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Xbox Series X / S

mislim sada ce se vise nego ikad trositi novac na zabavu
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u ovom prvom udaru mozda da, ali ako se situacija nastavi na duzi rok, globalna ekonomija ide toliko dole, da ce bukvalno svi osetiti direktne posledice po svoj novcanik
u takvim situacijama generalne nesigurnosti, ljudi mnogo manje kupuju i trose novac
to je btw, i jedan od razloga zasto sony jos uvek daje informacije na kasicicu...jednostavno globalna situacija je takva da je mnogo tesko napraviti pricing/launch strategiju

This won't happen unless the Xbox Series X is targeting unattainably higher settings and resolution or a developer messed up. Xbox Series X GPU is just better, full stop. Just like this gen with PS4 Pro and Xbox One X. If a game is performing worse on Xbox One X, I think a developer has all the wrong prioritize or some software problem they need to work around. Also I just want to shut down any discussion of 'brute forcing' regarding any hardware. Sometimes things are just better. Like the RTX 2080 is better than the 2060S.

I typed this elsewhere, but people saying things about the SSD enabling entirely different looking open-world games does not make much sense based upon what we know about open-world development really. All data pulled from SSD would be static data, completely unmutable. That would mean perfectly predesigned level data and arrangements, which is the exact opposite methodology of how modern open-world games increase their detail and variety — which is in fact through procedural method not living on the disk... Procedural methods exist to increase the efficiency of artists and diversity of the game world and even increase detail beyond static draws.

Eto jos jednog objasnjenja koliko je xbox hardver jaci i koliko ps5-ci brzi ssd i ne znaci bas nesto, pogotovo ne ono kakvim ga predstavljaju.
Pa to je kao npr ovi Nvme sa upisom od 3500mb i m2 sata Vnand od 550mb gde nema ama nikakve razlike u brzini ucitavanja.. na PC-ju... Na papiru velika razlika ali u praksi ja ne vidim nista da mi je npr ovaj Samsung 970 evo plus 1tb brzi daleko od 860 evo 1tb
Verujem da tako ni ovde nece puno znaciti
Poslednja izmena:
Valjda je poprilicno jasno da je gpu u novom Xbox-u brzi, u to nema nikakve sumnje, medjutim ta poenta oko SSD-a i njegove brzine vazi iskljucivo za multiplatform naslove koji ce morati da rade na vise platformi i logicno negde na sporijim drajvovima. PS5 ekskluzive ce svakako koristiti brutalan I/O koji ta platforma nudi i u to nema sumnje, kao i u to da tih ekskluziva nece biti na drugim platformama. E sad kako i gde ce to upotrebiti ostaje da se vidi jer taj hardware je tu uglavnom zbog njih i njihovog feedbacka.

Naravno kao i do sada uvek ce biti i do samog talenta internih studija i toga koliko su optimizovali/unapredili svoj engine pipeline, sto u MS slucaju ostaje na cekanju jer od skora imaju dosta novih studija koji tek treba da se pokazu.
Hakeri maznuli source code od xsx:d traze masne pare od Ms za otkup.
Maznuli su od AMD , među stvarima ase nalaze source code za Navi 10,21, SeriesX soc .

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AMD’s GPU IP Stolen, Includes RDNA 2 Navi 21, RDNA 1 Navi 10 And Xbox Series X ‘Adren’ GPU – Hacker Threatens To Leak Out Source Code To Everyone For Free

TorrentFreak claims to have been in contact with the hacker and said the person responsible valued the source code at $100 million, though it is not clear how they arrived at that figure.

In the second GitHub upload, the hacker responsible said they are "not asking for $100 million" but "if AMD or anyone wants to settle it down with me for money," they are welcome to contact the hacker.

"If no one buys, everyone gets it FOR FREE!," the hacker wrote.
I red je da dobijemo Xiaomi GPU :p
AMD claims: No, the stolen IP doesn't represent a "source code" to building and designing an AMD RDNA GPU, not even close.

Here is what the AMD GPU IP leak actually is:

# Partial Verilog files that are typically used in the construction of processors.

# The Verilog files in question represent a single and isolated function(s) on the GPU - NOT the whole/actual GPU blueprint. This I believe is the most important takeaway and context for the IP theft. This particular function(s) is not very exciting and not part of AMD's core IP.

# Based on the leaker's screenshots, the files they have not yet leaked are more of the same and also nowhere close to being a complete "source code". In other words, the total stolen IP represents a very small fraction of the "source code" needed to build and design a GPU.

# These Verilog files are built on a proprietary schematic that is only compatible with AMD's internal design language (in other words, these are going to be close to useless to a third party).

Here is what the AMD GPU IP leak is not:

# It cannot be used to design or build any of the mentioned products - not even close.

# It cannot be used to reverse engineer product performance.

# It cannot be used to easily reverse engineer any features/product specifications. This comment is based on the files leaked so far. The source estimates that it may be possible for the full list of files to be used to arrive at a couple of very high-level specifications but this should not be an issue because most of this information is already public.

# It does not contain any data that can be used to easily/immediately bypass any security features on AMD RDNA GPUs. Caveat: there is a very slim possibility that it may be used to discover a vulnerability in the functions stolen in this theft.

# It does not contain any "crown jewel" IP. In fact, I am told that this would not even constitute a "significant" theft to a company like AMD in terms of the severity of the information compromised (any theft is still very significant by virtue of the act of course).
Više preorder na gamesu za XB: SX nije 60k, već 70k dinara. Za regularnu cenu stavili 80k dinara.
mada, meni je bilo sumnjivo i tih 60k, sto je 500eur.
Posto ce skoro sigurno biti 500%, odnosno 500eur u EU, nisam verovao da ce oni drzati na 60k.
Iskreno, ne znam. Ako nešto preorderuješ, valjda bi to trebalo da bude krajnja cena. Jer si dao pare mnogo unapred, zato manja cena... Valjda je ovo druga tura. Ako bude koštao onih 80k, odnosno 666eura, to je samoubistvo. Inače, čitam za neki preorder u Kanadi, ps5 400usd , al se u tekstu napominje da ase ne zna da li će tražiti "subsequent payment"... Me znam, nisam pametan

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Ovi pre orderi kod nas su kao neke rezervacije, ne daju se pare toliko unapred, tako da mogu da ti menjaju cenu...
Ako bude koštao onih 80k, odnosno 666eura, to je samoubistvo.

Ništa nemoj da te čudi ta cifra, jer ono što je MS stavio u X seriju nema šanse da ide ispod 500$, a po nekoj logici i 600$, tako da može da ide glatko do tih 80k dinara u tom slučaju.

Najbolja situacija bi bila ako u zvaničnoj prodaji bude do nekih 80€ razlike (kao npr sa PS4 Pro kada se pojavio u odnosu na oficijalnu cenu). Što donekle ulazi u tih 70k ako ostanu pri cifri od 500$.
Iskreno, mislim da neće biti više od 500$ u USA. Za PS5 se zna da je cena u proizvodnji jedinice oko 450$. Series X ima skoro iste komponente, razlika je u binovanim APU koji su skuplji nego kod PS, jeftinijem i mnogo pristupačnijem SSD, i verujem sklupljem vapor chamber hlađenju. Ako im je proizvodna cena oko 500$, mislim da će to biti i finalna cena, ne bi bio prvi put da se prodaju s gubitkom. Jedino ako na launchu ne izbace i lockhart

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Evo sta neki developeri kazu, i koje je jaci.


Chris Grannell is a developer who spent 15 years working on PlayStation games for both the PS3 and PS4 including Killzone 2 and Wipeout. He stated the following:

I’ve chatted to a few devs and they have confirmed the power difference is quite staggering. However they have said it doesn’t mean you can’t make good games on the PS5.
Unlocked 437: Interview | Head of Xbox Phil Spencer:


Ukratko bi bilo:

Bez otkrivanja cena, verovatno na leto kada se očekuju i preorder-i.

I dalje je planirana jesen za izlazak, ali su spremni na sve povodom Covid-19 virusa.

Ne želi da ima ograničeni regionalni izlazak konzole ako ne uspeju da imaju kompletnu proizvodnju.

Ne odlažu izlazak XB: SX ako Halo ne bude day 1, ali je moguće pomeranje datuma ako ne mogu da imaju dovoljnu količinu u ponudi.

Marketing tim je spreman na korekciju oko cene kako bi bili konkurenti Soniju.

I dalje je 100% posvećen da naslovi budu multiplatformski.

Očekuje se mali broj launch igara.

Ne želi da ljudi pomisle da će XCloud zameniti konzolno igranje. Dobar primer je naveo Ryan kao opciju da igru igra preko XCloud-a dok se ona instalira na konzoli.

Da Fil bira koju igru bi vratio nazad, bila bi Mechassault.
Od kako je preuzeo Xbox diviziju, samo dobre korake po igrače donosi. Što i ne čudi jer je čovek i sam po prirodi gejmer.
7og maja u Inside Xbox emisiji biće prikazani Next-Gen 3rd party naslovi:

You want to see games for the Xbox Series X? We want to show you games for the Xbox Series X.

Check out First Look next-gen gameplay from our global developers partners within Inside Xbox on Thursday, May 7 at 8am PT.
Finoo, a jel samo 3rd party igre ?
Samo. Naslovi MS studija verovatno u junu.
Jedan YTer koga pratim je postavio zanimljivo pitanje: koliko je MS samouveren i šta sve spremaju 1st party studios kad mogu da ceo jedan događaj da posvete samo tome? Biće super zanimljivo... Iskreno, očekujem u junu Lockhart da bude prikazan...

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