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Radijus Vektor :: Kablovska televizija i internet

Hvala ljudi, podstanarski nazalost. Vlasnik je u inostranstvu i nece skoro nazad. U podrsci nemaju pojma, rekose mi da je paket 25/mbit, koliko vidim 10 je u pitanju. Predlozili mi da produzim ugovor, da bih dobio jos kanala itd. naravno ne zelim, jer ne znam koliko cu ostati ovde. Malo mi je bezveze jer placam 2700din za paket net+tv, a vidim da se za taj novac dobija veca brzina i vise kanala.
Ako imaš TV sa dvb-c tjunerom tih 100 kanala ćeš imati bez ikakvog ugovora.
Da li ima neko iz Panceva da je uveo Vektor, kakva su iskustva?
Za 10 dana 3 puta mi nestajala kablovska, a za 40 dana koliko sam njihov korisnik preko 10 puta bilo u prekidu. Kolega uveo njihov net (kod Sava Centra) treci dan od uvodjenja vec brljavi net,gasi se modem i pali.
Za sad nista od ubrzanja,al to ne znaci da nece biti uskoro :D
Šta je sa telefonima? Ja bih prebacio fiksni sa telekoma zbog manje pretplate, ali imam ISDN liniju, orionov ADSL i IPTV, i samim tim i ruter za ISDN. Zanima me hoće li mi ostati ISDN budem li broj prebacio na Vektor? Drugo, koliko se plaća ugradnja uz ugovornu obavezu? Do novembra 2014. godine sam koristio vektorov net i kablovsku, ali sam otkazao, tako da infrastruktura do stana postoji.
Verovatno 1 rsd uz ugovor na 18m...
Plaćat ćes tv opet, to znas?
Not sure if I am allowed to speak English, but my Serbian is not good enough to put my anger in words..

After I moved to Belgrade, I had to switch provider. I always had SBB. Platinum pack, 100mbit and 2 decoders.72 hours back etc etc. It was amazing.
Now I have Radius Fucktor. And it's becoming a living nightmare.. I have the 50mbit pack (with TV) and i've been connected for 8 days. Until now EVERY SINGLE DAY my internet was dropping at some point. Every day between 21.00 and 22.00 i have drops and very frequently throughout the day. Also, I never get near 50mbit. Usually around 19.00 it drops to ~20mbit. Then some connection drops between 21.00 and 22.00 and then after 22.00 I usually get 35 to 40. Never near 50 though.

This is terrible. I can't put in words how terrible this is. For fucks sake, the decoders can't even fucking pauze!!! First it took us 1.5 hours to register (my wife is Serbian, all was done in Serbian) and when they came it was still all wrong!! They are so insanely incompetent.

Is there any website where I can check what is available on my address aside from this? Optic Fibre perhaps?

In the future I will try to post in Serbian, but i needed to express myself properly.
Poslednja izmena:
Ne bi me zacudilo da su za tih 50mbit dali i stari modem umesto docsis 3.0 ..
Probaj kod Telekom SRbija, možda ima mogućnost za VDSL 50/2 ili 100/2
Ili SBB za Fibre.
Poslednja izmena:
In what part of Belgrade are you living now? Radijus Vektor has poor infrastructure in some arrays, and is known to have useless customers support. If you're gonna stick with them, my advice is to call them by phone and INSIST that they send technicins to your place. But be aware that there is big chance that your problem can not be solved, so consider other alternatives, like ADSL.
Not sure if I am allowed to speak English, but my Serbian is not good enough to put my anger in words..

After I moved to Belgrade, I had to switch provider. I always had SBB. Platinum pack, 100mbit and 2 decoders.72 hours back etc etc. It was amazing.
Now I have Radius Fucktor. And it's becoming a living nightmare.. I have the 50mbit pack (with TV) and i've been connected for 8 days. Until now EVERY SINGLE DAY my internet was dropping at some point. Every day between 21.00 and 22.00 i have drops and very frequently throughout the day. Also, I never get near 50mbit. Usually around 19.00 it drops to ~20mbit. Then some connection drops between 21.00 and 22.00 and then after 22.00 I usually get 35 to 40. Never near 50 though.

This is terrible. I can't put in words how terrible this is. For fucks sake, the decoders can't even fucking pauze!!! First it took us 1.5 hours to register (my wife is Serbian, all was done in Serbian) and when they came it was still all wrong!! They are so insanely incompetent.

Is there any website where I can check what is available on my address aside from this? Optic Fibre perhaps?

In the future I will try to post in Serbian, but i needed to express myself properly.
I live near Arena. Close to Bulevar Zoran Djindjic. My colleagues who leave nearby don't have any issues. For me it's an absolute nightmare.

The modem was brand new, I would say. Doubt that that's the issue.

The RV guy who was installing my internet (a happy SBB customer ironically..) said that they would pass a law that allows you to freely pick your provider. Like with your mobile. But I was unable to find any information on the net.
Is that a rumor?

Thx for the quick reply
My collegue live in same street wher you live (Bul Z. Djindjica). He got Vektor's net too few days ago, he have problems with modem, its disconnecting few times per day, and he got 50 or 25 net but not near speed he paying. He called ISP few times and at the end they fixed modem i think. Sorry for bad language :)
Solunac :) (@Thessaloniki), verovatno je problem sa modemom, mozda u instalaciji, razdelnik (spliter) bi bilo dobro zameniti, insistiraj da dodju majstori iz RV da vide, izmere signal i da zamene modem, spliter, prigušivače šuma, sve kablove do njihove razvodne kutije da pregledaju.
S obzirom da imas problem u vreme najveceg špica verovatno je modem.
Insistiraj na dolasku majstora.
Novi Beograd bi trebalo da ima uglavnom dobar net od RV.
Ono u vezi prelaska sa jednog na drugog operatera kablovske tv i interneta je glasina (rumor).
Uglavnom je po zgradama samo jedan operater.
Gde je RV nema SBB. :(
Jedino se Targo Telekom ubacivao uglavnom u podrucje gde posluje RV ali oni vise od godinu dana ne primaju nove klijente, propali su totalno jer im je nestalo novca, preinvestirali se i zaduzili sa kreditima, imaju mnogo problema sa odrzavanjme u radu postojece mreze i mnogi zbog velikih problema kod jednog dela korisnika odlazi od njih...
Poslednja izmena:
My collegue live in same street wher you live (Bul Z. Djindjica). He got Vektor's net too few days ago, he have problems with modem, its disconnecting few times per day, and he got 50 or 25 net but not near speed he paying. He called ISP few times and at the end they fixed modem i think. Sorry for bad language :)

Da, exactly that.
I will call again, tell them to change the modem.

Also hvala P307. I have a lot of spare parts, i will test some things.
Poslednja izmena:
Ne razumem kako postižu da imaju tako neujednačenu mrežu... Evo kod mene (21. blok) sada, u špicu...
Ne razumem kako postižu da imaju tako neujednačenu mrežu... Evo kod mene (21. blok) sada, u špicu...

Pravo je cudo kako su uspeli da stabilizuju upload ,nikad do sad nije bio ovako stabilan na jednom kanalu.
UL zavisi i od "ostalih" uredjaja.
Imao sam neki stariji a navodno dobar ruter, nakacen na modem i koji je davao (ruter) od 1,24-1,35 Mb/s maximalno.
Kada je crkao zbog srtrujnog udara, zamenio sam ga sa novim i "manje kvalitetnim" (navodno) ruterom i sa kojim sad imam isto ovako 1,48Mb/s upload.
Gde nestade discovery ID? Umesto njega na 160 sad je discovery id xtra?
A gde nestade discovery id?
A gde nestade discovery id?

ТВ канал "ID Xtra" саставни је део пакета Телевизија 100 и налази се на позицији 160 уместо ТВ канала "Discovery ID".

Nema vise, nije im prvi put da ukidaju kanale ...najbolje da ih okrenes i pitas
Džiberi. Šta mislite koji kanal sam najviše gledao? :)

edit: ne radi tv guide na novim kanalima.... šta reći
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Vrh Dno