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PlayStation 5 - opsta tema

Pa sigurno nece crna pored onakovog joypada. Bice ta kombinacija, ocigledno.

Ja ne volim "belu tehniku", ali su me smorile i iskljucivo crne stvari posle svih ovih godina. Prijala bi mi neka promena, samo da bude uspesna.
Jednobojna bela da, eto svakoj PS4 verziji stoji ekstra, ali sa kombinacijom boja deluje nekako ne preterano premijum, već više kao 3rd party kopija.

No opet, mogu dizajnom da iznenade i oduvaju. Tada će i gamepad da izgleda još bolje kada se uklopi kao celina.

Malo detalja od Džim Rajana o narednom digitalnom događaju i po kojim detaljem o viziji, filozofiji PS5, marketingu, ceni, itd.:

**Highlights:** | **Jim Ryan:**

* "I'm expecting Thursday's PlayStation 5 event to be a strong showing for Sony."

* "It will focus on areas where Sony is traditionally strong: product design, with what I assume will be the full reveal of the PS5, and its games development expertise."

* "I'm expecting a more competitive line up of first-party content between Sony and Microsoft next-gen, so the next few weeks and months of reveals should have a lot to offer the console gamer and give us a better idea of how the platforms will perform in the market."

* "One key aspect I'll be looking out for is confirmed exclusives for PS5. With Microsoft following a different commercial path, Sony's strategy to embrace exclusives for its next-gen console is a key differentiator. Concerning the hardware, I wouldn't be surprised if there was no pricing announcement, although we commonly get pricing at around this time, normally at E3, before a launch at the end of the year. The COVID-19 crisis and the economic situation means that choosing when to confirm the pricing is more of a challenge, and, in the current climate, it probably makes sense to wait longer before the reveal."

**On challenges in current climate and commitment to global launch this year**

"But we are obviously principally occupied with getting ready for PS5. I think most businesses would find themselves challenged with the working-from-home environment, and I do think the way that the various groups within PlayStation have responded has been magnificent. There are the hardware engineers who are having to work without being able to get into China, where PS5 will be assembled. That's kind of tough. The software engineers who are building these great features, who are building a great PS5 UI... some of that can be readily done in isolation. But when it comes to putting it all together, that's not easy to do remotely and they're doing a great job.

And finally, the people who make games. We, and our partners, seem to be coping really well. And so we are on track. We are going to launch this holiday and we're going to launch globally. We're really looking forward to it and it's going to be a blast."

**On pricing and value**

"Recent history has told us that gaming is one of the pastimes and one of the businesses, that benefits in economically difficult times," Ryan suggests. "It's quite logical, people don't have the money to go out so they stay at home. Now, who knows how this recession is going to look, how deep it will be and how long it will last. It could be that the historic templates, the historic models, that have applied in the past may not apply in the future."

"I think the best way that we can address this is by providing the best possible value proposition that we can. I don't necessarily mean the lowest price. Value is a combination of many things. In our area it means games, it means a number of games, depth of games, breadth of games, quality of games, price of games... all of these things and how they avail themselves of the feature set of the platform."

**On Generational Philosophy**

One way to keep PS4 users engaged would be to make upcoming PS5 games playable on the older machine, just like Microsoft is proposing with its Xbox Series X games being playable on Xbox One. Yet Ryan says that's not something PlayStation is interested in doing.

"We have always said that we believe in generations. We believe that when you go to all the trouble of creating a next-gen console, it should include features and benefits that the previous generation does not include. And that, in our view, people should make games that can make the most of those features.

"We do believe in generations, and whether it's the DualSense controller, whether it's the 3D audio, whether it's the multiple ways that the SSD can be used... we are thinking that it is time to give the PlayStation community something new, something different, that can really only be enjoyed on PS5."

**On Marketing The PS5**

"That's the challenge I've set the teams: try to get that community, the 100 million people -- and all of the people who don't have a PlayStation we'd like to talk to -- just as excited as if they were in the E3 auditorium, or if they were watching the stream."
Poslednja izmena:
Ja sam imao ipod shufle i bela boja mu nikad nije požutela, a koristio sam ga godinama, sve zavisi kako se odradi.
Razlika izmedju KZ2 i 3 je nebo i zemlja, 3 je postao "samo jos jedan genericki FPS sa likom od kartona, haosom na ekranu, poenima i "bravo" natpisima :D KZ2 je daleko najbolji singleplayer fps experience ikada. Atmosfera, fizika i zvukovi u igri su neverovatni, i ja cekam remake.
Poslednja izmena:
Sa ovim se slažem. Skoro sam obe igre ponovo prešao i KZ2 mi je dosta bolja igra. Rico mi je žešce išao na živce.

Послато са Redmi Note 7 помоћу Тапатока
Steta, radovao sam se 4-tom junu... :(
Obrisane zadnje 2 strane. Za sada, samo opominjem. Politika je zabranjena i suzdržite se od takvih komentara. Ovo nije forum za to.
Navodno 11. Jun u 22h po našem novi datum PS5 reveal. Procurela reklama na tviču, videćemo ubrzo dal je istina :)

Sent from my POCOPHONE F1 using Tapatalk
Now that the event is confirmed for June 11, I wanted to add that this pre-taped program will be broadcast at 1080p and 30 frames per second. This eased the show’s production process during a time when many of our team and developers are working from home. The games you’ll see on Thursday will look even better when you play them on PS5 with a 4K TV, as you’d expect.

It’s also best if you watch while wearing headphones, if you can — there’s some cool audio work in the show, and it might be harder to appreciate if it’s pumped through your phone or laptop speakers.

Verovatno će kad se završi da okače video u 4k60 s većim bitrate-om... ovo je u of masovnog striminga, ne žele da im pukne na prezentaciji.

Sent from my Mi 9 Lite using Tapatalk
Čitam ja itekako dobro:

"...I wanted to add that this pre-taped program will be broadcast at 1080p and 30 frames per second. "

Poenta je da sav video sadrzaj bude u "real-time" ako mogu tako da kazem, da svi prate i budu zakucani ispred ekrana.
Ako samo okacis video, ljudi ce da preskoce na deo koji ih zanima i dzaba su krecili.
Potpuno sam siguran da Fable nije za PS5...
Mislim da je ovo lista za next-gen konzole generalno...
Fina lista... kao izlozba najboljih brazilskih guzica, ne znam u sta pre da gledam, ali bih izabrao Horizon, igra koja me omamila u svakom pogledu (osim dosadnjikavih ponavljajucih sporednih misija).
Uh, nadam se da je istina da će konačno najaviti HP RPG, čekam na to već sto godina. I još da je tačno da je mračnija igra, pravljena za nas, sad već odrasle fanove, milina. Imam odmah da uradim preorder. [emoji3]

Inače od ovoga je sigurno samo Horizon ekskluziva.

Poslato sa Huawei P10 pomoću Tapatoka
Nisam nesto odusevljen listom, nadam se da je fake, da ce prikazati nesto bolje.. Od ovoga samo HZD2 vredi..
Da, slažem se, bezveze mi je lista, sve neki remasteri, mršavo mi je to, ali da sačekamo da vidimo na šta liči sve to.
Ovo sa liste je deo onoga šta se očekuje ove godine kroz najave, ne konkretno za PS5 event. Fable 4 naravno ostaje XB konzolna ekskluziva, nešto od Ubisoft naslova će verovatno biti, mada ne verujem za FC6, možda on ide 12-og jula na njihovom event-u, dok na ovom puste npr. Watch Dogs Legion.

Ono što gotovo izvesno očekujem od 1st party studija je Gran Turismo 7, Bluepoint i neki njihov Remake/Remaster, San Diego Studio koji može da iznenadi sa najavom nekog Uncharted-a, eventualno HZD2, novi Ratchet and Clank... mada sve je ovo u domenu teorije jer je Sony za ovaj događaj tražio od developera gejmplej, kako se ne bi ponovio Xbox event. Takođe s obzirom na situaciju u kojoj developeri sada rade i da je ovo tek prvi PS5 event u vezi igara, ne treba očekivati sve bombastične naslove u tih sat i kusur vremena. Ali najavljena je budućnost, pa da je vidimo.

Inače od ovoga je sigurno samo Horizon ekskluziva.

Silent Hill Reboot (ukoliko uopšte postoji) je takođe PS5 eksluziva. S obzirom da (ako je u izradi) Sony Japan Studio radi na njoj.
Navodno je Sony finansirao i radi blagi Reboot, pa možda poput Death Stranding-a bude vremenska eksluziva, a nakon toga izađe tipa i na PC-u. IP svakako ne kupuju.
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