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Elden Ring

Ne košta ih ništa da nađu neku budalu da napiše to pa ili će da profitiraju na klikovima drugih budala koje misle slično ili na klikovima onih koje to nervira (ragebait). U svakom slučaju, profitiraće.

A ako se pitaš zašto, odgovor je ESG rejting.
Povraca mi se od tog ESGa, narocito posle onog CDPR ESG videa...
previse nerfovanja rade i smaraju vise.
^bolje bloodborne, DS igara pun kamion.

@Ivke77 post: "What this means is that players can enjoy their broken builds while playing solo without worrying about FromSoftware nerfing them to try and make things more fair in online multiplayer."

Falim te k***u vise :D
^ Najveci fazon sto sam tek poceo da uzivam sa ER u ovakvom sistemu igranja..Igrao sam i DS i DS 3..NOAH...davno..DS 2 stoji....Sekiro stoji... A zbog BB sam hteo prvi put da sednem i igram na konzoli (no nisam ni zbog nje to uradio) :) Ne znam sta jos kvalitetno ima na ovaj fazon...Mada sumnjam da ce da mi uzme 150-200h bilo koja kao ER

Uz svo dužno poštovanje, ni blizu BB.
Sportski pozdrav!
mhm, moguce sutra najave DLC
Nema šta drugo da bude sudeći po traileru i nazivu. A i većina ljudi koji se još bavi igrom je tu samo zbog PvP.
Nema šta drugo da bude sudeći po traileru i nazivu. A i većina ljudi koji se još bavi igrom je tu samo zbog PvP.
Upravo tako
Evo krenuo update 1.6 GB skida se patch 1.08. Ima fixeva i generalno za igru plus koloseum kao dodatak

Major new features
  • The Colosseums of Limgrave, Caelid and Leyndell are now open.

In these arenas, players can engage in a variety of combat trials:
one-on-one duels
free-for-alls & team battles up to six players
, and
special fights with spirit summoning enabled
Learn more about the Colosseums by visiting our dedicated article.

  • New hairstyles for character creation have been added. These are also available during character edition by using the Round Table Hold Clouded Mirror Stand.

PvP-exclusive balance adjustments
The adjustments in this section do not affect single-player or cooperative play.

  • Reduced thrusting weapons counterattack damage.
  • Reduced guard efficiency when attacking with your shield up for some weapon types.
  • The poise damage of the following weapons have been reduced (Weapon Arts poise damage remains unchanged):
  • Straight Swords / Thrusting Swords / Heavy Thrusting Swords / Curved Swords / Axes / Spears / Twinblade Swords / Katanas
  • Reduced the poise damage of the Incantation Bestial Sling.
  • Reduced the power of the Spell Carian Slicer.

General balance adjustments
  • Increased the speed and distance of some attacks and reduced the recovery time for the following weapons:
  • Daggers / Axes / Hammers / Flails (dual wielded)
  • Increased the speed of some attacks and reduced the recovery time for the following weapons:
  • Twinblade (two-handed) / Reaper / Fist / Claw
  • Slightly increased the speed of crouching and rolling attacks of Colossal Swords.
  • Increased the stagger damage of Axes’ guard counters.
  • Increased poise when attacking with two-handed Hammers.
  • Increased poise damage of Claws. Weapon Arts remain unchanged.
  • Increased poise value during the active part of the Stamp (Upward Cut / Sweep) Weapon Art.
  • Increased poise damage of the weapon slash part of the Transient Moonlight Weapon Art, and reduced the poise damage of the magic wave.
  • Reduced the speed Thrusting Swords and Heavy Thrusting Swords crouching attacks.
  • Reduced the stagger caused by double-handed Heavy Thrusting Swords jumping attacks.
  • Reduced poise damage of Hammers, Great Hammers, and some Colossal Weapons. Weapon Arts remain unchanged.
  • Reduced the poise damage of the Cragblade Weapon Art.
  • Reduced hitbox duration of the flame portion of the Flaming Strike Weapon Art.
  • Reduced poise damage of the Flame of the Redmanes Weapon Art.
  • Reduced the time it takes to activate the guard part of the Shield Bash Weapon Art.
  • Reduced the poise damage of the Gravity Bolt Weapon Art.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented consumable items from being replenished when teleporting to a grace from the map.
  • Fixed a bug where stamina would replenish when switching to a crouching position while running.
  • Fixed a bug where Spell, Incantation, and item input actions were ignored while guarding against attacks.
  • Fixed incorrect physical attack values of some attacks of the Serpent-Hunter weapon.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the follow-up attack from occurring when the Black Sword Incantation was activated with a Sacred Seal in the left hand.
  • Fixed a bug where the attack power of the right hand weapon was sometimes applied when casting the Inescapable Frenzy Incantation with a two-handed Sacred Seal in the left hand.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause multiple damage instances when certain Spells and Incantations were casted while jumping.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Weapon Arts to be incorrectly used with specific combinations of weapon and Weapon Arts.
Poslednja izmena:
I ništa od UW podrške čak ni u PvE modu ?
Nek se nose.
Nikad neće dobit pare od mene.

Moram da korisitm modove da "hackujem" UW rezoluciju a mod je bukvalno deset linija koda jer engine sve full podržava 21:9 viewport.
Muze se isti engine od Bloodborne-a jos. Skoro sam citao i pod kakvim uslovima rade developeri u from softu.

Kad su Japanci plaćali game development puno, pa nikad.
U uslovima rada i krančevima u toj industriji se može naširoko diskutovati, ali plate su uvek bile niže u Japanu u odnosu na druge zemlje.
Da li je izašla neka AAA igra koja ima sad od 100k+ review ~95% pozitivnih ocena a da nije imala heavy crunch.
Ko sa pouzadanošću može da nabroji na više od prstiju jedne ruke igre koje nisu imali crunch a i od tih igara garant 30% je imalo crunch koji nije iscureo u medije.
I TOP igre pre 20 god. su imale crunch a tek ove moderne. (primer jedne stare Diablo 2).

To je u prirodi software developmenta, uvek se teži da se to izbegne ali ponekad jednostavno mora da se desi da se dobije taj još extra kvalitet.
To je posledica loše organizacije, kakva priroda. Sad, da li loša organizacija od strane developera koji ne ume propisno da iskoristi vreme i resurse koje ima ili od strane publishera koji im ne da dovoljno vremena, nebitno je...
Ne znam kada će ljudi da shvate da From Soft možda pravi dobre igre ali kao kompanija nisu ništa bolji od gomile drugih po kojima pljujemo...ne vidim što bi se na njihove gluposti odmahivalo rukom a iste te gluposti ali tuđe su za osudu. Dvostruki standardi.

Christian Bale Oooo GIF
nije isti font :)
Nema ništa za sada. Samo click bait-ovi. Ako bude neki normalni info neko će okačiti na ovoj temi.
Srpske developere optužuju da su ukrali animacije. Oni tvrde da su sve uredno platili.

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