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[PS4] Bloodborne (Project Beast), by From Software

To je trejler koji je navodno trebao biti izbacen na proslom TGS-u. Vizuelno izgleda dosta losije od trenutnog stanja igre na ovom E3-u... Eto sta pola godine developmenta moze da napravi od igre. :D
ne verujte previse trailerima. from zna da tu malo "pretera". Dks2 je cist primer , iako po meni , igra izgleda vrlo dobro.
Imas stranu iza gejmplej sa ovogodisnjeg E3. Grafika izgleda bolje nego na tom trejleru.
zbog toga i kazem. jedno je ono sto predstave za press , tu nije ceo svet preloadovan , pa se resursi lako optimizuju za demo level.

ocekujem da konacna igra izgleda primetno losije... ne mnogo , ali da se primeti.
Djoka , izgleda sve bolje :d

FEB , 6 , 2015
Rumorovan info za finalnu igru, neke stvari su bas lude.

Zvuči fenomenalno :)
Opet neka decija glupos' :)
Krenuli prvi utisci:

This game.

Played every class in the alpha and thought the first two (scythe/blunderbuss and hunter axe/pistol) were the best suited for me; the other two felt incredible in their own right, but also felt like they take more skill to be played perfectly.

This truly feels like more of a Demon's Souls successor than a Dark Souls one despite similarities. You still double tap circle to backdodge or jump while running, you use items with square and every attack button is located on the shoulder buttons. The world feels very 'Castlevania'-ish with the amount of doors and such I've encountered. I was shocked when I saw another player just on the street fighting; I've helped him and thought it was a NPC at first, but soon realized that he was seamlessly integrated into my game world which felt very natural. I was confused by the small inventory and how 'different' the game felt to actually control, but the more you play the more you realized that this is a fantastically streamlined version of the souls games.

Having a heal function mapped on the triangle button is so much better than having to scroll though the item submenu, especially during combat. Being able to transform your weapon with one button outside or even during combat is a bless and opens up the possibility to do fast and stylish combo chain attacks that have not been seen in any of the previous Souls games. The interface consists of way less elements and feels less cluttered than the other ones and doesn't interfer with the beautiful presentation.

The realization of the setting they chose is astounding; yes, there are crazy framerate drops during some segments and not every texture is sharp as a knife, but seeing this in motion with the horsepower of the PS4 behind it is something else. The use of decent motion blur during movements, the reflection of moody light sources in water puddles scattered on the street, the cape physics and the unbelievable sense of scope that puts Anor Londo to shame create an ominous yet exciting atmosphere that many games wished to come close to. The amount of assets is levels above anything you've seen in the previous Souls games: the inside of houses look way more detailed, the streets are filled with abandoned carriages, coffins, boxes, barrels, statues with facial expressions you can recognize and walls and railings and roofs and doors and architectures that are filled with crinkum-crankum.. and then there are this perfect moments during combat where you dodge and you witness the interplay of lighting, bloody coats, motion blur and think "Holy shit". This game is a looker to me.

The truly best part of it that made me giggle over and over again is the combat, and I have no idea how I should enjoy Dark Souls 2's combat ever again since I have some DLCs to finish. Bloodborne is fast. Bloodborne is brutal. You fight completely different than in previous Souls games because instead of choosing between two actions - attack and block - you have to make more decisions and button presses. Blocking always meant that you were safe to a certain extent, and that's gone now. You have no real safe options during combat surrouned by enemies; you can't just raise a shield and look for a wall behind you. You have to zig-zag dash your way between multiple enemies, keep your eye on stamina, choose the right moment to either melee attack or to shoot (which allows you to stun enemies if timed right before an enemy attack), than dodge back and then dash right back into the crowd while targeting the best target. I didn't manage to beat the Cleric Beast, but this was the first time I had a blast to fight a Souls boss again (especially since there is no dumb MaxHP-penality anymore lol). You dash around enemies, shoot them, slash them and transform your weapon to have a wider range and slash the enemies surrounding you, then you dodge a bullet and try to dash towards its shooter while being followed by mutliple enemies and then try to slash another enemy on your way because you've been hit before and the regain system makes you gamble if you want to win health back or not and and and. This has potential to be something really special because it feels soooo fresh.

This is not "I keep my finger on the shield button and walk into the room and if a enemy attacks me there is a slight chance that his attack will fall into the shield radius and be blocked". This is "I walk through open areas and if a enemy attacks I better dodge quickly into a direction where he doesn't hit me". This is "I can't stand still in a level because there are actual patrols who attack me instantly". This creates a new exciting dynamic scenario in which you never feel quite safe if you haven't killed all the enemies. And I loved it.

There were some typical Souls engine symptons though: enemies do the weird "skip animations if too far away" thing, they don't follow you all the way and sometimes have pathfinding issues. There were some other technical issues, but hey: this is an alpha, this is mostly normal. I believe the final product will be better in some areas.

All in all, I know what I'll be playing February. This is a true PS4 killer app and you will love this. Miyazaki and his team have done it again, and I can't wait to get my hands on it the next time.
Svuda se vrti danas , pokusao da ne odgledam al krastavac...

edit. mogli bi admini da promene naziv teme u Bloodborne
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Prvih 18 minuta igre
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Prelepa rešenja, dobar dizajn.

"The hunt makes hunters mad..." :-devil-:
devil may cry meets undying..im so gonna buy ps4 now! :d
Igra je sabila sa reviewovima, trenutno drzi finu prednost u odnosu na sve ostale Souls igre na metacriticu [Dark Souls - 89, Dark Souls 2 - 91, Bloodborne - 93] a postoji sansa i da ce se povecati.

Evo video opisa Gametrailersa

kao i njihove duze rasprave o igri

Inace moram ponovo da downloadujem igru, preload US licenca [iz background naloga za kupovinu] mi se iz nepoznatih razloga prebacila na UK licencu [a UK launch date je za 3 dana :D]. Za sat vremena palim PlayGo sekciju, sto ce zacementirati licencu igre. :)
Poslednja izmena:
Evo malo videa iz igre by yours truly. Intro + character creation i prvih 25 minuta igranja. U osnovi - prva stvar koju treba da uradite u igri je da umrete, da bi vam igra pokazala glavni hub gde se kupuju itemi i pristupa svim delovima sveta koje ste otkljucali. Setting mi je bas dobar. Full goth. Gameplay je brutalan za sad.



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@skot - stancuj to , sacekacu da se malo nakupi pa polako pocinjem da te pratim cheers
Igra li ovo neko danas? Neki tip za onog prvog bossa? Onaj lik sa sekirom ne celric beast, mogu da mu skinem 1/3 hpa sa parryjem a onda se on ubrza i postaje mi sve teze i teze da potrefim tajming sa pistoljem da ga stunujem, a da probam samo sa stapom da ga mlatim otprilike nema sanse jer je prebrz da pohvatam sta radi a i premalo mu dmg tako pravim
Odigrah prvih 45min, i zadovoljan sam. Ovo mi je prva souls igra i jos treba dosta toga da naucim, ali za sada, I like it a lot. Grad izgleda odlicno, atmosfera i horor su odlicni, pogotovo u bitkama protiv vise protivnika [ili kada neko iskoci iznenada]. :)

Igra li ovo neko danas? Neki tip za onog prvog bossa? Onaj lik sa sekirom ne celric beast, mogu da mu skinem 1/3 hpa sa parryjem a onda se on ubrza i postaje mi sve teze i teze da potrefim tajming sa pistoljem da ga stunujem, a da probam samo sa stapom da ga mlatim otprilike nema sanse jer je prebrz da pohvatam sta radi a i premalo mu dmg tako pravim

Maltene je neunistiv dok drzi sekiru podignutu. Pokusaj da ga udaras posle njegovih zavrsenih poteza, radi parry ako mozes cim pokrene neki potez, i koristi molotovljeve koktele ako nista drugo ne pomaze.

Ja jos nisam krenuo na njega, ali onaj gametrailers video je opisao otprilike kako treba ici pored njega. Kazu da je veoma zeznut.
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Ala me je sasekao cleric beast 3 puta. Mada jos nisam totalno navikao na kontrole, a kamera je UZAS u tom bossfighty.
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