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Filecoin mining


Da li neko majnuje Filecoin? Imam dovoljno resursa da to izvedem(zbog RAM-a i SSD-a) ali bih da čujem cela stvar od nekog iskusnijeg ili bar da mi da referencu na kvalitetan materijal
Da li neko majnuje Filecoin? Imam dovoljno resursa da to izvedem(zbog RAM-a i SSD-a) ali bih da čujem cela stvar od nekog iskusnijeg ili bar da mi da referencu na kvalitetan materijal

General hardware requirements​


A miner will need an 8+ core CPU.

We strongly recommend a CPU model with support for Intel SHA Extensions: AMD since Zen microarchitecture, or Intel since Ice Lake. Lack of SHA Extensions results in a very significant slow down.


128 GiB of RAM are needed at the very least. This should be complemented with 256 GiB of swap on a very fast NVMe SSD storage medium.


A powerful GPU is recommended as it can significantly speed up SNARK computations. See below for operations which can take advantange of GPU presence.
Video sam to, imam terabajte RAM memorije od po 32gb stick, terabajte i terabajte ubrzih NVMe ssd-ova, jedino što nemam jaku grafu :p
GiB? Jesu to gigabajti? Kako bre toliko memorije nabaciti, koja je to arhitektura? Koliko kosta taj rig?
(Al sam ja neupuceeeeen 🙂)
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