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Helium (HNT)

Helium blacklist

Od preksinoc mi sensecap kad se nakacim direktno stoji da je 100% synced a u Exploreru stoji i dalje syncing. E sad mislim da kad se nakacim direktno u Diagnostic cim predje 95% prikaze da je 100% synced. Probao sam reset block, pa posle pola sata turbo sync ali onda izbacuje error da je block height very close to chain… E sad, sta dalje probati?
Ništa, ostavi ga i ne diraj :)

Explorer ume da kasni sa statusima, tako da gledaj ili direktno preko dijagnostike ili preko Hotspotty/Heliumstatus...
HIP42 Beacon/Witness Ratio - Witness Reward Limit
To ensure that hotspot owners are motivated to not just prioritize witnessing but also to beacon. This proposal intends to enforce a hard limit on the number of witness receipts a hotspot is capable of claiming based on how well the hotspot is able to perform all functions related to Proof of Coverage (PoC).

HIP42 glasanje
This proposal seeks to regulate the number of witnesses a Hotspot is rewarded for based on the success of beacons. By tying the reward for witnesses of Hotspots to successful beacons, we incentivize healthy network coverage.

Proverite da li će (ako bude implementiran) HIP42 uticati na vaš majner: https://etl.dewi.org/auth/login?redirect=/question/461-poc-witness-scaling-hip-42

Ako se nastavi ovaj trend dodavanja ~80.000 majnera na mrežu svakog meseca, imaćemo milion majnera do leta :)
Mislim ce ce se desiti isto kao sa chia coinom, daj boze da gresim...
Ja sam odustao. Tražio i dobio refund. Poručio sam aprila prošle godine i nikako da pošalju. Nemam više strpljenja, a ni smisla s obzirom na broj, krastavac. Uložiću te pare i nešto drugo.
Nazdravlje, ako dođe do septembra biće super ;)
Ma previše čekanja, vidim da je i sad bobcat najbolji i da je rok isporuke 20-28 nedelja... Što je ok ako uzmemo u obzir da sam čekao skoro godinu dana i nisam dobio...
Pa ne znam, ja gledao juče i izbacilo mi taj rok, ali sam odustao definitivno.
Zvanicno je taj rok,ali se i on probija...sad se salju porudzbine iz juna prosle godine....
Ja kad sam poručivao prošle godine, aprila, u Bg nije bilo aktivnih a sada ih ima gomila po celom gradu...
Ovaj vodič za izbor antene bi trebalo da pomogne svima koji se pitaju koja je najbolja antena, koja antena će omogućiti najviše aktivnosti, witnessa i povećati zaradu...

Resenje sa: Internet stikom, Mango ruter+VPS+VPN. ruter ~30e+VPS 5$ mesecno+VPN godisnje 20-30$

moze neko pls da proveri koja je zadnja verzija firmwera syncrobit
prikacio ga ali trepce crveno, pa se posle nekog vremena resetuje pa narandzasto ide kao da se syncyuje pa opet u krug
proslo 6 7 sati, ne znam dal da cekam jos
6 puta veća zarada kada je na krovu

zar ne trebaju za to neke dozvole RATEL-a ili slicno? jer mislim da ne koristi wifi frekvencije vec neke nize.

Introducing the Bobber Hotspot App - A New Way For Our Community to Connect​

Pozdrav svima, može li mala pomoć? Vikendica sa solarnim panelima mi je na dobrom položaju, ima visinu i južno od nje ima 30tak hotspotova koji su oko 100 metara niže, svi na nekoliko kilometara daljine( 2-10km). Na tom mestu nema kablovske, pa sam mislio da koristim onaj kućni net tj. internet preko sim kartice. Da li je dovoljan protok od 150 Gb mesečno( 10/3 Mb/s) i postoji li neki majner u koji bih mogao direktno da ubacim sim karticu?
Trebalo bi da bude dovoljno, ali u nekim slučajevima majner može da potroši i više od 150Gb mesečno.

How much data does a Helium Hotspot miner use?

The question that arises here, if we only need electricity and an internet connection, is how much data do Helium Hotspot Miners use? The official website of Helium indicates that Helium Hotspots use about 30-50 GB per month. If we compare this number of data usage with services such as Netflix, it’s nothing. Netflix says that a user uses about 1GB of data per hour for streaming a TV show or movie in standard definition but this increases up to 3GB of data per hour when streaming HD video.

The streaming of high-resolution videos can increase the data usage up to 7GB per hour, according to BuckeyeBroadBand.

We have also seen an increase in data usage of Helium Hotspot recently. A user complained about the data consumption by Helium Hotspot on Reddit. He further said that this too much data consumption issue must be resolved by the Blockchain. Amirhaleem, the founder of the Helium project & moderator on the Subredit admitted the increase in data consumption by Helium Hotspot. He elaborated that this issue will be resolved after the transition of the network to light Hotspot infrastructure. He detailed:

“TLDR – we’re working on improving this, it’s an unfortunate consequence of such a massive peer-to-peer network, as every Hotspot serves blocks to every other Hotspot (and the blocks are getting bigger). once the network transitions to the light hotspot architecture in the next few months we won’t have this problem anymore”.

All of us should understand that the Helium blockchain is aiming for a greater cause and there will be problems on the way. The main thing to take from this is that they are acknowledging this issue and trying to resolve it.

In conclusion, the amount of data and electricity a Helium Hotspot miner uses is negligible, therefore not an expensive miner to run, provided you have an unlimited data plan.

Ne postoje majneri sa SIM slotom.
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