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[4X] Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter

Nemoj. Jesu popravili neke stvari, ali ja počeh novu partiju i puče mi već u trećem potezu...
E a jel jesu ubacili opise pri pravljenju broda. I nekako mi deluje malo konfuzno ono sa postavljanjem tureta Sve su ikonice tu nacickane uvek moram da stavi ma ikonicu da vidim do kojih topova na brodu me vodi.... Lepse mi je bilo onako u kecu, mislim, preglednije i funkcionalnije...
Eee kad bi se nekako sve kockice slozile pa da izbace neki nastavak Imperium Galactica.
Ma mislio sam bas kao IG1. Sve je bilo super u toj igri. II aj tu i tamo, a N1 je bio dosta dobar. Steta sto SSII nije ispunio ocekivanja.

- Added more variety to the default weapon loadouts of starting fleets.
- Issue where sound would cut out (particularly in combat) is now resolved.
- Fixed issue where ships would avoid far too high or too low while in combat.
- Resolved an issue where players could enter combat without a fleet even if a fleet is available.
- Fixed a bug that misrepresented the winner of a combat.

Sledeći patch se očekuje u sredu.
Današnji patch:

- Fixed a crash that would occur when transitioning from the Starmap to the Main Menu screen.
- Reduced time it takes to transition from sub-screens to the Starmap.
- Fixed an error with AI ship names.
- System Killer will no longer spawn so close to a planet.
- Camera will no longer focus on the sun when placing a station.
- Colonization dialog will now display appropriate text.
- Autosaving will no longer append "(Autosave)" if it already exists.
- Corrected an issue with trade stations not generating income.
- Random encounter spawn rate will now respect the percentage set by the player.
- PD Lasers will no longer incorrectly target enemy ships.

- Enemy ships within sensor range but not visible will now be represented as a red diamond.
- Missiles will now appear in sensor view.
- Improved System Killer AI.
- Some AI processing speed optimization.
krastavac... ja sam odustao od igranja za sada. Doduše sinoć sam zaglavio 4 sata igrajući prvi deo, tako da nije frka :D
E to :)
Nisam igrao prvi deo od kada je počela WoT manija. Zaboravih koliko je to dobra igra :)
E sa kime najvise igras Sots? Meni su nekako najsladje bubice posto mi njihovi kruzeri nekako najvise odgvaraju dok su mi za drednote brodove nekako najbolje tarke... Mada lakoca upravljanja Lirr brodovima u bitkama mi je jedan ogroman +. Nikada nisam nista smisleno uspeo uraditi sa Zulovima posto mi njihov nacin putovanja u potpunosti ne odgovara.

Secam se da sam sa bubinim destrojerima uspevao da pobedjujem tarkine kruzere, koji su bili ono klot al svejedno :d... A da i istrazivanje kod Liira je nenormalno brzo... Samo su im brodovi jako slabi mada opet to nadoknadjuju ranijim izucavanjem tehnologija.... Sta znam najvise sam igrao sa Lirr i sa Bubama :d
Poslednja izmena:
Ja igram uglavnom kao random, pošto želim sebe da nateram da naučim dovoljno dobro da igram sa svim rasama, da naučim njihove prednosti i mane, pa da posle mogu lakše da im kontriram kada sam sa druge strane.
U principu su mi svi osim Zuul-a ok, mada zahtevaju prilično različite načine igranja. Zuul-i su mi veliki problam, pa iako znam kako treba da se igra sa njima, nikako ne mogu to da svarim jer je baš potpuno suprotno mom mentalitetu.
Ceo taj princip arčenja resursa i ekspanzije po svaku cenu je meni odbojan i onda imam utisak kao da se borim sam sa sobom dok igram sa njima.
Mnogo su mi slađi kao protivnici nad kojima mogu mirne duše da se iživljavam :p, mada su me izgazili par puta pošteno.
Xixixixixixixxi znam i meni ne odgovara to turbofolk like osvajanje. Ja volim sve natenane, zgrabim sve oko mene sto se zgrabiti moze i onda ze zabarakadiram napravim flotcinu i krenem da razaram sa njom polako :d

E da jedino sto meni one 3D mape uopste neodgovaraju. Ja sam samo picio onu 2D mapu... Eh kada bi ubacili sve modele 3D mapa i u 2D formi to bi mi bilo super.
Eh... 2D je za babe :p
Imaš vrlo fine 3D mape koje nisu preterano zbunjujuće jer su dosta pljosnate i imaju prepoznatljiv "reljef". Ja lično volim spiralne galaksije.
Sfera ume da mi napravi čvor u mozgu kada pokušam da je igram sa nekih stotinjak zvezda :p
Patch na verziju 17826b:

Known Issues
- Drones cannot be designed.

- Many additions to the Defense Manager, which has now been renamed to Battle Manager.
- Fixed a crash with weapons doing half a population damage.
- Fixed a crash with the locust updating its turn.
- Fixed crash in Starmap that could occur when changing between maps in game setup quickly.
- Fixed a crash during saving if using unique extended characters as part of your profile name.
- Fixed a crash associated with the admiral trait True Grit.
- Interaction with COL weapons temporarily disabled while fixing crash in Design Screen.
- Added stance control for ships in formation in combat.
- Re-implemented trade layer.
- Bankruptcy system now in effect.
- Biome-colonizers now active.
- Increased sensor ranges.
- Improved Leviathan class death sequences.

- Fixed a bug where station upkeep was not being deducted from savings.
- Fixed a bug where prototype costs were not being applied to savings.
- Fixed some issues with misnamed event images.

- Fixed an issue where dragging and dropping fleets could in some cases duplicate them.
- The game will now only keep the most recent set of log files. Old copies will be automatically deleted.
- Improvements and a handful of fixes made to the meteor shower random encounter.
- Fixed an issue that allowed trade points to be reused in a trade round.
- Made some optimizations to the gathering of planet/system data for the budget.
- Made some optimizations to the gathering of data for players with combat assets.
- Fixed an issue where weapons and modules could display with incorrect materials.
- Swapped battlerider reserve and wing/squad slots to make use clearer.
- Added tooltips to rider squad/wing/reserve buttons.
- Added trade view overlay elements to star map drawing, first pass.
- Combat entrance transition now active.
- Added improved visual cues when dropping into and out of accelerated time in combat.
- Fixed a variety of issues with battle rider behavior in combat.
- Fixed incorrect asteroid monitor locations in combat.
- Fixed broken images in the encyclopedia.
- Tweaked stats of engine sections.
- Removed items in the Starmap Lobby will no longer remain selected.
- Fixed an issue where double the number of riders were being loaded into combat.
- Fixed an issue where riders would detonate instead of returning to tender.
- Fixed an issue where mounted riders could prevent ships from rotating.
- Tweaks to many ship sections, stations, weapons and related art.

- New politics section added to encyclopedia.
- Added new star maps: Wave (3) and Big Disc (8)
- Added player details to the server browser.
- Added trade view filter to the star map.
Patch na verziju r17948b:

*** This update hasn't been tested extensively on old save games. ***

Critical fixes:
- Fixed a bug that prevented income from being generated when doing a feasibility study.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to automatically distribute sliders from a hidden slider.
- Fixed a crash with support missions trying to open a dialog twice in a turn.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if closing the game while it was booting up.
- Fixed a von neumann crash caused by the faction running out of resources for a new collector fleet.
- Fixed an issue with crashing gem/forge world events from trying to apply moral bonus.
- Drones can now be designed and assigned to ships.
- Battle Riders may now be launched and recovered via their weapon icons in combat.
- Combat turn flow was rewritten. All combat queries are now answered at once, and then all combat simulations play out.
- Fixed a bug that stopped biome colonizers from improving terraforming values.

Other fixes:
- Fixed a recent issue where only the default player profile would be used.
- Fixed tech requirements on a few freighter ship sections.
- Removed "freighter" designation from ship sections to which it was incorrectly applied.
- Tarka freighter savings cost has been reduced from 1.5-million to 150,000.
- Leviathan stats have been improved.
- Tweaked turret arcs on a number of ship and station sections.
- Stations whose crew die off stop rotating in combat.
- Patrol battle riders now follow their tenders better.
- Fixed an issue where battle riders were not swarming around stations effectively.
- Fixed feasibility speech cues from using wrong speech library.
- Fixed admiral driven speech to use proper case.
- Fixed researching sound.
- Fixed research completed early sound cue.
- Fixed the battle draw and winning battle speech cues.
- Fixed under-the-hood sliders to automatically reset themselves to zero.
- Fixed an issue with swarmers trying to assign themselves to systems with no planets.
- Fixed an issue with the flock bonus not being used as a percentage.
- Moved the overharvest warning event to the correct location to stop it spamming every time the IO was queried.
- Fixed an issue that caused the gem and forge world events to spam.
- Fixed battle manager bug when entering system with no Naval base.
- Made visual culling much more subtle on star map to avoid labels popping in and out.
- Cleaned up view filter modes, populated list through code instead of through xml.
- Fixed issue in battle manager where station slots where being displayed even if no CP was available.
- Properly hooked up Mission/Engine section name display to riders in rider manager.
- Combat ready animations no longer loop incorrectly on ships.
- Save games should stay significantly smaller now due to the disabling of a debug feature that was storing a detailed history of all previous changes.
- Fixed a visual issue where tracking torpedoes would draw erroneous lines across the screen.
- The trade view filter on the star map now shows different icons for star systems.
- Fixed a bug that caused the admirals to return an incorrect admiral prefix to sound cues.
- Fixed a bug where Liir Naval Stations were displaying Hiver station assets.
- Fixed visual jitter for battle riders returning to tender.
- Fixed an issue where turn events were not displaying for some.
- Fixed various sizing bugs in GUI lists.
- Protean pods will return attacks.
- Fixed incorrect terrain names in Clouds and Ring star maps.

Other changes:
- New entries have been added to the encyclopedia's Galactic Atlas.
- Added new weapons: Blast Storm Missile, Polaris Blast Beam Missile
- Added new Rift star map.
- Added the ability to skip camera transitions with the escape key.
- Added a tutorial help screen for trade.
- Added Zuul freighters.
- Added missing Von Neumann PD weapons.
- Adjusted station visibility distances for combat.
- Added default ship names for command ships, bore ships, and gate ships.
- Implementation of initial, new post combat dialog.
- Added trade Modifier for trade distances.
- Added a table to keep track of trade results to stop clients from not being able to see trade.
- Stopped the ability to trade with someone you are at war with.
- Increased the max planet range for provinces by 1 ly.
- Added a configuration ability for disabling the main menu combat scene. There is no user interface for this diagnostic option, but it can be modified at your own risk in

'%localappdata%\Sword of the Stars II\settings\settings.xml' by adding or modifying the LoadMenuCombat element with a True or False value.
- Added launch effects for planet-to-orbit weapons.
- Added "Reserve Slot" label to reserve rider slots.
- Added events for post combat.
- Added realtime feedback to trade slider adjustment in trade view.
- Added filter to battle rider manager to display only carriers in widget.
- Added color coding to riders in rider manager.
- Added max flock bonus to strat mods and hooked it up to morrigi drive tech.
- Added a function for adding orbits with orbit numbers.

Key known issues:
- There is no post-combat popup.
- Screen transition time still slow for some.
- Game not running in 64-bit for some (running 32-bit works).
- Looking for people unable to connect to GameSpy for MP.
Patch na verziju r18002b:

Critical fixes:
- fix crash when current formation is removed.
- Fixed a crash when you killed the system killer.
- Fixed random, occasional crash in the encyclopedia code.
- Removed nonsensical option to roll stations, which caused a crash.
- Fixed a crash with proteans.
- Fixed a potential crash issue in the battle manager.
- Added text box filtering for ", ', and ; to prevent known crash issues (e.g. when giving ships a name).
- Fixed circumstances under which canceling a mission might crash game.
- Fixed bug where fleets were getting forced to center of the sun.
- Fixed bug where fleets could be placed inside planets.
- Post combat dialog now shows information on destroyed ships and other useful things.
- Blastmissile technology now researchable.
- Fixed the issue where armor damage patterns were being swapped to different ship sections between combat rounds.

- Fixed drones firing while docked on carrier parent.
- Fixed spacing issue when adding a drone carrier to fleet.
- Adjusted base volley and weapon range deviation (note: shotgun deviation may be a little high).
- Fixed drones attachment points on some carrier sections.
- Fixed so non-tracking torpedos no longer able to damage own ship.
- Combat data will now be sent after determining victory status.
- Added power bonus to modules.
- Added default weapons to module banks.
- Fixed an issue with some music not looping.
- Updated the strat modifier cost when you acquire rapid prototyping.
- Fixed an issue that allowed humans to see and use zuul node lines.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to do missions outside their sensor range.
- Changed the stations to use 'under construction' assets when being built.
- Made the first arrival of colonization missions apply the support factors from its fleet.
- Added fix to ensure that randoms and grand menaces don't spawn if all of them were disabled.
- Fixed missing suulka cannon beams.
- Fixed auto-picked targets by ship/fleet stance (function did not always pick a valid target to pursue, stand off, or retreat from).
- Ships without crew are now removed after Combat, counted as destroyed.
- Fixed inaccurate locations for applied damage patterns.
- Fixed a localized text thing in the empire management screen to accurately represent trade income.
- Added a fix to stop the Von Neumanns from continuously building stuff.
- Fixed beamers not doing damage.
- Added fading to various interface elements.
- Fixed bug where battleriders would show up in battle manager.
- Fixed bug where stations could be built around enemy colonies.
- Fleets without admirals no longer display "Defacto" as their admiral.
- Combat events now show names properly.

Other changes:
- Post-combat popup has been added.
- Added trade view slider display.
- Added in-game game and audio options.
- Added categories for the option screen for all effects.

Key known issues:
- The design screen must be re-entered before new Drone designs can be applied to ships.
- Biomissiles and boarding pods may not appear with ship designs.
- The post-combat dialog does not completely fit information for combats involving more than two players.
- Certain Battle Cruisers and Destroyers can carry riders, but these are not showing up in combat.
Rekoh da ću da vas obavestim. Nije još uvek došlo do toga...
Patch na verziju r18002c:

Critical fixes:
- Fixed invisible fleets in mission lists.
- Fixed an end-of-combat crash caused by inserting the same combat results into the game twice.
- Fixed invisible Morrigi DLC Grav Boat model.
- Fixed invisible Tarkasian DLC stations.
- Fixed invisible Human DLC stations.
- Disabled purple placeholder effect appearing on all turret muzzles when firing. Existing muzzle effects still display as they did before the last update.
- Fixed an issue where Horde Zuul fleets were unable to perform missions within support range.

Other fixes:

- Fixed a bug where modules were not being counted correctly on stations that players begin the game with.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing foreign and alien habitation modules from being applied to stations.
- Fixed support range display for stations and colonies. Note that fleets will still use their own supply and this will allow them to exceed base station and colony supply ranges represented by the white borders.
Dandy, da im trazis ti platu druze, reklamiras i podrzavas bolje nego njihov izdavac koliko vidim :D

Ajd javljaj sta i kako se desava, jedva cekam da zaigram ovo kad "ti das zeleno svetlo" i izvestaj da je u OK stanju :)
Sinoć sam pričao baš sa arcibalde-om u WoT-u o SotS-u (kako ovo blesavo zvuči :) ), pa sam mu savetovao da uzme ponovo da igra prvi deo.
Trenutno je za ljubitelje takvih igara to i dalje ultimativna igra, koja nije ništa manje interesantna danas iako ima malo zastarelu grafiku, a ispolirana je skoro do savršenstva.

Žao mi ja da priznam, ali ja SotS II ne vidim u zaista igrivom obliku bez barem 3 meseca patch-ovanja.
Poslednja izmena:
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