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🔥 Smart Layer – FREE 1 Minute Airdrop Confirmed 💎 Elite Team #airdrop #freeairdrop #smartlayer

Smart Layer is a unique solution that addresses the challenges of integration, privacy, and trust in the digital landscape. Smart Layer is a suite of technologies that unlock the power of ERC-5169 and Smart Tokens to deliver a token-centric web. It introduces a new layer of integration that enables trustless token logic also called ”smart token”, paving the way for a tokenized web with unlimited integration potential.
This could be big on the tokenization of real assets.
They have been working since 2017. The company has a presence in Australia and Singapore.
The Elite team has a big background. Smart Layer is airdropping free SLN tokens to users who register early for the waitlist. Sign up for Smart Pass and complete quests to earn points

-Follow Discord https://discord.gg/5wf3FAa2
-Register early on website: https://www.smartlayer.network/referral/3246708350
-Submit your email and sign up.
-Verify your email.
-You will get 50 points. After confirming the email.
Complete the remaining quests to earn more points.
-After the token goes live, users will receive free SLN based on the accumulated points.
Mozda ste vec culi za novu PET igricu XPet. http://xpet.tech
Preko Twittera se "igra" . Kad se registrujes, mintujes svog ljubimca, i dobijas svoj wallet.
Na Arbitrum je mrezi. Moze da se importuje u Metamask. Prilikom aktivacije dobijas 50BPET tokena koji se koriste za upgrade ljubimca, ili za kupovinu drugog ljubimca, hrane, ...
BPet token je izlistan i moze da se kupje na Uniswap,
Pored toga sto morate da vodite racuna o svom ljubimcu da ne ostane gladan, kroz sam twitter dobijaju se BOXevi, koji ti kad ih otvoris mogu dati, BPet , hranu, i jos neke sitnice za ljubimca .
Ja sam dosao do level 6 , i za sada sam bez ulozenih sredstava, sakupio 47 Bpet tokena ( juce sam claim), na SS se vidi kolika je vrednost trenutna .Imam tih nekih sljiva one se dobijaju od invites .
Za igricu je potreban Invite kode xpet_dd72a509
Free money, bez da se nesto posebno radi.


  • Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 07.24.54.png
    Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 07.24.54.png
    203.5 KB · Pregleda: 43
Da podeli ako ima zainteresovanih XBLAST mining preko Telegram app.
https://t.me/XBlastAppBot/App?startapp=ZK8E1V Svakih 1h claim XBLAST tokena, mogu da se odrade missions i onda claim jednom u 24h

:📍XBL Will Launch its First Mainnet on @Arbitrum

⛓️ With the integration of the omnichain protocol, Arbitrum will be the first blockchain for our mainnet in the upcoming days.

Blast and other networks will be added thereafter since we are multi-chain.

protokol na solani

bitno: raised 7.5M$ od ozbiljnih VC u dve runde, ima poeni 🪂 , extremely early

trenutno early access, invite sistem - deposituje se koliko god $ na solani i exp se dobija

Invite codes:


Poslednja izmena:
Potencijalni ALFA projekat na Solani. 3 načina za dobijanje (mogu sva 3 istovremeno, nisu međusobno isključivi). Ozbiljna DePIN priča!!! Dobili oko 30M od investitora, ... itd. TGE navodno 28. aprila!

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