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Zanimljive i smešne slike 2024 - AI stop

🔥In 1984, Nike did something crazy.

👉They paid a $410,000 fine just to let Michael Jordan wear black sneakers on court.

👉Back then, the NBA had a strict rule saying that if a player wears a pair of basketball shoes, "they MUST be 51% white."

👉If this rule was broken, you'd have to pay a $5,000 fine per game.

👉Over a 82-game season, this adds up to $410,000 in penalties.

👉But Nike being Nike, they sent Jordan onto court wearing a pair of black and red sneakers - which INSTANTLY stood out, since everyone else's feet were white.

👉These shoes were the first edition of what we know today as the Air Jordan 1s.

👉So when people started talking about how "the NBA fined a guy for wearing some insanely good-looking shoes," Nike knew that their marketing masterclass was paying off.

👉All this drama and controversy made Jordans the talk of the town for a week or so, and it catapulted Nike's sales to crazy heights.

🔥By the end of the season, Mike Jordan became the NBA Rookie of the year.

👉And Nike sold over $126 MILLION of Jordan 1s.

🔥Cut to today, and Jordan 1s are still the first shoe you think of when you hear the word "Nike."

👉Last year, the entire Jordan brand did over $6.6 billion of sales, and that handsome growth has earned MJ over $1.5 billion in lifetime royalties.

The reason why most staircases in medieval castles were built to be extremely narrow and spiraling in a clockwise direction is:

Since medieval castles were built mainly as fortifications, staircases were designed to make it extremely difficult for enemy combatants to fight their way up.

Since most soldiers were right-handed, they would need to round each curve of the inner wall before attempting to strike, inevitably exposing themselves in the process. The clockwise spiral staircase also allowed the defenders to use the inner wall as a partial shield and easily allow them to swing their weapon without being hindered by the curvature of the outer wall.

The stairs were also intentionally poorly lit and built to be uneven, making it even more difficult for the attackers to gain any sort of balance or momentum during their fight up to capture the castle.
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