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GreedFall is the latest RPG from Spiders, currently in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Set in a 17th century setting embedded in magic, Greedfall has a unique visual identity inspired by European Baroque art, depicting grandiose sceneries in muted warm colors and dark undertones.

Explore a fresh new world as – along with many other settlers, mercenaries and treasure hunters - you set foot on a remote island seeping with magic, rumored to be filled with riches and lost secrets. A grand journey filled with mystery follows, as you find yourself in the middle of ever-increasing tensions between the invading settlers and the locals, who are protected by manifestations of the island’s earthly magic in the form of supernatural beings.

With a strong focus on its core RPG identity, GreedFall follows Spider's experience in building intricate worlds filled with mysteries to discover, weaving deep character interactions, and offering players freedom to achieve quests and objectives in many different ways – through combat, as well as diplomacy, deception or stealth. The island of GreedFall is a living, ever-evolving world. Your actions, from seemingly trivial choices to the most important political decisions, will influence and alter its course, as well as the relationship between the different factions established on the island.
Dosta vuče na Witcher 3 (monsteri,scenografija,stil igre) šta je veliki pljus
Meni baš super deluje....indijanci,vradžbine i doseljenici,Salem,veštice,čudovišta....miks,westrrna sa Witcher atmosferom,možda i ispadne dobro,jedino me brine,exkluziva za PS4....grafika

Ovo i New World pratim već duže vreme
S obzirom da igru radi Spiders, tesko da ce ispasti dobro...
Prvo sam mislio da je u pitanju neki assassins creed DLC
Ne izgleda uopste lose.

Poslednja izmena:
Cim sam video na 3:17 gej scenu wtf, dokle vise :D

Zakonom bi zabranio,da se to prikazuje non stop,ko reklame za alkohol i cigare :p
Ja ću ga uzet,miau miau se za gay lobi

Po ovom videu ima najmanje 3 fakcije,2 bele i indijanci,+ modovanje opreme i oružija,magija,čudovišta....biće to vrh igra ako nebude puna bugova
Poslednja izmena:
A lezbejke vam ne smetaju :D
Slazem se, gadno je, ali bilo je toga valjda bese i u Mass Efectu?
Bilo i u filmu Americka Pita, ume da bude komicno :D
Mislim da su ga u onom nekom traileru, sinematiku ili sta vec bese za last of us 2, baaas preterali.

Uzo curu(liči na Bratuškovu,u mladjim danima :p) da izbegnem ONE scene :p

Gred.jpg gred2.jpg

Osvajamo mars,a još uvek se moram mantrat sa SS
Poslednja izmena:
Koje sceme, valjda su sve romanse opcione
Valjda....al ipak ako uzmeš muškog pa da ne završiš sa svojim muškim prijateljem....slučajno :p

Igram pola sata....prezadovoljan,volim kad na početku igre nađem nešto dobro od opreme(blau),a ne da se moram mantrat 3 dana da dobijem zeleni xxxx šešir
Ne može to slučajno, ti si onda još u ormaru, a želiš da izadješ izgleda :D
Kako vas nije sramota starijeg čoveka zafrkavat :p

Igra je fenomenalna,slabo igram sp,al ovo odvaljuje....zasad,dosta slično sa W3
Niko ništa da napiše dva dana, igra vam je tolko dobra,pa vas uvukla u priču\svet.... a niti hejteri da se jave :p

Možda su i oni promenili mišljenje
A mozda i niko ne igra :type:
Vrh Dno