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Nvidia PhysX

Bridge sluzi samo kad karte povuzujes u SLI rezim rada.
Za PhysX nema potrebe niti se to radi sa dve razlicite arhitekture GPU-a tj dve razlicite karte po serijama.
SLI ide samo sa kartom iz iste serije,u tvbom slucaju GTX 560 Ti sa GTX 560 Ti.

Imas Batman Archam Asylum,probaj Dark Void.
Metro 2033 ti je najpopularnija i najzahtevnija igra i za te stvari taman i najbolji izbor.
Ako se setim jos igara sa friendly benchmark implementacijama unutar igre javljam..
NVIDIA Launches PhysX 3.0 With Support For Emerging Gaming Platforms

PhysX 3.0 is available for all major gaming platforms, including PC, Xbox360, PLAYSTATION3, OSX, Linux and Android.
PhysX 3.0 is designed to run on a variety of CPU architectures. Performance can be accelerated by any CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPU – including any GeForce 8-series or higher graphics card.
Like its predecessor, PhysX 2.8, the new PhysX 3.0 SDK binary version is available without charge to all registered and platform-authorized developers for both commercial and non-commercial applications

Jel moguce da ubacim 295 kao dedicated physx pored ove 670 ? interesuje me bench u mafia2 :p
Što se tiče Mafije 2 neće punp pomoći, najveći problem i M2 je što su namestili da se cloth simulacija (odeća) obavlja preko CPU, a ne preko GPU.

Jedini lek je da se "edit\APEX\Cloth" folderu obriše sve osim što nosi ime “VIT*“, “m2skeleton”,“ClothRemapTable“. Tako će samo Vito cloth simulaciju, a NPC-ovi ne.
"ok",kako da pokrenem test onda ? sa dedicated 295 ili bez ? da brisem te fajlove ili ne ?
Verovatno je do procesora, probaj OC.

Evo kako je kod mene (ista podešavanja), physx high (obrisana oni fajlovi za cloth, doduše ja sam ostavio i za ostale glavne likove fajlove, mislim da ni to ne utiče), vsynch on. CPU je na 4.4


Tokom celog bencha vrti 58-60, i onda ga obori kada prolazi kroz onu vatru i eksplozije, to je očito najzatevniji deo bencha.
Put Your System Through Its Paces: Download The PLA DirectX 11 & PhysX Benchmark

Tu je kraj price
Ima li smisla to raditi sa starijim graifickim kartama ( tipa 8800gt ) , tj stavljati ih kao drugu kartu za PhysX ?
Ima smisla, mada su GTX550 i GTS450 optimum za najnovije i najzahtevnije Physx igre (Batman AC, Arma3, Mafia 2 probably Borderlands 2).
Nema smislia, treba ti dx11 graficka za dx11 igre...
Ima, jer covek pita u vezi 8800GT za physx, slucaj u kome je nebitno koji DX trazi igra.
^ Pitanje je hoce li se moja GTX460 768MB izboriti sa ovom fizikom. :/
Ima, jer covek pita u vezi 8800GT za physx, slucaj u kome je nebitno koji DX trazi igra.

Samo to već zavisi i od snage "glavne" karte. Karte iz višeg segmenta poslednje dve generacije uglavnom čak postižu bolje rezultate same kada obavljaju oba posla, nego kada se upare sa slabijom kartom tipa 8800gt.
^ Pitanje je hoce li se moja GTX460 768MB izboriti sa ovom fizikom. :/

Verovatno hoce pod uslovom da oladis sa AA i da se mozda odreknes jos nekih stvari koje gutaju ram...mada, ne ocekuj da ti frejmrejt konstantno bude 40+. :)
Videcemo kako ce biti. :)
Nisam znao da Physx lose radi zbog Vram-a. Mislio sam da je u pitanju core.
Naravno da je u pitanju core kao najbitnija stavka za physx.

Sto se tice physx 3.2 i prednosti u radu, evo nekoliko zapazanja sa wmd foruma za progres u odnosu na prethodnike:

Peter Arbet je napisao(la):
One part of upgrade is a switch to the updated PhysX data format of collision meshes. With all our tracks now converted, I can say the data size has decreased by 12% on the average. This is close to 400 KB on our larger tracks like Azure Coast. While memory/disk consumption is not a big deal on nowadays PCs, it's still a good news for consoles. Collision data can load and unpack into memory faster, and also leave more space for visual meshes, textures and other stuff. Good work there, NVIDIA PhysX team

Peter Arbet je napisao(la):
Now with all features converted, direct comparison of PhysX SDK run-time memory footprints is possible. I've tested few different scenarios, and the numbers say that PhysX 3.2 consumes around 66% less memory than PhysX 2.8, on average. For example, on California Raceway track with 54 vehicles, PhysX 2.8 requires 15.7 MB of RAM, while PhysX 3.2 gets along with just 5 MB. As already mentioned in earlier post, this is important mainly for consoles, where available memory is quite limited, and each free megabyte counts.

Andy Garton je napisao(la):
The upgrade is a major amount of work for us and unfortunately far more than we expected or hoped. Nevertheless we have little choice as version 2.0 is no longer supported by NVidia so is missing all recent improvements and fixes. Even more importantly support for near-future hardware platforms is only available with 3.0 onwards.
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