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The Witcher 3

Zamisli i meni se dopao quick save na PC-u, tamo negde početkom devedesetih :p
Ja najverovatnije uzimam PS4 verziju, jer znam da ce dobro raditi i da cu dobiti 100% dobar experience [sa sve standby/resume koji PC igraci mogu samo da sanjaju da postoji]. Na PC-u imam malo jace od listovanog minimuma sto se graficke tice, tako da ne bih da rizikujem.

Era PC gaminga je odavno iza nas...
opet ista prica...
Nego, nisam igrao Witchera ranije, pa sam krenuo dvojku i zavrsio za....mozda 15h. Ocekivao sam barem 4x toliko. Valjda je ovo malo duzi dozivljaj
opet ista prica...
Nego, nisam igrao Witchera ranije, pa sam krenuo dvojku i zavrsio za....mozda 15h. Ocekivao sam barem 4x toliko. Valjda je ovo malo duzi dozivljaj

^najvise sam se iznenadio koliko je Skelige velik

Developeri tvrde 50 sati za main path, 100h za main+side content, 25h im je za sada najbrzi speedrun.
Poslednja izmena:
Nisam bas propratio glasine o HW zahtevnosti. Kakva su ocekivanja, moze li i5+gtx 660+8gb da gura ovo na medium u FullHD?
Nisam bas propratio glasine o HW zahtevnosti. Kakva su ocekivanja, moze li i5+gtx 660+8gb da gura ovo na medium u FullHD?

Oficijelno, imas GPU za "minimuim", ali ne znamo sta minimum ovde predstavlja. PS4 na primer u svom APU-u ima Radeon7870 [sa vise ACE engine-ova, znaci R200 verzija] i 2 iskljucena CU-a, tako da ce PC verzija "minimuma" mozda predstavljati PS4 nivo grafike.

OS: 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
Processor: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz / AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 / AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
Hard Drive: 35 GB available space

OS: 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
Processor: Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz / AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770 / AMD GPU Radeon R9 290
Hard Drive: 35 GB available space
Nemam jos tu masinu,na laptopu sam,ali prelazim na desktop,tako nesto sam planirao da kupim. To je oficijelni hw list? Deluje kao BS, i5 2500K je blizi 3770 u igrama od 8350, a naveden je kao minimum. Al dobro, to nije tema. Hvala :)

Era PC gaminga je odavno iza nas...

Znaci, nekima ovde je sasvim OK da minimizuju igru, odu da spavaju, i sutra kada nadju vremena vrate se nazad do kompa i odrade maximize?

Right. Vidim da je ovo ipak PC deo foruma, svakakvih stvari se mogu nacitati ovde. :)

Naravno. Pa odavno smo prestali da koristimo kompove sa 512MB sistemske memorije. :d

To je oficijelni hw list? Deluje kao BS, i5 2500K je blizi 3770 u igrama od 8350, a naveden je kao minimum.

To je jos jedan primer kako System requirements nema veze s vezom, a stvoren za decu koja su wannabe gameri.
Pa i5-2500K i X4 940 nikako nisu u istoj klasi, a navedeni kao minimum. :D
Oduvek je bila iza vas ljubitelja krzavih ivica :)

Nije on konzolaš već profesionalni forumski trol koji je samo na ovom forumu banovan više puta sa različitim nalozima. Sva sreća pa ga je relativno lako izvaliti.
Verovatno zato što PC nema "standby/resume koji PC igraci mogu samo da sanjaju da postoji".:d
Zaključak iz Poljskog opisa igre (časopis CD Action).

Even though I saw some bugs, I think the game is better at release than TW1 or TW2. My analytical mind found a ton of technical glitches to mention, but the game is really fantastic overall. However, the third Witcher is not by any means a perfect game. It's too big and ambitious, so bugs were sort of a given. It's still a fantastic RPG though.

+ Tons of slavic references and a great story
+ No one does side quests better
+ Impossible to get bored
+ The size of the world
+ Great graphics
+ Ciri plays great

- You have to get used to the combat
- The crossbow is useless
- Some glitches here and there regarding the combat and exploration
- There are some bugs and glitches to fix, but there are not as many as naysayers were thinking

The bad:

- There are 3 main hairstyles you can choose from (more will come from the free DLC), but whenever you choose anything but the default, the hair will clip through your armor. Whether this is fixed in the day one patch is unknown.

- Sometimes during the cutscenes Geralt's hair spazzes out and goes wild even if there is no wind.

- The fighting system is mediocre

- The graphics were downgraded ( god damn review hate squad, am I rite? -N.), but not a ton. The most noticeable thing was that during previews Igni started a fire on grass and ground nearby, in the retail version the effect is gone.

- Some animations are extremely awkward and unintuitive (you can do a "dash" but you never go where you want to go, "the movement feels unnatural, or maybe even theatrical, it looks as if the game was designed to look flashy but there was no "oomph" behind it"). You need a couple of hours to get used to it.

- The crossbow is an extremely useless tool- a reviewer mentions that he tried to shoot a golem with it and he did a critical hit that dealt 1 (ONE) point of damage- while even the extremely weak light attack did over a hundred. He acknowledges that it sort of makes sense when fighting a stone creature, but the crossbow never deals enough damage to become useful.

- Horseback fighting is clunky and frustrating to use- more often than not Geralt attacks on the opposite side that you wanted.

- AI is clunky as well- they circle around Geralt but they never seem to move that often, so you can roll out of danger, drink a couple of potions and be back in full health with AI not really reacting to it properly

- A mini-boss fight was extremely easy- you could just roll around and hit him while following in a circle and the AI was clueless; Geralt even has a lot of invincibility frames when rolling so when the mini-boss hit his neck while rolling- he did no damage.

- Ragdoll is extremely bad- the monsters or people you kill "lose around 90% of their weight" when they die and they swirl around Geralt's feet or shoot out in the air

- Climbing and jumping is clunky- even a fall from a medium height causes you to lose half your health

- Swimming is OK, but it feels like swimming in jello and is sort of slow

The good:

- A lot of references to Polish culture and literature (Dziady by Adam Mickiewicz etc.), tons of Polish folklore

- Great voice acting

- Great humor and dialogues

- Fantastic side quests, best ever written in a game (no fetch quests like "kill 20 monsters" etc.)

- The graphics are really good (the reviewer compares it to DA:I) and runs really well on PC

- Fantastic design of monsters- each fight is different and each monster is different

- Even 3 enemies are a potential danger if you're not careful

Po meni i očekivano. S obzirom na veličinu igre dobro su je spakovali.
s' tim da se vecina tih minusa lako pegla,samo treba da se trubi.
Pa čekaj malo, šta su onda radili mesecima i odlagali ako nisu popravili stvari kao što je balans dmg i oružja, rag doll fiziku i kretanje, skakanje, plivanje?

Nije da bacam hate, ali za nešto gde se ovoliki hype train vozi već godinu dana, ako ne i duže, to nije obećani nivo kvaliteta. Reći za combat da je "mediocre" nije mala stvar koja se pegla.
Meni kombat ne izgleda nista losije nego u Witcher-u 2 tako da je to u skladu sa franshizom.
Borba u prošloj igri je odlična bila, jedan od boljih combat sistema u akcionim RPGima. Ne razumem kako sada odjednom ne valja?rolleyes.gif

Neke od ovih zamerki su zaista smešne, poput tih za kosu... kao da se ljudi osećaju obaveznim da nađu nek, bilo kakve, mane igri.
Poslednja izmena:
Vala u zadnje vreme se nesto i nesecam da me neki combat sistem zadovoljio, ili je previse teatralan i filmski u prevodu igra radi sve sama ili se svodi besomucno ponavljanje istih kombinacija ili na cekanje na kontru tj izbegavanje dok se nepruzi prilika. Naravno tu i tamo se pojavi po koji naslov koji to odradi malo bolje i neprimetnije ili odstupi od ustaljenog koncepta. Kakvi su bili kec i dvojka nisam ocekivao neki vrhunski combat dovoljno je da bude ko u dvojci dok prolazi direktna borba prolazi, ako se negde bas zapne par puta onda se exploit na roll i igra se dalje. Meni licno odgovarao i kec ako nista drugo ono zbog drugacijeg pristupa, al kako se vecini nije svidjao nesto kao trenutno stanje je bilo ocekivano.
Taj Poljak pise gluposti, izmedju ostalog.
To smo i sami shvatili. Problemi sa frizurom, brzina plivanja, ragdoll... Sve same bitne stavke, sva sreća da imamo recenzetne poput njega da nas istaknu kako igra pati od tako teških "boljki".:D
Vrh Dno