series of strategy games that arrived in the mid-90s courtesy of the now-defunct Microprose. It is a labour of love for many of the team, all of whom are big X-Com fans, but we have decided to try and reinvent the game rather than recreate it. The result is a game that is neither a sequel to X-Com nor a remake. We have taken our franchise in a different direction, retaining the core mechanics that made the original so compelling but updating the settings and features of the game to fit in with the modern age. Gone are the near-future stylings of Xenonauts' forerunners, replaced by a militaristic Cold War setting and a retro-inspired art style.

Xenonauts will be single-player only and is presently only in development only for the PC. Ports will be considered closer to release date, which is currently slated for Christmas 2010.


Goldhawk Interactive is a small self-funded independent game development company based in London, UK. As to be expected from a team that embraces the spirit of online collaboration, the contributors to the team are from all corners of the globe - though most are based in Europe, some are from as far afield as Uruguay or Iran.

Xenonauts is the studio's maiden title, with initial planning and development starting in June 2009.The choice of title was not a difficult one - almost everyone on the core team is a huge X-Com fan, and though there has been numerous remakes in the past we feel none have quite captured the spirit of the original. With the rapid growth of digital distribution and the huge potential market for Xenonauts, it was obvious that producing the game didn't just have to be a pipe dream - we could turn it into reality. And with 2K's XCOM title renewing interest in the franchise, there couldn't have been a better time to do it!


Xenonauts is divided into three main sections; the Geoscape, the Base Viewer and the Combat Viewer.

Iceland Incident pt.1
Iceland Incident pt.2









Poslednja izmena:
deluje zanimljivo... ima li nekih najava kada se ocekuje?

Mada ovaj drugi UFO vise lici kao da je izasao iz Terror from the deep nego iz XCom - Enemy Unknown.
Deluje super... samo da bude iz prvog lica... bice dobro ja mislim.
^ kakvo svetogrdje - kakvo crno "prvo lice" ?!?
da neces mozda Fallout 3+ izvodjenje?

El_Barto, da li si ti uopste igrao X-com?!?
Ne, ja sam samo rekao kako bih JA voleo da bude.
Ništa se ti ne brini već je najavljena takva igra. Što je još bolje u pitanju je zvanični X-Com naslov, samim tim uživanje je veće :)
Sajt je update-ovan.

You are able to pre-order the game. Full details are available on the pre-order page, but in short a pre-order costs $29.99 and will give you Early Access to the game, allowing you to playtest various elements of the game as we develop it so you can offer your feedback - for instance, the air combat, or the full beta of the game. As stated on the pre-order page, getting the money in now will lead to Xenonauts both arriving more quickly and being a higher-quality product when it does so.


Intervju na RPS sa glavnim čovekom projekta:

RPS: What’s the balance between being faithful to the original game and pursuing your own vision?

Chris England: The Xenonauts team is making a big effort to stay faithful to the original game mechanics. Other titles have changed part of the game’s mix (for instance by adding real-time combat), and I don’t think they’ve been entirely successful in doing so. I think the Gollop brothers hit on a fantastic formula for a grand strategy game with X-Com, and I don’t see that there’s much to be gained by changing it unnecessarily.

I guess our vision comes through in translating those game mechanics into the modern age. You can’t just do a straight clone with improved graphics, because times have moved on since X-Com was released. Ground combat without a cover system, in today’s world? You’d be laughed out of town if you tried it. We’re not trying to remake X-Com, we’re trying to build the game it would be if it came out today.


RPS: Who are you working with on this project?

Chris England: Xenonauts is an online collaborative project, and there’s probably about ten core team members working remotely on the game on a part-time basis, and a number of freelancers who do contract work for us as and when required. Its mostly either industry or related-field experience on the team, so everyone is very capable.

RPS: How do you compare yourself to other X-COM fan projects or unofficial remakes?

Chris England: We’re radically different from the fan projects, primarily as we’re in this for commercial reasons. I’ve ploughed my life savings into funding this game, which eliminates a lot of the leadership struggles you have with fan projects – I’m paying the bills, so I get to decide what happens. Decision making is faster, there’s less feature creep and the vision is less watered down, and obviously paying for staff attracts a higher quality of personnel too.

As far as the other remakes are concerned, that will (hopefully) really come down to game balance and overall polish. The other unofficial remakes have often been poorly balanced games, frequently suffering from writing and translation issues. We plan to spend quite a lot of time getting the gameplay right, and we’re hoping that will mark us out.
Poslednja izmena:
can't wait! samo da zadrzi istu draz kao orginalni UFO
can't wait! samo da zadrzi istu draz kao orginalni UFO

Ne može da je zadrži, kad je odavno nestala u nekoliko bolnih iteracija. Može samo da je povrati, a to je, bojim se posao.

You can’t just do a straight clone with improved graphics, because times have moved on since X-Com was released. Ground combat without a cover system, in today’s world? You’d be laughed out of town if you tried it. We’re not trying to remake X-Com, we’re trying to build the game it would be if it came out today.
Ja se recimo ne bih smejao na ovakvu realizaciju. Naprotiv, upravo bih baš to voleo da vidim, jer UFO: ENemy unknown je jedna od dve igrice (Uz HOMM III), za ovih 20-tak godina igranja za koje sam igrajući ih, mogao da kažem "Ja tu ništa ne bih dirao".
Poslednja izmena:
Ja se recimo ne bih smejao na ovakvu realizaciju. Naprotiv, upravo bih baš to voleo da vidim, jer UFO: ENemy unknown je jedna od dve igrice (Uz HOMM III), za ovih 20-tak godina igranja za koje sam igrajući ih, mogao da kažem "Ja tu ništa ne bih dirao".

Cover sistem daje stratešku dubinu igru. Nije ovo TPS. :)
Dopada mi se ovo sto vidim!
Ima li na njihovom forumu neka naznaka kad bi ovo trebalo da izadje?
tb ili rt ?:)
tb kao pravi turn based??!! :) svasta sam video u poslednjih 5-6-10 godina da nazivaju TB ;)
Xenonauts Dev Diary: Exclusive first ground combat screens and walkthrough:


Skorašnji updateovi na sajtu:

Vezano za X-Com, jedna skorašnja katastrofalna izjava Take-Two 2K predsednika, Christopha Hartmana:

Last year 2K announced cult turn-based strategy series Xcom was to return – but this time as a first-person shooter. Fans recoiled at the apparent bastardisation of their beloved series, but Hartmann says there’s good reason for the change of direction.

He explains: “The ‘90s generation of gamers all love Xcom and we own the IP, so we thought OK, what do we do with it? Every studio we had wanted to do it and each one had its own spin on it. But the problem was that turn-based strategy games were no longer the hottest thing on planet Earth. But this is not just a commercial thing – strategy games are just not contemporary.

“I use the example of music artists. Look at someone old school like Ray Charles, if he would make music today it would still be Ray Charles but he would probably do it more in the style of Kanye West. Bringing Ray Charles back is all fine and good, but it just needs to move on, although the core essence will still be the same.

“That’s what we are trying to do. To renew Xcom but in line with what this generation of gamers want. The team behind it is asking themselves every day: ‘Is it true to the values of the franchise?’ It’s not a case of cashing in on the name. We just need to renew it because times are changing.”
Poslednja izmena:
U, sećam se ove igre sa Amige ... XCom ... mnogo noći su otišle u srednjoj školi na nju ....
Xenonauts Dev Diary: Exclusive first ground combat screens and walkthrough:


Skorašnji updateovi na sajtu:

Vezano za X-Com, jedna skorašnja katastrofalna izjava Take-Two 2K predsednika, Christopha Hartmana:

Bedak, ode jos jedna igra u k...
Poslednja izmena:
Demo je stavljen za DL.

Sasvim dobra igrica. Jako fin fler i artistic direction.

Xenonauts Demo
Ta 2 momka koja prave Xenonauts, su konacno krenuli na Kickstarter.
Xenonauts @ Kickstarter

I samo sa 2 dana su dospeli do funding.

Ultra Cool!
Bas sam hteo da im posaljem mail da se oprobaju na kickstarter, jer onaj demo mi se svidja sto sam probao, a njima ocigledno treba veci funding da nastave dalje da rade :) Bas mi je drago sto su skupili dosta para za ovo.
Cisto da obavestim narod da je igra izasla i meni je daleko bolja od onog novog X-COM-a. Eto! Ha! Topla preporuka svakome kome nedostaje X-COM Apocalypse :D
Vrh Dno