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Google Pixel(i) 2016 - off tema

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evo ,jos ako uvedu kupis dva moba dobijes 1 google sat :) svakako zanimljiva jesen pred nama..


Exclusive: Google is building two Android Wear smartwatches with Google Assistant integration

Let's start with the larger watch, which we believe to be codenamed Angelfish.

Angelfish bears some resemblance to the current Moto 360 and LG's Urbane 2nd Edition LTE, but is distinct from both. The design has visible lugs, with a smooth housing shape that curves where the watch band meets the body. It does not have the stark circular "puck" shape of Motorola's 360, nor the rather angular lugs or multi-piece design of the Urbane LTE. This gives the watch a subdued but sporty look. Angelfish has three buttons. Looking at the watch face, one large circular crown button is centered along the right side of the body, with two smaller and shorter circular buttons above and below it. It is unclear what these secondary buttons are for at this time, though you are free to imagine the possibilities.

Angelfish is quite thick, at over 14mm in cross-section (around the same as the Urbane LTE), likely owing to a larger battery necessitated by its LTE-ready chipset. The watch's diameter is allegedly 43.5mm, making it substantially smaller than the "large" 46mm Moto 360, but still a bit bigger than the standard 42mm edition. We believe it will come in a matte dark gray finish that may be called "titanium," but it's unclear if other colors will be available. Angelfish will have GPS, LTE, and a heart-rate monitor, giving it the ability to be a true "standalone" Android Wear device. Remember, Google announced standalone Wear apps at I/O with with Wear 2.0.

The second, smaller watch is codenamed Swordfish. Speaking generally, Swordfish is reminiscent in basic shape to the Pebble Time Round, of course lacking the Round's obviously massive screen bezel, and also using a different button arrangement. But the overall style of the body and especially the lug design are, in my opinion, quite similar. That said, because it doesn't have the internal screen bezel, the portion of the body surrounding the watch face is larger, and the shape is more gentle and rounded than the Pebble's.

Swordfish has a single button centered on the right-hand side of the body, with a more delicate and Apple Watch-like design. The center of the button cap appears to be polished metal, with the bezel of the crown being ridged. Aside from appearing more "raised" out of the body because of the watch's circular shape, the button really is quite similar to the Apple Watch's crown. Swordfish is smaller and thinner than Angelfish, with a body diameter of 42mm and a thickness of just 10.6mm - 0.8mm thinner than the current Moto 360. Granted, it still doesn't have anything on the 7.5mm Pebble Time Round in this regard. Swordfish will allegedly be made available in three colors: silver, titanium, and rose gold. Swordfish lacks LTE or GPS, and it's unclear if it has a heart rate monitor (we are leaning "no").
HTC nexusi su uvek bili veliki fail, sto sa aspekta cene sto sa aspekta prodaje.
Bas zato I pitam. Nisam bas previse optimistican. Nema sumnje da ce biti kvalitetan ali se plasim da ce cena biti previsoka. Nexus je Nexus ali jabuka je jabuka

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
Kada se očekuju ovi telefoni?
I da li se neko seća koliko su koštali 5x i 6p u USA kad su se pojavili?
5X 389$ za 16gb,6P 499 za 32.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
I mene bas zanima da li Google planira da malo nekada podigne marketing Nexusa, ili G-Phone-a, svejedno, ili ce to zauvek ostati "telefon za developere"...
Ukoliko pokusaju da konkurisu samsungu tako izgubice ih kao klijenta. Ili se bar mogu igrati tim. Znam da neksus treba da bude druga strana medalje sa iphone-om, ali svakako im nije samo on konkurencija. Nego, nesto mi se cini da oni dovoljno zaradjuju i ovako :D

Ово је послао 6п!
Ukoliko pokusaju da konkurisu samsungu tako izgubice ih kao klijenta.

Samsung bez androida bi puko za pola godine ne bi se niko vise ni secao sta je to galaxy. Ljudi mozda ne znaju koji im je OS na telefonu, ali kada bi upalili novi galaxy s (bez androida) i videli da nema play store-a, verovatno bi ga za pola sata vratili.
Meni se cini da google krece dosta agresivnije na trziste nego do sada , 2 sata uz 2 google telefona ,vr masina i google home ?
Kada su izbacili toliko kvalitetnog hw u jednoj godini ?

Mislim da ce google assistant biti nesto nevidjeno do sada..

Poslednja izmena:
Samsung bez androida bi puko za pola godine ne bi se niko vise ni secao sta je to galaxy. Ljudi mozda ne znaju koji im je OS na telefonu, ali kada bi upalili novi galaxy s (bez androida) i videli da nema play store-a, verovatno bi ga za pola sata vratili.
Iskreno, mozda. Razmisljao sam o tome, ali agresivna marketinska politika, pala bi im prodaja, ali koliko u duzem periodu. Po meni povlaci to i lg i huawei itd. Da android moze da pukne, moze.

Ово је послао 6п!
Ukoliko uspe, bicemo polarizovani. Ili, ili. Ne znam koliko mi se svidja to. Ima prednosti i jedno i drugo.

Ово је послао 6п!
sto se mene tice moze.. ios ,android kakvog ga google vidi i tizen.
Tizen ko? Ta platforma je doa

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
pa ne znam bas.. zbog samsungovog gear s2 koji ide na tizenu google izbacuje 2 sata da pogura android wear .. nije im svejedno svakako
Kad izlasw satovi i hoce kod nas biti ko 2 bubrega?

Poslano sa mog SM-G930F koristeći Tapatalk
Pa pisalo je tamo u linku ,valjda ce ih predstaviti kada i nexuse ali ce u prodaju nesto kasnije.

edit : evo onih maketa/fan rendera sa twitera. meni izgledaju odlicno :)


Poslednja izmena:
Nije loše, nije loše :)

Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
Verovatno ce I dalje nexusi imati crnu prednju stranu. To im je "zastitni znak". Svakako bi bilo lepo da opet imamo crveni nexus od 5". Samo da cena bude kao 5x ili eventualno malo veca.
Misliš 430€ za 16 GB? :)
Pa tako ce i biti.. Ali za 32gb. Oko 450e,500e :)

Mada nadam se da ce da iznenade sa 400e ;)

Poslednja izmena:
A koje ce ime nositi Marlin ? Nexus 6X ? :D .. jel izlaze sa Nougat-om ?
Pa ne zna se ni kako ce se manji zvati ,ovo su samo fan renderi i nagadjanja :)
Licno mislim da ce se zvati google phone (pa neko slovo)

Naravno sa android N.

Ovaj od 5" deluje super. Bilo bi dobro da konačno imam premium Nexus u manjim dimenzijama. Sa 6P sam prešao na iPhone 6S najviše zbog form factora i sad čekam iPhone 7 i nove Nexue da odlučim na šta prelazim.
Ja stvarno ne vidim sta je ovde extra, bazeli ogromni, plastika pozadi bljak...kontam da ce da ima dimenzije vece od s7 poprilicno!
Poslednja izmena:
Šta je ovo niko više ne izbacuje ništa manje od ovih cigletina od 5"
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
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