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Zanimljive i smešne slike 2021

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Kolega djalf jel imaš ti neki online album sa tim remasterima gde je sve na gomili pošto je milina gledati kako je to nekada lepo izgledalo. I naravno, koliko smo zasrali.
najbolja stvar na ovim fotkama je sto nigde ljudi nema... sad ko kusih pasa, ne mozes da krenes negde da gomila pajsera ne krlja ulicama... ah, docepacu se ja norveske, tamo sretnes nekog svake prestupne godine a i kad ga sretnes on te ignorise....
E moj nesrećniče, a ko će cvijeće da ti zaliva u bašti dok se ti akaš po norveškijem hotelima...
Ja se 3, 5 i 6 ne sećam... Ostale bih u izvestan napor možda mogao i da nađem kod matorih.

Da li se sećate da je uz igračkicu Pink Pantera išla i odgovarajuća samolepljiva sličica?

Polepio sam ih po nameštaju brdo, a teško se skidale, pa me keva devetala... :ROFLMAO:
Michel: we now receive Pierre-Patrick, who lost his arm after a work accident. Pierre-Patrick welcome.
Pierre-Patrick: Hello Michelle.
Michel: so Pierre-Patrick, it's a first in France, you got installed a bionic arm prosthesis, could you explain how it works?
Pierre-Patrick: so it's... it's really simple, you just need to register the function that you need in the database. And, euh, for example i can show you the function that i register this morning, eumh... it's the second one... oh yeah eumh wait, wait a second... because i...
Pierre-Patrick: a second please... there is actually my caregiver who ca-came this morning. could you please help me?
Michel: sure
Pierre-Patrick: because it's the...
Michel: I'll try
Pierre-Patrick: oh, ah no...
Michel: obviously it doesn't seems to work.
Pierre-Patrick: just a second...
Michel: AH, Pierre-Patrick, you didn't lose the hand! (expression in french to express that some kept his habits)
Pierre-Patrick: could you please cut the...AH...
Michel: Ahem... we will now watch a documentary about the foot arch...
Pogledajte prilog bionic arm.mp4
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
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