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Paradise city



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In Paradise City, you'll play as one of three characters, each of whom has been coerced into working for the NSA to find out what's going on in the corrupt, eastern seaboard city. All attempts at restoring law and order have failed, so now the new plan is to try and infiltrate the gangs from the inside. You'll have to pass yourself off as a gang leader and earn street cred by doing criminal deeds and taking over neighborhoods, with the hopes that you'll uncover the crime bosses who run the city.......There are two styles of play in Paradise City. The action mode has you controlling your character from a third-person perspective as you run around the city, blasting enemies and pursuing missions. This is obviously inspired by such games as Grand Theft Auto. Then there's a light real-time strategy element, where you'll look down at the city from a bird's-eye view. You'll be able to hire henchmen and build rudimentary defenses to defend your territory. Or, you can send henchmen to take over a building or neighborhood. There isn't any traditional real-time strategy resource gathering or base building, though, so this mode is mainly for controlling your troops...... The single-player story is estimated to last between 10 and 12 hours
Znaci sve je objasnjeno..... Ovo moze biti nesto kao GTA zanr sa elementima RPG ili neobicna real-time strategija sto znaci moci cete da birate u kojim modovima cete je igrati od ova dva ponudjena..... Igra bi trebala da izadje Q2 2007(mozda Apr 2007)
hmm...podseca po prici malo na syndicate wars :) me like syndicate wars :)
Zvuci interesantno, moracu da probam :banana:
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