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maxtor 120GB windows ne vidi podatke


Znači maxtor 120GB SATA radio normalno. Prilikom dizanja windowsa sistem se zakuca pre nego što pokaže desktop. Posle isprobavanja raznih stvari ustanovim da je problem disk. U računaru imam 1 disk od 80GB podeljen da dve particije na kojijem je sistem, jedan disk od 120GB i dva SATA od po 120GB. Kada su uključena oba SATA windows neće da se podigne kao što sam već napisao. Kada je samo jedan SATA radi sve normalno, stim što jedan disk pravi probleme.
Disk se ne vidi u windows exploreru. Kada uđem u Disk Management disk se vidi Disk0 - Dynamic - Offline. Da bi bilo šta radio moram da ga prebacim u Basic ali onda zbogom podaci.
Probao sam readntfs iz DOS-a ali i on ga ne vidi.Search and recover isto.
To mi se isto desilo kod drugara i disk je posle formatiranja radio normalno ali njemu podaci nisu bili važni.
Ima li neko neki predlog.
Vrati tog problematičnog maxtor-a da bude promarni. Ostavi samo njega. Bootuj sa windows xp instalacionog cd-a i startuj recovery console.

kucaj fixmbr
pa fixboot
pa exit (masina ce se resetovati)

Pa opet uđi u konzolu pa kucaj chkdsk /f

Ako ništa od ovoga ne pomogne. Nađi get data back i probaj sa njim da povratiš podatke.
Evo šta kaže maxtorova baza znanja, možda još nekom bude korisno:

The Offline status occurs when a dynamic disk is not accessible. The disk might be corrupted or intermittently unavailable. Offline also appears if you attempt to import a foreign (dynamic) disk, but the import fails. An error icon appears on the offline disk. Only dynamic disks display the Offline status.
If the disk status is Offline and the disk name changes to Missing, the disk was recently available on the system but can no longer be located or identified. The missing disk might be damaged, turned off, or disconnected.

To bring a disk that is Offline and Missing back online

1. Repair any disk, controller, or cable problems and make sure that the physical disk is turned on, plugged in, and attached to the computer.
2. In Disk Management, right-click the disk, and then click Reactivate Disk to bring the disk back online.

If the disk status remains Offline and the disk name remains Missing, and you determine that the disk has a problem that cannot be repaired, you can remove the disk from the computer.
After you remove a dynamic disk from a computer, the remaining online dynamic disks retain information about the removed disk and its volumes in the dynamic disk database. You can delete all references to the removed disk by updating the dynamic disk database. To do this, use Disk Management to remove all volumes on the missing disk. After you remove all the volumes, right-click the missing disk and then click Remove Disk. The missing disk no longer appears in Disk Management.

Caution: Deleting a volume destroys the data on the volume, so you should remove a disk only if you are absolutely certain that the disk is permanently damaged and unusable.

To bring a disk that is Offline but not Missing back online

1. In Disk Management, use the Reactivate Disk command to bring the disk back online.
2. If the disk status remains Offline, check the cables and disk controller, and make sure that the physical disk is healthy. Correct any problems and try to reactivate the disk again.

If the disk reactivation succeeds, any volumes on the disk automatically return to the Healthy status

Pošto u mom slučaju nije pomoglo disk sam prebacio u basic i formatirao disk a sada sam pustio recovery program da vratim podatke.
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