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Demigod - coming late 2009


Gas Powered Games' first self-published title: Demigod

Developer: Gas Powered Games
Publisher: Gas Powered Games
Genre(s): Team-based action/strategy
Platform: Windows PC
Players: 1-10
ESRB Rating: RP (T Expected)
LAUNCH DATE: Late 2008

What is Demigod?

Revolutionary team-based action game that includes RTS, action RPG and fighting game elements
Work cooperatively with teammates (AI or human in multiplayer) to dominate your opponents
Level up your Demigod and purchase unique equipment
Fight and lead your troops with the goal of pushing the battle into your opponent's territory and destroying their stronghold
Fight in fantastic arenas

John Comes: What was your inspiration for Demigod? How long have you been kicking around the idea for this game?

A: Bob Berry (Demigod's producer) and I spent a lot of time playing RTS mods. We looked at all the popular ones, like Defense of the Ancients (DotA), Footmen Frenzy and even some tank mod for WarCraft III. Each of the mods circled around the idea of playing as a single hero in a huge battle. That was our starting point. From there, we combined those ideas with my love for team-based first-person games like Battlefield and Team Fortress, then we added in the principle that we wanted the game to be quick and fun, something you can play for a short time and then quit. The Supreme Commander engine was the final piece of the puzzle because it allows for a fantastic sense of scale. I first got the itch to create a fantasy game with the Supreme Commander engine about a year before we started the concept phase of Demigod. Moving away from the strict RTS model is something I've wanted to do for a long time, and Demigod has given me the freedom to do just that.

John Comes: How did "white boxing" (creating the game with minimal art assets) Demigod in the early stages help shape its design?

A: If you were to look at the original design document, the original maps or play an early version of the game, you wouldn't recognize the game we have today. White boxing gave us a luxury most game makers don't get-we could drastically change the gameplay when something wasn't working without spending any money on redoing art assets. "Find the fun first" was our motto. The first few months were crazy. We ripped out and replaced entire systems over and over again, but each iteration just got better and better. We finally got to the point where the game was an absolute blast to play, and all it was a bunch of white boxes. That's when we knew we really had something special. By the time we ramped up the team, Demigod was already completely playable, had a ballpark balance and people were playing it every day because it's fun. White boxing also gave us an intangible benefit in that everyone on the team could just pick up and play the game-they didn't need to read through a big design doc in order to understand what we were doing.

John Comes: Demigod takes several different genres and combines them into a new experience. Is that the future of gaming?

A: It's hard to say what the future of gaming is, but sticking with the same model over and over again has proven to wear out over time. I do believe there are a lot of in-between-genre areas that we still have to work with. How much of each genre to put in a game is the tricky part. You don't want to alienate your RTS players because it's too RPG-esque and vice versa.

link: http://www.gaspowered.com/demigod/



Što volim kad ovako opisuju proizvod :

What is Demigod?

Revolutionary team-based action game that includes RTS, action RPG and fighting game elements
Ko je igrao Dotu zna šta je dobra stvar.
na papiru deluje extra, videcemo kako ce ispasti...vise ni u sta ne verujem dok ne vidim

I am just a messenger, don't kill the messenger :D
Ako ce ovo stvarno da izgleda kao na ovim novim shotovima...blago nama...:)
na papiru deluje extra, videcemo kako ce ispasti...vise ni u sta ne verujem dok ne vidim

I am just a messenger, don't kill the messenger :D

Moraćemo da čekamo 2009. da igramo sa bikovima u oklopima. Deluje extra, exkluziva za PC, prednost je što ne moraš da pauziraš igru da bi pozvao neku od opcija :D

patnja PC igrača... :)
:d Nesto i ne patim bas...Imam sta da radim do 2009-te, stoji mi par dugackih naslova i par kracih + izacice jos dobrih igara na leto, a pretpostavljam i na jesen/zimu
'Se kladimo da će DOTA da ostane bolja i igrivija :p Dandžn Sidž se nije proslavio, dvojka je bila lošija (IMHO) od keca, koji je opet, mnoooogo lošiji od LODa, SupCom ne može da pogleda Total Aninhilation po igrivosti pa i po zanimljivosti single kampanje... Space Sidž izgleda najjadnije... Teško da će ovo da uhebe DOTU...

Mislim bilo bi lepo da... pa da posle x godina ostavimo DOTU na stranu ali................
Bah, bummer. A bas mi se svideo koncept igranja, nadao sam se da ce skorije izaci.
Koga briga da li ce da uhebe ili nece, bitno da se kvalitetno igramo!
Pojavila se igra...
Poslednja izmena:
Ja ću uskoro probati, ali sa onih Developer Walkthrough gameplay filmića deluje mi da je to prosto nemoguće za dobro balansiranje. Ne znam...ima tu svega i svačega. Doduše, to ako očekujemo novu Dotu. Iskreno, meni ovo više liči na novi Footman Wars ili njemu sličan mod :)
Ja sam malo probao i totalno sam se pogubio. Što je najcrnje nema nikakvog tutorial-a ni manual-a. Mada čak i na prvi pogled mi deluje dosta zanimljivo. Bilo bi ekstra kad bi se okupili preko Hamachi-ja.











Moze,botovski okrsaj preko Hamachija cim mi podstanar Torrente donese proizvod:D
Meni tek sada dolazi iz doopeta u glavu - ako su igračima na raspolaganju po četiri General i Assassin heroja (za sada nema drugih), da li to znači da će u 5 na 5 okršajima biti dupliranih heroja :lupko:
Ma dodace oni valjda svakih par patcheva nekog novog.
Nego ja sam ovako shvatio situaciju, pa vas molim da mi kazete ako sam u pravu.
Assassini su kao Agility heroji sa velikim DPS, dok su generali u stvari Strenght(potencijalno tenkovi) koji imaju summona(ili vishe njih) i na njega se oslanjaju za DPS.
citajuci komentare, ovo je leaked beta
Moguce da je beta,mada opet,misljenja su podeljena bar koliko ja vidim..Cak bih mozda smeo da kazem da sam ja naisao na vise komentara koji kazu da je ovo final release.Videcemo,zvanicno se pojavljuje sutra u USA;)

EDIT:Stize mi igra za 1h odprilike..Citajuci po netu komentare,kazu da dosta lici na DOTA-u,samo ima neki svoj smek kao..Uopste ne bih voleo da se ispostavi da su totalno kopirali DOTA-u,jer jednostavno onda bi igra po meni bila totalni shit,jer je DOTA neprevazidjena..
Poslednja izmena:
citajuci komentare, ovo je leaked beta

Mislim da se ne radi o beta verziji.
Na jednom od foruma se navodi da 0-day patch update-uje igru na verziju 1.00.0091 i da se radi o full verziji.
Obratiti pažnju na donji desni ugao.


  • Demigod 2009-04-13 23-50-36-90.jpg
    Demigod 2009-04-13 23-50-36-90.jpg
    150.2 KB · Pregleda: 81
Odigrah jedan skrimish..Lepo izgleda i to je sve za sada..Borba ok,animacija ok,ima interesantnih itema,ali meni je ovo bleda kopija DOTA-e..I to veoma bleda..Kao prvo,ovakva igra mora da ima kampanju kako bi svaki heroj,tj Demigod imao svoje znacenje,svoju neku "istoriju"..Ovako ova igra deluje jako bezveze jer samo su nam bacili Demigode,i ajde da se fajtamo..Nekako mi je mnogo opustoseno,sturo odradjeno,bar mi je trenutno takav utisak,a ne vidim da se nesto moze promeniti..Takodje,koliko sam uspeo da primetim(mozda i gresim jer nisam provalio jos uvek) ali bukvalno samo imamo iteme da kupimo,nema sastavljanja itema,nema mozganja kao sto ima kod dota-e..
Ima jos nekih stvari koje sam primetio tokom igranja da mi se uopste ne dopadaju,ali sam bas umoran tako da sam i zaboravio..Dacu ovoj igri sansu da me u narednim danima razuveri da sam stekao los prvi utisak..Za sada,ovo mi je samo jos jedan naslov od koga sam puno ocekivao a dobio jako malo..
[YOUTUBE]<object width="873" height="525"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PBZNRotoacQ&hl=en&fs=1&hd=1&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PBZNRotoacQ&hl=en&fs=1&hd=1&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="873" height="525"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Poslednja izmena:
Demigod's response to Gamestop releasing the game early.

Originally Posted by Frogboy of Demigod
Demigod is early

As some people know, Gamestop violated the street date of Demigod and released it last week. There have been plenty of discussions about whether Gamestop did this intentionally or not which I won’t go into here.

Obviously there have been some significant consequences as a result:

First, it was Easter weekend. And many of us had just finished a good solid 8 weeks of massive crunch and were looking forward to the weekend to recover. Instead, we found ourselves back at work having to turn on and configure the multiplayer matchmaking servers (we had enough for a beta but not for thousands of people).

Second, since Demigod has zero copy protection on it, it meant that that piracy on this title will, in theory, be maximized. Stardock’s position on piracy is pretty straight forward but to repeat it here: It’s not that we don’t think piracy is massive. We just aren’t convinced that it results in that many lost sales. Or more to the point, we don’t think intrusive, obnoxious copy protection will result in more sales than we lose from people who don’t want to mess with it.

Imagine if Demigod had shipped with some nasty retail copy protection and got released early. Someone “cracks” it but doesn’t do a good job and the game ends up crashing randomly or something. Most people would just assume the game was buggy and that would likely cause more lost sales than the initial piracy did.

The good news, however, is that we’ll get to actually see the effects of piracy. Since we know Demigod is an outstanding game with a wide appeal with equal retail and digital distribution to other titles that came out this year with similar demographics we can see how well it sells compared to them.

Third, while the game won’t be on the shelves at other retailers until tomorrow morning, we have elected to make the digitally distributed version available today with beta testers and pre-order customers getting it immediately (as in right now). Those who have legally purchased the game can get the 0-day update that has all the game play changes that the beta group asked for, multiplayer match-making, and LAN support.

I want to thank the Stardockians who came in on their day off (we are supposed to have the Monday after Easter off) to make sure people who pre-ordered got the game today as well as the beta testers.

See you guys online!

Vrh Dno