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DX 10 samo za Longhorn?


Prema sledecoj prezentaciji DX10 bi mogao ostati rezervisan iskljucivo za sledecu verziju opertativnog sistema


Kljucne odrednice su:

- Will be for the next OS only
- Expect this circa early 2006
- Faster small batch performance is a very high priority, which implies a new driver model
- Will last for two or more years (DX9 lasts from Q4 2002 until the next OS)
- What gets built into Longhorn will be the basis for their next games. That is games - plural. DX Next will last at least as long as DX9 (almost 4 years)

Sustinski to moze samo da oteza programerima jer ce morati da vode racuna i o vlasncima starijih racunara koji ostanu na XP-u pa ce onda DX10 zaziveti tamo negde 2010. :smash:

U vezi PS/VS 4.0:

Is still being decided by Microsoft
Will be for the next OS only
Expect this circa early 2006
New geometry shader
Common capabilities between all shaders
Blah. Bar cemo imati standardno DX9 igre, a ne da dodje 5 igara pa da izadje novi DX pa Jovo nanovo, kao sa DX 8.1 i pixel shaderima 1.1, 1.3 i 1.4.
Ali smernice za izvodjenje prezentacije su fantasticne, samo neke od njih:

Blend etc will be on NV40 and on our own SM3.0 parts

Steer people away from flow control in ps3.0 because we expect it to hurt badly. [Also it’s the main extra feature on NV40 vs R420 so let’s discourage people from using it until R5xx shows up with decent performance...

Mention that you expect to see a 512MB board in the consumer space this year. Don’t say that it’ll be R420 based!

Note that many developers treat all DX9 NV hardware as “low end DX9” hardware because that’s the best way.

Hence treat all NV DX9 hardware as DX8... (See previous slide)

But be careful not to trash NVIDIA too hard here – your audience will help you out later...

Be careful not to mention Xbox 2 – just let everyone know that‘s what you mean...

IMpress upon the audience that targetting high end gamers is EQUIVALENT to targetting ATI hardware

Fantasticno i zanimljivo, bas bih voleo da vidim nesto slicno od strane NV (neku prezentaciju nalik ovoj).
Pa nVidija je doktorirala na takvim prezentacijama! Secam se davno jedne mnooogo zzesce na racun KYRO II akceleratora (posto ga je Hercules bio suvojio, uplasili se da ce to uciniti vise proizvodjaca, pa su sklepali mega pljuvacku prezentaciju)
Nedjo je napisao(la):
Pa nVidija je doktorirala na takvim prezentacijama! Secam se davno jedne mnooogo zzesce na racun KYRO II akceleratora (posto ga je Hercules bio suvojio, uplasili se da ce to uciniti vise proizvodjaca, pa su sklepali mega pljuvacku prezentaciju)
Da ali ovo je samo dokaz da ATI radi marketing na isti nacin kao i NV i uopste to je standardni marketing, istakni dobre strane svog proizvoda, sakrij lose, ako moze da se zada neki udarac konkureciji tim bolje.

BTW prezentacija vise nije na onom linku ali ima mirror na B3D (gde je ova tema vec sinoc imala preko 100 reply-a, a ovde :D).
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