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Kodi i addonovi za Kodi (za bildove postoji druga tema)

Idi na podesavanja pa plejer pa jezik. Tu stavi na karakter set central europian windows. Onda idi u podesavanja pa interfejs pa regional. Tu izaberi isto za karater set central europian windows. Imaces nasa slova. Instaliraj i opensubtitles addon. Takodje instaliraj i addon koji je @dEXE pravio za titlove. Mozes da instaliras i a4k subtitles addon. On ce ti pretrazivati izvore sa opensubtitle,podnapisi i jos par sajtova. Moras da se registrujes na titlovi.com i opensubtitles. Te podatke unesi u podesavanja oba addona. Addon kolege @dEXE bolje radi pretragu. Mozes naci kod njega gomilu korisnih stvari na adresi https://dexe.win/kodi/
Naravno ubacis kroz file manager njegovu adresu i instaliras.
Edit: da bi pristupio kompletnim podesavanjima moras da izaberes Setting lavel na Expert. Onda ces imati sva podesavanja. U podesavanja/Plejer/jezik imas opciju za titlove. Tebi stoji engleski. Tu izaberes nase jezike da bi ih pretrazivao.
Proradio taman :) .. Seren radi, mada malo kilavo .. sto se domacih titlova tice, probao sam sa serijom i slican je rezultat .. da li su ovi servisi sa nasim titlovima ograniceni po pitanju naziva video fajla ili sam samo ja opet glup? I jos jedan problem, i kada nadje srb titl sa npr podnapisi, umesto slova dobijam kuke i verige, kako se to resava? ;)
Screenshot (55).pngScreenshot (56).png
Je l' si probao ostale addone? Je l' ima nešto što ne radi na RC Nexusu?
Probao fen, umbrellu i novu sirenu. Rade sva tri addona ali mi se sirena pokazala kao najbrza pa sam obrisao prva dva. Za prevode sam probao oba opensubtitle addona iz kodi repoa ali radi samo onaj sa com a ne sa org. A4ksubtitles se moze instalirati ali iz hooty repoa i radi perfektno. To je sve sto sam probao. Amber skin i po jedan addon za filmove i jedan za titlove i meni dosta. Ne volim da preterujem.
Taj siren je samo za 20 ili se instalira i u 19? Aj probaj titlovi addon dal radi ;)
Radi na kodi 19.4
Da sad probah siren, nije mi se apdejtovao jer sam ga ručno instalirao... Dobar je, I najviše ga gotovim od svih, zbog rasporeda menija a i interfejs, iako je možda malosporiji od fena recimo...
Znači biće igranka sa titlovi addonom, šta mož da mu fali... probaću baš da instaliram da vidim dal je nešto sitno, nije do pythona, nego su oni nešto promenili kod addonova način rada čini mi se...
Ће да сачекам званичну верзију. 😁
Ако ме сећање не вара, обично у фебруару изађе званична, а до тада ће и RC2 и RC3.
A, јесам слепац - RC2 већ изашао 😁

Kodi Nexus RC 2​

So... here we have a second Release Candidate for Kodi v20 "Nexus". While we have a fairly small number of fixes, they are fairly major.
As always, thanks go out to all contributors for their work. We are nearing 4,000 commits since v19 "Matrix" was first released on February 19th 2021. For everyone that has contributed, both those in Team Kodi and all other devs that choose to roll up their sleeves and fix an issue. Everyone appreciates you for making Kodi better.
We also want to thank all those users who provide endless support on the forums, we appreciate you, and all the support anyone provides to our users.

Android Users

A note for any users who are running Kodi on Android 11+. Android has had a number of large permission changes that we, and all apps released on the Google Play Store, have had to adhere to. The major change is permissions to locally attached storage (i.e. USB disks). If you use USB storage for your media on these versions of Android, after first run do the following to allow Kodi access to these disks:
Go to Android Settings
  1. Apps and then "See all apps" (or just straight to Kodi if it's in Recently Opened)
  2. Tap on Kodi
  3. Go to Permissions
  4. Files and media, and change to Allow all the time
We know many people use Nvidia Shield devices, so here's a specific link to Nvidia customer help.

Add-on Devs

There was an API break after Beta 1 was released. The details can be seen on the forums (and of course discussed if any assistance is required) at https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=370707.
Essentially, if you use either the Python InfoTagVideo or VideoStreamDetail APIs, some functions had their variable names changed to bring consistency to the new set of APIs introduced earlier in Nexus.
We strongly advise users to always update to the latest test releases if you are on the bleeding edge, however if you are on older releases (e.g. Alphas or Beta 1), you may want to block updates on your add-ons as dev's update their add-ons to target RC and the final V20 release.

Release notes

  • A couple of fixes have gone in to resolve database migration issues from v19.
  • The first of these is the EPG database migration. This fixes the problem with the EPG loading and then disappearing. Thanks @ksooo for the prompt fix.
  • A second DB migration issue that only occurred on the Microsoft UWP platform (Xbox and UWP desktop) has been fixed by @thexai . This was an odd one, as the code that dealt with the failure was old code (6+ years). It was traced to an odd race condition that only manifested on the UWP platforms, however the root cause potentially could happen on any other platform.
Platform Specific
  • Linux
    • @popcornmix has fixed an issue for DRMPrime on Linux. This allows hardware formats like Broadcom 8-bit (SAND128) and 10-bit (P030) can now be correctly rendered with the latest Mesa.
  • macOS
    • A fix to allow Kodi to execute on macOS 10.13 has been made. We would still strongly suggest users use a newer version (10.14+), however this allows users still on 10.13 to run Kodi.
    • A regression for macOS reading actual disks was resolved by @enen92 . As part of this, the libcdio driver was also fixed to enable disk usage on Apple Silicon native builds.
  • Windows
    • A fix to a crash that only occurred on Windows Debug builds has been resolved. This didn't affect users of the actual RC1 release, but Windows devs who would attempt to execute Kodi as a Debug build were quickly halted.
  • Another Teletext issue has been resolved by @repojohnray. @repojohnray has contributed a number of fixes for v20 to help increase the reliability and safety of Kodi.
Although this was only a small number of fixes, they all help make the final release of "Nexus" better. Thanks to users who have provided issues and logs to assist with the resolution of these issues.
As always, and we are quite confident in its stability - however, always backup your configs before testing, and please let us know of any regressions or issues you find.
If you want to take the plunge, you can get RC 2 from here. Select your platform of choice, and look in the "Prerelease" section.
If you wish you can see all the gory details of what's changed between v20 RC 2 and RC 1 here. For further information on changes for the entire Nexus release so far, we have highlighted most of the major features/changes in the previous Alpha/Beta blogs, go to our website to catch up on them here.
Hvala puno, sve sam uspeo da zavrsim

  1. Skinuo Kodi 19
  2. Install seren addon
  3. Uzeo Real Derbitod 3$
  4. Sve podesio povezao i Syncovao
  5. Namestio prevode ( hvala @dEXE za repo, i sto je sve ovako uredno slozeno)

Stvarno sam odusevljen kako sve radi na Firestick-u Max, nisam ni slutio koliko je zapravo koristan i dobar device kada se malo pozabavis pozadinom.

Pitanje jedno, sta se jos moze dodati zanimljivo u Kodi? Imali neki addon za kanale?, zanima me samo Sport NBA i tipa PL, postoji li neka solucija a da nije Green, jako mi se cini prljavim za install :D

I koliko jos "torrent" appova bi trebalo da se ima, pored jednog koj radi sasvim ok ?

Hvala jos jednom svima :)
Ništa ti green ne rešava, što tebi treba...
Inače u pravu si, ja sam malo uprostio green instalaciju, ali uskoro ide još bolja varijanta, pa će ova stara otići u istoriju, samo da posložim sve, malo sam se zaigrao pa umesto jednog izbacujem 3 addona i pravi repo za lakšu instalaciju i apdejt, ali treba to sve uskladiti, a vremena se nema...
Piše ti kod mene šta je najbolje od sport addonova, i šta znam dosta toga radi korektno, ali na primer, nba ima dosta linkova i svaki krene super HD slika i onda odjednom ili zakoči, ili baferuje, pa menjaj link i sl. što smori, ali eto tako je kad je free... Mada dešava se da se nabasa pa cela utakmica bude ok...
Postavio sam pitanje u pogresnoj temi. Ako stavim sad ovaj Kodi 20 RC, hoce li povuci automatski update na final kad izadje?
U novoj verziji Seren addona 3.0.0 konacno easynews.

Seren Settings - Providers - Manage Provider Packages
Install Package - Web Location... https://bit.ly/a4kNewsgroups

Takodje Seren ima opciju i instaliranja i adaptive provajdera ( BBC iPlayer, CuriosityStream, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, Netflix, Paramount+, Plex, Prime Video) i direct ( Library, Plex)
Seren Settings - Providers - Manage Provider Packages
Install Package - Web Location... https://bit.ly/a4kOfficial

Vise o tome na: https://github.com/a4k-openproject/a4kOfficial
Odradio backup ovog što sam imao i reko' da prvi put probam rc2. Radi sve baš dobro klizi tako da ostaje. Seren radi odlično, ali mi je Fen brži tako da sam ostavio oba.
U novoj verziji Seren addona 3.0.0 konacno easynews.

Seren Settings - Providers - Manage Provider Packages
Install Package - Web Location... https://bit.ly/a4kNewsgroups

Takodje Seren ima opciju i instaliranja i adaptive provajdera ( BBC iPlayer, CuriosityStream, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, Netflix, Paramount+, Plex, Prime Video) i direct ( Library, Plex)
Seren Settings - Providers - Manage Provider Packages
Install Package - Web Location... https://bit.ly/a4kOfficial

Vise o tome na: https://github.com/a4k-openproject/a4kOfficial
Stavio Easynews na Seren ali mi sad daje samo news rezultate bez RD. Neko podešavanje dodatno da prikazuje oba?
Stavio Easynews na Seren ali mi sad daje samo news rezultate bez RD. Neko podešavanje dodatno da prikazuje oba?
Imao isti problem. Uradi sada ponovnu autorizaciju real debrida. Obavezno clear cache Serena pa i samog Kodi-ja. Ponovo pokreni Kodi i trebalo bi da je sve ok.
@Antara Mozes i probati u podesavanjima providers tools, manage provider packages da ponovno podesis easynews (a4knewsgroup) gde mozes dsable all hosters i disable all torrents i ponovno pokretanje istih.
Hvala ovo drugo je odradilo posao.
Da li znate kako sinhronizovati rejting i watchliste sa imdb na trakt.tv?

Kod mene je nvidia shield, Kodi 19.4, instalirao sam Seren, povezao ga sa AllDebrid-om, ali ne povlaci nista.....Povezao sam i sa Disney+ nalogom i tu pronadje...Povezan je i Trakt nalog.
Npr u Umbrella sve radi odlicno sa AllDebrid-om.
U cemu je fora sa Seren addon-om?
Kod mene je nvidia shield, Kodi 19.4, instalirao sam Seren, povezao ga sa AllDebrid-om, ali ne povlaci nista.....Povezao sam i sa Disney+ nalogom i tu pronadje...Povezan je i Trakt nalog.
Npr u Umbrella sve radi odlicno sa AllDebrid-om.
U cemu je fora sa Seren addon-om?
@Antara Mozes i probati u podesavanjima providers tools, manage provider packages da ponovno podesis easynews (a4knewsgroup) gde mozes dsable all hosters i disable all torrents i ponovno pokretanje istih.
probaj ovo od @msavka meni je pomoglo...
Kod mene je nvidia shield, Kodi 19.4, instalirao sam Seren, povezao ga sa AllDebrid-om, ali ne povlaci nista.....Povezao sam i sa Disney+ nalogom i tu pronadje...Povezan je i Trakt nalog.
Npr u Umbrella sve radi odlicno sa AllDebrid-om.
U cemu je fora sa Seren addon-om?
Nisam nikad koristio alldebrid. Ubacio si alldebrid nalog u seren? Pokusaj sa brisanjem cache-a u seren addonu pa i cashe-a samog kodi-ja. Zatim ponovo pokreni kodi.
Vrh Dno