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PES5 Wolf Patch Problem


Ljudi, da li je neko imao probleme sa Wolf Patch 1.0.1 za PES5. Meni se igra gasi cim pocnem nesto da cackam po menijima - na primer kada udjem u meni Options pa tu nesto podesavam ili kad editujem igrace, itd. Samo dobijem poruku da se javila greska i da li zelim da obavestim Microsoft. Ajd ako je neko imao slicne probleme i zna kako da ih resi neka mi javi. A da, dok sam igrao utakmicu to mi se nije desavalo (sto ne znaci da nece), mada sam odigrao samo jedno poluvreme.
Verovatno imas verziju 1.0(kao i ja) koja pravi probleme.Meni izleti u win kad pokusam da konfigurisem kontrolere.Skini verziju 2.0 i ne bi trebalo da imas problema.Probaj malo da procackas ovde:http://www.soccergaming.tv/showthread.php?t=127843
Janja je napisao(la):
Ljudi, da li je neko imao probleme sa Wolf Patch 1.0.1 za PES5. Meni se igra gasi cim pocnem nesto da cackam po menijima - na primer kada udjem u meni Options pa tu nesto podesavam ili kad editujem igrace, itd. Samo dobijem poruku da se javila greska i da li zelim da obavestim Microsoft. Ajd ako je neko imao slicne probleme i zna kako da ih resi neka mi javi. A da, dok sam igrao utakmicu to mi se nije desavalo (sto ne znaci da nece), mada sam odigrao samo jedno poluvreme.

Ja imam isti problem kada udjem u opcije i namestam kontrole,isti patch je u pitanju.
Provalio sam da je problem u fajlu E_TEXT.AFS iz patcha. Kada sam vratio prvobitni faj(samo taj), sve je radilo normalno,ali doslo je do gubitka odredjenih poboljsanja iz patcha.
Posto nisam mogao da izdrzim da igram bez tih dodataka,sada sam vratio i taj bagoviti fajl i jednostavno ne ulazim u opcije za podesavanje kontrola!pozz
Mozes podesiti kontrole iz windowsa(PES5\settings),pa tek onda pokrenuti igru.
psaras_pa je napisao(la):
Mozes podesiti kontrole iz windowsa(PES5\settings),pa tek onda pokrenuti igru.

I to je jedna mogucnost kao i kada pocne mec-pauza pa onda iz menija u toku tekme.
Pozdrav svima ajd da i ja izlozim svoj problem.Sve normalno dok ne dodjem do pocetka utakmice tj.kada posle izbora dresova pred utakmicu treba da izvrsim izmene igraca i ostala podesavanja ,ono zablokira .muzika i dalje ide kao da je sve normalno,ali uopste ne reaguje na komande dzojstika.jedino pomaze restart. sta da radim?
valerian je napisao(la):
Pozdrav svima ajd da i ja izlozim svoj problem.Sve normalno dok ne dodjem do pocetka utakmice tj.kada posle izbora dresova pred utakmicu treba da izvrsim izmene igraca i ostala podesavanja ,ono zablokira .muzika i dalje ide kao da je sve normalno,ali uopste ne reaguje na komande dzojstika.jedino pomaze restart. sta da radim?
Probaj da ponovo ubacis "option file" u Mydoc/Konami. Jednom je pomoglo a neznam sta sve nismo probali pre toga.
||NeX|| je napisao(la):
Ako može samo link do downloada. Mrsko mi pretraživati 15 stranica za linkom. Hvala.
Ma i meni je bilo mrsko da trazim,zato i koristim jos uvek v1.0 :)
Ako nabasam negde pusticu ti link.
valerian je napisao(la):
Pozdrav svima ajd da i ja izlozim svoj problem.Sve normalno dok ne dodjem do pocetka utakmice tj.kada posle izbora dresova pred utakmicu treba da izvrsim izmene igraca i ostala podesavanja ,ono zablokira .muzika i dalje ide kao da je sve normalno,ali uopste ne reaguje na komande dzojstika.jedino pomaze restart. sta da radim?

Bilo je ranije priceo o ovome dakle to nema veze sa wolfpatch-em vec problem sa save-ovima, dakle iz save foldera sacuvaj ono sto ti je potrebno pa obrisi iz igre i radice ok.Posle vrati par fajlova koje oces ali nemoj da napunis save folder...

Ono sa brisanjem save-ova ne radi na jednom mom racunaru. Kada sam instalirao 1.0.1 patch igra se gasila pre pocetka same utakmice, a posle snimanja 2.0 patch-a javlja mi gresku u pes5.exe fajlu. Na drugom racunaru sve radi kako treba treba i nisam imao nikakvih problema. Racunar na kome imam problema je u mrezi sa jos dvadesetak racunara (domen) dok je ovaj drugi stand alone.
Dakle probao sam sve moguce varijante i izgleda da nema pomoci. Ako neko ipak ima jos neku pametnu ideju, rado cu je isprobati.
Ajde jedna glupost,jel si tacno pratio uputstvo za instalaciju?Treba da deinstaliras fudbal,pa da instaliras patch ispocetka...
izashao je i 3.0. Korisnici sbb-a mogu da ga skinu sa torrenta u lokalu, 980MB tezak
Highl1 je napisao(la):
izashao je i 3.0. Korisnici sbb-a mogu da ga skinu sa torrenta u lokalu, 980MB tezak
U bre al ga pretera :)
Superpatch 3.0 Update out now
---- Read this Informations carefully ----

Take 15 Minutes of your Life and read this Information
carefully and you will have the best Pro Evolution Soccer 5
all the time

Some Words (Read carefully)

- You need Superpatch 2.0 before you can install this !
You can find Superpatch 2.0 here:
- Respect our work !!!
We do not get money for it and that everything
in our space time made thereby for your fun, working hard for your success
- This Patch will update Superpatch 2.0 with:
update Stadiums, new Bootpack, new Optionsfile (Wintertransfers till 9/2/06)
New Online Database, full Kitserver (update Kits), new Minikits
- Don´t flame any Forum if you don´t follow this Instruction 100 %
- We don´t update any Faces so if you update some Faces by yourself, this Optionsfile
maybe remove some of your new imported Faces and set them back to default Face.
- We don´t support any Facesproblem, all Faces working fine, with Faces on Superpatch 2.0
- Working hard for your success
- Remember You need to use opponents they have also install Superpatch 3.0
- If you like to use the Online Database from Superpatch 2.0 go to: Step 6
at the bottom of this instruction


- You have to start a new Master League after install this !!!
- Be sure you have following all Steps before you flame the Forums
- My Game crashs ? : Remove/Delete some Replays from your save/folder1 Folder
- My Kits are Black ?: You don´t have installed Kitserver correctly. Repeat "Step 5"
- Kitserver don´t work for me, or i got stretched Kits: Be sure you have run setup.exe in the kitserver folder
- I have old Database ?: You have forgot: "Step 1"
- My new Faces are don´t correct: You have to reimport all your new Faces, you have import after Superpatch 2.0 again, we don´t update any Faces on Superpatch 3.0 - Faces are base on this Optionsfile
- The Optionsfile contains 99000 Points and the PES shop are locked
you can buy in the Shop what you want
- My Buttonsettings are change ? Go to Buttonconfiguration Menu in the Game
and change them back
- I miss the other balls ? Go to PES Shop and buy the balls etc.
- How can i be sure that this work online ?
the best way is to name the room sp 2.0, sp 3.0, superpatch 2.0
or something like this
- Where i can find Information about installed Superpatch 2.0 ?- Go here -->

__________________________________________________ _______________

__________________________________________________ _______________

Step 1 - Superpatch 3.0 Optionsfile.exe
Step 2 - Superpatch 3.0.dkz
Step 3 - pes5.exe+lodmixer 1.6
Step 4 - Minikits
Step 5 - kitserver

Step 6 - Database Superpatch 2.0.dkz
Step 7 - Database Superpatch 3.0.dkz

Instructions Step by Step for Noobs :study:

Step 1: Superpatch 3.0 Optionsfile.exe

This Setupprogramm will install the Optionsfile for Superpatch 3.0:

Save your old Superpatch Optionsfile, if you have edit by yourself, before continue

- Click Superpatch 3.0 Optionsfile.exe to copy the new Optionsfile

If Setupprogram have finshed please click:

Step 2: Superpatch 3.0.dkz

be sure you have install DKZ Studio 0.90 or
Download from here: http://rapidshare.de/files/6805934/DkZ_Studio.rar
and install them

- Click on "Superpatch 3.0.dkz"
- DKZ Studio will open automaticly
- Go to: Patch -->Aplly Patch in Folder
and use the /dat Folder where you have installed the Game.
- Click OK
- Finshed Import updated Stadiums, Bootpack, Online Database

Step 3. PES5.exe + Lodmixer 1.6

The new PES5.exe contains a new Stadiuminformation about
stadiums buildingdate and the capacity of each stadium.

This are the Original PES5.exe you need Original DVD for Play !!!

Step 4. Minikits

- Open DKZ Studio and open example: "e_text.afs" and go to:
Edit ---> Import--> "Import all Files" and search for the
new "Step 4 - Minikits" Folder --> Click Ok

Step 5. Kitserver (Update all Kits)

if you have install kitserver before, you have to totally delete or move your old
"KDB" Folder in kitserver Folder and copy the new "KDB"
in you kitserver Folder.

Again: Don´t copy the File simply over the old one, you have to completly remove
your old KDB Folder !!! And move the new "KDB" Folder in kitserver folder

Is this the first time you use kitserver you have to do this:

1. Installation kitserver
As usual: copy the entire kitserver folder into your game folder, so
that the directory structure looks like this:


Go to kitserver folder and run setup.exe. The "PES5.exe" in the
drop-down list should be pre-selected, so just press "Install" button.
The kitserver should show a message box saying that the installation
was successful. (If you get an error message, make sure that you
not currently running the game, and that the PES5.exe file is not
marked as read-only)

Finshed: Have Fun

= Optional =
Step 6: Database Superpatch 2.0.dkz

- if you can´t find opponents on Online Lobbys use the Database from Superpatch 2.0
- yust click Database Superpatch 2.0.dkz, the Database are use the Database from
Superpatch 2.0, if you are finsihed
- but think about that it spend 5-7 Days if all User, have installed the Superpatch 3.0

Step 7: Database Superpatch 3.0.dkz

- This will bring you back the Database for online Gaming on Superpatch 3.0
it´s the same Database inside "Step 2"


Thx to: "skip-br" for the new Tool about Stadium information you can find his Thread here:


Thx to: waldaz, Spooky for updated Database, Kitserver, Bootpack
Thx to: Zeus, Frenkie for update Stadiums
Thx to: Christophe for the Minikits
Thx to: Bonaventurstar for Main Kitserver Packed

The Superpatch Crew 10/2/2006

P.S. - We don´t update this anymore with Clubteams
- At End of May we wanna release a updated Optionsfile with correct Roster of
the Nationalsquad for World Cup 2006 Teams

__________________________________________________ ______________
Download Links for Superpatch 3.0 (94 MB)

Mirror 1 (Filefront):


Mirror 2 (Rapidshare):


Mirror 3 (Filefront)


Mirror 4: (Megaupload)


The same Optionsfile as above but with Shop locked and 0 Points:

Poslednja izmena:
Step 4. Minikits

- Open DKZ Studio and open example: "e_text.afs" and go to:
Edit ---> Import--> "Import all Files" and search for the
new "Step 4 - Minikits" Folder --> Click Ok
Jel uspeo neko ovo da izvede?Ja nisam.
uspeo sam ja, ne vidim problem.
Upravo sam ubacio oba patch-a , znacajno poboljsavaju ionako fenomenalnu igru.

Da li neko zna da li ovaj patch moze da se primeni i na WE9?

I da li je WE9 izasao za PC?Ako jeste , u cemu je razlika?
Uvek sam,i u ranijim verzijama ,igrao pes ali nikad we,tako da me zanima vredi li nabavljati we umesto pes?
jel potreban superpatch1.0 da bih instalirao superpatch2.0?
Mozda je glupo pitanje ali ja stvarno ne znam odgovor?
Ne,naprotiv,moras deinstalirati fudbal pre nego sto ga instaliras,2.0 dolazi kao patchovana igra.
Nije to uopste tacno. To sto si ti video je torrent fajla u kojem su automatski spojili PES5 instalaciju i Superpatch 2.0, SuperPatch 2.0 se moze skinuti i odvojeno i za njegovu instalaciju nije neophodan SuperPatch 1.0, ali je za instalaciju SuperPatch-a 3.0 neophodan Superpatch 2.0. I tako sam ja 5 puta u jednoj recenici napisao SuperPatch :).
Ok,nisam video taj "obichan" SP,uzgred,deinstalirao sam sve,mnogo sam se iznervirao zbog katastrofalnog sudjenja.
Vrh Dno