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Dark Souls

Bob Marli

Sjajne vesti za sve ljubitelje Demons Souls-a, a verujem da vas i ovde ima dosta! Ja sam odusevljen ovom vescu, najbolja informacija u zadnjih godinu dana u vezi igara!
Stize nova igra od From Softvare-a, Project Dark, izlazi 2011 u Japanu prvo.
Jedino sto mi se ne svidja sto ide na multiplatform, ali ako bude dobra kao DS ja uzimam orginal 100%.
Nadam se da ce uskoro biti nekih slika, informacija.


TGS: Project Dark is for Demon's Souls Fans

FromSoftware returns with an all-new title for PS3 and Xbox 360.

Sony revealed during its media briefing at the Tokyo Game Show a new working title from the creators of Demon's Souls called Project Dark. A press release sent out afterward confirmed the game is being published by Namco Bandai and will be released for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

FromSoftware director Hidetaka Miyazaki said the game is for those who "enjoyed Demon's Souls, those who like From's dark fantasy games, and those who just like games will enjoy the new game."

The game will be released in 2011 in Japan. No word yet on a North American or European release date. We hope to bring more to you on this title soon. Demon's Souls, released in 2009 for PS3, today became part of Sony's Greatest Hits lineup in North America with a new price point of $29.99.

Hell yeah, evo ga i trailer !!! :banana::banana:

Pih... Jos nema preorder na shopto :D

Samo da ubace teze protivnike pa da bude zanimljivije... Nadam se samo da ce da urade multiplatform kao sto je bio za FFXIII, tj da teksture i kvalitet grafike, filmica i ostalog budu bolji na PS3 zbog vise mesta na BR...

BTW sad postaje frka za sledecu godinu... (LBP2, DS2, MK9, KZ3, FFvsXIII, FFXIV...)
Svidja mi se onaj deo trejlera gde se vitez bori protiv nekakvih karakondzula iz mraka, obecava dobar horor opet. :)
Pa rekao je From Softvare da ce nova igra biti dosta slicna DS-u, nisu ludi da menjaju nesto sto je zlata vredno.
Svaka cast i Gamespotu sto je dao GOTY DS-u.

@Vampir, de ti je na toj listi Crysis 2 ? :p
Crysis nisam igrao ni prvi deo... Ne volim pucacine preterano... Doduse, ako bude imala Move podrsku, a ja nabavim pusku do tada mozda je i uzmem :D
Jedva čekam ovo :banana::banana:
Ne znam za vas, i koliko ste puta obrnuli DS, ali ja cu morati jos jednom! Poludecu cekajuci Diablo 3!

E sad je PWWT u DS, casti From. :) Do 18.10 traje.

Nadam se da ce ovde biti veci svetovi i malo duza igra, i naravno neki HC mod za nas HC igrace. :d
- This time they want to increase the amount of field exploration in the game.
- All fields are seamless, so whatever you can see, you can reach and explore. If you see a fortress or castle walls in the distance, you can eventually get there.
- There will be no map display in the game, just a position display marker.

- They aim to make the game just as challenging than Demon's Souls, but also just as rewarding when you succeed. The sense of achievement is important.

- The gameplay will be similar to Demon's Souls in concept, where it's about trial and error and learning from your mistakes to play better.

- The game does not share the same world and story as Demon's Souls.
- The game will not use the same format as Demon's Souls in terms of having 5 worlds connected via a hub.

- Instead all maps in the game will be linked seamlessly in a connected world. The pace of the game will feel more about exploration and discovering locations, which you can then go inside into a dungeon or whatever and explore the interior further.
- There will be more complex level designs in the game using more vertical design in areas and such.

- The world setting is based on medieval dark fantasy, and will contain themes like "high fantasy of kings and knights", "death and the depths of the earth", and "the flames of chaos"

- The character creation process will not be class based.
- The play style of the player character will have much more freedom this time.
- There will be many more spells and items, and the animation and uniqueness of weapons will also be increased.

- The online elements are very similar to Demon's Souls. There is cooperative and PvP.
- You can still leave messages, and see players who died at various places.
- There will be no Soul Tendency this time because they don't want to have to use dedicated servers to handle that shit again.
- Instead this time there will be more features allowing players to engage in "mutual role playing" which they say are still under wraps. They'll reveal more when it's time.

Prvi (ocajan) scan:

Odlicno za sad.
Bitno je da ce povecati jos tezinu i nagraddjivati adekvatno, ako uspeju to da balansiraju.
Ne kontam kako ce se nacin borbe i magija razvijati ako nema klasa ? Mada to su jos rane izjave.
Valjda ce biti voice chat ovaj put za coop.
Soul i World Tendency su dali posebnu tezinu i smek igri do sada mislim da to nije vidjenou igramo. Nisam siguran da je pametno da to izbace.
Valjda ce ovaj put makar malo detaljniju pricu ubaciti, ne trazim nesto a la LOTR, vec makar da znas s kim igras i zasto.

Nista ne kazu za invade svetova drugih igraca. :d
Pa koje su klase bile u Demon's Souls? Ti je odaberes na pocetku, ali posle mozes od svake da napravis neku drugu... Nadam se samo da nece napraviti neki smor sandbox svet gde stalno ides okolo i ubijas stalno iste neprijatelje a igra te baca sa kraja na kraj ogromne mape... PBWT i PWWT je dobro sto su izbacili... Zamisli da nisu postojali zakazani PWWT i PBWT termini? Neke stvari ne bi mogle nikad da se pokupe... Soul Tendency je drugacija i to vec zavisi od tebe samog...
Pa mogao si da manipulišeš i sa WT, samo je bilo potrebno igrati offline. Gineš u bodi formi dok ne dostigneš PBWT, zatim ubiješ black phantom-a, primeval demona i boss-a za taj svet bez vraćanja u Nexus da bi dostigao PWWT, i onda odradiš šta treba za PWWT. Ako nešto ne odradiš završiš u NG+.
Poslednja izmena:
Pa mogao si da manipulišeš i sa WT, samo je bilo potrebno igrati offline. Gineš u bodi formi dok ne dostigneš PBWT, zatim ubiješ black phantom-a, primeval demona i boss-a za taj svet bez vraćanja u Nexus da bi dostigao PWWT, i onda odradiš šta treba za PWWT. Ako nešto ne odradiš završiš u NG+.

Ili NG++ ili NG+++ ili NG++++ :D
Ili NG++ ili NG+++ ili NG++++ :D

Taj rad. Samo je NG+ tezak, posle to ide lako.
Nadam se opet nekoj dobroj fori za igranje posle prvog prelaska.
Jbt kad malo razmislis koju je revoluciju u RPG zanru napravio ovaj Demons Souls, mislim da ce se ljudi te igre secati i za 20 godina, kad budemo matori kod driver.
U ovaj pomalo truli zanr, sa napaljenim gay efl likovima u Dragon Age. :D Jbt pokusao sam opet DA da igram posle Demona, ali nema sanse, ono je trulez zesca od igre.
ja nikako ne umem da dodjem do pwwt
sve svetli na onoj mapi kad kliknem na START
igram offline u soul obliku i nesto nece
poceo skoro ng+ i stvarno tesko u ..matereninu
vrhunska igra nema sta:):Klanjanje
Ovo dobro izgleda... Tacno se vidi da su isti ljudi radili i Demon's Souls... Cak se vidi i scena sa 2 plava fantoma... Samo da jos zadrze sistem borbe iz DS i bice super... Nadam se samo da ce PS3 dobiti bolje teksture zbog vise mesta na disku... :D
od 1:24 pa narednih 10ak sekundi nagovestavaju da nisu menjali sistem borbe.

inace, ne da se tacno vidi da su radili isti ljudi, nego uopste nemam osecaj da je ovo druga igra :)
Extra, dopada mi se novi malo raznovrsniji kolorit.








Ne smem da se podsetim koliko sam igrao prvi deo ... U cetvrtom krugu sam odustao, to je tako dobra igra. Nadam se da ova nece izneveriti.
Holy shit kakav trailer i dobra vest !!!!! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

Jel ste videli onog nosoroga u metalnom case-u ? :D Kako to cudo ubiti ? Stvarno po ovim neprijateljima iz trailera deluje da ce biti brutalna tezina ! :Klanjanje
Sid Shuman: Would you describe Dark Souls as a sequel to Demon’s Souls, or a spiritual successor? Does Dark Souls reside in the same universe as Demon’s Souls?

Hidetaka Miyazaki, director, Dark Souls: Dark Souls is not a sequel to Demon’s Souls by any means. However, it’s created by the same producers and director and so the ideologies, concepts, and themes have carried over and are similar. It’s a totally new game with similar concepts.

SS: Demon’s Souls is infamous for its high difficulty. Will Dark Souls be as difficult?

HM: Yes, Demon’s Souls was known for its incredible difficulty [laughter]. With Dark Souls, we don’t want to decrease the difficulty at all. Actually, we intend to increase the difficulty of the game. (Sid: !!!) But not simply by making the game harder, but by giving players the freedom to strategize freely and conquer that difficulty, and to be rewarded accordingly.

This is an analogy we often use: We are trying to create a game that is spicy. And we want to make it as spicy as possible. But it is edible, it tastes good, and it leaves you wanting more.

SS: How do you keep a difficult game from becoming overly punishing, and drive the player to quit in frustration?

HM: Good question. We can’t tell you all of our secrets, but there are a few ways we prevent users from drifting away. Number one, the difficulty is not dependent on the skill level of the user. We have not created a game where players who react faster or press buttons faster are better than others. Second, when a player dies, we try to leave a sense of “maybe if I try a different strategy I can succeed.” Things that you lose in death can be outweighed by the rewards of trying again. We try to give players lots of freedom to design their own gameplay style, and we’ve implemented enough content to enable users to continue challenging themselves and continue making progress.

One more aspect is the difficulty based on repetitiveness. We don’t want users to have to constantly carve away health from enemies. We’ve created all characters — including enemies and the player — to have high attack power but low defense. We don’t want users to hack and hack and hack away to defeat an enemy. It’s more strategic. We want users to think, “if I avoid this enemy, maybe I can overcome him.” We don’t want players to be frustrated by doing the same things over and over.

SS: Death was a part of life in Demon’s Souls. But it required that you replay the entire level from scratch with enemies in identical locations. Will Dark Souls force players to restart levels? Will levels be less repetitious to replay?

HM: The main concept has not changed: You try something, die, learn from your mistakes, and eventually overcome those mistakes. In Dark Souls, we’ve added the ability to players to choose their recovery point — essentially respawn points. If you die, you won’t be taken back to the beginning of the level. And as you explore the world, you can carve out your own territory and retry quests you failed. That’s a big difference. It’s an aspect that we want players to use to strategize their approach to the game.

SS: Will Dark Souls have a less intimidating control scheme than Demon’s Souls?

HM: In Demon’s Souls, when you finally get used to the controls, it feels pretty good. So for Dark Souls, the controls and feel won’t change too much. However, we are adding a tutorial so players don’t have to fight to learn how to play. We don’t want to take the players step-by-step, we just want them to get past the first step.

But generally, for Dark Souls, learning commands and controlling your character is probably a little bit easier. But to counter that, we’ve added a lot of aspects that users must learn beyond the controls. The amount of magic, the number of weapons, the types of weapons, the moves attached to the weapons…there is a lot more that players must learn in order to conquer the challenges.

SS: Does that mean we can expect a lot of new weapons with unique functions?

HM: The simple answer is yes. But we’re not just increasing the number of weapons; we want to improve the uniqueness of each weapon. Each weapon will have characteristics that are vastly different from other weapons in the game. As an example, the player starts with a Long Sword. Eventually he might find a Holy Sword, which is far more powerful but is used very differently. Some players will choose to continue using the Long Sword simply because they’re more comfortable with it.

We want to give players many options, even if that means they use the sword that ‘fits best in the hand.’ We want you to become emotionally and physically attached to the weapon you’re using. Perhaps the Long Sword, after you’ve used it for so long and taken such good care of it, is the real Holy Sword. [laughter] The real Holy Sword, though, might be very hard to master despite its power. And some players will say, “This is difficult to use? Leave it to me, I’ll master it.” [laughter]. The mind games and strategizing — that’s the most fun aspect of the game to me.

SS: How will dual-wielding weapons impact combat? Is using two swords at once a successful strategy, or more of an “expert’s mode”?

HM: Dual wielding is an option, but it’s a very difficult choice for novice players. The default fighting style is holding a shield in one hand, a weapon in the other. And the shield adds a lot of protection, it’s quite powerful in its own way. If you see another player dual wielding, we want you to think, “Oh my god, this guy is special!” Dual wielding is a way to challenge yourself, but it has a lot of downsides and makes the game much harder. When you’re in trouble, you’ll want to return to your shield and sword.

We want to keep dual wielding special. It’s a very unique strategy that will hopefully give a new experience to the player as well as those who see him.

SS: Like Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls will include online co-op and competitive play. Are you planning any broad changes to the multiplayer?

HM: Yes. Throughout the game, there will be both cooperative and competitive play with other players. Each user will enjoy a unique single-player game; at times, they will cross paths with one another. Depending on the situation, the time, and the players’ goals, those players may cooperate or compete against each other. The multiplayer system we’re creating will envelop the single-player mode. Multiplayer will enhance single-player, make it more unique, compared to other games that emphasize traditional multiplayer co-op or competitive play.

SS: What’s the single addition to Dark Souls that you’re most excited by?

HM: Probably the Beacon Fire. It stands for a lot of things. It serves as a recovery point; when the player’s health is low, the Beacon Fire helps you recover. It serves as a respawn point as well. So it’s powerful from a gameplay perspective. Secondly, the Beacon Fire will be used to share experiences with other players. It’s a place where players can gather together and communicate — not verbally communicate, but emotionally communicate. Third, it’s probably the one place in Dark Souls where users can relax just for an instant. In this cold, dark world, the Beacon Fire is a place of warmth. It’s one of the few locations in the game that is heartwarming. It expresses this dark fantasy world I’m trying to create.

SS: How will character creation work? Are there still classes? How can I augment and customize my character?

HM: The basics are quite similar to Demon’s Souls, but you can customize the physical build of your character now in addition to his face. There’s a lot of customization in terms of gameplay styles and parameters. It’s very open, and there are many more options than in Demon’s Souls. You can create any type of character you’d like to create.

SS: What’s your philosophy regarding monsters in Dark Souls? Are you going for really grim, grotesque creatures?

HM: Calling it a “philosophy” is probably overstating it a bit [laughter]. I want to expand the range and variety of all the enemies, whether they’re hideous or beautiful or strong. I don’t lean towards any particular type, but [high-level enemies] will be pretty disgusting. And you might not believe this, but all the monsters I design — from Demon’s Souls to Dark Souls — are “beautiful” to me, no matter how gruesome their appearance.

SS: What games are you looking forward to playing in 2011?

HM: Politically this is sort of a difficult question to answer! [laughter] I’m a big gamer. But to be honest, right now I absolutely love Magic: The Gathering Online. For 2011, I’m really looking forward to UNCHARTED 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

UNCHARTED 2 came out around the same time as Demon’s Souls, so it was a big competitor for us at the time. But UNCHARTED has done so well, and now I’m really excited for UNCHARTED 3. I’m quite interested in Skyrim because the fantasy world is something I really look forward to in games.


Poslednja izmena:
Pao vec preorder... Izgleda da ce ova godina da bude dobra.. Vec imam 6-7 igara koje cu morati da odigram :D
Nice , multiplatform :)
Radujem se igranju ovoga na Xboxu :)
prvi deo je bio oko 40 sati, ovaj 60.. nije lose. inace stvarno su imali muke da odaberu naziv igre :d

Dark Souls, the Demon's Souls spiritual sequel coming to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this year, will be longer—nearly 60 hours long, says its creator—more globally friendly and thankfully free of cameos from Dig Dug.

Hidetaka Miyazaki, director of Dark Souls, tells 4gamer in a new interview (translated by Andriasang) that we'll see a clean break from some of the design mechanics of Demon's Souls. That means a weapon upgrade system that's easier to understand and unspecified multiplayer—both cooperative and competitive—changes.

What Dark Souls won't have is an injection of cameos from Namco Bandai characters from other franchises, as the publisher is known to do via downloadable content.

Miyazaki also touched on the name Dark Souls, a game that was previously known as Dark Ring and Dark Race. Why did they drop those names? Because Dark Ring is, apparently, slang for anus and Dark Race... well, that just sounds so racist.
Ne znam kako ce vise da uproste upgrade oruzja? I ovako je bilo lako i logicno... Samo trpas kamenja koliko ti trazi i povremeno imas da odaberes u kom pravcu ga razvijas... Meni je mnogo ludji bio sistem upgrade za FFXIII gde trpas sve i svasta dok ne skapiras sta ti donosi bonuse...

BTW dobro im je tih 40h za zavrsavanje igre... :D Mozda ako se racuna NG++ ili nesto slicno... Za NG je trebalo bas dosta da se igra da bi je presao i odradio sve sidequestove (da ne govorim sto su neki dostupni samo pod odredjenim uslovima i sto se neki potiru)... Slicno za NG+... Posle toga je lakse...
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