Šta je novo?

ArmA 2

Zeljko, kapiram ja da si odavno ispizdeo na ovu igru i da ti se ogadila zbog bagova i sl, ali ovo sam rekao coveku kome se igra svidja. I stvarno ne mogu da razumem da neko posle toliko muke i zelje da igru igra cestito, da mu non-stop stoji na HDD, da uziva u igranju iste, da je reinstalirao sistem itd itd, ne kupi original.
Poslednja izmena:
@P.I.S.T.O.L....послушај nex-а ...мени је игра стигла пар дана по изласку а наручио сам са Sendit.com и са све поштарином изађе 31€ :wave:
Poslednja izmena od urednika:
Nekada dok sam imao vremena radio sam ovakve stvari sa ArmA 1 :)


Kad izađe alat za ArmA 2 verujem da ću nastaviti sa radom :D
Poslednja izmena:
Procitaj update pravila.

Ako ti se igra toliko svidja , zasto ne uzmes original, i igras ko covek? ;)

Postoji verovatnoca da uzmem orginal , ali ne jos dok ne urade sve zakrpe i dok ne uzadje dovoljno novih modova i vozila na netu.
Do tada bi da je igram kao i ostali , a sta bi mi i znacio orginal kada bi mozda opet izbacilo me na desktop bez ikakve poruke.E tek tad bi bio ljut.
Нешто од (незваничних) алатки полако се појављује :wave:
ArmA2 Modding Toolbox for 3ds max V1
Hello there,

this is the first public release of a set of tools that I have designed for 3dsmax that are primarily built to help modding for ArmA2. There are LOADS of things. For those who are interested you can read the development thread here or the documentation for the fully described set of features but heres a short list:

- Automatically set up your project folder structures
- Fast create blueprint cross
- Easy unit scale sync with O2 simply 1:1 import
- Fast and easy bake of Ambient Occlusion and diffuse colors
- A super fast an efficient way of generating named selections, storing lists of named selections for re-use or exchange, sequential naming etc.
- Create memory LODs straight in max and then easily assign mem points as rotation axis for objects to preview animations without ever exiting max.
- Export your memory LODs to O2 with proper names
- Link up you object and set up you bone structure
- Generate complex model.cfg files based on your model straight in max within minutes!
[YOUTUBE]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HiC59S2KbjM&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HiC59S2KbjM&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Problem je kada instaliram igru i udjem u nju , na glavnom izborniku provedem 1-2 sec. i izbaci me bez ikakve poruke.Kada sam stavio drugi "lek" onda me izbacivalo nakon ulaska u igru a u glavnom meniu izbacivalo je poruke da nedostaju neki WestWorld.bin EastWorld.bin file-ovi.

:d "lek", e da i to čujem...
ja imam "izlečenu" verziju pokrenutu, ali to što ćeš je pokrenuti je tek početak belaja, jer postoje "bolesti" koje se zovu FADE (to ti je sinonim za nervni slom) i serijski broj (sinonim za asocijalnost, jer nema multiplaya), a koje teško da se mogu "izlečiti".
Tako da trenutno preostaje samo kupiti "bolesnu" verziju ako hoćeš normalno igrati, jer je ovo trenutno "svinjska arma H1N1" hihi
Poslednja izmena:
:d "lek", e da i to čujem...
ja imam "izlečenu" verziju pokrenutu, ali to što ćeš je pokrenuti je tek početak belaja, jer postoje "bolesti" koje se zovu FADE (to ti je sinonim za nervni slom) i serijski broj (sinonim za asocijalnost, jer nema multiplaya), a koje teško da se mogu "izlečiti".
Tako da trenutno preostaje samo kupiti "bolesnu" verziju ako hoćeš normalno igrati, jer je ovo trenutno "svinjska arma H1N1" hihi

Ja bi bio zadovoljan i sa pokretanjem.
Po meni ArmA nije igra, to je simulacija, pa ako će čovjek koristiti Armu duže vrijeme, najbolje je da je kupi i da se ne zafrkava sa "lekovima", dok ostale igre koje se isfuraju za mjesec dana, to ne bih nikad kupio...
Kad sam vidio kakve grupe imaju npr ShackTac, gdje su ljudi kupili infrared senzore za pokretanje glave, i napravili organizaciju prave vojske sa uputstvima, planovima akcija, hijerarijom, bio sam stvarno iznenađen.
A po meni je ovo najbolja igra za PC, tako da je vrijedi imati u sehari.
(Ovo sam sebe ubjeđujem da trebam dati 30€ u ovoj besparici :))
jel si ti nasao na ovoj planeti i jednog coveka koji je uspesno zavrsio kampanju, nakon skroro pola godine od izlaska igre?
ja zadnji put kad sam citao njihov forum ljudi su toliko ogrceni da zele da ih sve spale na lomaci...
Pa dobro, čini mi se da znam jednog, ti si rekao da su zadnje misije katastrofa :), što znači da si ih igrao. Ja nisam daleko dogurao, do Badlanda, ali zbog FADE efekata, počeo sam se pretvarati u gavranove. Sada sam krenuo od Menhattena na tenane... I fino ide.
Mada meni je interesantniji multiplay inače u igrama, nego ganjanje glupih botova u sp.
A ovo je prva igra koja je objedinila strategiju i fps, barem koliko ja znam.
Poslednja izmena:
Stigao patch 1.03. Ispravljena je gomila stvari ali koliko će se to pokazati u "praksi" ostaje da se proba.

Change Log

* New: Functions getPosATL and setPosATL to allow controlling position relative to terrain.
* New: command line option -showScriptErrors introduced to show errors in scripts on-screen
* New: Direct analogue throttle and brake for airplanes now available.
* New: More flexible configuration of Flares in the config (brightness, size)
* New: Mission name (with * indicated unsaved work) displayed in the mission editor
* New: Keyboard shortcuts in the mission editor
* Improved: better handling of gravitation for shots (esp. for grenades)
* Improved: Building destruction
* Improved: Better airplane HUD visibility both night and day
* Optimization: Reduced frame stutter near map borders.
* Hotfix: Players are forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.
* Fixed: no particles effect when hit object with destructNo
* Fixed: grenade could destroy a building just by impact
* Fixed: grenades may explode only on the final impact
* Fixed: when a grenade bounces on a ship deck, the proper particle effects is shown now
* Fixed: missiles should pass through vegetation
* Fixed: Player connected to loaded game was sometimes frozen.
* Fixed: Game crashed when launched on a system with more then 8 CPUs/cores.
* Fixed: Possible crash with laser designator active.
* Fixed: Sometimes crew of a close vehicle was visible through the vehicle.
* Fixed: Infinite looping of commands 'Stop' in radio.
* Fixed: Leaning 'limits' do not work in TrackIR.
* Fixed: Clients were often endlessly stuck in 'Receiving...' window after MP Load.
* Fixed: Rainbow could be visible even with sun below horizon.
* Fixed: 3D Editor - civilian and resistance units did not work correctly
* Fixed: Sea surface was not rendered in NE area out of map.
* Fixed: Terrain surface was sometimes using wrong parallax map.
* Fixed: Grenade could sometimes destroy a building just by impact
* Fixed: Radio messages sometimes echoed
* Fixed: Team switch did not work when player died
* Fixed: Reduced AI detecting slowly moving enemy vehicles by ear.
* Fixed: Prevent killed AI units reporting who killed them.
* Fixed: After respawn in MP, player's tasks, diary content and skills are transferred to the new entity
* Fixed: Leaning 'limits' did not work with TrackIR
* Fixed: MP client frozen in Receiving... screen sometimes
* Fixed: Problems with saving and loading games in cooperative campaign


* Fixes and improvements in most of the campaign missions (Into the Storm, Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, Manhattan, Badlands, Dogs of War)
* Improved: autosave logic to not save when it was not safe
* Improved: Eye for an Eye in Scenarios


* Fixed: Warfare fast travel on clients was not using logistic values
* Fixed: Warfare money sending
* Fixed: Warfare HQ multiple reports
* Fixed: First-Aid: Action module caused healing scripts to run twice
* Fixed: Supply drop not ending (wrong vehicle class)
* New: First-Aid modules work with respawn
* New: First-Aid ability to stop healing
* New: Added ability to add Support Requests that do not expire.
* Improved: First-Aid modules more robust and faster
* Improved: Better support for side Resistance in SOM / ACM.


* Fixed: Invisible driver in UAZ (MG and GL)
* Fixed: AI soldiers were able to hear extremely well
* Fixed: various minor problems on buildings
* Fixed: rocks destruction effect changed
* Fixed: penetrability of some vegetation
* Fixed: collision geometry of A_BuildingWIP
* Fixed: react FSM core conversations
* Fixed: cargo animations in LAV25
* Fixed: indicators in Ka52 when using NVG
* Fixed: cargo animations in BTR
* Fixed: Warfare keypoint on Chernarus
Maruk (CEO Bohemia Interactive Studio) je napisao(la):
Complete editing tool suite for Bohemia Interactive's game engine used in ARMA II (requires version 1.03).
This installer will overwrite previously released BI Editing Tools for Arma I (user made data are intact) 
and it can not be possible to pack and finalize content for Arma I using the newer tools. 
Despite it may be possible to configure your system in a way it will support creation for both Arma I and Arma II, 
it is not recommended.

The tool suite is consisting from:

      Oxygen 2 Personal Edition for Arma II - model editing and animation package
      Visitor 3 Personal Edition for Arma II - terrain and map editing
      TexView 2 - texture convertor and viewer
      BinPBO Personal Edition - packer
      Sound Tools - sound and lipsync utilities
      FSM Editor - tool to edit and compile fsms used in Arma 2
      BinMake - conversion tool
      Tools Drive - main working directory for tools with mandatory data files

Ovome se radujem...jeeeee
Poslednja izmena:
ARMA II Expansion Pack Announced
ARMA II Operation Arrowhead will be presented during the Gamescom; trade fair for interactive games and entertainment in Cologne, Germany 19th - 23rd August 2009.

"Three years after the conflict in Chernarus, portrayed in the original ARMA II, a new flashpoint in the Green Sea region heats up and coalition forces led by the US Army are sent to Takistan to quickly restore peace and prevent further civilian casualties."

ARMA II Expansion Pack Announced
ARMA II Operation Arrowhead will be presented during the Gamescom; trade fair for interactive games and entertainment in Cologne, Germany 19th - 23rd August 2009.

"Three years after the conflict in Chernarus, portrayed in the original ARMA II, a new flashpoint in the Green Sea region heats up and coalition forces led by the US Army are sent to Takistan to quickly restore peace and prevent further civilian casualties."


Ja jos nisam uspeo da je pokrenem na maticnom racunalu :wall:, ali mislim da znam sta je problem pa ako je neko ima isti ili zna resenje bio bi jaaaakooo zahvalan da mi pomogne. :angel:

Dakle ustvari greska je pri instalaciji (bilo kojeg) patcha gde izbacuje greske tipa

"Error found in file ADDONS\air2.pbo (00000000!=00000001)"

i za jos 10-tak file-ova pri instalaciji gde ja moram kliknuti Ignore za taj file , nakon cega me naravno samo izbaci na desktop cim udjem u igru tj. u glavni meni.

Ako neko zna resenje S.O.S poziv :shock:
Ja jos nisam uspeo da je pokrenem na maticnom racunalu :wall:, ali mislim da znam sta je problem pa ako je neko ima isti ili zna resenje bio bi jaaaakooo zahvalan da mi pomogne. :angel:

Dakle ustvari greska je pri instalaciji (bilo kojeg) patcha gde izbacuje greske tipa

"Error found in file ADDONS\air2.pbo (00000000!=00000001)"

i za jos 10-tak file-ova pri instalaciji gde ja moram kliknuti Ignore za taj file , nakon cega me naravno samo izbaci na desktop cim udjem u igru tj. u glavni meni.

Ako neko zna resenje S.O.S poziv :shock:

Pa skini ponovo patch pa probaj-mozda je greska u njemu,ili ti sama instalacija igre nevalja pa nabavi drugu.
Pa skini ponovo patch pa probaj-mozda je greska u njemu,ili ti sama instalacija igre nevalja pa nabavi drugu.

Ma probo sam sve sto se moze probat.
Novi sistem , nova instalacija , sve Patchve , novi instalacioni CD , Vudu magiju sve ali opet nece uvek ista greska :wall:

Kontam da nije do moga Hardware-a na racunalu ili sta vec moze biti :crash:
ima li ko problem slican problem
igra se instalira ok, instaliram patch i kad startujem...ekran je crn, a chuje se muzika sa osnovnog menija, chuje se i kako se krecesh kroz meni kada upravljas preko tastature...al slike nema...monitor nije ugasen, radi ali je ekran crn...
ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead експанзија би требало да се појави 2010. Безобразлук је да ће ово бити standalone извједба тако да још једно ~20€ хоће из наших буђелара :mad:



ЛИНК ка још слика :p

Frequently Asked Questions
Please take note that this FAQ is subject to change as Operation Arrowhead develops further.

Will this be a completely new game? As in, will it add loads of new features to ArmA II, or will it just be a new campaign with a few weapons, but we still get charged for it?
BIS: It's more than just a new campaign. Operation Arrowhead contains a completely new environment, US army units, weapons and vehicles and a lot more. At least, there will be some very new features introduced in Operation Arrowhead too.

Will Operation Arrowhead include western forces besides the U.S. Army?
BIS: There will be some more than just U.S. Army Units, yes.

Is there going to be a functional FLIR system out of the box (everything has heat based textures)
BIS: Yes, there will be a FLIR system. We have one of the most sophisticated FLIR simulation systems already done for VBS2 and we will bring it in Operation Arrowhead to fans of ArmA II too.

Will the game have functional IR lasers (PEQ units) like in VBS2? Or Flashlights?
BIS: I'm glad to say: Yes, and yes.

Is the terrain based on Afghanistan? Or is it more of a desert?
BIS: Kind of, it will include dense urban areas and the countryside too.

Who (among BIS and other Developers at IDEA games) has been/will be working on it?
BIS: It's fully under the team of ArmA II makers at Bohemia Interactive.

Who is doing the campaign and what experience are they aiming for as opposed to the free flow Harvest Red format?
BIS: Ivan Buchta proved his skills as Lead Designer in the ArmA II Operation Harvest Red campaign already and he's is the Lead Designer again for Operation Arrowhead. The campaign will be a bit different this time, we want the players to enjoy wider experience, so the campaign will contain parts being played for regular U.S. Army units, pilots and tank commander too. A bit like original OFP was, even if I wouldn't compare it.

How large is Takistan? Can we count on arid surroundings to be more system friendly?
BIS: There are two maps of Takistan in Operation Arrowhead, one presenting the countryside and mountains with villages and small urban areas and the second map of large urban area with the city of Zargabad.
Takistan is a 160 square km map of Central Asia modelled with extremely precision using real world data. Zargabad is a 70 square km map of extremely realistic environment including full areas of dense urban CQB conflicts.

When is the release date?
BIS: Not before 2010. The exact date is not yet decided.

Will they somehow automate the inclusion of ArmA II content for those that have it to encourage people who own it that Operation Arrowhead will be just a huge expansion pack for them?
BIS: This is difficult to say now, as Operation Arrowhead will feature a newer and enhanced version of ArmA II engine.

How performance will be compared to ArmA II and if the system requirements will stay the same? Are there plans to further optimize ArmA II?
BIS: Don't worry that we would throw it away because of making the datadisk. Thanks to the Operation Arrowhead making I believe we will have a better chance to keep an eye on ArmA II too. We plan to bring new patches and continue the support of the game as we did to the present day. The requirements should definitely stay the same for Operation Arrowhead.

Will the future patches/expansions include other parts of Chernarus?
BIS: Interesting question, I don't know honestly.

Will Operation Arrowhead include serious engine changes: ex. armour hit system, flares/ECM?
BIS: Yes, some of them will be included in Operation Arrowhead.

If the "west" side will be represented by U.S. Army, what it would be: "Stryker" brigades or some infantry divisions on Bradleys/M113?
BIS: There will be a variety of roles to play for U.S. Army in Operation Arrowhead.

Who is the enemy? Typical Taliban look alike or a (fictional) regular Army like SLA in ArmA?
BIS: Operation Arrowhead will rather be unsymmetrical kind of war even if it could happen you can face a very tough and well equipped enemy.

Will there be Russians?
BIS: Who knows?

What will the really new features be in Operation Arrowhead?
BIS: Completely new story line, new factions, units, vehicles and weapons. New and completely different environment, new simulation features like FLIR, mounted flashlights, HUDs for airplanes and helicopter and even more.

Will it have proper physics implementation for units/corpses (ragdoll) and/or vehicles?
Will walking in and shooting from cargo positions be possible?
Will the hit point system for tanks be changed for some real penetration values?
BIS: I wouldn't expect such huge changes in the game engine without making completely new game instead of the datadisk, though so complex and huge.

ArmA II was originally announced to be released for a console, but we've heard little news since then. Have those plans moved to the expansion? Is a console version planned at all?
BIS: Sadly, I can't confirm anything about console version of ArmA II neither can I do for Operation Arrowhead.

What are the reasons to release it as a standalone game instead of an ArmA II addon?
BIS: At least two reasons there are, which one of these is our wish to make it easier to get the game for players who didn't buy ArmA II previously and that some of the new features require to change both exe and data in order to work properly (e.g. thermal imaging).

Will there be Co-op in Operation Arrowhead's campaign? If so, will saves in Coop work better and be far more stable by then compared to our experience in Red Harvest's Coop saves?
BIS: Most probably yes, as we considered cooperative MP being one of the very favourite features people enjoy in our games, but I can't confirm this 100% yet.

Will the campaign be free roaming open world like Red Harvest?
BIS: What would you expect? The corridor and level based maps as in other FPS?

How will Operation Arrowhead's open world experience be different than in Red Harvest?
BIS: It will be different experience in the meaning of the environment and the role player will take.

Is Operation Arrowhead more like Resistance for OFP (you buy, or you're "out" of the REAL game) or is more like Queens Gambit?
BIS: Yes, I would rather compare it to Resistance too.

What is the price for the expansion?
BIS: A medium ranged price, not a full price like for a regular new game.

Distribution around the world? Digital only? Full box? Any "Gold" Edition?
BIS: Yes, there will be also a copy on disc. And yes, most probably there will be a "Gold Edition".

Will there be functional tank interiors? Like Optics, windows, doors
BIS: Might be, depends on how much time is left.

Will the 3D Editor be further worked on / finished?
BIS: We have some intentions with 3D editor, can't confirm anything yet.

Can we expect more modules for the editor? If so, what?
BIS: There are already some of new, I would expect more of them, or enhanced versions of those already known from ArmA II

Will any of the multiplayer systems be drastically changed? Like net code? Browser? Mission setup GUI? Admin tools? Anti-cheat?
BIS: Some things may change in this area as well as BIS is currently evaluating some options that may significantly influence parts of the MP system.

To what degree do original ArmA II and Operation Arrowhead interact? For example, can Operation Arrowhead units be used in ArmA II and can Modifications be loaded in Operation Arrowhead with copying them all to a new directory?
BIS: ArmA II content can be used in Operation Arrowhead without problems.

Will the movement system feature "vertical leaning?
BIS: This is not decided yet. We are interested in trying things like this but if and when we will achieve it and if it will be in Operation Arrowhead is not yet certain.

Will AI be conscious of their role and act differently depending on it (e.g. machine gunner acts differently than rifleman)?
BIS: The AI already acts differently depending on the weapon they carry in ArmA II.

Will the mission editor get updated to be more user friendly? Like drop down menu for scripts/actions rather than scripting.
BIS: I wouldn't say the mission editor is unfriendly for users, in fact we consider our mission editor being one of the most user friendly and easy to use mission editors you can get across all present games. You don't really need to use a single line of script to design even a very complex scenario.

How can BIS work on two games at the same time?
BIS: There are a lot of people paid every month at BI, and they need to do something.

The FLIR/lasers/flashlights from Operation Arrowhead, will they be included also in ArmA II or are they only available in Operation Arrowhead?
BIS: No, this would be a too serious change in the engine which could also break the content of ArmA II.

Are there rivers in Takistan?
BIS: Many of such features might be or not present. Hard to tell now as we just started the work.

Please take note: How to best transition and integrate ArmA II and Operation Arrowhead is yet to be tested and it is also not clear how well ArmA II content can work with some of the new features as these require major data modifications as well. Also, combined game would require insane quality assurance (just count all the vehicles, campaign time etc.) which all makes a standalone release much more suitable.
Poslednja izmena:
Imam problema s misem. Nakon instalacije, patch-ovanja i ostalog, nakon "ulaska" u igru (vec kod onog prvog menija - single/multi/exit) kursor se ponasa cudno (npr. ja vucem levo-desno, on stoji, vucem levo - ide desno, u krug i sl.). Takodje je prilicno neprecizan prilikom nisanjenja, prelaska s mete na metu itd. Probao sam vec da iskljucim ono "Enchance pointer precision" i nista, isto kao i pre.
Da li uopste postoji neko resenje ili?
Imam problema s misem. Nakon instalacije, patch-ovanja i ostalog, nakon "ulaska" u igru (vec kod onog prvog menija - single/multi/exit) kursor se ponasa cudno (npr. ja vucem levo-desno, on stoji, vucem levo - ide desno, u krug i sl.). Takodje je prilicno neprecizan prilikom nisanjenja, prelaska s mete na metu itd. Probao sam vec da iskljucim ono "Enchance pointer precision" i nista, isto kao i pre.
Da li uopste postoji neko resenje ili?

fade..... neznam jel crack radi sa zadnjim patchom....
I ja sam kontao da je neka glupost. Ne koristim zadnji patch, probao sam s 1.02 i 1.03 - isto
Пробај бета patch па ћеш знати да ли је у питању fade или проблем са курсором/мишем на који су се многи жалили ЛИНК :wave:
ARMA 2 Update 1.04



* New: Added mouse smoothing to game options.
* New: Enabled multiple parameters for MP missions.
* New: Mouse filtering strenght adjustable using mouseSmoothing=NNNN in user config.
* New: Command line argument -cpuCount=NNN to override cpu count detection.
* Improved: Mouse smoothing disabled for fast movement.
* Improved: Mouse smoothing can be disabled in user profile file using line mouseSmoothing=0;
* Improved: Audio volume settings.
* Fixed: Soldier were walking on non-existant heaps of debris from destroyed buildings.
* Fixed: Autocoordination caused rudder oscillation in high speed flight.
* Fixed: Crashes in VoN when many players were speaking simultaneously.
* Fixed: Immortal freezed soldiers occured in MP.
* Fixed: Broken kill scoring in MP (two points for unit kill).
* Fixed: Input key actions are no longer active while chat mode.
* Fixed: Diag_log used with long text argument caused crash.
* Fixed: Mouse scrolling in diary.
* Fixed: Enemy kills made by player using stolen enemy vehicle are no longer considered as friendly kills.
* Fixed: Switching to Utes from Chernarus caused Utes to contain infinite landscape.
* Fixed: Time of day synchronized on client after connection to server.
* Fixed: Speed of sound simulation.
* Fixed: Fire from rifle distort sound.
* Fixed: Crash by malformed input to a diag_log scripting function.
* Fixed: Dark muzzle flash in some of the weapon optics.
* Fixed: MP: Ships and boats used excessive bandwidth and CPU power.
* Fixed: Players are no longer forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.
* Fixed: Bike rider can be no longer healed.
* Fixed: Sometimes crew of a near vehicle was visible through the vehicle.


* Improved: Communication menu updated to work with the new menu systems.
* Fixed: Some persistent RE calls added for better JIP compatibility in campaign.
* Fixed: Music was sometimes not playing properly due to faulty playMusic RE command call.
* Fixed: Scene area cleared from exploding destroyed vehicles during various scenes.
* Fixed: Possible appearance of immortal non-player characters in campaign.
* Fixed: (First to Fight) MP: Logos shown on client every time after JIP.
* Fixed: (First to Fight) MP: Skeet shooting not working for clients after JIP.
* Fixed: (First to Fight) Players not boarded in the chopper if they got in the towing tractor.
* Fixed: (Into the Storm) MP: Bad position of client players during converation.
* Fixed: (Into the Storm) Some voice-subtitles difference in the first dialog.
* Fixed: (Into the Storm) MP: No callsign for HQ entity on clients.
* Fixed: (One Week Later) MP: Clients not sitting on bikes after leaving the AAV.
* Fixed: (One Week Later) MP: Player is no longer the co-pilot in the Osprey.
* Fixed: (Manhattan) Escort chopper often shot down.
* Fixed: (Manhattan) Palyer stuck in the animation after first scene.
* Fixed: (Badlands) Prizrak no longer initiates conversation if Cooper is in a vehicle.
* Fixed: (Badlands) Non-fucntional ending in campaign scenario.
* Fixed: (Missing in Action) Redundant random sentences from Razor.


* Improved: Ambient Civilians module caused lag in MP due to window lights.
* Fixed: Undefined variables in Ambient Civilians module.
* Fixed: High Command could behave strange when someone added his own display event handler.
* Fixed: Wrong positions of objects/logics.
* Fixed: Performance problems related to Animals module in MP.


* Improved: Some of the vehicle HUDs now contain missing info.
* Fixed: Alignment issues on several wrapper UI screens.


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