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Resident Evil 3 Remake

za mene je RE mrtav posle treceg originalnog dela i zelim da mi ostane u lepom secanju.


List of everything that was cut from the game:

*Clocktower - is cut from the game
*Gravedigger - is cut from the game (Giant Worm)
*The Park - is cut from the game
*City Hall - is cut from the game
*Graveyard - is cut from the game
*Other locations - are cut from the game
*The Spiders - are cut from the game
*other enemies - are all cut from the game
*Jill doesn't go to the RPD police station <---this doesn't make any sense at all
*Her time in the RPD is completely cut out from this game.
*Iconic moments from the original - are cut from the game (Nemesis don't kill Brad, and others etc.)
*Nemesis don't follow you like MR X, he shows up a few times in the beginning of the game and chases you in one area, after that he isn't there, it doesn't happen again its just QTE and boss battles.
*The feeling of a Tyrant (Mr X or Mr X like enemy) following you - is cut from the game. If you're hoping Nemesis will be a beefed up Mr X, NO he is not like that at all.
*Nemesis second transformation - is cut from the game His third is now his second and kind of weird, he runs like a dog on his arms and legs, not scary or cool, just bizarre looking.
*Nemesis is just not Nemesis, IDK what he is but he isn't Nemesis
*Nemesis grapples up into nowhere like Batman and it looks really strange, gets even more strange when you realize there are no skyscrapers in Raccoon City, seems like he is web-slinging on clouds.
*Puzzles are almost nonexistent. I think there were only 3 and were so easy and over in a few seconds that they didnt feel like puzzles
*Every item you need to find feels handed to you so there is no joy when you find items. Honestly, there is a time in the game when you come to a locked door and jill says, "If only I can find the key," I turned around, took 2 steps and got the key of a dead zombie behind me. That's how you "find" items in this game.
*Barry don't save Jill in the end, that scene is cut from the game, changing the story.
*B movie feeling with all the action.
*Gore is toned down, arms and legs no longer fall off, they just disappear when you shoot them enough and it looks really weird.

Instead of worrying about how short Jill's skirt was, Capcom should have worried about how short her game was.
Znaci Remake drugog dela je uradjen mnogo bolje nego ovaj sad ?
@Sand Man
Jednom recju DA


List of everything that was cut from the game:

*Clocktower - is cut from the game
*Gravedigger - is cut from the game (Giant Worm)
*The Park - is cut from the game
*City Hall - is cut from the game
*Graveyard - is cut from the game
*Other locations - are cut from the game
*The Spiders - are cut from the game
*other enemies - are all cut from the game
*Jill doesn't go to the RPD police station <---this doesn't make any sense at all
*Her time in the RPD is completely cut out from this game.
*Iconic moments from the original - are cut from the game (Nemesis don't kill Brad, and others etc.)
*Nemesis don't follow you like MR X, he shows up a few times in the beginning of the game and chases you in one area, after that he isn't there, it doesn't happen again its just QTE and boss battles.
*The feeling of a Tyrant (Mr X or Mr X like enemy) following you - is cut from the game. If you're hoping Nemesis will be a beefed up Mr X, NO he is not like that at all.
*Nemesis second transformation - is cut from the game His third is now his second and kind of weird, he runs like a dog on his arms and legs, not scary or cool, just bizarre looking.
*Nemesis is just not Nemesis, IDK what he is but he isn't Nemesis
*Nemesis grapples up into nowhere like Batman and it looks really strange, gets even more strange when you realize there are no skyscrapers in Raccoon City, seems like he is web-slinging on clouds.
*Puzzles are almost nonexistent. I think there were only 3 and were so easy and over in a few seconds that they didnt feel like puzzles
*Every item you need to find feels handed to you so there is no joy when you find items. Honestly, there is a time in the game when you come to a locked door and jill says, "If only I can find the key," I turned around, took 2 steps and got the key of a dead zombie behind me. That's how you "find" items in this game.
*Barry don't save Jill in the end, that scene is cut from the game, changing the story.
*B movie feeling with all the action.
*Gore is toned down, arms and legs no longer fall off, they just disappear when you shoot them enough and it looks really weird.


Lol, ti ljudi kao da ne razumeju da je ovo remake a ne remaster.
Gledajuci taj spisak ovo je DIDN'Tmake :d

A jel ima spisak stvari koje su dodali, a kojih nije bilo u originalu, nesto pozitivno ?
Au, pa oni načisto iskasapili igru :mad:
Najviše sam razočaran zbog:
*Clocktower - is cut from the game.
*Puzzles are almost nonexistent.
*Gore is toned down.


List of everything that was cut from the game:

*Clocktower - is cut from the game
*Gravedigger - is cut from the game (Giant Worm)
*The Park - is cut from the game
*City Hall - is cut from the game
*Graveyard - is cut from the game
*Other locations - are cut from the game
*The Spiders - are cut from the game
*other enemies - are all cut from the game
*Jill doesn't go to the RPD police station <---this doesn't make any sense at all
*Her time in the RPD is completely cut out from this game.
*Iconic moments from the original - are cut from the game (Nemesis don't kill Brad, and others etc.)
* bla bla ...


Jao, ufffff, nikad mi se jace nije islo u wc nakon sto sam ovo procitao. :D

Inace imam 5 sati 30 minuta cistog gameplay-a za sada a 7 ukupno sa cutscenes, nisam zavrsio jos. Kraca je sigurno ali nista strasno igracu je opet vec vidim.
O ovom sranju gore dovoljno mi da sam procitao
*Nemesis second transformation - is cut from the game His third is now his second and kind of weird, he runs like a dog on his arms and legs, not scary or cool, just bizarre looking.
I sve mi jasno koliko je isfrustriran taj neko ko je to pisao. :vomit:

"In before" izgovori zasto uzima neko igru za 0 dinara jer mu se moze u ovoj zemlji. :d

Za sada i meni jeste original i RE2R bolji ali i ovo mi je okej, ne mogu jos da sudim nisam razmisljao toliko, igram i svakako uzivam pa cu videti posle. Kintu ne zalim ali dobro ja sam inace veliki fan RE od 1 do 3 i RE2R koji sam igrao milion puta, tako da jos jedan reimagining u kolekciji mi ne smeta nikako.
Gledajuci taj spisak ovo je DIDN'Tmake :d

A jel ima spisak stvari koje su dodali, a kojih nije bilo u originalu, nesto pozitivno ?

Dodali su šorc na Džilin originalni outfit skin, da joj perverznjaci ne bi gledali pod suknju :d
Zna Capcom gde treba ulagati trud.
Slazem se skroz sa Before You Buy. To je to. Samo sto kod mene malo duze za prvi put. 38 fckin deaths :D


  • Resident Evil 3 Remake Screenshot 2020.04.04 -
    Resident Evil 3 Remake Screenshot 2020.04.04 -
    599 KB · Pregleda: 77
Meni se igra svidela. Losija je od originalne igre i REmake2, ali je i dalje dobra igra.
Trebalo mi je oko 7.5 sati da predjem. Igra je manje zahtevna od prosle.
Losija je fizika, senke i volumetrics su manje zahtevni.
Realno neocekivano je kratka igra, da nisu izvbacili gomilu starih/klasicnih lokacija bila bi sasvim ok...
Fizika je ubijena, "gore" zesce osakacen u odnosu na dvojku.

A sama igra od mene kao ljubitelja serijala od pre 20 godina nije losa, 7.5/10
zna li neko kako da dodjem do noza,nemam ja toliko municije koliko ima zombija:d
Kako da dodjes do noza ili kako da ga koristis?
noz imas odmah u startu u inventaru cim se nadjes sa karlosom.
selektujes ga kao i bilo koje drugo oruzije, desni klik gard, levi klik seckas.

Ne moras da ubijas sve sto se mrda...
Najbolje moje gaming iskustvo je od pre 20 godina, resident evil 1 na ps1,
a nismo imali memorisku karticu, sto znaci nema save game, nema continue.
Kad umres umro si trajno.
A sobzirom da je igra kao horor, stvarno si jos dodatno imao razloga da se bojis za sebe i smrti.

Danasnje igre:
udjes u sobu - checkpoint
uzmes item - checkpoint
pojavi se protivnik - checkpoint
ubijes ga - checkpoint

Dakle ako u bilo kom trenutku umres igra te vraca par sekundi unazad eventualno minut dva,
cemu onda tenzija ili strah od smrti, kad je da kazemo kazna nepostojeca?

A trojku sam odigrao na hard, ako umrem umro sam, sve ponovo.
I extra lep osecaj kad sam je naponon zavrsio.

0 deaths.jpg
Za malo vise od 2 sata si je obrnuo... Au brajko al je to kratko
Vecini ljudi ce trebati dosta vise vremena. Meni je za prvi prelazak na Standard trebalo oko 7 sati, na Hardcore oko 5.
Ako speedrunujes i juris, moze igra da se predje i za sat-dva.
Za malo vise od 2 sata si je obrnuo... Au brajko al je to kratko

Izvini ali lik ima total play time 58 sati. Sto se njega tice pare su mu se isplatile :D Na Hardcore je vec vrv radio mnogo brzi run, kad znas sve napamet...

Jeste kratka, tj kraca od RE2R. Ali ako iole volite RE, sigurno ce vam trebati 6 sati + koji sat za cutscenes da predjete prvi put. Ako je to malo za oko 40e, boze moj, cekaj popust ili za dz ako pare nemas.
Изузетно ценим спидран играче: та посвећеност и могућност памћења детаља је стварно за свако поштовање. Ја више волим да прођем сваки кутак, пронађем сваки фајл - прича ми је на првом месту. РЕ2римејк је био много више за фанове од римејка тројке која је, колико ми се чини, више намењена новијим (млађим) играчима које више занима акција од приче.

Декстере, снимаш ли сесије прелазака игара?
imam 60 sati jer sam svaki put kretao od 0 kad zaginem.
Da sam koristio continue zavrtsio bi je za 4-5 sati i to sa sve detaljisabnjem, istrazivanjem, citanjem fajlova gledanjem introa, skupljanjem svega itd.

A kao ljubitelj RE serijala (sem re6)
ipak sam razoracan. Da ne prevodim na srpski opet sve evo rivju sa steam-a.


@nekro batica
Ja sam 82 covek, mator sam da se bakcem sa tim strimovanjem.
Mada naletim na ove klince muce se na normal, hard im je trauma, a nightmare ili inferno tezina, svi igraju sa cheatovima, bez neograniceno municije i slicno skoro niko ne ume da predje igru,
a kao gameri/zive od toga...

Vise dodju kao klovnovi/zabavljaci nego kao igraci :)
Poslednja izmena:
Trainer i modovi koji uticu na gameplay (ne samo estetika)

1. Trainer - https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil32020/mods/9?tab=files
2. Mod manager - https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil32020/mods/8?tab=files

Podesavanje trainera radite dok je igra upaljena (a igra stoji u glavnom meniju/jos uvek niste poceli da igrate) van ovoga menjanje stvari moze da izazove kreshovanje igre.
Sve modove koje skinete samo prevucete zipovani fajl u mod manager prozor (dok je igra ugasena)

Podesavanje trainera koje ja koristim da bi bilo zanimljivije i teze:


- Dodao sam svim protivnicima jos 50% vise health-a (na hardcore tezini sasvim lepo i grivo, ne ostaje mnogo viska municije, nekako taman i gusto)
- Ovaj trainer sredjuje seckanje protrivnika/animaciju kada su u daljini i renderuju se na 20 fps-a
- HUD elementi, ja volim da nema nikakvih ikonica po ekranu za bilo sta, nego da sam istrazujem, ne da mi sa 5 metara igra vice dodji ovamo pokupi ovo. Neko exploracija.
nisan imate normalno, health kao i municiju, ali za bilo kakve iteme ili fajlove morate sami da ih nalazite.
- No Viggnete, ovo gasi iritatno crnilo sa coskova ekrana, gde kao da gledate kroz snajper
- No sharpening sklanja krzavi efekat ostrenja objekata
- No blood stains ovo je samo estetika lik vam je uvek bez krvi po sebi.

Modovi koje ja koristim:


1. Defaultna mala britva zamenjena nozem iz ramba/nozem iz re1 remake-a (damage i range su naravno isti)

2. Brads Hair for Carlos (samo estetika) meni je bezveze ona default kosa, pa karlos ima kosu od breda

3. Exploration mod, ovaj mod sklanja trougao ikonice sa svega, a ostavlja ikonicu za interakciju samo kad pridjete skroz blizu,
takodje mapa postaje transparentna i nema vise crveno za prostoriju ako niste sve pokupili, jer ko vam daje ovu informaciju i zasto?
ako nesto propustis jer ne istrazujes, ni ne treba da nadjes sve jer ti mapa magicno govori ne idi jos uvek. Svi vec otkriveni itemi ostaju i prikazuju se na mapi.
(ovo radi za ceo grad, realno pola mape jer jee lik odradio ovaj mod za mapu iz demo-a)
Poslednja izmena:
Ниси матор да се бакћеш, него нећеш - лео признај, хаха. Чим се занимаш са овим модовоима онда можеш и да стримујеш. ;-)
Карлосу је требало да залижу косу као 'талијанско фудбалеру или као Нику Слотеру, само без репа. А, што да не и коњски реп - Хиспано / Латино је.

Poslednja izmena:
Vrh Dno