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Razmena pozivnica za torrent trackere (pravila su u prvoj poruci)

Seeduj bar nesto, nemoj bas hit & run ;)
Samo baci opis torrenta u google translate i izvalices sve oko audia ako te zanima sta skidas :)
Koliko sam ja video imaju i ruski i engleski audio vecina(nisam bas zagledao detaljno).
Poslednja izmena:
Sta je bilo sa losslessworld . Više ne mogu da nađem taj sajt a kamo li da se prijavim ?
Da li freshon.tv funkcioniše za korisnike van Rumunije ? Da li bi neko bio ljubazan da mi da invite code,
ako uopšte ima svrhe registrovati se tamo ( ponovo ).
Da li bi neko mogao da mi da pozivnicu za passthepopcorn.me?
Istek'o im host mozda :d

TT by Galaxy S
Povratili su fake stranicu koju su nekad koristili ovo sam nasao na jednom invite forumu:
In the News section on the fake page we are going to tell you how to recover your Keyword for those that are too lazy to read this, we dont want to loose 15,000 members again like the last time.

Every time we open up, some crap always befalls us, DDos, Paypal Problems etc etc, so we have decided to put the fake page back on and go back to referrals (only way referrals will work is with the fake page).

We do have it installed on the backup tracker, but we are having a couple of niggly issues with it, but we think that may be the blog/forums, so it will probably be easier just to put it on here and see if those problems just disappear, if they do not we will take it off for the time being.

This is just the thread from a few years back on how to use the fake page (when its working properly).

In the Search Box, you enter your Keyword (you have to type it, you cannot copy and paste as it will not work), this is what it looks like with nothing in the search box.

Posted Image

Input your keyword into the search box, but DO NOT press Submit or Enter.

This is what it looks like after the Keyword has been entered (if you can see the keyword on this page, it is not mine, its on the testing server so you still wont be able to use it.) but check the bottom of the image out.

2 login boxes apear if you put your keyword in correctly, input your username and password into these 2 boxes. All 3 have to match each other for you to enter the site, so you cannot just guess your keyword, get a user and pass box, and enter your user and password.

Posted Image

I believe that if you forget any of the 3, you can input recover and it will bring up an email box, you can then input your email and it will send you all 3, but altinertia will be able to say if thats the case or not, as i have never tested that.

Now for the referal system.

Once you generate your referal number and give it to someone, they then come to the fake page, and input referal in the search box (I presume thats what its going to be, if not we will tell you closer to the time), again without pressing enter or submit.

this is what the page looks like

as you can see, they Input their referal number into the left box, and email into the right box, press the button and it will send them the details of what to do next.

and that is basically it.

I am just a bit sick of hearing members ask where the fake page is, or how to use the keyword, so now you know.

I just hope all this works and the pics are not to big lol

PS: Just to add, now i hope you can see why we want this Keyword/Fake page on yesterday, without it, no referal system, with it, referal system in place (after some testing of course).

so the quicker we get this Keyword sorted out, the better it will be for everyone.
Vratili izgleda onu fake stranu koju su koristili neko vreme, u search polje se upisuje key word koja pise u korisnikovom profilu a posle toga se pojavi polje za log-in. Ako se keyword zaboravi onda se valjda ukuca recover pa email da ti posalje podatke.

edit: kao sto The Witcher rece pre mene :)
Ko ono bese kuko za iptorent pozivnicu imam sad jednu sam dobio :)
Naravno dokaz sa drugih trekera da je ozbiljan ;)
Možda si mislio na ovo:

Kako se dobija pozivnica na Iptorrents-u?

Član sam 12 nedelja, nabacio sam preko 50 GB upload-a, ratio je preko 3, unapređen sam u Power user-a...

Sada sam pogledao, dobio sam i ja jednu.

Dajem: 1xIPTorrents

Tražim: 'leba :)
Nije neko je jos trazio cak je hteo i da uplati da udje na IPT :d
Smem i ja nešto za EUC ?
Tamo sam jako dugo, i meni nije prijalo kada je SBB ukinuo lokal, ali se kasnije pokazalo dobrim, jer sam prešao na ADSL, a ostao na EUCu.
Oni koji kukaju na pravila, očigledno da nisu mnogo boravili na privatnim trekerima, jer pravila postoje svuda , na svakom trekeru.
Ranije je bilo malo muka , priznajem , sa postavljanjem torenata i postavljanjem screenshota, ali ako je scensko izdanje, onda ne mora.
Sad sam tražio LOTR u HDReady, i neko ga je postavio, i dobio sam ga u freeleech.

Jedini je još problem jer mi slabo koristimo seedboxove, a naše UL brzine su još uvek nikakve, pa dok neki torent nema bar 3-4 seedera, muka skidati.
Sidujem ja tako na ovom HDVNBits-u, budzim account. Rucno, jer mi se ne uzima seedbox samo zbog njega i fux0ra.
Nabio sam vec 15gb uploada, zahvaljujuci bonus points.

I pukne me, koji su to zapravo internal HDBits ripovi? Jel se tu misli na ove CtrlHD i DON?
Njih sam vidjao i drugde, i to sa mnogo vise seedera. Sad uopste ne kapiram zasto ovo radim, pa nek mi neko razjasni, zbog cega je bio onoliki hajp sa HDVNBitsom?
Jel mi treba to realno, pored CHDBitsa?
Ne znam da li kršim pravila ovim, ali treba mi program Eplan, a od ovih mojih trekera nisam na brzinu uspeo ništa da pronađem. Ako neko zna gde da ga nađem, ili možda ima pozivnicu za treker gde mogu da ga skinem, bio bih mu vrlo zahvalan. Da napomenem da bih program koristio isključivo u edukativne svrhe :d
Na IPTorrents nema rezultata za Eplan.
Nisam se rutrackera setio, hvala!
Ima li neko invite ili preporuku za neki domaći?
Obećao ćaletu da ću mu skinuti nešto domaće muzike iz 70tih i 80tih do večeras a skapirao da naravno nema ničega na trekerima koje ja koristim. :(
Vrh Dno