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Nisam primetio razliku u brzini između starijih BE i običnih verzija. Uglavnom, ova BE mi za sada radi odlično, ovo je "reinkarnacija" pošto je stari BE napušten kao projekat.
Bilo ti je čekirano da mota po keyframes?
Možda, ako to nije bilo čekirano, a možda i nije do toga ...
Added (+):
+ Added an option in "Speed Step" settings;
+ DXVA (GPU) indicator on the toolbar;
+ JPEG 2000 support in MP4/MOV splitter and decoder, ffmpeg + OpenJPEG library (http://www.openjpeg.org) is used for decoding;
+ Full Opus support, splitter + decoder, ffmpeg + libopus is used for decoding;

Changes (*):
* FLVSplitter, streaming video (youtube or any other http source) - opening speed-up, determining file duration during playback;
* Short links support - youtu.be;
* PGS subtitles parsing/handling mechanism has been revised - multiple subtitles are correctly displayed simultaneously now;
* PGS/DVB subtitles rendering - optimization;
* YouTube parser optimization;
* Ukrainian localization update;
* Disabled DVR-MS Caption;
* ShellExt - module operation improvement, optimization;
* MediaInfo 0.7.60+ svn rev.5104;
* libpng 1.5.13 git-11c1e0d;
* ffmpeg git-f75c5f0;
* openjpeg 1.5;
* libopus (version git 2c3b5ee dated 20120921);

Fixes (!):
! Fixed problem with incorrect selecting and highlighting of DVD objects (there was displacement of coordinates);
! Fixed problem with saving window state on program exit(SIZE_MAXIMIZED/SIZE_MINIMIZED);
! Fixed problem with player startup in "Use same process for every file" mode, multiple windows were opened after multiple clicks, ticket #29;
! MpcAudioRenderer - WASAPI Shared mode is not used now if sampling rates of the input and output streams differ;
Bilo ti je čekirano da mota po keyframes?

Sada sam probao ovaj player i pored toga sto je odlican, pogodio si u cemu je stos.

Kada je to cekirano nema laga, ako se iskljuci ima laga. Po default-u je ukljuceno.

Fin je GUI, meni je MPC odbojan zbog Win CE GUI-ja, ovo je fino unapredjenje. Jos da su main meni malo sredili bilo bi super.

Mada je Splayer i dalje sampion kada je GUI u pitanju, floating transparent gui splayera je meni savrsenstvo. Ali ovaj je mnogo brzi u radu sa fajlovima a i pokrece se trenutno sto se ne moze reci za Splayer.

Da bi ovaj player bio idealan fali mi gui kao kod splayera ali da radi brzo kao i one opcije da uveca velicinu prozora na 2x ili 3x od originalnog prozora. Smara resize.

Moze meni da se sakrije ali ne bi bilo lose da postoji i button dole pored poziva menija preko desnog dugmeta misa. Mada bi najvise voleo skinovan meni gore, kao po default.
Ovakvi plajeri su dobri za ekperimentisanje. Npr. na MPC-HC se ostave standardna podešavanja a ovde haali, lav madVR i provera se razlika kao i zahtevnost na istom video materijalu
Pa ovo je isto sto i MPC-HC, samo ima nasminkani GUI. Ne vidim zasto bi se opterecenost sistema pri pustanju zahtevnog video materijala znacajno razlikovala.

Ja ga koristim kao primarni, MPC nisam mogao ocima da smislim (uzasno izgleda GUI). Nabacio sam madVR i radi odlicno. Mnogo bolje i brze od Splayera koji sam pre koristio. Poprilicno bolje i od Potplayera, koji mi se uopste ne svidja.
Pa ovo je isto sto i MPC-HC, samo ima nasminkani GUI. Ne vidim zasto bi se opterecenost sistema pri pustanju zahtevnog video materijala znacajno razlikovala.

Baš zato što se nerazlikuje mogu da se koriste različita podešavaja tj različiti "spoljni filteri" i onda se upoređuje razlika

Mnogo bolje i brze od Splayera koji sam pre koristio. Poprilicno bolje i od Potplayera, koji mi se uopste ne svidja.

Prvi se vuče i to je osnovna mana ali ne razumem zašto ti se Potplayer ne sviđa
Ja koristim okvir, samo sam menije iskljucio. Treba da ubace 2x, 3x resize buttons medju te kontrole, mrzi me da svaki video razvlacim rucno a full screen mi ne treba svaki put.
Meni su svi playeri podešeni na full screen jer smao tako pratim video materijal tako da na to i neobraćam pažnju
Instalirao sam ovaj player i prvi put da sam dobio trenutni skok na odredjenu poziciju filma. Desna strelica nekoliko puta, pa levo i stvarno radi u cugu.
Pre toga sam deinstalirao cccp, kmplayer. Nakon restarta instalirao sam ffdshow i lav (sve 3 komponente). Za spliter sam ostavi Lav-a, a za sve ostalo ffdshow.
A ostala setovanja sam iskopao sa nekog foruma , gde u detalje objasnjavaju podesavanje mpc-hc.
trenutni skok mozes dobiti na svim playerima na ustrb preciznosti.
Ne znam šta se femka aleksoid, još malo pa mesec dana od izlaska zadnje verzije.:(
A total of about 450 changes have been made in this version.

Added (+):
+ MPEGSplitter - added a "fast seek" option;
+ File formats - button for deselecting all formats;
+ AVISplitter - added support for parsing MPEG Audio tracks, as there are files with "untrustworthy" headers;
+ MP4/MOV Splitter - added support for AMR Wide band audio tracks, support for Rotate tag;
+ Support for reading Rotate tag from QuickTime files (using internal splitter) and video rotation (if video renderer supports it);
+ Getting DXVA status for ANY compliant renderer, and not only internal one (works on EVR, madVR). Only DXVA 2.0 is supported;
+ Support for custom Pixel Shader in madVR;
+ Added commands for toolbar buttons SUB / AUD (Load Ext Subtitle... / Laod Ext Audio...) into context menu appearing upon right click;
+ WVSource/MusePackSource - added support for APE Tag, reading cuesheet (information about chapters);
+ FLACSource - support for reading information about chapters; in particular, using CUE file embedded into Flac's tag - CUESHEET;;
+ Support for subtitles in XSUB format (DiVX subtitles);
+ Added a possibility for setting icons by type (video and audio) instead of extension;
+ MPEG2 DXVA decoder - detecting 2:3 Pulldown and correctly setting frame duration;
+ Added two hotkeys for showing system time and file name in OSD;
+ Added basic support for handling subtitles with VSFilter - full support for managing subtitles' list, show/hide, switching, loading external subtitles via menu and via Drag'n'Drop;
+ MPCVideoDec - support for choosing Deintelacing method;
+ Support for external subtitles in UTF-8 without BOM header;
+ MPEGSplitter - support for reading palette for VobSub subtitles upon opening via .IFO;
+ Support for DVD_Subpicture;
+ Possibility for opening external logos in the following formats: *.bmp; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png; *.psd, *.gif; *.tif; *.tiff; *.tga, *.emf; *.ico; *.webp; *.webpll;
+ Added Flybar panel;
+ Added buttons for Flybar in D3D exclusive mode (file close and program exit);
+ "Download Toolbar Images" link;
+ Possibility for opening images: bmp, jpeg, gif, png, psd, tiff, emf, ico, webp and webpll;
+ Youtube clip title is now shown in main window's title, seekbar and OSD;
... and many more.

Changes (*):
* Improved Vorbis parser;
* OggSplitter - added header check;
* Changed UTF-8 detection method in a file without BOM;
* MP4Splitter - improved Chapter support;
* FLVSplitter - improved streaming video support;
* Improved handling of external/system filters: now "Prefer" works for external Source/Splitter filters as well as for Transform filters. Also fixed priority setting for internal WavPack/MusePack/TTA/AMR Splitter (since they do not have their own Source);
* Stricter filter for loading logos for musical files;
* WVSource: code cosmetics;
* VSFilter - XSUB: if subtitles' size exceeds video size, then trying to fit the frame;
* MpaDecFilter -> Mixer: changed stereo upmix coefficients;
* MusePack/WavPack - APETAG support, now getting and showing in the player full information on artist, title, year, album, etc.;
* Small cosmetics for EVR/VMR9 statistics;
* Improved memory leaks handling mechanism;
* Enabled optimization of 7.1-to-stereo downmix;
* DXVA decoder - refined handling of an EndOfStream signal from a lower-merit filter;
* OSD options cosmetics;
* "Recent" jump list in Windows 7 taskbar is cleared upon clearing MRU files
* File associations - if the user presses the "Apply" button, changes nothing and presses "OK", then file types registration is not launched once more; also, the window for choosing assotiated extensions/types is not shown under Win8
* Updated MediaInfo language files;
* MpaDecFilter: updated CMixer, optimization;
* MPEG2 DXVA decoder - changed handling of 2:3 Pulldown frames, disallowed setting constant frame duration, since there can be mixed content (interlaced
frames together with 2:3 Pulldown);
* XSUB subtitles - correct positioning and scaling upon changing window size;
* MpaDecFilter: using sample formats from ffmpeg for internal processing;
* MpaDecFilter: optimized decoding PS2PCM and PS2ADPCM;
* WebServer: optimization;
* Shaders are only saved when it is needed;
* OSD message upon changing subtitles' delay interval when using VSFilter;
* More correct display and behavior of "Subtitles" menu when using VSFilter;
* Improved handling of subtitles with VSFilter, also added a possibility to control delays (F1/F2) for VSFilter;
* Optimized volume level step setting;
* Improved HDMV (PGS) subtitles parsing;
* Subtitles queue handler - changing thread priority not only according to settings, but also for subtitles' type: ALWAYS setting low priority for raster subtitles;
* An error or warning message upon creating video renderer is displayed only once;
* FLACSource - changed mechanism of tags extraction, now UTF8 tags are read correctly;
* SaveAs - using only file name, without path, for local files;
* Video renderer, statistics - obtaining and showing frame type (progressive/interlace) regardless of decoder;
* Correct setting mouse cursor for filters' settings, now the hand (IDC_HAND) is set only for relevant elements;
* Changed algorighm of UTF-8 recognition;
* Improved background painting for VolumeCtrl;
* Checking toolbar и flybar for correct sizes;
* Transparency in logos and external images is rendered correctly;
* DXVA H.264 - improved supported video check for DXVA decoding;
* Weakened restriction on frame size for Nvidia GTX 660Ti;
* Removed switching player's mode (look) on pressing Esc;
* MPEGSplitter - upon opening a .vob/.mpg file, looking for a DVD .ifo file with a corresponding structure, and if one is found - reading palette from it for rendering VobSub subtitles;
* Subtitles - improved action of TextPassThruFilter filter;
* Optimized FlyBar behavior;
* Completely revised H.264 DXVA decoder, improved handling of H.264 Interlaced;
* Youtube parser: added stereo3d format to exception list;
* Removed exception for taking screenshots for MadVR with version 0.84.0 and above;
* Added SeekBar in compact mode;
* Saving screenshots in JPG and TIFF is now performed through GDI+;
* MPEG2 DXVA Decoder - optimization;
* DVD: if FirstPlay command is absent, trying opening DVD Menu Title;
* Removed automatic switching the sound on/off upon changing the volume;
* Optimized AsyncReader;
* Optimized opening and saving images;
* Optimized opening links from youtu.be;
* Added a possibility to disable internal logic of choosing audio tracks and subtitles;
* Updated Korean translation, author - kuh3h3;
* Updated Ukrainian translation, author - arestarh1986;
* Updated German translation, author - Markus Gaugg;
* libwebp 0.2.1 git-6bf20874;
* libpng 1.5.13 git-753fd3f;
* libopus 1.0.1 git-5367dac3;
* Virtualdub 1.10.3 Test 7;
* ffmpeg git-ceee4407;
* MediaInfo 0.7.61+ svn rev.5314;
* ZenLibs v0.4.28+ svn rev.411;
* Little-CMS git-e4624c8d;
* SoundTouch svn rev.160;

Fixes (!):
! HDMV(PGS) субтитры - fixed several problems leading to runtime errors;
! Fixed subtitles handling;
! DVB subtitles parser: parsing PAGE was not fully correct;
! AudioSwitcher: fixed overflow (which could result in stutter and crash on some WavPack tracks);
! Slightly corrected handling of raster subtitles, fixed problems that resulted in runtime errors;
! When opening a link from Youtube, OSD now correctly displays the clip's title;
! DirectVobSub(VSFilter) - fixed handling of P010/P016 video;
! The command "reload subtitles" was erroneously exchanged with subtitles' style dialog;
! DirectVobSub - crashed upon showing PGS/DVB subtitles when their resolution exceeded video stream resolution;
! DirectVobSub (auto-loading version) - was not loaded automatically under Win7;
! DXVA decoding of VC1-I;
! Showing time on the scrollbar when "Subresync" is enabled;
! MpaDecFilter: fixed crash on DTS files;
! AviSplitter: corrected playback of files with corrupt fragments in the header;
! PGS subtitles parser;
! The possibility of switching tracks with subtitles via filter's menu should not depend on subtitles' handling in the player itself;
! The Lock/Unlock button on the flybar was rendered incorrectly;
! Playlist closed upon opening a file;
! Big CPU load in DXVA mode during H.264 decoding;
! Seekbar and statusbar do not indicate image loading;
! Playlistbar: fixed background rendering upon switching a theme;
! Internal FLACSource did not play files whose header lacked information about minimal and maximal frame size;
! Subtitles were not shown when using ffdshow video decoder & subtitle filter;
! FLACSource - problem opening corrupt files;
! SaveAs - removing "incorrect" characters - only for files from youtube;
! Subtitles' option "Всегда использовать внешние субтитры как основные" did not work when internal track selection logic was disabled;
! Opening some ANSI/ASCII files;
! MPEGSplitter - sometimes not all data were read from Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) header;
! Language switching - buttons' tooltips language was not changed in Win 7'spreview in the taskbar;
! Some external filters were not registered;
! Showing subtitles in YUY2 output mode;
! MPEGSplitter - some MPEG-TS could not be opened;
! Fixed problem with png rendering;
! MPCVideoDec, external filter - codecs' selection was not saved;
! External filters - Settings' header missed text;
! VP3, THEORA, MPEG4 - eliminated artifacts and picture "spilling" after seek;
! H264 DXVA decoder - slice control data were supplied to the decoder incorrectly for some specific Interlaced streams;
! FLV splitter - incorrect handling of PCM audio tracks;
! VolumeCtrl sometimes caused malfunction;
! Fixed volume control rendering;
! Memory leak in MPADecFilter when using mixer;
! WebServer - numerous fixes and optimization;
! Main window header was constructed incorrectly;
! Installer - fixed the error on uninstall;
! Hangs in specific circumstances with Preview enabled;
... and many more.

Novi tasteri (flybar) ne rade uz madvr.:(
Radu u fullscreenu ali i u windowed modu ako je isljučen prikaz meni bara.

Izašla 2075
Poslednja izmena:
Hvala, zaboravio sam na to, sad je sve OK.:)
Instalirao sam MPC-BE na laptop i pod "File" nemam opciju "Subtitle Database", koja mi mnogo znači. Nije mi ovde dekstop računar, pa ne znam koju verziju programa koristim na njemu, tako da me zanima da li neko zna šta treba da radim da bi mi se "Subtitle Database" prikazivalo pod "File" ili koju tačno verziju programa da instaliram.
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