Šta je novo?

BTC-E kriza 25.7.2017.

Što, šta? :)
Nisam ja računao ništa, prenosim šta rusi pišu.

Ako misliš na terminologiju, tako se kaže,

U većini zemalja engleskog govornog i kulturnog područja, jedan bilion predstavlja broj ili 10^9 ili rečima, jednu hiljadu miliona.

U ostalim zemljama reč bilion uglavnom označava ili 1012 ili jedan milion miliona. U tim zemljama broj 109 se naziva milijarda.
Mislim da se samo čudi količini novca na berzi. Bar je meni tako delovao njegov post.....
Znaci imaju gomilu adresa sa po 1000 novcica i kad dodju na red salju ljudima dok ih ne isprazne. Ko zna koliko su adresa tako iskoristili.
Ne verujem da bi i najveći newbie slao sa jedne adrese takva plaćanja. [emoji2]

Ipak su to prekaljeni ruski vukovi. [emoji2]
bitcoincash mi nije legao jedino i sva je prilika da nece.

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Imaju definitivno vise cold skladista tako da mi ne znamo nista i dalje, hot wallet koji se deponovao njega nisu direli nekih 120K LTC i 460K ETH sa koje su neke manje sume samo povlacene
Dzaba ja pricam kad niko ne cita sta sam napisao.
Ja napisem jedno onda se pojavi neko ko preleti preko posta i ispadne da ja branim btc-e. Ja kapiram da ste svi naelektrisani ali daj ljudi ne istresajte to jedni na drugima.
Cacanine idi lepo i procitaj sta sam napisao. Prozivas me bezveze.

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Opet ti Saj da ja tebe prozivam, odakle ti to? Pa godinama se znamo.
Procitaj ti tvoj prvi post na koji sam ja reagovao. Pa posle ovaj pretposlednji. Gde ja gresim?

Послато са SM-N9005 уз помоћ Тапатока
Sajber nakon svih hackova i kradja je izgradio onaj poremecaj da saoseca sa lopovima :d:p,)
da vidim da li ce ovima sto su ostali da isplate bcc

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Ne vidim razlog da to ne urade, dodeljen je 1:1 sa BTC.

Edit, Mada jeste čudno što nikome nije poslat ko je uradio refund.

Bilo bi lepo ako bi neko sa više btc potvrdio da mu nije stiglo. Za manje iznose, moguće je da je uvećan LTC, ETH.
Poslednja izmena:
Ne vidim razlog da to ne urade, dodeljen je 1:1 sa BTC.

Edit, Mada jeste čudno što nikome nije poslat ko je uradio refund.

Bilo bi lepo ako bi neko sa više btc potvrdio da mu nije stiglo. Za manje iznose, moguće je da je uvećan LTC, ETH.

Meni nije stiglo.

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Legao BCC
Opet ti Saj da ja tebe prozivam, odakle ti to? Pa godinama se znamo.
Procitaj ti tvoj prvi post na koji sam ja reagovao. Pa posle ovaj pretposlednji. Gde ja gresim?

Послато са SM-N9005 уз помоћ Тапатока
Hajde lepo kreni da citas odavde: https://forum.benchmark.rs/showthre...za-25-7-2017&p=5220963&viewfull=1#post5220963
Upao si u sred moje rasrave sa Mikijem i uhvatio si se za nesto sto je izvadjeno iz konteksta i prozivas me. Da, prozvao si me. Ja lepo pricao i njemu kao sto sam i tebi rekao, procitaj lepo sta sam napisao pa ce ti biti jasnije. Bas zato sto se godinama znamo vidim da nisi procitao jer tako nesto ne bi napisao.
Ne branim BTC-e. Samo pokusavam da se manje lupeta po temi. Svi su nesto naelektrisani, ne valja kad nemaju izbor, ne valja kad imaju izbor. Sad kad imaju izbor da uzmu 55% ili da cekaju 55+45% odmah nastala frka i nervoza.
Mickey kaze oteli nam 45%. Ja kazem nisu nam oteli 45% jer ce nam dati tokene koji ce opet nesto vredeti a sve su sanse i da dobijemo vise od 55%. Ti posle upadas i kazes oteli nam sve.
Nisu nam oteli sve, zamrzli su nam sve, vratice (nesto). Nisu nam oteli 45%, ne znamo jos koliko smo u manjku. Oni koji su uzeli 55% su se samo odrekli 45%, nije im oteto.
Uporno pricam da se saceka 15-ti da vidimo na cemu ali ne, ja branim btc-e, ja imam poremecaj licnosti :d

Puna tema panicara: ugaseni im nalozi, nema novcica. Na kraju legli novcici.
Ukrao im btc-e bcc. Na kraju legao bcc.

Ne branim ja nikoga nego je pola ljudi ovde palo s marsa. Sacekajte ljudi da vidimo na cemu smo. U krajnem slucaju, mislite sta hocete, necu da trosim vreme na ******stine. Ako bih trebao svakom ponaosob da objasnjavam stvarno bih bio slucaj za posmatranje ;)
Update as of 09/06/17
09/06/17 23:26 from admin

Dear BTC-E users!

We combined all the previous news and new ones into this text. We closely follow the questions you ask us and update our FAQ. For ease of familiarization, we divided it into subsections.

Thank you for your interest, sincere participation and support!

When will the support portal be launched?
The launch of the support portal on the new site is scheduled for 10/09/2017

Are the old deposit addresses relevant to the Koinas actual?
These addresses are no longer relevant and coins sent to these addresses will not be credited. All new addresses will be generated on the new service.

Do not come letters to the post office?
Check the spam folder, most likely the message came under the filter.

Is it possible to organize an input with an untethered two-factor, without the possibility of output to view the balance?
No, there is no such possibility.

Phishing e-mail has become more frequent.
We officially declare that we do not send any emails for verification, please do not open the files and do not click on the links.

Updating security settings
1. Your password was forcibly reset. At the login, it is necessary to generate a new password or use the password that we will create for you, for this there is a separate function.
2. Edit 2ph, delete the old key and create a new one.
3. Check the list of white IP and delete inactive or out-of-date IP.

"When will the disbursements of available funds start?"
"How to withdraw funds now?"
"In which koins will the Fiat be converted from my balance?"
All information is available at https://btc-e.nz/refund

"I made a request to withdraw funds and did not receive them, what should I do? "
1. Make sure that 72 hours have passed.
2. Make sure that we have no news about delays and technical problems-here https://btc-e.nz/news
3. If the first two paragraphs are positive, write a personal message to the user support - here https: // btc- e.nz/messages TRANSFER OF

I have not credited the deposit in coins after 25.07?
All deposits before August 1, inclusive, are credited. If funds are not credited, you need to write a ticket for verification, but this is only if you have not used the refund.

What about the funds that were transferred after August 1?
Deposits after August 1, we can not enroll, since they are under US control.

PAMM and MT4
Will MT4 and PAMM be available in the future?
Platforms Metatrader4 White label and PAMM were provided by Fxopen in the framework of contractual relations with them; But in connection with accusations of service from the US, they broke the contract unilaterally.

What about the funds that were used in the PAMM accounts?
We expect the receipt of correct data on PAMM accounts on 11/09/2017. After that, until 15.09.2017 the funds will be credited to the account of users. If funds are not credited to you, you must write a ticket.

What happened to the customer data on trading in MT4?
Funds from MT4 are credited to users' accounts, the closing date of positions on July 25, 2017. If you have not been credited, you must write a ticket.

What will happen to the fiat in the users' accounts?
The team of lawyers works on fiat, which decide how to return access to it. At the moment, you have the opportunity to get 55% in koin.

In which koins will the Fiat be converted from my balance on output, before launching a new site?
BTC, ETH, LTC as a percentage.

How are things with BitcoinCash?
BitcoinCash is credited to all bitcoin holders in a 1: 1 ratio.

Will there be tokens for each coin?
Yes. https://btc-e.nz/tokens The

Token for fiat and coins are the same or are they different?
Different. For example, USDET. ET - in the marking means a token. In this example, this is the USD token.

Can I sell my tokens?
Tokens you can sell on the market or wait until we have them redeemed from you. Free tokens will be opened.

Where can I sell tokens?
On our site.

Tokens to other participants of the new exchange can be translated?

When the opening of the auction?
Bidding will be launched on September 15, simultaneously, with the launch of a new site.

How will my funds and profile be transferred to a new site?
Will the new site have new passwords / 2fa or will all the security data remain the same?
Everything will be rescheduled. This will be done automatically, no additional action is required on your part.

Will the new service be Bitcoin Betting?
Will, after obtaining the necessary licenses.

What will happen to the funds on the accounts of those users who decide to stay and wait for the launch of the new site?
1. Your profile will be automatically transferred with all security settings (password, 2fa, IP white list).
2. All your funds will be transferred to a new site.
3. On the day the site is launched, the balance sheet will be recalculated at the market rate and will be credited to accounts with a higher ratio than 55/45. There will be no conversions, some of the funds will be transferred to tokens.
4. Tokens will be credited to your account balance, which you can use for bidding and issuing codes.

On a new site, will I continue to input and output as before? The commission's interest will remain the same?
We plan to increase the number of input and output methods and reduce commissions.

Will there be btc-e codes on the new platform?
Codes remain, but are transformed into more modern payment instruments.

Since September 10, we will launch a ticket system for solving the following private issues of our users:
• The balance is not displayed correctly;
• The funds from MT4 and PAMM have not been credited;
• The funds that were requested for withdrawal to payment systems did not come;
• Request a private key to send funds to ETH;
• The password is not suitable, reset 2ph, disable the IP white list. Account is locked and others.
Now these questions can not be solved in manual mode. Be patient.

Will verification be mandatory at registration?

My account has been verified by you, will this verification be relevant?
The company that conducted the verification unilaterally terminated the contract, in this connection, if necessary, the verification will have to be re-run already on the new service.

How long will verification take?
Now the staff is being trained. We plan to carry out verification within 72 hours, if there is not an anomalously large influx of volunteers.

Will it be possible to verify several accounts that were on the exchange at one time?
Yes. A trading account can be more than one, but the output of a fiat in one.

What is verification needed for?
If you plan to enter and display Fiat, verification is necessary.

Do I need to be verified on a new site in order to withdraw the koin?

Do I need to undergo verification in order to start trading on a new site?
If the balance of the account on the new site is replenished in koin, then no. If in fiat, then yes.

To exchange codes of coins and codes of tokens it will be possible without verification?
Yes, you can.

What documents are needed for verification?
1. For verification of identity, one of the following documents
must be submitted : It is necessary to provide documents confirming identity and fill in the necessary information:
- National passport (turn)
- Passport (turn)
- id card (both sides)
2. To verify the address of actual residence, one from the following documents, in which it should be indicated:
For verification of the address the following documents are accepted:
- Extract from the bank.
- Utility bill.
- Tax documents.
- A document confirming your residence permit and issued by local authorities.
- Judicial documents.
- Documents issued by state or other competent authorities.
3. Agreement.
It is necessary:
- will familiarize with the agreement;
- print out the agreement;
- sign on each page of the agreement;
- Download a scan copy of each page in good quality.
4. A qualitative self-photo with a passport turn in the hand.
Additionally, to confirm the identity, we can request:
- A photo with an ID card / passport near the person.
- Photo with ID card / foreign passport and against the backdrop of a personal account in our service.
U principu kaze ovako:

1. Potreban pasos
2. Potreban utility bill - struja, voda, fiksni telelfon
3. Bice neki upitnik u kojem dajete izjavu najverovatnije o tome da niste politicki aktivni, koliki promet zelite da pravite i sl - sve u svemu klasican AML formular
4. Selfie sa pasosem
legao ETH na Bitrex, povučen sa BTC-e .. sve OK !
Ko je imao $$ morat ce celu proceduru verifikacije, za njih je realno bolje da prihvate 55% u coinima

Do I need to undergo verification in order to start trading on a new site?
If the balance of the account on the new site is replenished in koin, then no. If in fiat, then yes.

Vinnik intejvju:
Ne, tu misle ako ćeš dopunjavati sa fiatom acc, onda mora verifikacija. Što je ok.

Niko nece imati fijat na novom sa starog sajta, sve ce biti konvertovano btc,eth,ltc.

I ako ga dopunjavas sa valutama, ne treba verifikacija, ako zelis da ga dopunis fiatom, mora verifikacija. Bez iste, ne moze ni da se ubaci fiat nigde.

To je moje razumevanje situacije.

Verifikacija je svuda potrebna gde se obavljaju poslovi vezano za fiat, nema veze sa valutama. Ne bi trebalo ni ovde nista drugacije da bude.
Pa ipak je pisano ruski ali ako je prevod tacan ispada da ce morat verifikacija ko prebacuje $ sa btc-e na nov sajt (misli se na transfer onog sto imas)
Do I need to undergo verification in order to start trading on a new site?
If the balance of the account on the new site is replenished in koin, then no. If in fiat, then yes.

malo je nelogicno da pise o depozitu $ kad ljude interesuje stanje sa onim sto imaju na btc-e, mada ko zna
Da, nije baš najjasnije.

U svakom slučaju, verifikacija nije problem osim u davanju ličnih podataka likovima koji ne ulivaju poverenje.

Verovatno bi smo se i za većinu drugih menjačnica isto osećali kada bi videli ko je zaista iza kulisa.

Ne deluje mi logično da je potrebna verifikacija za prebačeni fiat, ionako je to samo obračunski fiat najverovatnije. Ne verujem da će imati u startu 1 na 1 pokriće.

Ali dobro, sačekaćemo i videti.
Ovde valjda pišu o prebacivanju sredstava sa starog na novi. Ako ste imali samo kripto i to vam prebace na novi sajt ne treba verifikacija (da bi se trgovalo?). Ako vam je prebačen fiat onda treba. Bar ja tako shvatam ovaj tekst.

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I meni je to logicno jer ipak ameri svaki depozit u $ zahtevaju verifikaciju, ipak je ovo prenos na novu berzu koja bi barem trebalo da bude "regularna"
Ovde valjda pišu o prebacivanju sredstava sa starog na novi. Ako ste imali samo kripto i to vam prebace na novi sajt ne treba verifikacija (da bi se trgovalo?). Ako vam je prebačen fiat onda treba. Bar ja tako shvatam ovaj tekst.

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Kako mislis prebacen fiat kada je receno da ce umesto novaca dobiti 50%BTC + 25%LTC + 25% ETH? Ja sam razumeo da ako hoce da prebace fiat naknadno, posto menjacnica nova bude otvorena.
Vrh Dno