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Street Fighter IV

Reverse OCV. Sjajno.
Da ga vidimo sad u finalu, a i u singlu kasnije.
Kako je Air samo odigrao protiv Wonga.
Potpuno ga je provalio.
Daigo je u winner's finalu sa Guile-om pobedio Maga koji je igrao sa Fei Longom(par puta je backbreaker-ovao Chicken Wing, neverovatno dobro izgleda :)).
U grand finalu je Mago probao sa Balrogom i Sagatom, ali je Daigo dobio 3-0.

Poslednja izmena:
Nema snimaka za sad.

Meni je bio kul onaj lik sa lame, turtle Blankom. I Daigo se malo ukakio :D
Postujete linkove kad se pojave. Zanima me Daigo kako igra sa Guile-om...
E. Honda
Special Moves
• Light Punch Headbutt now has lower body invincibility instead of upper body invincibility, so it will be harder to utilize it as anti air.

• Ultra 1 has projectile invincibility until the last active frame.
• Ultra 2's command has been changed to two half-circle backs from a 720 motion. It's easier to get it out now. Also, while its range increased, it starts up in 2f so it's possible to dodge it after screen freeze.

Other stuff
• During backdash, Honda is now considered airborne right after invincibility ends.

• He had solid skills that builds high damage, so he had overall damage decrease. His basis of strength has not changed, so he can fight as he does now.
Normal Moves
• All of Gouken's normal moves have been improved.
• Close Standing Hard Punch and Close Standing Hard Kick have more frame advantage.
• Close Standing Medium Kick has 3 frame start up start-up, so it'll be easier to compete against some of the other fighters.
• Neutral Jump Hard Punch and diagonal Jump Hard Kick have pursuit properties, and will slam opponents into the ground.
• Ranges on his normal moves haven't changed.
• Back grab has been changed to deal gray damage, so the combo damage from the grab has been decreased. (Translator's note: They're probably saying that the back grab deals 0 gray damage, so it'll get scaled as a combo as well.)

Special Moves
• In specials, Light Punch Running Palm (Senkugoshoha) has been drastically changed, so it will connect from weak attacks (Light Punch/Light Kick), and EX Hurricane Kick locks opponent, making it easier to combo.
• Recovery of the Demon Flip Focus has been significantly decreased, making it easier to utilize.
• Kongo (Counter) is changed as well. To be precise, it can only be activated now by using Punch buttons and the strength of the Punch changes where it sets up a counter hit at. Light for low attacks, Medium for middle attacks, and Hard for upper body attacks.

Other Stuff
• During backdash, Gouken is now considered airborne right after invincibility ends.

• His normal and special moves have been changed, and he will be able to do new things while retaining old tactics.
• As a result, his 'easiness' might have been changed, but you will be able to enjoy strategies different from Ryu and Akuma.
Super Move
• Her Super will no longer work when there is a Soul Spark in the screen. It is still possible to Cancel into Super from a Soul Spark, though.

Ultra 2
• Soul Satellite (Ultra 2) has been changed. For the sake of balance, its invincibility has been decreased (or erased).

Normals, her projectile, anti air and her basic tactics will stay, so basically, Soul Satellite is the only one that has really been changed.
Normal Moves
• There have been changes to her normal moves.
• Standing Light Kick has a 4 frame start-up, so it'll be easier to utilize as a weak attack.
• Standing Medium Kick got changed to have a 5 frame start-up so it's possible to use it as the starting point of combos.

Special Moves
• Kunai's (Dagger Toss) damage was decreased.
• Neck Breaker had damage and stun nerf.
• Jump back Kunai's trajectory has been changed to nearly straight vertical-wise.

Other Stuff
• A Crouching Hard Kick into Standing Hard Kick Target Combo was added.
• It works in the same way as the later part of her Target Combo 6, but it added in more strategies.
• Her Jump Flip (Tsuijigoe) would register as a counter hit when she was hit out of it, so this was fixed.

Some of the normal moves have been buffed, and some special moves nerfed, but her potential will be the same as she is now.
She will still be the same character when she is in control of the game, so it'll be fun to utilize her!
Nadam se da ce SF likovi slicno izgledati u Tekken vs. SF






^^ Gouken je odlično uradjen.

Arcade Edition changes from Arcadia Magazine.

Šta kaže Šmajs?

Stamina: 800, stun: 900
Tanden Storm: pursuit property (will always hit properly as anti-air with fulls hits, basically), and is invencible to strikes on startup.
Nemam sta da kazem, nego gde si ti zivotinjo, trazen si ko Boris Tadic :D
Normal Moves

• We increased his range on Far Standing Hard Punch.

Special Moves

• We buffed his damage on Light Punch and Hard Punch Spinning Piledrivers, and increased range on Light Punch Spinning Piledriver.

• EX Banishing Flat, when it hits a grounded opponent, will no longer knock down.

• As a result, it is impossible to go onto wake-up offense after EX banishing flat, but it's within Light Punch Spinning Piledriver's range so please utilize it wisely.

• There are no changes to either Lariat.

Ultra 2

It is possible to alter Siberian Blizzard's traveling distance by putting in a forward/backward input between Ultra freeze and start-up.

For forward direction, it can travel much further than before, so it's easier to grab backdashing opponents.

While the ground recovery on whiff has increased, we see it as a buff considering its possibility on controlling the distance.


The major changes are the EX Banishing Flat (Green Glove) and Light Punch Spinning Piledriver range. It became necessary, not just for Zangief players, but for the opponents as well to alter their spacing, so please research thoroughly in SSF4 Arcade Edition.

Normal Moves

• The total damage is increased on Standing Light Kick when both hits get connected.

• As before, only 1st hit is Special Cancelable.

Special Moves

• Tiger Uppercut's damage is increased when connected at the 1st or 2nd active frames.

• There has been many complaints about Angry Scar that it comes out when unintended, so we changed its command to Kick buttons instead.


As there were huge changes in transition from vanilla Street Fighter 4 to SSF4, there are no changes in Arcade Edition to anything besides damage and command adjustments.

Being appropriate for his name as the King, he retains the potential to be a top class in SSF4 Arcade Edition.

Normal Moves

• Close Standing Light Punch's startup is changed to 3 frames. This was 4 frames in SSFIV.

• Crouching Medium Punch's startup was changed to 5 frames, was 7 frames in SSFIV.

• Close Standing Light Kick, Close Standing Medium Punch, Close Standing Hard Kick, Far Standing Light Punch, Crouching Light Punch, and Crouching Medium Kick's recovery time was reduced, so there are new combos available.

• For example, Far Standing Light Punch into Crouching Medium Kick will combo along with Crouching Medium Punch 2x.

• Neutral Jumping Hard Punch has pursuit property, and will slam opponents down to the ground when hit.

Special Moves

• Medium and Hard Dan Kicks damage distribution got adjusted.

• Hard Dan Kick's total damage was decreased.

• Koryuken (Dragon Punch) will give air reset on trade, this is likely on Dan, not the opponent.

Ultra 2

• Haoh Gadoken's invincibility was decreased to 8 frames after Ultra freeze. As a result, if it can be stuffed, and projectile will not come out when that happens.


Normals are enormously buffed, so it became interesting in a close range brawl. This character is for pros, but this could be the one step forward for Saikyo!

Normal Moves

• Crouching Medium Kick's active frame window was increased to 5 frames, was 3 frames in SSFIV.

• Standing Hard Kick's recovery time was reduced. While it hasn't changed on hit, the frame advantage is 0 on block, so the risk is reduced and therefore it's easier to utilize. Previously, this was -3 on block.

• Jumping Hard Kick will slam down opponents to the ground if they're hit in airborne state, so it's better as an anti air option.

Unique Attacks

• We changed Toward + Medium Punch's startup to 7 frames, and increased hitbox as well, so it is possible to hit some characters out of their low attacks. The startup on this was 9 frames in SSFIV.

• Toward + Hard Kick's hitbox was buffed, so it is possible to connect from further away than now.

Special Moves

• A new special, EX Duck, is added in, it's different from regular versions. EX Duck has upper body invincibility during movement, and canceling into follow-ups is possible from the 3rd frame.

• Light Punch or Light Kick into EX Duck into Ducking Straight/Upper is possible now.


• Jet Upper Focus Attack Dash Cancel on block has frame advantage of -2.

• Also, we fixed cases where a throw wouldn't connect on some dizzied opponents.


We made situations on where he had difficulty to be less severe, and made the changes for Dudley to have more variety of chances.

We think the brand new EX Duck will become an important tool with new combo possibilities, so you can look forward to him.
Jel' to Makoto drži čas?

Da,hehehe :D
Poslednja izmena:
Pa cemu onda komentari tipa "katastrofa" ?
Mislim, bilo je ocigledno da je decko gay, svaka mu cast sto ima muda da to i prizna.
U svakom slucaju, normalnije stavove ima od vecine top USA igraca koji se ponasaju poput retardiranih srednjoskolaca.
Hm, dal' je primač ili udarač?

@ Bojan
Čudi me da nisi skontao to sa slika i streamova.

@ Shin-Bojan
Uu, teško mu da prizna to u Kaliforniji gde je sve normalno.

U svakom slučaju, RickyO je faca.
Da znas da jeste.
Mada, verovatno mislis da je faca jer igra sa Chun :).
Do sada me je nervirao, jer nikada nisam imao prilike da pogledam neki intervju sa njim, a kontao sam da je ***** kada se druzi sa likovima poput ovoga :

Chun mu je 2nd pick zbog matchup-ova kao onaj protiv Vangiefa što smo videli na NorCal Regionals-u, ali da, gotivan mi je zbog Chun ali i baš zato što je gay a ne krije se u ormanu, da tako kažem.

A FChamp mu je devojčica. Ili dečko :d :p
Što se njega tiče, ne poznajemo ga pa možemo samo ovako da formiramo mišljenje, a moje je da momak glumi bezobrazluk jer je sceni potreban neko koga će da mrze.
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