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Zvanična GTA IV Tema!

A ti se Borise, ubi od igranja...;)...ima li neka nova slika PS3 pakovanja ili nesto...
Drugarice i drugovi;) jel pokretao ovo neko sa slabijim, da kazem mid-range grafama, npr. GeForce 9600gso/gt ili na ati ekvivalentu? Kako radi, tj. da li radi:) na njima?
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Uf izgleda da cu morati da kupujem manji monitor :D

NA 1920*1200 nema varijante da mi radi izgleda...

Ma vazi da nece da radi. Radice ona na tom radetu ko podmazana, samo nemoj da se kurchish sa AA :)

PS: Evo oce misticx da se trampi :d
Kako da odlockujem igru da mogu slobodno da menjam rezoluciju a da ne kupujem novu grafulju, i kako potpuno ugasiti senke?
^Moguce resenje za taj problem, a i jos neki korisni saveti koje sam nasao na netu:

I bought this game today and was shocked at the feeble default settings and lack of freedom to set my own desired options, which left me with an 800x600 image that looked like crap and struggled along at 20fps.

After a few hrs testing i now have it running about 80% of the performance of an X360 using a mid range macbook pro.

I have already found a great tweak trick to increase textures without performance hit or other restrictions!!!

This enables better quality on mid range machines with 256mb of GFX memory and should work on other more powerful cards.
Please read the following for details on how to do this!


A low end machine will by default settings not allow you to raise your resolution above 800x600. This is DOES NOT mean you cannot increase your resolution!

By default the game use a calclator to assess what how much memory we are using with just the 3 following options -

texture quality
view distance

If you lower or raise these settings the memory usage at the bottom will go up or down. If you go over your GFX memory the game flashes up a warning message and allows about 10-15% (as far as i can tell) extra allocation for more of the 3 values.

When you hit the ceiling you are unable to increase those settings at all, they will simply refuse to move. I initially mistook this as a limit for my machine, but if you reduce one or both of the other 2 values you can free up memory and increase the jammed one.

So if i want to raise my resolution, i need to reduce my texture size or view distance until the memory value turns green (indicating excess resources).

Ok so here is my clever tweak -

Since even modest graphics cards can run decent texture levels with even 256mb of memory, even a basic machine can run medium textures (possibly even high) with NO peformance hit.
However since the game refuses to let you choose your own settings you have to 'spend' memory to get the medium textures.

This means you have to have less draw distance or lower resolution, which really kills the experience. However i found a cunning way to get medium textures by fiddling the settings.

You need to set the game options initially to medium or high textures, and not worry about resolution and your view distance. Just set them as low as you can so you can spend all your memory on getting the textures as high as your machine will allow.
A 512mb card might be able to get high textures since you can spend over 512... so try it and dont forget to use fraps to check your frame rates before and after.

Now you have the game set at your desired texture level, start a game (making sure to restart GTA 4 if necessary to load new textures) then once in game go to the graphics menu and switch the textures to LOW!

The game will 'refund' you back the memory you spent on textures, but the textures wont revert back until you restart the game. This means you can now increase your resolution to a nice sharp level, and then add view distance (i recommend certainly NO LESS than 10 or it really looks screwed up).

If you check with fraps you will see no detectable decrease in frame rate, but you now have decent textures along with your original resolution and view distance combination.

Rockstar needs to seriously patch the menus, since even my 8600m GT can run ultra textures on all other games with no difference to lowest. Textures have such little impact on overall performance, it makes no sense to force such cards to use the lowest settings.

This arbitrary system of calculating memory does not represent real game performance!
See for yourselves!

My specs -

Macbook Pro 2.4ghz (santa rosa), 2GB ram, 8600m GT 256mb.

Graphics settings

Resolution - 1176x664 (pretty sharp, just a snip away from the X360)
textures - (set as MEDIUM and reduced to low without restarting)
rendering quality - medium (no real gain from high at this resolution)

View distance - 10 (can push to 17, but eats about 5fps for minor view improvement)
detail distance - 10 (same as X360)
traffic density - 28 (default)
shadow density - 0 (see end of post!)

This all runs between 18-26fps, which is playable and looks pretty decent for a laptop.
More powerful machines could easily hit 30fps and id recommend getting the resolution to 1280x720 and then work on increasing view distance.

I couldnt seem to find any visual or perfomance impact for shadow density, i havent yet tested it at 0 and 16 with a restart. But altering it makes no difference to the quality or number of shadows, nor does it seem to affect frame rate. If anyone figures ths is out please post details.

Also, pressing "P" ingame will turn on motion blur and a depth blur kind of effect that masks edges (like in the console versions). I like the motion blur but not the depth one (less crisp). Hopefully in a tweak we are able to simply enable motion blur.

some other cmdline parameters from the readme:
-benchmark: Runs the benchmark tool and immediately exits game.
-help: Display list of all command line options

-renderquality: Set the render quality of the game. (0-4)
-shadowdensity: Set the shadow density of the game. (0-16)
-texturequality: Set the texture quality of the game. (0-2)
-viewdistance: Set the view distance of the game (0-99)
-detailquality: Set the detail quality of the game. (0-99)
-novblank: Disable wait for vblank (No Vsync)
-norestrictions: Do not limit graphics settings
-width: Set width of main render window (default is 800)
-height: Set height of main render window (default is 600)
-safemode: Run the graphics in the lowest setting possible
-frameLimit: Limit frame to interval of refresh rate
(ex If refreshrate is 60HZ –frameLimit 1 = Locks down to 60HZ)
-refreshrate: Set the refresh rate of main render window
– Warning - Monitor must support (ex. –refreshrate 60)
-fullscreen: Force fullscreen mode
-windowed: Force windowed mode
-availablevidmem: Set amount of physical Video Memory(ex. –availablevidmem 0.9)
-percentvidmem: Percentage of video memory to make available to GTA

-fullspecaudio: Force high-end CPU audio footprint
-minspecaudio: Force low-end CPU audio footprint

-noprecache: Disable precache of resources
-nomemrestrict: Disable memory restrictions

Patch je izgleda najavljen...bogami imace dosta stvari da popravljaju.
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Poslednja izmena:
Par pitanja. Za ljude koji su probali igru. Da li izgleda toliko bolje od Krize koliko je zahtevnija?

Drugo, treće i četvrto. Kako, na koji način, traži toliko memorije. Ajde i da poverujem u reklamnu bajku da je brzina magistrale na konzolama desetinama puta veća od one na PC, i da je mem bandwith isto desetinama puta brži, opet ne shvatam igru koja traži preko 4 giga rama i giga video memorije.

Molim vas, ne flejmujem, samo sam wtfomg zbunjen ovim sto je GTA4 doneo, i interesuje me da li neko ima neke ideje o čemu se radi.
Poslednja izmena:
Ako neko sazna gde moze da se kupi GTA IV, molio bih ga da napise ovde.
Inace po meni je igra prezahtevna, ali ako je puno bolja od verzije za konzole kao sto se cini, onda vredi.
Jel zna neko koliko je maksimalna duzina replay-a?
Par pitanja. Za ljude koji su probali igru. Da li izgleda toliko bolje od Krize koliko je zahtevnija?

Ne, realno izgleda daleko lošije od Crysisa, kao što izgleda lošije i od gomile igara za Xbox 360 i PlayStation 3. Fora je što jedna sandbox igra kao što je GTA IV jednostavno ne može da ima isti kvalitet grafike kao Crysis ili Gears of War ili Gran Turismo 5, ili štagod već, iz prostog razloga što obrađuje daleko veći broj objekata. Zato, nešto jednostavno mora da se žrtvuje.

Ipak, iako sam igrao ovo čudo na PS3, mislim da je PC verzija itekako bila vredna čekanja - na mom monitoru od 24 inča konzolni GTA IV je izgledao vrlo mutno (720p) i nazubljeno (imali nekakav AA?), a frame rate konstantno šeta-gore dole.
Zar se i Kriza i Daleki Krik ne racunaju u prilicno sandbox pucacine pa nikome nista. Naravno, izrenderovati desetine i desetine i automobila i paziti na njihovo kretanje nije toliko jednostavno, ali nije ni toliko pretesko kao sto se ovde predstavlja. E i da, cuo sam da PS3 vozi GTA4 u nekoj rezoluciji 11xx X 6xx, znači ispod 720p
Zar se i Kriza i Daleki Krik ne racunaju u prilicno sandbox pucacine pa nikome nista. Naravno, izrenderovati desetine i desetine i automobila i paziti na njihovo kretanje nije toliko jednostavno, ali nije ni toliko pretesko kao sto se ovde predstavlja. E i da, cuo sam da PS3 vozi GTA4 u nekoj rezoluciji 11xx X 6xx, znači ispod 720p

Zavisi kakav tip televizora ili monitora imas?Ako imas full hd igra ce ti biti bruka dobra ako imas 720p onda zaboravi na ful detalje;)
Ipak, iako sam igrao ovo čudo na PS3, mislim da je PC verzija itekako bila vredna čekanja - na mom monitoru od 24 inča konzolni GTA IV je izgledao vrlo mutno (720p) i nazubljeno (imali nekakav AA?), a frame rate konstantno šeta-gore dole.

Gde se usudi da kažeš da je PC verzija bolja od verzije na konzolama. Momče zbog tvoje objektivne izjave počeće rat na forumu.
Zavisi kakav tip televizora ili monitora imas?Ako imas full hd igra ce ti biti bruka dobra ako imas 720p onda zaboravi na ful detalje;)

I opet, vat di faak. Use google google is your friend. Xbox vozi GTA na 720p, PS3 na nekoj 640 ili 680p... A što se tiče full HD... hardver koji će moći da GTA 4 potera u 1080p se očekuje sredinom iduće decenije.

I ne govorite o krakovima i drugim kršenjima zakona. A i nema ih.
Fazon je u tome shto je igra ochajno optimizovana - kada se gledaju benchmark rezultati odmah pada u ochi da se ne koriste svi resursi kompa...
Naravno, izrenderovati desetine i desetine i automobila i paziti na njihovo kretanje nije toliko jednostavno, ali nije ni toliko pretesko kao sto se ovde predstavlja.

Upravo i ja to mislim! Naime, kako je svaki prethodni gta naslov izlazio lako na kraj sa saobracajem...? Znam da gta4 po tehnickim aspektima ne moze da se meri sa starijim gta naslovima, ali ne mogu ni tadasnje i sadashnje masine.

Svaka cast fizici, ali ako vec treba azdaja od cpu-a da bi je iznela, onda ocekujem da bude za infrakt! ..u najmanju ruku! Jedva cekam da probam igru samo zbog te lifelike fizike:wall::type:
Poslednja izmena:
(PC) Losije optimizovanu igru davno nisam video .... sramota .....
moj problem: posle par minuta kamera pocne da ljulja i komande ne funkcionisu, probao sam novi c**** i nista, ima li neko resenje :wall:
stvarno ljudi, obzdajte se. ko sta radi, modovi brisu vase postove. cak ni upozorenja ne pale kod vas. izgleda da cemo morati da delimo opomene sa poenima. uzdrzite se od lekova, krekova i slicnih sitnica. imate PM za to pa izvolite.
Zamolio bih one koji su imali priliku da igraju ovaj naslov iznesu misljenje o sledecoj konfiguraciji i da li bi to moglo da se 'tjera na nekim normalnim detaljima bez drop-a u frame rate-u.. inace planiram da pazarim:

-Intel Core2Duo E7300 (Dual) Box, LGA775, 2.66GHz, FSB1066, 3MB cache, 64bit, SSE4.1, Wolfdale-3M dual-core (45nm)
-Asus P5QL-EM, S775 (45nm), Intel G43/ICH10, FSB1333, PCIe16, VGA iX4500/HDMI, 4DDR2-1066DC (OC), 6SATA2+eSATA2,
-DIMM 2GB DDR2/1066MHz Kingston HyperX, 240-pin, CL7(7-7-7-20)
-Gigabyte GeForce 9600GT/1GB, PCIe2.0, 1GB GDDR3, 256bit, 720/2000MHz
Daj ne warnujte ljude zbog kretena iz Rockstara. Da je PC jedina igracka platforma (ko shto nije), oni bi sutra propali da izbace ovako neoptimizovanu igru. Sramota. Sva sreca pa sam je zavrsio na PS3. Mada bi mogli da opomenete kolegu koji se pravi lud i pita:

Da li izgleda toliko bolje od Krize koliko je zahtevnija?

Ko da je pao s Marsa jbte.


Na 1280x800 i medium/low detaljima ce ti verovatno raditi fino. Procesor je problematican a i graficka nije bash nesto. Ako planirash 1680 high/medium budi spreman na ~20 fps.
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Ja ne znam al meni radi sasvim ok. Evo rezultata

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