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ArmA 2

meni je dosta ove igre... sa patch 1.02 "popravili" su to da se manhatten misija zavrsi i ako ne odradis sve bar se meni tako desilo....... sledeca misija je radila OK sa tim da je jedan deo bio skriptovan i postojao je samo jedan nacin resavanja problema ili dobijes bazuku... (ja mislio FADE) sve nakon toga se nemoze igrat posto tim vise neslusa tvoja naradjenja... so officijalnog foruma su isto to potvrdili...

ja mislim da je securom + fade totalno unistio igru i da neradi nikom!
programeri to nemogu popraviti jer nisu oni zaduzeni za protekciju.......
publishera zabole!, njima je vazno da se igra ne piratuje a dal radi zabole ih!
e toliko o originalnim igrama!
Poslednja izmena:
Brate, prijatelju hvala za info. Da znam da se ne zamlacujem vise...
Back to Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl :), 2009 Patch and Fix Release :banana:.
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Шта добијам од те верзије?
pa ne moras da se patis sa ger to eng patchom za pocetak..a i trebalo bi da nema onoliko bagova!

Па ако је патња инсталација печа од 1 мегабајт... Колико видим то је ваљда верзија са 1.02 а за коју нема no-dvd.
Cekajte, zasto mislite da beta patchevi 1.01 i 1.02 rade za full verziju igre ;).
moze li neko ko je skinuo itwins verziju instalirao sa novim serijskim da exportuje iz registrija info i uploduije negde, da ne bi reinstalirao svapsku verziju?
Kolko drogirasha ovde...

Nego jel je dovoljna 4850-tica za 1680x1050 na medium detaljima?
Ma ima ovde dosta podesavanja, osim low-med-high-very high, i za daljinu, vidljivost...
Kad budes instalirao saznaces :).

Ja sam je sa 4870 igrao na high-very high, viljivost na 87% i neki filteri isto na 80%.
nije mi jasno zasto cekat crack koji nece resiti ni jedan problem??

proverite officialni forum ako meni ne verujete...

DT lite + yasu (kill task za yasu) i igra rado 1000% isto kao i sa originalnim CD-om na vecini PC-a

e sad pojedini imaju problema sa yasu + njihov HW ili nerazumeju kako da ubiju task ili da koriste yasu...
nije mi jasno zasto cekat crack koji nece resiti ni jedan problem??

proverite officialni forum ako meni ne verujete...

DT lite + yasu (kill task za yasu) i igra rado 1000% isto kao i sa originalnim CD-om na vecini PC-a

e sad pojedini imaju problema sa yasu + njihov HW ili nerazumeju kako da ubiju task ili da koriste yasu...

Код мене неће! Инсталирао сам и про верзију, убацио мини image, покренуо јашу, покренуо игру и опет исто њесра. Неће!
samo da znate da su i dalje zadnje 2-3 misije 100% neigrive jer od pocetka misije razor tim ne reaguje na komade...
odgovora nema kad ce se ovako velik problem resiti.. neki odlucuju da sami bez tima zavrse misiju ili koriste cheatove sto je po meni ludost...
Kakav bre demo, kad full igra izlazi za koji dan :trust:.
Link za Demo -


Copyright © 2009 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved.

>>> www.arma2.com <<<


System requirements:
Minimal PC System Requirements
• Dual Core CPU (Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz, Intel Core 2.0 GHz, AMD Athlon 3200+ or faster)
• 1 GB RAM
• GPU (NVIDIA GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon 1800 or faster) with Shader Model 3 and 256 MB VRAM
• Windows XP

Recommended PC System Requirements

• Quad Core CPU or fast Dual Core CPU (Intel Core 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or faster)
• 2 GB RAM
• Fast GPU (NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or ATI Radeon 4850 or faster) with Shader Model 3 and 512 or more MB VRAM
• Windows XP or Vista

To install the game, please follow the instructions provided in the setup process.


Useful links:
Main website: www.arma2.com
Developed by: www.bohemiainteractive.com
Forums: forums.bistudio.com (English Only)
Community wiki: community.bistudio.com (English Only)

Installation problems:
- Uninstall ARMA II DEMO completely from the Startmenu.
- Manually erase all datas found in the installation folder of ARMA II DEMO
- Install ARMA II DEMO from scratch again.

If at any point during a mission you become stuck, or the mission does not progress it is recommended that you restart the mission from the beginning.
If the mission looks too hard for you, restart it as well with lower difficulty or try different approach. Missions can be played differently every time.

If you encounter any sound or graphical issues while running the game, please make sure you have installed the latest versions of your hardware drivers and try to tweak your audio and video options.

ArmA 2 demo allows you to experience the unique gameplay featured in the full version of ArmA 2 including multiplayer,
as well as samples of the vast amount of vehicles, weapons and units and realistic environment.
The demo also contains a part of Chernarus terrain, which is based on the real-life landscape. Visit http://www.arma2.com for more information about the game.

Overview of the demo content:

Boot Camp:
Boot camp provides you with several scenarios which can help you to better enjoy the ArmA 2 demo.
To play the scenarios, start the game and select SingleplayerBootcamp from the main menu. The following tutorials are available:
Basic Training - You can learn the basics of the game controls, movement and principles of first aid and infantry combat in this tutorial. If you’re new to the world of military simulations, it is strongly recommended to learn these basics.
Parachute Jump - In this tutorial, you have a chance to try precision-jumping with a steerable parachute.
Helicopter - Learn the basics of helicopter flight, transportation of troops and attack chopper tactics.
Team - Learn the basics of your team’s command and control. This tutorial will teach you how to command your subordinates and manage your team.
High Command - You are often given command of whole groups in the bigger battles (e.g. Death Valley scenario). This tutorial describes the basics of the high-commander’s job.
Construction - In a large-scale scenarios (Death Valley in the demo), you can construct defenses, HQ buildings or structures which enable you to enroll certain unit types.
This tutorial will teach you the basics of the construction interfaces.

Three scenarios and an editable mission template are featured in the demo. Scenarios are accessible from the main menu’s Singleplayer > Scenarios section.

Trial by Fire – A marine assault team is inserted on the Utes island to capture an OPFOR base. To successfully complete this mission, advance together with the rest of your team, follow your orders and avoid being too brave.

Death Valley - Small mission to introduce and also teach you how to use the RTS/FPS blend mode for ArmA 2 - The Warfare mode.
In this large-scale battle, your objectives are to capture all strategic locations or destroy all structures on the enemy base in your area of operation.
It is recommended to play Team, High Command and Construction tutorials before you start playing this mission.

Benchmark - This scenario is an unplayable cinematic benchmark test that will help you determine the best setting for playing ArmA 2 on your computer or to compare your hardware. Average FPS is displayed at the end of this scenario.

Mission Template: Basic - To start this mission template, activate “My missions...”, select “<New mission>”, “01:Basic”, choose the side you want to play for, and edit the mission conditions.


It’s possible to play a multiplayer battle or customize some of the available mission templates.

To start the template-based multiplayer, select “<<New - Wizard>>” and select from the list of available templates. Note that templates are customizable, and you may prepare many variations of existing setups.

Death Valley - Multiplayer version of the scenario. Up to 16 players may take part in this battle. In “Create game”,
Multiplayer Mission Template: Deathmatch - Free-for-all fight for up to 16 players.
Multiplayer Mission Template: Team Deathmatch - Two teams fight in a small area. Up to 16 players may play in this scenario.
Multiplayer Mission Template: Seize The Area - Cooperative scenario for up to 6 players, whose task is to eliminate all hostile units in a designated area.

Mission editor:
Limited version of Mission Editor is present in the demo. Note that it's not possible to either save or load a custom mission in the demo.
Ma radi igra samo zviznete lek za nemacku verziju 1.01 i to je to inace u ovoj multi verziji je vec patch 1.01 kolko sam skonto igra mi radi na high 1280x1024 ne very high tu pada fps dosta ,a i ovako ne znam koja razlika izmedju high i very high sama grafika nije mi nesto al dobro igram kampanju nije lose ali nista i posebno moj utisak da je igra prosecna:banana:
Poslednja izmena:
Sa nemackim sedativom nece da mi pokrene prvu misiju u kampanji, ispise mi da mu fali neki fajl
E ja prvi nivo ne mogu preci kaze mi da spasim onu zensku taoca ja priso ribi ona pobeze u onu sumu sve vrag nosi e svasta ruskinje ludo:banana:
Izgleda da jedino ja igram ovo cudo
Poslednja izmena:
E ja prvi nivo ne mogu preci kaze mi da spasim onu zensku taoca ja priso ribi ona pobeze u onu sumu sve vrag nosi e svasta ruskinje ludo:banana:
Izgleda da jedino ja igram ovo cudo

neces dugo ako uspes da predjes menhatten (ako te ne zakaci neki veci bag.. preporucujem ti da odma ides na unistavanje glavne baze jer je ona najvise nestabilna...) dalje neces puno odmaci ;)
Evo i benchmarka:


Inache, demo je patchovan na v1.2 i radi za nijansu bolje od nemacke verzije.
I ima aa opopop auuu 19 average iskljuci 8xaa bice valjda bolje :banana:

Ma naravno da ne igram tako, ovo je chisto testa radi. :D Mada realno, i ovako i onako igra se vuche ko prebijeni machor. Treba sachekati jedno 15-20 pecheva, tvikova, drivera, itd. Mozda tad i prebaci 50 fps-a. :d
Ma naravno da ne igram tako, ovo je chisto testa radi. :D Mada realno, i ovako i onako igra se vuche ko prebijeni machor. Treba sachekati jedno 15-20 pecheva, tvikova, drivera, itd. Mozda tad i prebaci 50 fps-a. :d

Bas tako kad na takvoj masini igra ide ko puz ne vredi je igrati dok ne srede nesto ako srede ,a dok oni srede mi cemo igrati nesto trece ovo cemo zaboraviti:banana:
nije problem u performansama, vec u nedovrsenoj igri u kojoj i sa 1.2 patchom nemoze se zavrsiti glavna kampanja...... ja sa 8800GT nisam imao problema sa padom FPS-a na nekim custom podesavanju i iskljucenim senkama..
Presao sam 5-6 misija, mogu reci da mi se svidja realisticna grafika i jako dobro osvetljenje, ima milion komandi u igri, ali kada se naviknes skroz je ok, jedino explozije i tako neke stvari izgledaju lose, pomalo mi je bagovala igra dok nisam stavio 9.6 drajvere, sada je super
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