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PES 2011

Sta kaze shin-bojan da ce samo odr igraci moci da se krecu 360 stepeni .Dali je to tacno ?Maremas ?
Dali ce moci svi da se kracu 360 ?
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To su najavili jos sa 2010, pa se ipak nije desilo. I ja se nadam...
kimi mislim da je rivalitet izmedju ove dve igre takav da je prosto neminovno da se pre ili kasnije igre uporede na jednoj ili drugoj temi.

Jer, realno, propuste koje vidiš u FIFI komentarisaćeš na osnovu toga kako je to uradjeno u PESu i obrnuto. U 99% slučaja je to tako. Ja ti mogu garantovati da niti imam nikakve namere niti koristi od toga da pljujem bilo koju igru. Ali, kada i ako uočim stvari koje su po meni neoprostivi propusti normalno je da to komentarišem.

@maremas: Lep je taj intervju, ali pazi delove koje nisi boldovao:

You can pass to team-mates left foot, right foot and into space, the choice is yours.

Šta ovo znači? Biće posebna komanda kad hoću da dodam levom ili desnom nogom? Ako je tako super ali, ako je ovo ono što ja mislim da pokušavaju da kažu, veruj mi, niko neće želeti da igra sa takvim podešavanjem i jedino što će moći da ih izvadi jeste da ostave stari tip dodavanja kao alternativu. To govorim zato što isti taj "total freedom" imaš i u FIFI kad podesiš dodavanja na manual i iskreno, jako mali broj ljudi igra tako. Prosto rečeno, ljudima ne treba total freedom u dodavanju jer nekad prosto žele da CPU odradi stvari umesto njih. Ako se to primeni doslovno u PES2011 to će dovesti do toga da će PES2011 igrati samo hardcore igrači.

To add some depth to that you can also link the moves together to stunning effect as I found out to my detriment. The person I was playing against “demonstrated” this to me during a match which resulted in him leaving two of players trailing behind him as he charged off into the distance.

Da li čitaš ovo pažljivo? Posle jednog igranja lik je uspeo da izbaci sebe ispred dva igača driblingom. Šta će biti kada ljudi usavrše driblinge? Ikome u glavi PES2009 i silovanje igrača sa šetanjem izmedju štopera? Malo da syebu ovaj segment i igra može lako da postane sprdnja.

These included some twitchy animations and goalkeepers not catching/punching properly at times.

Po čemu se ovo razlikuje od dosadašnjih golmana u PESu? Svaki serijal je imao takve golmane a oni su svake godine praktično sve gori i gori. Ne kažem da neće sada biti korektni ali meni lično ne ulivaju poverenje da umeju da naprave golmane kako dolikuje jednoj next-gen simulaciji fudbala.

I kad spominju dodavanje, tako su isto spominjali i TeamVision u PES2008/09 kao korak napred u čitanju igre i ponašanju celog tima po principu da će tim u toku meča da uči kako da te zatvara ako radiš stalno jedno te isto - svi znamo kako je to u 08 i 09 prošlo.

Ja kažem, zaista očekujem da PES2011 bude najbolji PES do sada jer su prihvatili da konkurencija ipak radi neke stvari na bolji način od njih (isto kao što je ta konkurencija pre 3 godine priznala to sebi u suprotnom smeru) i gledaju kako da ih oponašaju što je super jer svima nama koji imamo otvoren um bez predrasuda je cilj da igramo dobru igru bez obzira kako se ona zvala a ako se dobre stvari iz obe igre forsiraju, dobar fudbal nam ne gine bez obzira kako se on zvao.
Poslednja izmena:
Sidestep je jedna od najlosije odradjenih stvari u Fifi i sami smo se vise puta sprdali na to.
I onda dodje Boris, ostavi animaciju sidestepa u PESu i odusevljeno prokomentarise kako je ocigledno iz koje je igre koji gif.

Jel se ti salis? Taj gif poredi sidestep izmedju PES-a 2010 i 2011, o kakvoj Fifi bre pricas, :D Castis pice ceo forum zbog ovog faila :D

Wladimire, onda citas samo ono sto ti odgovara, odnosno lupas kao ono da je FIFA bolja jer nije na PC-u i ostale neboluze. Gameplay-om su upravo najvise bili odusevljeni novinari na E3..
Poslednja izmena:
Čitam ono što piše izmedju redova a ne ono što su mi prezentovali kao glavnu priču. Žao mi je, nijednoj kompaniji ne verujem slepo. E sad, krastavac, nekome treba 3-4 meseca da skapira šta igra nosi pa da počne da je kritikuje, a nekome desetak dana. To je stvar iskustva. Ja ne bih umeo da osetim značajniju razliku izmedju FPS igrica jer ih ne igram.

Razlika izmedju PES fanboyeva i mene se nalazi u ovoj rečenici: "So, as someone who switched to FIFA after PES 6…..is PES 2011 the game to bring me (and many others) back to the series? I have to say, it just might be."

Ti ovo rečenicu čitaš kao da je PES2011 već pravi naslednik PES6 i kako će nositi sve ono što je PES6 imao. Ja je čitam onako kako ju je čovek napisao - da može da se dogodi da bude naslednik a pritom nigde nije povukao crtu izmedju PES6 i PES2011 već je hteo da kaže da se može dogoditi da PES2011 bude konačno ono što svi mi od PESa očekujemo. Naravno, ukoliko igra bude ponudila više nego FIFA po pitanju gameplaya najnormalnije ću je hvaliti kao nekada i tu ne vidim nikakav problem. I tu je opet razlika - po tebi ona VEĆ nudi iako je nisi ni probao, ja ne mogu tako nešto da tvrdim dok ne odigram original.

Ali nisi mi rekao, znaš kako se radi sidestep? :)
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Evo jos jedan clanak sa holandskog gejming sajta, prevod je malo grub sa holandskog na engleski...

E3: 2011 Pro Evolution Soccer
By Jurian Ubachs, Wednesday, June 16, 2010 6:24 p.m.

The past year was marked by FIFA. Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 still looked nice on paper, it eventually proved too little innovation to market. FIFA 10 took part in a very big step forward, so even loyal PES fans switched to the series from EA Sports. At E3 Konami gave us the opportunity to get acquainted with Pro Evolution Soccer 2011. Even before we had the first game played out, we knew it for sure: Pro Evolution Soccer is back.

"Try to forget the last five years," reminds us of Konami Jon Murphy immediately after entry. The last five years are as Konami of the past. Five years of innovation remained more or less and during that period grew the list of criticisms and comments from fans. Konami will now frankly admits the mouth of Murphy and even that FIFA 10 was better last year. There is, however, Konami changed much, so it seems. Earlier this year we saw a teaser video with promising claims, but they had obviously still be realized here .. Now we have the new PES themselves can play, we know that Konami has said not a word too much.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 is a completely different game than the 2010 version. Put the games together and you can barely agreements. The old PlayStation 2-based is finally gone. The only obvious similarities we saw were the players, about the same eyes as last year, and the in-game HUD, such as radar and the menu for the repetitions. These are not radical things, but bigger deals between 2010 and 2011 we saw just not.

Konami has in one years time about ninety percent of the animations in the game replaced. A radical change is what Konami describes as "free fit". For the first time you complete control over where your pass is going. The game will still occasionally pick up a particular player that you want aanspelen and adjust a few degrees, but in general provides only your left thumbstick you pass go. So you so accurate a player on his right or left foot aanspelen, or just the space in front or behind him and use him in aanspelen. It sounds too logical for words - and if it plays.

Always aim
Free Fit is a radical change, if only because you have the sentence "The computer could be stored to someone else than I wanted!" can delete from your vocabulary. You could be stored, not the computer. Only the hardness of your pass and the direction you give to determine where the ball is going. This means also that you should always stay focused. You are often tempted to give a pass and then some in the direction of the player you want to play for aiming. That can not, you'll always have to respond with great precision. We can imagine that some gamers find this somewhat annoying, but on a real football you pass you should always aim for.

Another innovation in the gameplay is the ability for an attacker to foreclose without a right tackle to perform. Admittedly, this is also in FIFA 10, PES 2011 but it feels just a little differently. It works on the PS3 by the X button and hold, while the defender back continued. He will then his body between the attacker and the goal keeping, and only one ring Balve consuming efforts when you left thumbstick moves toward the attacker. To defend this feels a lot better. For the enthusiast, the model also stretched tackle still a good option. You lie on the floor but only if the attacker fakes a run and you pass by. Moreover, changed the way battles are fought. Duels are a much more physical game has become, instead of the game determines who wins a game.

The feints are underway. "You make your feint now no longer there to look cool, he really has a function", summarizes Konami together. But now that we hear every year, both EA and Konami, but the really useful feints on the fingers of one hand to count. Konami has a new handoff scheme designed logically should be, people get more control over the movements it. Whether this actually works remains to be seen. We were even not so successful, we have seen our opponents - one of the developers of the game - but nice and helpful making feints.

Another change is that the game speed has decreased significantly. PES 2011 arcade throws the impact of PES 2010 and go out the window, what the speed, FIFA actually a little chase. This we believe can only benefit. So you have at this speed much more control over what happens on the field. You can feints and passes you a lot better timing, and PES 2011 lets you decide whether you return a player to pass, or would you rather play for a teammate. Both options are possible, as long as you and the player has the ball skills but have. And rightly so.

What we can not mention them, is something that has not changed: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 is still as spectacular as its predecessors. PES has always been the game that great distance shots in the crossing could fly, and a world in which a volley to defeat more than a simple victory euphoria will ever recall. This element, or rather, this feeling is maintained in PES 2011. Height Puntje? We left Van Persie of about thirty feet with a blazing shot into the corner scoring ... he shows us that in South Africa but also imitate!

New tactics
The improvements in PES 2011 do not stop at the gameplay, though that element of course always dominant. What happens around it is also not insignificant. PES 2011 was not completed due to the small number of licenses? Whether that is completely solved, the question here because Konami did not say too much about. What is certain is that PES 2011 is the first football game where you can play the Copa Libertadores. Of all the major teams from South America being present is not certain. Unlike in Europe, the clubs sell their rights are always themselves. That means that every club with a separate Konami deal to close, and that creates a lot of work. The lack of organization in those countries is also not that easy. The final list of countries and teams, we owe you continue being so.

Drag & drop
What we can tell something about the tactics screen. Again, there is a total revolution. Forget all the screens of the previous games, as PES 2011 is about to drag and drop. The screen shows the preparation of thy eleven points with names that you can pick up and drop anywhere. So, you can just drop the band that you've been looking for, and players exactly where you want to see them. Swap? Drag the ball from one player to the side, and then another scoop his place. It is so simple and effective that you wonder why only now in this way.

Another interesting feature is the possibility in certain situations automatically tactical changes to be undertaken. For example you can set your tactics change to ultra-attacking when in the 75th minute supports. Conversely, it is also true in the situation where you stand behind the ball and more people want to keep. These tactics can be designed in advance, then the game takes your commands and apply them when it becomes relevant. This makes you the obvious changes do not always have to implement manually, making the pace more in play.

The online mode is obviously still an issue. Or rather, this was a logical question from us, where an evasive answer to Konami followed. It is already known that the Master League this year for the first fully online can be played, and that is a big step forward. Konami wants the rest of the online mode still nothing. Murphy gave a hint at no great change in this field indicates: "We have the basics of the game changed enormously. They are radical changes that change the game rigorously. Therefore, some other components, such as referees, hardly changed . It would not surprise us if the innovations shown at E3 almost the whole story for PES 2011 and Konami in the coming years further details about it will work.

Preliminary conclusion
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 is the game where fans have been waiting for years. We called year after year that Japanese developers are so stubborn and not listen to their fans, but that situation has ended. PES 2011 plays smoothly. The pace is much lower than its predecessor, but it gives you much more control, like the "free passing' system. The animations also look a lot better than last year, while Konami has a nice scoop of the Copa Libertadores in the game to take. FIFA 11, so we already know a couple of weeks, a very good game, but it seems that EA this fall to make his chest wet: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 has a strong first impression.

Inace, iz celog E3 trejlera scena sa Kujtom i Lamom me je najvise odusevila, i sto se tice animacija i to sto ga Lam zatvara, ne prilazi mu tj. ne juri direktno na njega ko u predhodnom PESu vec cega pogodan trenutak i oduzima mu loptu, skroz realno ko u stvarnom zivotu...

Ovo je deo iz te scene.
Inace, iz celog E3 trejlera scena sa Kujtom i Lamom me je najvise odusevila, i sto se tice animacija i to sto ga Lam zatvara, ne prilazi mu tj. ne juri direktno na njega ko u predhodnom PESu vec cega pogodan trenutak i oduzima mu loptu, skroz realno ko u stvarnom zivotu...

A kakve to veze ima sa ljudskim protivnicima? Svi uvek ali uvek rade abnormalni presing i drže flaster na X. Komp te uvek i u svakoj igri markira na taj način, ali kad igraš protiv čoveka znaš da će toga biti zaista retko.
Ti ovo rečenicu čitaš kao da je PES2011 već pravi naslednik PES6 i kako će nositi sve ono što je PES6 imao. Ja je čitam onako kako ju je čovek napisao

Ocigledno ne vladas engleskim dovoljno dobro ;) Onako kako si ti preveo bi bilo "it might be.." Ovo 'just' menja recenicu skroz i nema bukvalno znacenje 'samo' u ovom kontekstu..

Ne znam kako ja da radim sidestep, to mi rade igraci koje ne kontrolisem.. Inace za nekog kome je svejedno kako se igra zove, nesto se previse trudis da citas izmedju redova i detaljises ove opise novinara.. :)
citam ja sve, samo sto neko hypeuje u nedostatku kvaliteta i pumpa "king is back" sindrom a neko je postao monoton pa iz godine u godinu izbacuje dragulje fudbalskih simulacija i barata konkretnim cinjenicama pa nema ni potrebe da se nesto posebno tumaci :)

i da, drzi R2 u odbrani i kreci se i eto ti sidestepa. jos malo pa ces znati koje sve komande postoje u pesu, napredujes, nema sta, uskoro necu moci da te zovem vikend igrac :d
Poslednja izmena:
Ne hajpujem, prenosim pozitivne vesti i utiske o igri do koje mi je stalo..
Nisam ni rekao da ti hajpuješ, hajpuje KONAMI sa izjavama "sky is a limit" "total freedom" i tako dalje. Previše je to drastiačn skok da bi bio realan za narednu verziju. Zato i jeste hype.
Poslednja izmena:
Al sta se izlozili da ce novi PES nesto da valja. Konami je tipicna firma koja samo baronise, svi nastavci su im samo sve gori i gori. Syebali su PES, Silent Hill.
Nebi ovde rekao da nas Konami baronise vec svi koji su do sad igrali igru, i sto nam mazu oci u svojim review-ima :D
Poslednja izmena:
Osecam da ti ni ne znas za neku drugu igru osim PES-a...
shin-bojan, da vidis samo kako ce izgledati ovaj novi Metal Gear. Da se covek prekrsti i levom i desnom. Totalno druga igra, nema veze sa sunjalicom. Baci pogled :)

Borise Lozacu onaj .gif sto si ti postavio ne razumem. Ovaj desno (fifin) ne radi ono sto radi ovaj u PES-u. U fifi se to radi drzanjem L2/LT. A i pomalo mi drveno izgleda kako to radi u PES-u, u Fifi to jako prirodno izgleda.
Poslednja izmena:
Borise Lozacu onaj .gif sto si ti postavio ne razumem. Ovaj desno (fifin) ne radi ono sto radi ovaj u PES-u. U fifi se to radi drzanjem L2/LT. A i pomalo mi drveno izgleda kako to radi u PES-u, u Fifi to jako prirodno izgleda.

Hocete da prestanete da fejlujete :D Levo je PES 2010, desno PES 2011! lol

I wladimire, opet teras da ti govorim stvari koje sam mislio da znas, da, ovakve promene bi bile neostvarive za manje od godinu dana, ali se na 2011 radi 2 godine (kad bude izasla bice 2 godine), i sa 200 novih ljudi.
Poslednja izmena:
Poslednja izmena:
Pa nije da se brka, uzeto je poredjenje i logično je bilo da se poredi sa drugom igrom koja trenutno ima bolje animacije. To što je Boris uvalio mrmota kicbi i bojanu to kapiram da ni on sam nije planirao :d

U FIFI10 i WC je iz nekog razloga užasno rešen taj sidestep što se tiče animacije. Izgledaju kao da igraju basket dok ga rade što je barem meni sasvim neshvatljivo. U 09 nije bilo tako a zanimljivo je da kad se igra Be a Pro igrači u FIFI10 ili Captain Your Country u FIFI WC rade sidestep na sasvim drugačiji način nego u toku igre, kao da tu animaciju nisu dodelili za taj mod.

Tako da, što se mene tiče, čisto da se pospem pepelom znao sam da nije FIFA u pitanju jer tamo taj sidestep izgleda baš komično :)

Bilo kako bilo, animacija desno poprilično liči na FIFA animaciju (onu koja nije NBA style), čak su i igrači vizuelno slični.
Poslednja izmena:
Ali vrh kako su se popalili :d Mislim napisao sam 'verzije', ne 'igre', ako se porede verzije, valjda to znaci da je iz iste igre/fransize u pitanju? :) Ne verujem kakva je konfuzija nastala, da sam hteo namerno ne bi uspeo tako :d

Nego wladimire, da ne bude konfuzije, objasni mi zasto bi ja radio taj sidestep, mozda je greska u nazivu tog pokreta, ovaj pokret ja vidjam u pravom fudbalu samo kod igraca daleko od lopte, na sredini terena recimo, pa onako trce po strance.. Ne znam zasto bi imala komanda za to?

Aha, sad i ta animacija lici na Fifu? Aj napravi gif da uporedimo ;)
Poslednja izmena:
shin-bojan, da vidis samo kako ce izgledati ovaj novi Metal Gear. Da se covek prekrsti i levom i desnom. Totalno druga igra, nema veze sa sunjalicom. Baci pogled :)
Sto se tice MGSa, nece Kojima dozvoliti da bilo ko narusi ono sto je on napravio/postigao...tako da se ja ne brinem za MGS!
Ovo trcanje unazad je odlicno :) kao i bacanje golmana.. Ovaj sut mi se nije svideo ni na trejleru..
Meni je sut odlican, sto ti se ne dopada? Ko da gledam sebe kako sutiram levom nogom :)

Kontam da je to ili Dzila ili Jakinta, a drago mi je sto se igrac ne namesta(prebacuje) na svoju jacu nogu sto bi sigurno uradio u PES 2010...
Poslednja izmena:
Pa da, izgleda kao da nije njegova jaca noga, to da.. :) ali malo glupo odma zastane posle suta, siguran sam da ce biti mnogo lepsih animacija suteva.. Jbt gledao sam trejler gomilu puta, ali ne vidim lepo stvari kao na ovim gifovima :)
Sutnuo bi desnom nogom iz skroz ne prirodnog polozaja u PES 2010 tj nemoguceg .
Vrh Dno