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XBOX 360 - opšta diskusija i blic pitanja

XBOX 360

03.10. - FIFA 09
07.10. - Fracture
07.10. - Disney Sing It
07.10. - Guilty Gear 2: Overture
07.10. - Crash Bandicoot: Mind Over Mutant
08.10. - MLB Stickball
10.10. - Midnight Club: Los Angeles
13.10. - Blitz: The League II
14.10. - Deer Hunter Tournament
14.10. - NBA Live 09
14.10. - NBA 2K9
14.10. - Rock Revolution
15.10. - Age of Booty
17.10. - Golden Axe: Beast Rider
17.10. - Rapala Fishing Frenzy
17.10. - Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
17.10. - Saints Row 2
20.10. - Monopoly
21.10. - Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
21.10. - DanceDanceRevolution Universe 3
21.10. - The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
21.10. - Legendary
24.10. - Dead Space
24.10. - Fable 2
24.10. - Far Cry 2
26.10. - Guitar Hero World Tour
28.10. - MotoGP 08
28.10. - SCORE International Baja 1000
28.10. - Scene It? Box Office Smash
30.10. - Silent Hill: Homecoming
31.10. - Fallout 3
31.10. - My Horse and Me 2
31.10. - Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

-izbor je stvarno neverovatan, zato sam najave stavio na dva topica.
Poslednja izmena:
Jos samo da imam vremena da odigram sve to. Ovako ce mi proci kroz sake samo 3,4 sa ove liste. Svejedno, nadolazeci naslovi su odlicni.
Nemoj se nadati hammertime-u posto ce igra biti prokleti single player i vodices samo ribu :(
Evo, šta će između ostalog doneti novi dashboard:

NXE will be available free, as all previous updates have been. When you sign in after release, you will be shown the usual "There is an update for XBOX LIVE" message.
This update will take longer than normal, so installation might take a short while.

Some ISPs that have difficulties with larger downloads may timeout, but as always it will packaged with newly released titles as well as on the XBOX.com website burnable to disc.

All the languages currently supported will continue to be supported by NXE. Those outside of North America however may not have access to the NetFlix or Primetime services, just a friendly heads-up on that. As deals need to be made on a per-country basis.

If you do not have a Hard Disk (XBOX Arcade Console), you will still be able to recieve the update... however any cached data will be removed upon shutdown/restart of your console. So for those with limited bandwidth we recommend aquiring a Hard Disk. Currently the 20GB model is available for about the price of a game, so might be worth picking one up now if you don't already have one.

The Background of NXE is fully customisable, allowing you to set many options to your own preferences. NXE is all about improving your XBOX Experience, and customisation of your dashboard is one of these that has recieved particular focus.

All of your previously purchased themes and gamerpics are still fully compatible, and will work seemlessly with the NXE Dashboard. You have the choice to not only choose Gamerpic or Avatar but use both at the same time if you choose to... although perhaps your mug from the Vision cam was nice as a gamerpic, the results on a T-Shirt sometimes aren't flattering.

All of the resources on NXE, particularly via Marketplace will download at varying quality levels to allow for quicker loading times on slower connections or at peak times. Everything is also cached to the Hard Disk, meaning once it's on your XBOX itself it will load instantly until updated on LIVE using no additional bandwidth.

There will be a meeting on the 15th that developers have been asked to attend that outlines some of the new media requirements for NXE Marketplace, this includes the possible inclusion of their marketplace media on-disc along with the system update.

The maintaince update on September 29th 2008 was in order to update the current LIVE servers for NXE and the Holiday period influx of new subscribers. In-particular the addition of number of servers for games and marketplace storage.

While advertisment will still be present, they will now be individually accessible from the top-menu of each section. It is felt this form of advertisment will be less intrusive as not to distract you from what you want to do, while having enough presence to make you want to check them out.
What is nice about the new advertisement design, is that they no longer feel the main aspect of a page; instead they blend really well with the overall experience. Feeling more like "points-of-interest" rather than billboard like... there is also more space for advertisement now you can select them individually which provides more space for information if you choose to check it out.

As far as games go, there are a number of aspects that are changing within this new update. There is a meeting on the 15th to explain these to developers, as well as the additions to the certification process. Specific options like VSync however will still be done at the developers discression. It is suggested that you contact the particular developer/publisher about issues with their titles, or suggestions on improving the experience.

As far as music goes, there is a big change to the XBOX Audio system coming that includes the media playback.
Any suggestions are welcome and should be sent to the XBOX Team, either via e-mail or the XBOX Team blog.
Improving your experience is the key goal of everyone at Microsoft.

Marketplace searching is definately a feature that would be good to have available. Especially due to the amount of content now present. The preset menus do help finding the content much easier now, obviously though having a search system similar to Windows Vista would improve the experience even more. This said there is a particular issue with performance for such a task. Windows users are used to waiting for searchs while people on consoles are not.
You may yet see this feature implimented or atleast some form of easier sorting/quick-selection system.
That isn't to say it definately is there, but it is being looked in to. It might not be present in the initial release, you are likely to see this added later. If this is implimented you can be sure it won't be limited to just those who own the chatpad, however that will make it a damn sight easier.

There is not yet a set date for release for NXE, there are number of issues with the LIVE Servers themselves that need addressing prior to release. You might still be experiencing some problems with LIVE since the maintainance, and recent short downtimes being experienced in-particular. Once these issues have been addressed, setting a more specific release date can be assurtained.

There are teething problems with all new systems, however there are many people working hard to try and minimize these issues. Despite the NXE as a dashboard basically be completed and currently being tested, there are a number of features that are still being finished.
It is almost finished just hang in there!

Enjoy the build up coverage over the next month, as there is more that will be shown off as it gets closer to release.

Phew! That was long, but hopefully answers the majority of questions.

Evo i jedna slika, da se vidi kako bi to trebalo da izgleda:

Mogu li ja da ptam jedno glupo pitanje. ima li XBox mogucnost korsicenja misa+tastature za pucacine ili se moraju igrati iskljucivo na fabrickom gamepadu. Ima li mozda neko trece resenje?
X360 ne podrzava misha i tastaturu u igrama, ali postoje 3rd party reshenja u vidu Frag kontrolera ili XCM XFPS adaptera. Ovaj drugi je skuplji ali je bolji i pored misha/ tastature mozesh da kachish i gomilu drugih periferija, recimo gitara ili volan za PS2, pa chak i ps2 joypad..

Gde ima da se kupi ovaj adapter i koliko košta. Mene interesuje zbog PS2 gitara:)
Gde ima da se kupi ovaj adapter i koliko košta. Mene interesuje zbog PS2 gitara:)

Ja sam video na Amazonu,ali ne znam dali xbox igra ima podrsku ya misa i tastaturu zamislite samo Red Alert na gamepadu. mada ko zna mozda i nije lose
Gde ima da se kupi ovaj adapter i koliko košta. Mene interesuje zbog PS2 gitara:)

Kod nas ga nema nigde, a sa Amazona ne preporuchujem naruchivanje jer ce ispasti 150e na kraju :)

ali ne znam dali xbox igra ima podrsku ya misa i tastaturu zamislite samo Red Alert na gamepadu. mada ko zna mozda i nije lose

Ovaj adapter postoji bash zato shto x360 nema podrshku i misha :)
Ja sam video na Amazonu,ali ne znam dali xbox igra ima podrsku ya misa i tastaturu zamislite samo Red Alert na gamepadu. mada ko zna mozda i nije lose

Nema potrebe, interfejs za Red Alert za konzole će biti uprošten i prilagođen igranju sa gamepad-om, tako da neće biti uopšte potrebe za tastaturom...
Potvrđen datum izlaska novog XBOX Experience (novi Dashboard), 19. Novembar 2008.g.

A evo i XBOX devojčica...

Moje se zelje polako ostvaruju TEKKEN na XBOX 360 !!!
Poslednja izmena:
Jutros rano po našem vremenu Microsoft je na TGS-u 2008 održao svoj press na kojem su riješene neke misterije vezane za Halo 3 ekspanziju, otkriven je datum dolaska Xbox Experienca (veliki updejt) zatim je i prikazana gomila trailera.

I da, još jedan veliki hit dolazi i na X360.

Tekken 6 je već u izradi za X360 i dolazi isti dan kada i na PlayStation 3. Prikazan je trailer na konferenciji ali drugi detalji nisu poznati. Konačno je otkrivena misterija oko Halo-a 3 a tek na jesen 2009. dolazi nam Halo: Recon.

Navedena igra ili ekspanzija ako hoćete tačnije donosi sasvim novu kampanju i nove multiplayer modove i zapravo je igra prologue Halou 3. Nije poznato da li će igra ostati FPS ili će se možda preobratiti u 3rd person squad-based pucačinu.

Novi updejt za X360 nazvan "new Xbox experience" konačno je dobio datum izlaska a to je - 19. novembru naravno ove godine. Osim što donosi Avatare, redizajnirano okruzenje i mnoge druge stvari, jedna od većih stvari su svakako instalacije igara na HDD.

Potvrđeno je da će igra morat biti u konzoli iako instalirate istu ali da će konzola biti mnogo mnogo tiša a i ubrzat će se vrijeme učitavanja ili smanjiti ako želite tako. Instalirane igre moći ćete u svakom trenutku putem dashboarda obrisati dok će DLC-ovi naravno ostati.

Potvrđen je isto tako i izlazak Ninety-Nine Nights 2 za X360 a prikazan je traler za Star Ocean: The Last Hope kao i novi trailer za Resident Evil 5.

Slatko nema sta !!!
Poslednja izmena:
Ovo je fenomenalna vest, ali xbox360 joypad jednostavno nije dobar za tabacine.
Ne znam da li ce ti se svideti cena od preko 100e :) Za x360 sam nashao samo neku najjachu verziju V3 Sniper PRO LOL :), obichna verzija je jedno 30% jeftinija, nashao sam je samo za PS3 ;) Aj potrazi po netu za X360 pa cemo kupiti...
Ljudi interesuje me par stvari jer danas narucujem Xbox360. U pitanju je Arcade verzija i po cini mi se dobroj cijeni od 250e. E sad zanima me na sta treba da obratim paznju i da li moram posle konzolu da chipujem/flashujem i koliko je to komplikovano uraditi sam? I zanima me koliko je on u Srbiji sad (Arcade 40GB)
Poslednja izmena:
Arcade ne postoji sa 40GB to jest Arcade nema uopste hard disk. Ako oces da igrash kopije, morash je fleshovati. Navodno nije komplikovano ali ja nisam sam hteo nikakve kabloe da povezujem ili da otvaram konzolu.
Da, upravu si za HDD moja greska...Sve je to oko al ovdje u PG ja mislim niko ne radi s Xboxom pa ne znam ko bi mi ga flashovao pf :)
mnogo dobar link. fable ,prince of persia, banjo, ninja blade, far cry 2, re 5(koja je ono igra oko 6 minute - tabacina neka a pise sve na japanskom) jedino ne stavise gears of war 2
Da, upravu si za HDD moja greska...Sve je to oko al ovdje u PG ja mislim niko ne radi s Xboxom pa ne znam ko bi mi ga flashovao pf :)

Ako moze da se fleshuje. Konzole sa liteon drajvom ne mogu, a to su sve proizvedene chini mi se od aprila ove godine, shto znachi da ako kupujesh negde preko, shanse su velike da ti upadne bash ta konzola...
Jel isplativa promjena drajva i naravno da li je moguca? A mozda naletim i na ovaj novi "jasper" naravno ako je izasao.
Poslednja izmena:
Taj novi Jasper isto ima liteon. sve konzole u proteklih pola godine imaju liteon. Shto se tiche zamene drajva, kazesh da niko ne radi sa Xboxom kod tebe, kako mislish da nadjesh novi drajv koji josh moze da se fleshuje ? :) Pa to jedva u Beogradu moze...
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