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Preporucujemo da bolje proucis tu materiju o punjenju baterije.

Pa dobro sta onda da radim? Baterija je dosta dobra, drzi 3 sata minimum sa ukljucenim wifi, chrome itd. E sad, da li je pametnije da napunim bateriju, otkacim punjac i koristim ga dok se baterija ne isprazni na recimo 20%, ili da bude punjac stalno ukljucen?
mislim da je dovoljno da 2x nedeljno praznis bateriju dok ne pocnu da ti izlaze notifikacije , ili dok se komp ne ugasi.

naravno da ces tad izvaditi punjac :p
Imas ovde na forumu vise tema o toj problematici, ako ih ne nadjes, javi da ti linkujem.
Ajde molim te daj link, gledao sam i ovde i na netu, svaki tekst je drugaciji savet. Hvala unapred.
Da ne otvaram novu temu, pitacu ovde. Da li neko zna, kojim programom bih mogao nekoliko isecenih pesama da spojim u jednu? Znaci, da sve to sto je iseceno, bude jedna pesma.
Sa kog linka se moze skinuti ono za w10, koji je skinut kao iso verzija??? Kopam po forumu dva dana da nadjem nesto i nista, ne mogu vise... Moze li mala pomoc u vidu linka??? :)
JavaFX je korišćen za GUI ako dobro primjetim. Privatne metode u interfejsu izgledaju jako zanimljivo i korisno.
v1.7.13 is released and farewell

July 16, 2017 XhmikosR

v1.7.13, the latest, and probably the last release of our project…
For quite a few months now, or even years, the number of active developers has been decreasing and has inevitably reached zero. This, unfortunately, means that the project is officially dead and this release would be the last one.
…Unless some people step up that is.
So, if someone’s willing to really contribute and has C/C++ experience, let me know on IRC or via e-mail.
Otherwise, all things come to an end and life goes on. It’s been a nice journey and I’m personally pretty overwhelmed having to write this post.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed in any way all these years; Remember, MPC-HC is an 11-year old project.


Uh, tužna vest, iskreno! :(

Nadam se da će bar MPC-BE nastaviti dalje...
MPC-HC Build 2017-07-17

* UPDATE: LAV Filters
* BUGFIX: OpenSubtitles seach failed for unicode filenames
* BUGFIX: Prevent crash for ASS subtitles with invalid (too high) blur values
* BUGFIX: Fixed DPI scaling of non-client areas in main window, if moving from screens with different DPI.
* ENHANCEMENT: Now uses external MediaInfo DLL. Allows manual updating.
* ENHANCEMENT: Now has the ability to use an externally installed copy of LAV Filters as its internal filters (if the LAVFilters subfolder is not present).
This means less duplication for those who use both. It also makes manually updating easier.
The main difference between using an internal LAV instance or an external instance, is that settings are stored in a different Registry key.
* ENHANCEMENT: Automatic encoding option for saving playlists. Uses UTF8 encoding when applicable.
* ENHANCEMENT: Split internal MPEG source filter option into a PS and TS variant.
* CHANGE: Removed DrDump crash reporter and replaced it with an error dialog that shows crash details.
* CHANGE: Option "Reinitialize when changing display" is now enabled by default.
* CHANGE: Removed an unnecessary Windows API hook. (Might fix an compatibility issue with F-Secure.)
* CHANGE: Sprinkled with fairy dust and pure awesomeness

x64 (SHA256 = d640a70d78ed29828ad29a91393b53b2f429a3964d01819a3476f8440fab0c1b)
x86 (SHA256 = 9bb760df1ff4509ef5e5e974e178ff641f2580e7b22c55ac21153a888172d5b7)
(no installer, just extract and overwrite your existing files)
(proper host coming soon)
MPC-HC Build 2017-07-17

* UPDATE: LAV Filters
* BUGFIX: OpenSubtitles seach failed for unicode filenames
* BUGFIX: Prevent crash for ASS subtitles with invalid (too high) blur values
* BUGFIX: Fixed DPI scaling of non-client areas in main window, if moving from screens with different DPI.
* ENHANCEMENT: Now uses external MediaInfo DLL. Allows manual updating.
* ENHANCEMENT: Now has the ability to use an externally installed copy of LAV Filters as its internal filters (if the LAVFilters subfolder is not present).
This means less duplication for those who use both. It also makes manually updating easier.
The main difference between using an internal LAV instance or an external instance, is that settings are stored in a different Registry key.
* ENHANCEMENT: Automatic encoding option for saving playlists. Uses UTF8 encoding when applicable.
* ENHANCEMENT: Split internal MPEG source filter option into a PS and TS variant.
* CHANGE: Removed DrDump crash reporter and replaced it with an error dialog that shows crash details.
* CHANGE: Option "Reinitialize when changing display" is now enabled by default.
* CHANGE: Removed an unnecessary Windows API hook. (Might fix an compatibility issue with F-Secure.)
* CHANGE: Sprinkled with fairy dust and pure awesomeness

x64 (SHA256 = d640a70d78ed29828ad29a91393b53b2f429a3964d01819a3476f8440fab0c1b)
x86 (SHA256 = 9bb760df1ff4509ef5e5e974e178ff641f2580e7b22c55ac21153a888172d5b7)
(no installer, just extract and overwrite your existing files)
(proper host coming soon)

wtf , zar nije lik odustao od daljeg razvoja, ili je vec neko preuzeo da nastavi razvoj ?
Ajd što je post iznad tebe, nego što je toliki i ti ga citiras? [emoji15][emoji1458]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
ajde sto spamujete, ali sto na temi gde ne bi trebalo to da radimo. :d
wtf , zar nije lik odustao od daljeg razvoja, ili je vec neko preuzeo da nastavi razvoj ?
Neko (clsid, ako ti taj nickname nešto znači) je preuzeo da za sada dodaje sigurnosne ispravke i baš bitne ispravke, a najavio je da se već okuplja ekipa koja bi mogla uskoro da nastavi razvoj MPC-HCa :)
Cyberlink PowerDVD 12 Full (direktan link, ~126MB)

Instaliran i testiran na Windows 7 x64 i radi kao sat. Nije tražio registraciju ali prikazuje reklame i nudi trećerazredne aplikacije prilikom instalacije (kliknite skip).
Vrh Dno