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Nova Motorola - "X phone"


Pojavio se nov Motorola telefon sa velikim Google uticajem.




The fine folks at Tinhte have gotten their mitts on a Motorola-made Android phone that hasn't made its official debut. Right out of the gate, the outlet notes that it's not the rumored "X phone" since it's missing a large, stunning screen that would rival other flagship gear, but the specs still give it a fair amount of horsepower. Behind the device's roughly 4-inch 720p screen hide a Snapdragon S4 Pro (or better), an Adreno 320 GPU, 2GB of RAM and a 2,000mAh battery. On the outside, the smartphone sports a curved back reminiscent of the HTC One, a black finish and a thin bezel framing its display. Tinhte reports that the handset carries a XT912A model number, so we reckon it could be a cousin of the Droid RAZR, which is labeled as the XT912. Hit the jump for a video tour of the device, or click the source link for a full photo gallery.
Poslednja izmena:
Daleko je to od X Phone-a. Ovo vise lici na neki random midlevel eksperiment koji eto, ne lici bas na Droid.
Ma bitno da je ova tema otvorena :) bice zanimljivo u narednih 2,3 meseca...
Ovi su jos na 4 inch. :D Nekako neobicno, jer drugi brendovi idu vec na 4,7 i 5 incha.
Мени ово пре личи на Motorolin Nexus а не на Motorola X, који се, узгред зове Motorola NXT.
Uf odlicno izgleda, ovo je za mene super.
Није лоше, само мало је 4":D

Edit: Само због тебе Stjepane:p
По мом мишљењу је мало 4";)
Poslednja izmena:
Nije 4 inča, ima više. iPhone ima 4, ovo je jedno 4.3

Pa to je odlicno, 4,3'' 720p a 2000mAh baterija..
Evo telefona za mene i telepa. Taman ima vremena hsv sa proda svoju xperiu :d
Tusfe, tisina. :d
Ima malo vise od 4.3 ali ne izgleda tako zbog softverskih dugmica.
neko iskusniji, da li mu se iz snimka cini da je to cist Google JB unutra ili ima nekog Motorolinog bloatware?
Нисам од оних искуснијих, али по оном circle widget-у ми се чини да није pure google...:rolleyes:
Okrugli motorolin widget, ikonica chrome-a, folderi, status bar, sw tasteri - google jelly bean.
... ovo definitivno nije X, verovatnije naslednik razr-a - jedan od...
"Ever wanted to be able to build your own smartphone, just as you’d be able to order custom desktops and laptops from certain manufacturers?
A new report suggests that Google and Motorola could soon offer such a feature in its upcoming X Phone.

While hardware features have not been revealed, it’s said that the handset will come with an eight-core processor,
with one of them dedicated to Motorola’s “new human language system.”
What’s exciting to hear that users will have some freedom when it comes to building their X Phones.
Certain customizable features may include the color of the device, RAM or internal storage. Once ordered, the phone will be shipped “in one week.”

Buyers will also be able to customize their handsets (“pre-load their own wallpapers, ringtones, apps, contacts, etc”)
while waiting for them to be shipped, an HTC Get Started feature if you will and the X Phone could let users unlock the bootloader and the SIM, if they so desire."


Svakako nesto novo u svetu pametnih telefona. Ideja mi se mnogo svidja, samo videcemo koliko ce biti ostvariva u praksi.
Poslednja izmena:
4000mAh :shock:
Mene i dalje cudi da je motoroli i guglu potrebno toliko vremena da motorola zvanicno postane proizvodjac nexus linije.
Koliko sam čitao, valjda moraju da potroše trenutni razvojni ciklus stare Motorole , pa će polako da krenu Google verzije.
Zakopali su se ugovorom sa version - om. Sada mora da se to završi.
4000 mAh

e to bi voleo da vidim =]
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