Šta je novo?

dq965gf pomoc


Potreban mi je precizan odgovor, na poslu imam racunar kojem je potreban upgrade. Maticna ploca je intel dq965gf d41676-402. Na internetu nalazim razne odgovore pa sam zbunjen. Da li ova ploca podrzava core 2 quad procesore, recimo q6600 ili mogu samo core 2 duo? Trenutno je unutra d430. Bios upgrade itd, sta se moze iraditi?
gledao sam ovaj link, ali na kraju stranice ima odeljak NOTE, pa kad to procitas vidis da mozda ne moze?
Board Revision Note: You can find a small bar-coded label, similar to the diagram shown below, on the component side of your desktop board. The numbers following the letters AA help identify the type and version of your desktop board. The AA contains a 6-digit main number, and a 3-digit dash number (the 3 numbers following the -).

The statement ...or later refers to the dash number of the AA (the three numbers following the -). If this number is greater than the number listed in the table, the board supports the associated processor(s).

If your 6-digit main number isn't listed in the table, contact your system manufacturer for processor support information.

6-digit main number
Jesi li probao da stavis noviji bios.

Ovde ti niko ne moze dati 100% tacan savet.
Nov bios + procesor, pa probas...
Vrh Dno