Šta je novo?

heroes of might and magic 5 DEMO!!!!

Ne brini nista, nisi piglu (Izuzev ako nisi preso 1. misiju u 1. kampanji - ona bar nije izbagovana toliko) :D
Svaka kampanja ima neke bagove...
Meni se cini previse zahtevnom.Inace odlican je demo samo sto je star godinu dana i sto su krenuli da prave igru ispocetka!
Ima li novosti?

upravo sam skinuo demo filmice HOMM 5. super je. :)

zanima me da li ima nekih novosti od testera? kakva je igra? da li moze i gde da se skine nova demo verzija?

odigrao sam onu verziju za koju je neko rekao da je stara i ukradena. nije lose ali kada uporedim sa filmicima koji predstavljaju novu verziju velika je razlika. ima dosta promena i mislim da ce igra biti vrh.

da li neko zna kad izlazi u prodaju?


vlapet je napisao(la):
upravo sam skinuo demo filmice HOMM 5. super je. :)

zanima me da li ima nekih novosti od testera? kakva je igra? da li moze i gde da se skine nova demo verzija?

odigrao sam onu verziju za koju je neko rekao da je stara i ukradena. nije lose ali kada uporedim sa filmicima koji predstavljaju novu verziju velika je razlika. ima dosta promena i mislim da ce igra biti vrh.

da li neko zna kad izlazi u prodaju?


Ako ne bude kasnjenja u martu.
P.S. Konacno su predstavljeni svi gradovi
b4b je napisao(la):
Heroji2-odlicna igra
HEroji3-odlicna igra
Heroji4-losa igra

Ja nisam Heroes zaludjenik, volim heroje jer pruzaju super zabavu i traze da se ukljuci mozak.
Igrao sam H3 i H4. Mozda bas zato sto nisam toliko zaludjen za sve to ne mogu da shvatim zasto je H4 toliko los? Ja razumem da neko ne voli da mu se heroj setka po bojnom polju i da vise voli da svojim uticajem menja ostale parametre u toku borbe (kao sto je to u H3). Meni se H4 dopao, takodje mi se dopala i bolja grafika i taj cudni izometrijski pogled (na koji sam se jedva navikao posle H3 :)).
H5 obecava, ali bas bas, ja sam vrlo zadovoljan onim sto sam video i mislim da nece biti "promasaj" kao H4.
b4b je napisao(la):
Heroji2-odlicna igra
HEroji3-odlicna igra
Heroji4-losa igra

Heroji1-odlicna igra takodje.
Sami heroji 4 nisu toliko losi ako se drzis kampanja koje su lepo uradjene i interesantne (samo kada ih prvi put prelazis, ne vredi prelaziti dva puta) dok su kampanje druga dva dodatka zivi uzas.

Heroes 3 ROE, AB, SOD, WOG - Najbolji...
Heroes 2 - Odma iza triojke...
Heroes 1 - Vrlo blizu dvojke...
Heroes 4 - iza Heroes 1...
Kad ste već počeli da ređate po mestima:

1. Heroes4 -> ubedljivo!!!

2. Heroes2

3. H3 :-devil-:

4. H1

Atmosfera igranja u hotseat multi iz četvorke je toliko bolja nego u 3. da je to smešno... O kampanjama da ne govorim :smoke:
Heroes3 je igra koja je neprevazidjena. Cini mi se kada bi samo za trojku izbacili novi expansion bio bih srecan kao da dobijem na lutriji...ej noci po studentskim domovima su provedene uz heroje3, pa igranje jedne partije 3 dana(noci) u studentse bonove...to je bio zivot :D Pa kad osvojis bon za veceru posle tri dana igranja, pa pojedes, a ono sladje nego ikad (jer tri dana nisi nista jeo)
Ima li ovde slicnih prica?
b4b je napisao(la):
Heroes3 je igra koja je neprevazidjena. Cini mi se kada bi samo za trojku izbacili novi expansion bio bih srecan kao da dobijem na lutriji...ej noci po studentskim domovima su provedene uz heroje3, pa igranje jedne partije 3 dana(noci) u studentse bonove...to je bio zivot :D Pa kad osvojis bon za veceru posle tri dana igranja, pa pojedes, a ono sladje nego ikad (jer tri dana nisi nista jeo)
Ima li ovde slicnih prica?

Tooooo care
[Goran] je napisao(la):
Kad ste već počeli da ređate po mestima:

1. Heroes4 -> ubedljivo!!!

2. Heroes2

3. H3 :-devil-:

4. H1

Atmosfera igranja u hotseat multi iz četvorke je toliko bolja nego u 3. da je to smešno... O kampanjama da ne govorim :smoke:

Kojim redosledom si igrao ove igre??
Ne verujem da neko ko je poceo sa herojima 1 ili 2 moze da kaze da je cetvorka najbolja...
Heroji 3 u multiplay-u se igraju i dan danas, dok heroji 4 mnogo redje, da ne pricam o WOG-u... :S:
Evo nekih zvanicnih informacija o Heroes V

- There will be both a random map generator and a map editor.
- Like other recent Nival games, Heroes V will probably be available in both DVD and CD editions.
- There will be the hotseat mode and several multiplayer modes.
- There will be 6 towns.
- The game will feature both new and some existing heroes.
- Heroes of some classes will be able to directly participate in combat.
- Nival will probably release a "fansite construction kit" (buttons, frames, logos etc.) sometime closer to the game release date.
- There is no Heroes IV-style separation of melee and ranged attack types.
- There will be no restrictions against Heroes III-style troop chains.
- Each faction has 7 total creatures.
- Every creature has a basic and upgraded version, like in Heroes III.
- There will be the underground level.
- Unit population will grow weekly.
- Armies will not be able to move without a hero.
- There will be no Heroes IV-style alternate dwelling construction system.
- Most of the developers are Heroes fans, and many of them participated in championships.
- The battlefield size will vary depending on the number of stacks present.
- While the heroes and creatures themselves will be 3D, their portraits will be hand-drawn.
- The players will be able to perform all actions with the mouse, not using the keyboard.
- There will be no caravans.
- Unit stacks will not gain experience.
- Morale and its negative effects will remain.
- There will be many movies throughout the game, and most of the story will be told through them, not the text.
- It will be impossible to demolish a town and rebuild it as a town of another type, simply because it makes no sense to build a human town on a necromancers' land.
- The trace left by a hero will allow the player to determine the hero's direction, race and strength.
- Heroes defeated in combat will "feel very bad" because of physical and moral wounds.
- The battlefield size won't depend on troop types (melee/ranged/etc.)
- The player will be able to rotate and zoom the camera in all three modes - adventure map, town map and battle.
- Mutual hatred of some creatures (like angels/devils) will be back.
- Unlike Heroes IV, the castle building affects population growth.
- Artifacts worn by a hero will not be visible, because "the computer can go mad computing all this".
- The combat grid will be available.
- Every hero will have unique abilities.
- There will be a single storyline with all the campaigns connected.
- There were some writers hired for campaign creation.
- The game's primary language version (during development) is English, as they have to consult with Ubisoft.
- The Russian and English demo versions will be released simultaneously.
- Steve Fawkner, the creator of the Warlords series, is acting as a game mechanics consultant, and Rob King is really writing music for Heroes V.
- Some light on the Heroes V magic system will be brought in 2-3 weeks.
- There will be war machines (ballista, first aid tent, etc.)
- There will be artifacts that give bonuses to experience gain.
- The Academy town will be able to create mini-artifacts for units.
- There will be some hero abilities that bring some randomness to spell usage (if the caster has a low magic level, strong spells may fail or even turn against the caster's army.
- There will be water.
- Like in earlier games, heroes will lose all their turns when boarding or unboarding ships.
- There will be neutral monsters.
- Stacks can only be divided on the global map, not on the battlefield.
- There will be two distinct parameters called "initiative" and "speed".
- Every stack has its own turn periodicity. After activating Defend, the stack gains +30% to Defense until the next turn, and the time to wait until the next turn is halved.
- The hero also waits for a turn and can only flee/surrender when active.
- Dragons occupy 4 battlefield grid cells.
- The Wraith's Harm Touch ability doesn't depend on the number of Wraiths in stack.
- Horned Overseers can commit a suicide explosion.
- Archers lose the area attack ability after upgrading to Marksmen.
- Units resurrected by Angels remain after the battle.
- There will be a Civilopedia-style in-game help.
b4b je napisao(la):
Heroes3 je igra koja je neprevazidjena. Cini mi se kada bi samo za trojku izbacili novi expansion bio bih srecan kao da dobijem na lutriji...ej noci po studentskim domovima su provedene uz heroje3, pa igranje jedne partije 3 dana(noci) u studentse bonove...to je bio zivot :D Pa kad osvojis bon za veceru posle tri dana igranja, pa pojedes, a ono sladje nego ikad (jer tri dana nisi nista jeo)
Ima li ovde slicnih prica?
Ima care, ali za Heroes 2; probudio si mi uspomene :d Heroes 3 je lepa i sarena igrica, i igra se, ali dvojka je majka ;) A osim toga, dvojka ima i nepravazidjenu muziku!

Cetvorka nije korak unazad, vec trk u provaliju... O kampanjama zaista ne treba pricati: apsolutno je NEMOGUCE preci kampanju na "hard" nivou tezine :(
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