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Star Wars: Squadrons


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EA has announced a new Star Wars game, Star Wars: Squadrons, a first-person space combat game that will have players flying the series’s famous starfighters in head-to-head single-player and multiplayer battles.

Developed by Motive Montreal (which previously contributed to both Battlefront II and Anthem), Squadrons will let players fly a variety of Star Wars ships, including the X-Wing, A-Wing, Y-Wing, U-Wing, TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, TIE Bomber, and TIE Reaper fighters.

EA won’t be revealing gameplay until the company’s EA Play Live event on June 18th at 4PM PT / 7PM ET, but it promises a variety of multiplayer modes, including “Fleet Battles,” where the goal is to work with your teammates to destroy a capital ship, as well as more traditional dogfighting mode.

Star Wars: Squadrons also shows that EA has learned some considerable lessons from the loot box debacle that marred the first several months of Star Wars: Battlefront II. While the game will offer extension customization options for both gameplay-altering items like weapons, hulls, engines, and shields as well as a variety of cosmetics to customize their cockpit, ship, and pilot appearance, the company promises that everything will be “earned solely through gameplay.”

Another welcome improvement: cross-platform support, with multiplayer supported between players on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Squadrons will also be compatible with VR headsets on PC and the PlayStation 4 for players who want even more immersion.

While the focus with Squadrons seems to be largely on multiplayer, the game will also feature a new single-player campaign, set after the Battle of Endor, which will put players into the shoes of pilots from both the New Republic’s Vanguard Squadron and the Galactic Empire’s Titan Squadron.

Ceka se verzija za narod, ne da dajem pare burzujima
Ja planiram da uzmem zbog VR-a kog su svi nahvalili, ali poznajuci trend EA igara ocekuje se vrlo brzo pad cene, tako da sam ostavio kupovinu za kasnije.
Ja uzeo danas, probaću ga za vikend...

Послато са SM-N985F помоћу Тапатока

Mislio sam da preskocim igru jer mi je dovoljno solidno space napucavanje u BFII, ali definitivno cu kupiti cim bude prvi popust zbog VR podrske :)
Cenim da je u zadnjih godinu dana dosta ljudi uzelo neku vrstu VR seta, pa samo da napomenem da je Elite Dangerous tu po meni neprevazidjen.

Igra je trenutno "mrtva", ali trenutni postojeci content je vise nego dovoljan za visenedeljno uzivanje u VR miningu ili combatu.
Horizons ce biti free za par dana dok Elite Dangerous Odyssey izlazi iduce godine. 8K online trenutno je daleko od mrtve igre. Ovo za VR se potpuno slazem.
Jeste poprilicno mrtva.
Ranije napravim skok-dva max i naletim na nekog ili squadron.
Sada satima igrao i nigde zive duse...

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Moguce. Ne znam onda kakvi su ovo brojevi. Ja sam igao prosle i malo ove godine, i bilo je standardno igraca. Evo gledam "Peak Players" i nije se nista mnogo promjenilo.

Horizons ce popularizirati pa se opet vratiti. Ali sad od letenja samo Flight Simulator gulim.
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