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Neko je u Koreji citao Crossed comic i napravise slican film.

Бога ми, како је кренуо Нисон, изгледа да ће тандем Кејџ & Вљиљис добити достојног наследника.

А и овај марвел студио - тоне ли, тоне. На реду је суперхеројка муслиманске вероисповести. Следећи нека се спреми неки LGBTQWERTZUIOPŠĐ

Ne mogu da skapiram o čemu bi se ovde moglo raditi.

Ne mogu da skapiram o čemu bi se ovde moglo raditi.

Једном речју - катастрофа
Pørni is about the dilemmas that you end up in when you, to the best of your abilities, try to do the right thing for your loved ones, and yourself. In that order. Pørni has two daughters with a jerk of an ex who has moved to Copenhagen, who focuses mainly on himself. She has a father who is in some sort of teenage phase, and she has responsibility for her 15-year-old nephew, after her sister died in a car accident not so long ago. In addition, Pørni works in child welfare, where she likes the county lawyer Bjørnar. Pørni is about being a complete person, in a normal, but challenging life.
Једном речју - катастрофа
Pørni is about the dilemmas that you end up in when you, to the best of your abilities, try to do the right thing for your loved ones, and yourself. In that order. Pørni has two daughters with a jerk of an ex who has moved to Copenhagen, who focuses mainly on himself. She has a father who is in some sort of teenage phase, and she has responsibility for her 15-year-old nephew, after her sister died in a car accident not so long ago. In addition, Pørni works in child welfare, where she likes the county lawyer Bjørnar. Pørni is about being a complete person, in a normal, but challenging life.

Znači Porni nije baš Porni kojem smo se ponadali.
Od prvog apirila na HBOMax.

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